I Sell Tantric Amulets In Thailand

Chapter 13 - Malicious Lao Liu

Chapter 13 - Malicious Lao Liu

Translated by H0RR1BL3CPU

TL note: Here"s a fitting song for this chap for those that can understand chinese.

"What was it?" I asked

"The first wish that he made was for his wife to be completely infatuated with him so that she could never leave him. Not even in death!"

I was shocked. So the reason his wife had a flash marriage with him was because of this? Thinking back on it, I had a subtle, bad feeling about their whole marriage.

I followed up with another question, "What was the second wish?"

Liu Fu laughed coldly as he answered me. "The second wish was even scarier…… That guy, he actually wished that his wife would disappear for forever!"


Hearing this, I was completely dumbstruck. "Uncle Liu, you"re kidding right?"

Liu Fu said, "Now why would I lie to you about this? This was something the Azzan master found out after talking with the yin spirit! When I heard about this, I was simply astounded. But, after thinking it over for a while, I realized that there"s nothing people like him wouldn"t do."

Hearing Liu Fu"s words, I became completely horrified.

To disappear forever……wasn"t that the same as death?

In other words, the reason his wife had been ran over, was entirely because he wished for it.

With this realization, I immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

From our first encounter, I had thought that Lao Liu was just a more perverted and stingy person than others. At most, a bit too infatuated with small gains. Apart from these traits, I couldn"t think of anything as too big of a problem.

But not even in my worst dreams could I have imagined that he could do something so insane.

The reason his wife had stuck to him everyday, and did it with him every night, was because of his own wish. He reaped what he had sown. But later on, when he could no longer bear it, his heart sp.a.w.ned malicious thoughts that caused him to end his own wife"s life.

These types of people, they truly are just simply terrifying!

"Uncle Liu, we shouldn"t have helped that thing! If only we knew this early on…" I fiercely gnashed my teeth in hatred.

Liu Fu laughed cruelly, "If we can help, then we should help. After all, the money"s already been sent to our doorstep, why wouldn"t we take it? But that being said, this isn"t over yet. You"ll know what I mean when the time comes[1]."

Hearing Liu Fu"s words, I couldn"t help feeling a little suspicious. Wasn"t the problem with the yin amulet solved? Could it be that something else would happen now?

Just like Liu Fu predicted, after three days had swiftly pa.s.sed, Lao Liu gave me another call.

He told me in tears, "The problem hasn"t been fixed! These past few days, I"ve still been having the same nightmares! And sometimes, I can even feel the ghost on the bed next to me. Besides that, every morning when I wake up, my thing is like a loach, it doesn"t show any reaction to anything I do anymore."

From these past few days, he"s been on the verge of collapsing, so he begged me to save him.

When I heard all that had happened to him, I knew his just desserts had arrived. So, I simply couldn"t be bothered with him and just went through the motions of saying, "These kinds of things are common. They"ll stop after a while." Surprisingly, he actually believed those words.

After a period of time, he started to call me again. I knew what the calls were going to be about, so without even bothering to listen to him, I simply didn"t pick up.

Later, he started sending me messages instead. Those messages talked about how cold he was feeling, that the ghost was still following him, that everyday his nightmares scared him beyond description. Apparently, his "little brother" had stopped moving completely, so he went to the hospital for a checkup. The doctor told him that it was dead, and that it had to be removed, or otherwise it could threaten his life.

Afterwards, he actually had the gall to ask to borrow money for the operation from me.

I simply couldn"t be bothered with this man, so I just blocked his contact and cut off all ties.

After that day, I stopped receiving news about Lao Liu. However, based on his situation, he was done for in this life. Even after his little guy pa.s.sed away, he still got raped by a ghost every night on his bed, as well as in his nightmares. For a long term situation, not many people would be able to put up with this.

Towards ilk like him, I didn"t have any sympathy at all. He completely got what he was due for. But the events that had happened with his wife made me feel some guilt.

At the time, I kept thinking, "If I didn"t sell him that yin amulet to begin with, would his wife still be alive? And maybe, Lao Liu wouldn"t have ended up like this?"

Maybe, or maybe not.

But whenever I thought of this, my heart would feel especially heavy.

This went on until Liu Fu said something that made me understand a lot of things.

He said, "Tantric amulets are neither good nor bad. But rather, it is the human character that has shadows and light. Tantric amulets are like a knife. If they are in the hands of a good person, they can protect our homes and defend our country. But in the hands of a villain, they will plunge people into an abyss of misery. Regardless of whether it is a proper amulet or a yin amulet. As long as the person praying has a righteous heart, the tantric amulet will not harm anyone."

