I Reincarnate To The Otome Game I Know, Yeah...

Chapter 10


"... Good Morning brother...."

It"s been a few days since that incident, there"s no problem at the moment. Albeit, my sister is keeping an eye on me. She might be thinking that I will be in danger again.

She asks me what happen to me, so I tell half of the story. I can"t lie to her because she knows if I lie or not. I didn"t talk about the person in that trunk and about the muddy water that as if it"s swallowing me. I talk about the divine tree.

"Lyn, so. I"m not that knowledgeable when it comes to magic but I must tell you this."

I said while we were practicing outside of the house.

"see that tree?"

I pointed out the tree in front of us, of course she would see it. Why did I ask if she could see that?

"use your wind magic, now Imagine a thin object, hmm.. Like a blade, but it is made in wind, also imagine that your wind magic can cut through rock tree or anything that came to your mind." I paused then continue "hmm, I"m not good at explaining but, imagine that your wind blade will pierce through that tree, also imagine how large or small your wind magic is going to be. Did you understand it?"

Lyn, nodded at me " I don"t get what you’re talking about brother but I think I get the Gist of it"

"..... S-sorry..."

I"m not a good teacher...

But I"m glad she manages to understand it by her own understanding. Lyn pours a mana on her hand, it actually needs to chant a magic but that"s too much of a ha.s.sle, but I guess I should teach her about chanting so, as to take a low profile in the academy.

My little sister releases a thin but sharp wind like a sharp razor and the length is around as the same of an adult foot it gave a sound of "woosh! " before it hits the tree

"Wind blade!"

"w-wind blade?"

Lyn looks at me with a face of "yeah why? ", we-well I guess it doesn"t matter. It"s just me, I guess. I mean why would you speak your spell that you will cast, the enemy will learn about it you know? Also, I just said it, earlier right? That "wind blade" thing, maybe that"s where she got that.

"brother, what about you?" Lyn asked me then tilts her head "do you have any progress?"

"hm? Ah yeah..." I said as I shrugged as if I"m not interested.

She pout her mouth and make a sound of "a~muuu~~", how cute.

I patted her head and chuckled, as for what my little sister mean, it"s because I can now use magic and my attribute was...

"here, see?"

A small black object like a person and a size of a thumb appeared in Lyn"s shadow, the black person moved and walk towards Lyn"s foot.


As you can see, I can use a shadow, I was actually happy that I can use shadow. But it has a problem, it is weak against lights while it is strong against dark, I can still use my shadow in daylight but if there is no dark area/part, my magic is only limited.

Right now, I can make a small clone that was created to Lyn"s shadow, and if you separate the tiny clone into my sister"s shadow.


The tiny clone will start to disintegrate, because the clone separate itself to my sister’s shadow, no dark manages to support it, that"s what I mean. But in this forest, I can use my shadow through the trees shadow.

I will use the shadow of a tree to create a shadow clone, oh yeah, my mana capacity is like a lake, thank G.o.d that incident didn"t happen again, anyway. I was glad that my mana capacity is not that short, it was like a lake but not that big, it was a small lake, but I might be able to increased my mana. Oh, I didn"t say which attribute is this right?

It"s dark attribute, yes. Dark attribute is actually sensitive, I mean there"s is different types of dark magic you see. Just like me, I can use the darkness as my weapon, shadows, but in others who also got dark attribute, they have different dark magic.

Like, curse, psychological trauma, manipulation, brainwashing, necromancing.

It"s actually depends on your characteristic, if you are a manipulative type, you might have manipulation and brainwashing, if you are a type of person who hate other"s, learning the feelings of a person just by looking you might get the curse, and psychological trauma. I won"t explain about necromancing because it returns the dead to be a live again, yeah, a living dead.

Well, if I were to avoid a dark attribute user. I would like to avoid those who can used dark type that can curse and used psychological trauma to others, that"s more dangerous. I don"t care about curses but psychological trauma is a different matter,

Because it can give you a hallucination about your past trauma, like you are scared of bugs, because when you were just a kid, a large pack of bee tried to sting you, and you run for your life, but in psychological trauma, it will show your past trauma in a worst situation, like a bee that came out inside of your eyes and mouth.

then, your whole surrounding is full of bees, and they want to sting you, and when you got sting, it"s so hurt; to the point you want to die because of how many bees sting at you.

yes. The psychological trauma is triggering your past trauma in a worse scenario, and the damage you will receive is real, until you die. I would like to avoid that, I"m not a strong person who can overcome his/her trauma like it was easy you know, everyone has their own past trauma like me, and those attack is real even if you think it’s not real.

In my case, my dark magic is the lowest type, I dunno why but in the book that I"ve read, shadow magic is the lowest and weakest dark type. Well, I won"t rely on that information because for me, it depends on you; on how you are going to used your magic. I will practice it like this and that until I mastered my shadow magic.

Hmm, am I a sneaky person? Because shadow is good for a.s.sa.s.sination, right? I mean does one of my characteristics is a sneaky type?

I remember everything I did in the mansion before the coup D’état. I always sneak around and no knights manage to notice me, I even manage to go to that fat man office without anyone noticing it.

... Yep, this shadow magic is based on my characteristic... Wow...

