I Saw Three Ships and Other Winter Tales

Chapter 30

"You needn"t go on," growled William.

"_ . . . because he"s a bad lot, and he may so well know I think so. And to this I set my hand, this 17th day of September, 1856._"


"_Ebenezer Transom._"

"_Witnessed by_"

"_John Hooper._"

"_Peter Tregaskis._"

The doc.u.ment was in the old man"s handwriting, and clearly of his composition. But it was plain enough, and the signatures genuine.

"Lizabeth"s hand dropped.

"I never knew a word o" this, William," she said humbly.

Mrs. Transom broke into an incredulous t.i.tter.

"Ugh! get along, you designer!"

"William," appealed "Lizabeth, "I"ve never had no thought o" robbin"


"Lizabeth had definite notions of right and wrong, and this disinheritance of William struck her conservative mind as a violation of Nature"s laws.

William"s silence was his wife"s opportunity.

"Robbery"s the word, you baggage! You thought to buy him wi" your ill-got gains. Ugh! go along wi" you!"

"Lizabeth threw a desperate look towards the cause of this trouble--the pale mask lying on the pillows. Finding no help, she turned to William again--

"You believe I meant to rob you?"

Meeting her eyes, William bent his own on the floor, and lied.

"I reckon you meant to buy me, Cousin "Lizabeth."

His wife t.i.ttered spitefully.

"Woman!" cried the girl, lapping up her timid merriment in a flame of wrath. "Woman, listen to me. Time was I loved that man o" your"n; time was he swore I was all to him. He was a liar from his birth. It"s your natur" to think I"m jealous; a better woman would know I"m _sick_--sick wi" shame an" scorn o" mysel". That man, there, has kissed me, oft"n an" oft"n--kissed me "pon the mouth. Bein" what you are, you can"t understand how those kisses taste now, when I look at _you_."

"Well, I"m sure!"

"Hold your blasted tongue!" roared William. Mrs. Transom collapsed.

"Give me the candle," "Lizabeth commanded. "Look here--"

She held the corner of the will to the flame, and watched it run up at the edge and wrap the whole in fire. The paper dropped from her hand to the bare boards, and with a dying flicker was consumed. The charred flakes drifted idly across the floor, stopped, and drifted again.

In dead silence she looked up.

Mrs. Transom"s watery eyes were open to their fullest. "Lizabeth turned to William and found him regarding her with a curious frown.

"Do you know what you"ve done?" he asked hoa.r.s.ely.

"Lizabeth laughed a trifle wildly.

"I reckon I"ve made reparation."

"There was no call--" began William.

"You fool--"twas to _myself!_ An" now," she added quietly, "I"ll pick up my things and tramp down to Hooper"s Farm; they"ll give me a place, I know, an" be glad o" the chance. They"ll be sittin" up to-night, bein"

Christmas time. Good-night, William!"

She moved to go; but, recollecting herself, turned at the door, and, stepping up to the bed, bent and kissed the dead man"s forehead.

Then she was gone.

It was the woman who broke the silence that followed with a base speech.

"Well! To think she"d lose her head like that when she found you wasn"t to be had!"

"Shut up!" said William savagely; "an" listen to this: If you was to die to-night I"d marry "Lizabeth next week."

Time pa.s.sed. The old man was buried, and Mr. and Mrs. Transom took possession at Compton Burrows and reigned in his stead. "Lizabeth dwelt a mile or so down the valley with the Hoopers, who, as she had said, were thankful enough to get her services, for Mrs. Hooper was well up in years, and gladly resigned the dairy work to a girl who, as she told her husband, was of good haveage, and worth her keep a dozen times over.

So "Lizabeth had settled down in her new home, and closed her heart and shut its clasps tight.

She never met William to speak to. Now and then she caught sight of him as he rode past on horseback, on his way to market or to the "Compton Arms," where he spent more time and money than was good for him. He had bought himself out of the army, of course; but he retained his barrack tales and his air of having seen life. These, backed up with a baritone voice and a largehandedness in standing treat, made him popular in the bar parlour. Meanwhile, Mrs. Transom, up at Compton Burrows--perhaps because she missed her "theayters"--sickened and began to pine; and one January afternoon, little more than a year after the home-coming, "Lizabeth, standing in the dairy by her cream-pans, heard that she was dead.

"Poor soul," she said; "but she looked a sickly one." That was all.

She herself wondered that the news should affect her so little.

"I reckon," said Mrs. Hooper with meaning, "William will soon be lookin"

round for another wife."

"Lizabeth went quietly on with her skimming.

It was just five months after this, on a warm June morning, that William rode down the valley, and, dismounting by Farmer Hooper"s, hitched his bridle over the garden gate, and entered. "Lizabeth was in the garden; he could see her print sun-bonnet moving between the rows of peas.

She turned as he approached, dropped a pod into her basket, and held out her hand.

"Good day, William." Her voice was quite friendly.

William had something to say, and "Lizabeth quickly guessed what it was.

"I thought I"d drop in an" see how you was gettin" on; for it"s main lonely up at Compton Burrows since the missus was took."

"I daresay."

"An" I"d a matter on my mind to tell you," he pursued, encouraged to find she harboured no malice. "It"s troubled me, since, that way you burnt the will, an" us turnin" you out; for in a way the place belonged to you. The old man meant it, anyhow."

"Well," said "Lizabeth, setting down her basket, and looking him full in the eyes.