So, whether the result is good or bad has nothing to do with the tantric amulet, but rather the person praying.

Even though it sounds like he was mostly just comforting me, the words still contained a lot of ethics.

Using the words that Liu Fu had once spoken, "Even if you don"t sell them, they"ll just buy it from someone else. Rather than helping others earn money, you"re better off taking the cash for yourself[2]. Everyone is selfish and wants to strike it rich. Since you"re in this line of work, you better have the necessary courage to do what needs to be done."

Maybe I was influenced by my regular interactions with Liu Fu, or maybe it"s because of some other reasons, but from then on, when I was selling tantric amulets, I started looking at the money rather than my principles more and more.

After Lao Liu"s affair was over, I didn"t get any big customers for a good long while.

Normally, selling one proper amulet would only earn me a few hundred bills, so it wasn"t too interesting. Most of my spare time was spent on advertising and developing my path in life than actually selling tantric amulets.

Generally speaking, I worked with Liu Fu the most. As for Luo Jie, I often took advantage of our ties. And in the course of our frequent contacts, I grew quite familiar with her.

Don"t look at how Liu Fu looks like a Maitreya Buddha[3], in truth he"s actually quite hard-hearted and belongs to the group of people whose eyes only open in the face of money. If you have money, then he can handle just about anything. But if you don"t have money, even if you cry and scream and kneel in front of him, begging for his help, he won"t so much as frown.

Also, he"s someone that can"t be bothered with wiping his own a.s.s[4]. After selling yin amulets, he just warns the customers a bit and calls it a done deal. Then he"ll completely forget about the whole thing. If something crops up, unless you"re willing to cough up a huge amount of cash, he won"t care about them in the least.

But with that constant always jolly expression on his face, people that don"t understand wouldn"t believe what I said.

Luckily, he"s quite good to me. Otherwise, I wouldn"t have gotten as far as I have today. So, whenever I successfully close a deal, I"d always treat him to a meal.

And that night wasn"t supposed to be any different. After finishing up our meal, Liu Fu suddenly spoke, "Xiao w.a.n.g, recently an extremely high quality tantric amulet has appeared in Thailand. So, to improve my business, I"m going there to get myself a batch. However, I have a piece of business that I need to handle here that I have no time to complete. So, I want you to take over for me. After it"s over, we"ll split the profits 50-50. What do you think?"

When I heard his offer, I was quite happy and asked him what it was.

Liu Fu said, "My niece Xiao Ya has a friend that"s working as a makeup artist. The very high cla.s.s kind that often gets to work with supermodels. I heard from her that recently there"s a third rate celebrity surnamed Liang who wants to get a few Guman Thongs to help her at work. When she found out about the celebrity, she came to find me. Coincidentally, I have to go Thailand and I don"t trust anyone else. So, I can only ask you for help. This is a VIP customer. If you handle things well, we"ll have other opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"No problem. Since uncle Liu has asked, I will definitely handle things well!" I immediately nodded my head.

Hearing my answer, Liu Fu immediately gave me a number and had me contact the client myself. I didn"t think too much about it and just accepted the number.

Just before we separated, Liu Fu showed his big golden tooth, and awkwardly laughed towards me, "Xiao w.a.n.g, there"s something you should keep in mind. The client is a celebrity after all, so she"ll likely put on some airs. When that happens, you have to bear with it and reign in your temper."

"No problem. When doing business, you have to have a thick face. Even if I don"t have any other good points, the one thing I do have is the ability to meet expectations." I half joked.

Not even in my dreams could I have imagined that later on, these words would bite me in the a.s.s so hard, I"d almost die.

[1] Spoiler alert. Highlight the following text if you don"t mind being spoiled or have already read the chap and still don"t get what Liu Fu meant: The issue with the Yin spirit may have been fixed, but it was never the Yin spirit causing him troubles in the first place. It was his wife"s ghost that was "haunting him", and she was never exorcised, so she continues to haunt him. He just doesn"t know that the whole thing was because of his wishes and not a curse. Tl;dr : he shot himself in the foot and threw away the gun but never took out the bullet.

[2] Liu Fu said this in chapter 8. And hot d.a.m.n, these arcs are getting longer, may not be able to do full arc releases for much longer if I don"t get some help.

[3] The buddha that the golden buddha statue which gives you luck when you rub it"s belly is based off.

[4] cleaning up his messes