"Brother... I always say this..." Lyn said, she was holding her hands in front of me then looking at me then avoiding eyes on me, in a manner of cutie appearance"but, can you tell me what is my special attribute? " then she looked at me deeeeeeepppppo look, she looks like a cat because her eyes were... Ugghh I can"t even explain how cute it is, her big round eyes are looking at me deeply expecting something, something that is valuable.

Do I really need to tell her? Ah s.h.i.t she"s too cute I can"t refuse her d.a.m.n it.

"... S-s.p.a.ce.... Magic..."

"s.p.a.ce magic? What"s that brother?"

How should I explain this? This is hard, can I explain this properly? Holy s.h.i.t, she really needs a proper teacher, but does any teacher knows s.p.a.ce magic? It"s a special and a Lost Elemental magic... Oh well, I hope I can explain it to her properly.

" w"-well... You see s.p.a.ce Magic is a Lost, Caster, Elemental, and a many other forms of magic. This form of magic is extremely powerful and destructive. The user is capable of manipulating and summoning objects from the vary vacuum of s.p.a.ce itself and use them for combat." I said as if I"m not Confident, a little bit of sweat has on my forehead while giving an awkward smile.

" D-did you get that Lyn? "

" hm! I get it! Thank you, brother! " Lyn said then she points her finger towards her lips and raise ger eyes then said" but, what is vacuum? "

I lost my balance, what is vacuum anyways? I don"t even know it.

" e-eto~ t-the vacuum is... Umm, the Vacuum is a s.p.a.ce in which there is no matter or in which the pressure is so low that any particles in the s.p.a.ce do not affect any processes being carried on there. Mm, it is a condition well below normal atmospheric pressure and is measured in units of pressure... I think? "

Lyn clasps her hands then her eyes is sparkling. She jumped 3 times, she looks so interested, holy s.h.i.t she’s so cute...

" then, then. What is matter? "

" okay! Lyn! It"s time for me to hunt! I should hunt some boar for a meat right! Bye bye! "

" wait! Brother...!"

Before she even says something, I run away. I didn"t look at her. Matter? What"s matter!? F***k science! I only know a little of it! Stoopp!! Don’t make me explain science and math! I fear nothing! But don"t you dare give me a scientific knowledge and full of numbers! They"re my enemy’s you swine!


My brother leaves me again.

"muuu~" my brother explanation right now is so interesting, because I didn"t able to read it in a book, I know my brother was sneaking at the mansion back then to read, maybe he read something, like some ancient book. Also, what is matter? I know what is matter but I know that it"s different from my knowledge to my brother’s knowledge, in my brother’s mind matter is different from matter that I know.

Also, uuuuuhhhh!! Vacuum and then s.p.a.ce! I want to learn more! His explanation right now is so understandable!

"does a vacuum was just like a hole?"

Base on my brother"s explanation, it was like that right?

So, I tried to imagine, imitate, I read some book that there is a bag that can put anything m, how many things that you need to put, in that book that bag called storage bag. Then...

A storage that can put how many I want, a storage that even if you put a raw meat on it, it will not rot, it’s as if it stopped the time process. You can pack a load of things. Living and non-living beings, anything as long as it"s pit to that storage, the shape of the storage needs to be small but it can also turn big depends to the size of the object...


A large hole appeared in front of me, it has an oval shape, it"s black and its appearance is as if it was made of fog and clouds, I tried to put the plate on it, my hand pa.s.s through that hole, I let go the plate and pull back my hand... I can"t see the plate anymore I thought it will fall down when I let it go but I didn"t hear a sound of a solid object fell to the ground and got broke into pieces...

I heave a euphoric sigh of relieve. Then again, I put my hand in the hole; hoping to take back the plate, when I felt that I touched something, I grab it and pulled it.

When I saw the object, I quickly threw it out of the panic, I fell down the floor and shaking, I hug myself while having a rapid breathing, I was breathing heavily, my mind is blank, I quickly move and lie at the wooden wall.

"brother....! Hic..."

I don"t know what to do... I can"t take my eyes away in the object, I"m scared...

Scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared, scared!!!

My heart is breathing rapidly, I cowered myself and shaking my head.

" aaaaahhhh!!!!"

I started to cry heavily; I don"t know what to do... Why is that here, does that mean... Does that mean!!!

I look again at the object; my purple eyes are filled with fear.

"it"s... That... Man"s..." I said while my body is shaking, I can"t even say the words... ".... H-h-.... Head.... Hic... Brother.... Help me..."

It"s the man"s head that attacked as a month ago... The man who tried to kill brother and I... Why, why, why, why, why, why!!

" does that mean... Does that mean..."

I look at my hands, my hands are shaking and sweating... My face is also sweating. My mouth is shaking can"t let a single word out, I lost my strength due to fear.

In the man"s face, you can see the despair, fear, regret, rage, hurt, desperation. That the man suffered through...

While looking at his dead eyes, I felt fear, do I need to used magic...? Magic... It"s scary that I thought... I don"t know... What should I do? Do I need to tell this to brother? What will he do...? What will he think on me...?

"I... I killed...."

"Hic, mother... Brother.... What should I do..."

I covered my whole body. I lie myself into the corner, hiding, shaking, I can"t even look to the head. I"ll wait for brother... I hope he won"t hate me...

"brother... Don"t hate me..."

Magic... Do I deserve it...?