I Sell Tantric Amulets In Thailand

Chapter 4 - Amulet Merchant

Chapter 4 - Amulet Merchant

After Zhang Li went crazy, Li Fan returned to normal. So, to express his grat.i.tude, he specially treated me and Liu Fu to a good meal.

Liu Fu was completely unrestrained and asked for 60000 as remuneration that day. He didn"t forget to brag about how, oh so hard, he had to work to convince an Azzan master to work his magic. Both me and Li Fan were completely speechless at his boasting.

After everything was over, Liu Fu even gave me a big red packet of 3000, saying that if it wasn"t for me, he wouldn"t have made so much money.

At the time, this act moved me to no end, and made me think, "this guy is quite honest". This went on for quite a while. But after knowing him for a long time, I found out that it was quite the opposite. One day, when Liu Fu was drunk and not paying attention to his words, I found out that this guy had never even gone to Thailand, not to mention talking to an Azzan master.
He just spent a few hundred dollars and invited a priest to chant an exorcism mantra, which displeased the Yin Spirit and drove Zhang Li mad.

After finding out about this[1], I avoided Liu Fu for a very long time.

This went on until one holiday, when I was playing mahjong with friends and family, I saw a b.u.t.terfly shaped amulet on my younger male cousin"s neck and asked him if it was a tantric amulet.

As soon as he heard that, his eyes twinkled and he said, "Big bro Meng, you know about tantric amulets too? Let me tell you, this b.u.t.terfly amulet is something my cla.s.smate brought over from Thailand. It"s really mystical! Not long after I wore it, when I secretly thought about a girl, she seeked me out and talked to me of her own volition and currently is really good to me!"

I found it a bit funny, "Who knows, maybe she"s liked you from long time ago. It probably has nothing to do with the tantric amulet."

"There"s no way that"s possible! Before I put it on, she never actively talked to me, not even once."

His expression was serious as he said, "You can"t not believe it. My cla.s.smate gave his father a prosperous business tantric amulet, and in a couple of months, his father was promoted!"

"Maybe his father was already on the verge of a promotion." I replied

When my cousin heard that, he said with some unhappiness, "His father had already been stuck in place for five years. But when he put on the tantric amulet, he was promoted. How can there be such a coincidence?"

When I heard those words, I was surprised.

At night, my mind was completely occupied thinking of tantric amulets. Bringing along a "give it a shot" att.i.tude, I gave Liu Fu a call and asked if there were any tantric amulets which helped out at work and protected people.

Liu Fu said with a laugh, "There are many kinds of tantric amulets, and their prices vary. Proper amulets cost 2000-8000, whereas yin amulets are even more expensive, and can cost anywhere from 8000-20000. There are also Guman Thong Amulets. Ones obtained from a temple cost 20000-30000, but ones with a spirit are even more expensive. It depends on what you need really. The last kind is little demons. They are extremely expensive, but the effects are especially potent. However, I"d advise against getting one. When it comes to these things, not many people can satisfy them."

Hearing Liu Fu"s words, I was stunned. I had no idea that there were so many different types.
At the time, I was quite curious, so I asked Liu Fu to explain in detail.
Liu Fu patiently said, "In Thailand, there are two types of masters[2]. One is the white robed Azzans, the other is the black robed Azzans. White robed Azzans are generally monks from a normal temple, or masters who make proper amulets. The tantric amulets they enchant naturally become proper amulets. But as for black robed Azzans, they practice dark arts and make use of yin materials. The tantric amulets they make and enchant become yin amulets. The effects are a lot better than proper amulets, but the risk is much greater. Then there are Guman Thongs which are idols shaped in the image of a little child. If a demonic soul is added in, then it is called an avatar[3]. little demons are even more formidable. But to make one, you have to refine an infant"s corpse into a mummy[4]. Naturally, the effects are extremely potent!"

Hearing what Liu Fu said, I felt terrified.

Yin amulets are things I don"t dare touch. After all, what happened with Zhang Li is still fresh in my mind. Don"t even talk about Guman Thongs or little demons, just thinking about them scares me.

