I Sell Tantric Amulets In Thailand

Chapter 7 - Tragedy

Chapter 7 - Tragedy

Even though I felt that something was strange, I didn"t care too much about it back then.

On the morning of the next day, when I went downstairs, I received an unpleasant surprise. Da Fa had called me again!

When he spoke, he sounded panicked and terrified, "It"s finished, it"s over, I"m f.u.c.king done for! My luck is all gone!"

When I heard that, I was a bit confused and asked what he meant.

Da Fa said, "Last night, I brought all my money to the casino but without knowing why, I lost every game along with all my money! Right now, even my house is gone! Hurry up and give me a solution, what do I do now?!"

I was a bit angry, "Why the h.e.l.l would I have one? Didn"t I tell you to gamble less?"

When Da Fa heard that, he was unhappy. "How can a person be like this? You must be laughing with joy now that I"m losing money, huh? Hey wait, isn"t the reason I"m losing so much money because you sold me this fake piece of s.h.i.t? I want a f.u.c.king refund!"

I was so p.i.s.sed I started laughing, "Refund? Who the f.u.c.k are you kidding? Why didn"t you say it was fake when you were winning these past few days, huh? Now you"re losing money and you want to blame it on me? You really are amazing!"

"This is your d.a.m.n fault! I want a refund you f.u.c.king conman!"

Da Fa didn"t listen at all. He just kept insisting that I sold him something fake and that he wanted a refund.

In the end, I also had a belly full of fire and just hung up the phone. I wasn"t bothering with him anymore. There really were all sorts of people these days…… Back when he was winning, he would call me his brother, and now that he"s losing, his personality did an one-eighty.

Luckily I didn"t go for that meal with him that day. Otherwise, he really would have taken advantage of me right now.

After I hung up, Da Fa kept calling non-stop, so I just turned off my phone and the world became so much more peaceful.

To begin with, I felt that someone like Da Fa would pester me to no end, so I prepared for a long war. But I never could"ve expected, that for the next few days, Da Fa"s end would be completely silent. He didn"t call me, not even once.

Even though I found it strange, I was still quite happy.

Doing business with people like him was hard. At first, he whined that there were no effects. Then, when his luck was good and he started winning money, he acted like I was his lifelong brother. But when he started losing money, his att.i.tude completely changed and he shed all cordiality with me.

That said, I did however learn a lesson from this. In the future, I should avoid these types of people.

Roughly a week after I thought this whole affair was behind me, I suddenly heard a piece of extremely unexpected news.

Da Fa had been arrested!

This was something I had heard from my friend, who was apparently a distant relative of Da Fa. "Because he was too fond of gambling, Da Fa brought ruin upon his family. And now, he"s even in prison."

At the time, I was quite surprised, so I keenly listened in to what he said.

When I finally knew the details, I was completely dumbfounded.

Apparently, on the day Da Fa stopped talking to me, not only did he not stop gambling, he actually started to bet higher and higher. But his luck was terrible, it was so bad that he lost every game he played. And soon, spent every ounce of cash in his house, even going so far as selling the house itself!

Instead of repenting after he went bankrupt, he tried to get more money from his parents. When they refused to cough it up, not only did he fiercely scream and curse at them, he even started attacking them physically. The savings the two old people had, after decades of selling vegetables in the market, was s.n.a.t.c.hed away and completely used up by Da Fa in a heartbeat.

The more Da Fa gambled, the more he lost. And the more he lost, the more he gambled. When his parents also ran out of money, he started borrowing from his friends and distant family. Then, he started getting it from loan sharks and credit companies with ridiculous interest rates.

Within a few short days, Da Fa owed a f.u.c.k ton of money to a f.u.c.k ton of people. Even his a.s.s was free game at this point.

Even his wife was scared by Da Fa"s insanity and asked for a divorce.

Da Fa was surprisingly straightforward and said, "If you want a divorce, then you"ll get one. Just give me 10000k."

But where would his wife get the money from? So, taking advantage of his slumber, she sneakily ran off, without even taking their son along.

When he found out, Da Fa immediately went ballistic and kicked up a fuss at his in-law"s home. He said something like, "If you don"t give me 10000, I"ll burn down your f.u.c.king house."

His in-laws thought that he was just saying these things due to his anger. But who would"ve known, that on that fateful night, Da Fa would steal a few cans of gasoline and prepare to strike.

A few people were indignant when they found out and couldn"t bear to let him do as he pleased. So, they fiercely beat the s.h.i.t out of him right then and there.

After getting his a.s.s whacked, Da Fa didn"t say anything and just p.i.s.sed off. But the day after, he brought along an axe to his in-law"s and chopped up the two old people who barely survived with heavy injuries.

If it wasn"t for the neighbours seeing them and calling the police early on, the two old people would"ve died.

After that happened, Da Fa was arrested and thrown in prison. Everyone thought that Da Fa did this because he was driven mad by gambling.

After hearing this piece of news, my heart knew no peace for a long time.

Was what happened to Da Fa a coincidence? Or could there have been another reason? I can"t say for certain what it is. But his ending, made me feel a bit depressed to be honest. Through this, I finally, truly, understood what, "Gambling harms people" meant.

After the fiasco, I gave Liu Fu a call and told him what happened to Da Fa.

After listening, he laughed, "Xiao w.a.n.g, gamblers like him don"t deserve sympathy. With how infatuated he was with gambling, something would"ve happened sooner or later. You shouldn"t take this matter to heart either."

"Tell me, is him ending up like this because he was influenced by the Red-Eyed Phra Ngang?" I asked curiously.

Liu Fu said, "Only he himself would know. But from what you"ve told me, it"s very likely that he displeased the yin spirit, which caused him to end up like this."

"That can"t be. I"ve already explained to him about the dangers of failing to pray properly, three times. How could he still displease the spirit?" I was a bit puzzled.

"What do you expect? He"s a gambler. Gamblers have a warped belief when it comes to luck and chance. When they gamble, even if they lose multiple times, they always believe that they"ll definitely win the next round. Think it over carefully, if this kind of person was to suddenly get their hands on 2 million, and you tell them to burn half of it, would they be willing to? That"s a whole million! At this time, they"ll stupidly believe that it"s just once, it doesn"t matter if they don"t sacrifice just that one time. It"s because of this warped belief that that gambling addict ended up like that."

After saying this, Liu Fu suddenly gave a cold laugh, "Yin spirits cannot be compared to people, where two words of praise and an apology can solve most problems. If one prayer is done wrong, then there"ll be no telling what the result will be. After all, the things demons do, humans can never guess. For him to get this kind of conclusion can be considered merciful."

Liu Fu"s words made me terribly surprised, and left me stunned for a good while.

Thinking it over carefully, his words were not without logic. People are all greedy creatures. If I suddenly got two million and had to burn half of it, who knows if I"d purposely miss a sacrifice myself.

But at the time, I truly felt uncomfortable. After all, I was the one who sold the Red-eyed Phra Ngang to him. Even if Da Fa"s character was atrocious, and he was extremely into gambling, for him to get this kind of ending, more likely than not had something to do with me.

For the next few days after this event, I was constantly pondering, "Was it Da Fa that was too greedy, or was it the yin amulet that was too vicious?"

Sometimes, people are like this. When the scars are gone, we forget the pain. Soon, Da Fa"s affair faded away from my mind and stopped affecting my life.

And from then on, under Liu Fu"s tutelage, I ventured into the world of tantric amulets, step by step.