But the main reason was their price, which easily enters the range of tens of thousands. The amount I earn in a month is only two to three thousand RMB, where would I get the money to buy one?
Thinking up to here, I had Liu Fu recommend a proper amulet to me, "My budget is two to five thousand RMB. It"s enough if the amulet can protect me and a.s.sist me at work."

Liu Fu said, "If you want one that protects you and helps at work, then I advise you to get a "Chong Di Buddha[5]" amulet. It"s also quite cheap, only 3000. Coincidentally, I have one on hand. If you want, I can hand it to you tomorrow.

I happily agreed.
The next day, Liu Fu brought along the Chong Di Buddha amulet and gave it to me. After the transaction, he even had me advertise for him, saying that if I had any family or friends that wanted to buy tantric amulets, I should directly look for him, and after the deal he"d hand me a red packet.

To put it simply, he wanted me to be his wingman[6].

Hearing what Liu Fu said, I was seriously thinking it over.

Taking advantage of this chance, I requested he give me an in-depth explanation of tantric amulets, to which Liu Fu patiently obliged and told me a great deal of information.

To ensure I didn"t miss anything, I took down notes as I listened.

Maybe it was because I gained some curiosity and wanted to get in contact with some new and strange things, but I was exceptionally attentive as I listened.

After all, the effects of tantric amulets are something I"ve seen, so I have some belief in them. Otherwise, I wouldn"t even buy one. Adding on how tantric amulets were slowly becoming a trend at the time, the business opportunities in that field were numerous.

The work only entails advertising and stuff like that, nothing much. So, I figured I may as well make some extra money.

Bringing along these thoughts, I mysteriously became Liu Fu"s wingman.

The next few days, taking advantage of my break time, I began posting advertis.e.m.e.nts at every corner of the internet, and even mobilized a few friends nearby to help me spread the news, "If anyone wants to buy a tantric amulets, they can look me up directly. I guarantee quality at an affordable price."

To begin with, I didn"t hold much hope, but who would"ve known that after a few days, there really was someone that called me up regarding tantric amulets.

The person who called was a man. The first words he spoke were, "Hey! w.a.n.g Meng right? I"m called Da Fa. I"ve heard from someone that you sell tantric amulets. I wanna ask, are they effective?"

Hearing his question, I immediately spat out what I learned from Liu Fu. I said, "How quickly the effects take place depends on the type of tantric amulet. Proper amulets work more slowly, and they require more effort on your part in the form of self-blessing and daily charity. The benefit is there are no negative effects or risks when using. Yin amulets on the other hand, work faster, but conversely carry much greater risks."

Without waiting for me to finish, Da Fa cut in with, "Obviously I want the one which gives results sooner. The best would be the kind that lets me win on every bet I make! Recently, my luck has been especially bad, and I"ve lost quite a bit of money. So, I want to get an extremely formidable tantric amulet that"ll let me make a killing on the table!"

As soon as the topic of yin amulets came up, I thought of what happened with Zhang Li. This caused me to feel scared, so I tried to convince to Da Fa to consider proper amulets instead.

As soon as he heard what I had to say, he was immediately displeased and said, "Is there something wrong with you? What are you hesitating for? I already said that I wanted a yin amulet, and wish to see immediate effects, and it"s not like I won"t pay up."

Hearing his words, I knew it was hopeless. So, I gave the excuse of helping him check if there was one suitable for him.

After the conversation, I immediately gave Liu Fu a call.

After picking up, Liu Fu was very enthusiastic as he asked me if there was business.

I thought to myself, "This old fox is really shrewd". So, without hiding anything, I told him Da Fa"s request and asked how much it would cost.

[1] Author literally said after this thing was over. He didn"t mention whether it was the Zhang Li stuff or Liu Fu cheating Li Fan. So I"m just a.s.suming.

[2]religious kind. Specifically, Buddhism and Taoism.

[3] The term used is 入灵. 入 means entry, 灵 means spirit. I suggest you go read up on that term one way or another.

[4] Without the bandages…

[5] Also known as Life Protecting Buddha amulet. Read up on it

[6]wingman is probably inaccurate.  Term: 下家 ; the person on one"s left (Chinese custom) when playing cards or playing a drinkers" wager game - Baidu