I Shall Rule The Heavens

Chapter 1

My name is Xiao Huoyan and I"m currently 5 years old. I used to live with my mother far into the woods, but my mother died 2 years ago while trying to protect me when I got bullied by some mercenaries. I have never met my father, since he left before I was born.

I had been out to pluck some apples but when I came home, a man was laying in front of my door unconscious. He was b.l.o.o.d.y all over, and he barely breathed. I knew that he could possibly be very dangerous, but I couldn"t bear to simply watch him as he was at the brink of life and death.

I went up to him and tried to lift him up, but he was too heavy. After a few tries I came up with a solution. I rolled out a few blankets at the floor and then I rolled him over and started to clean his injuries and bandage his wounds. After I finished, I sighed a deep breath of relief. He should be fine with a few days of rest.

As he was currently still unconscious, I couldn"t help but take a closer look. Only then did I discover that he was actually still quite young. He seemed to be in his early thirties. I went up a little closer, but as soon as I came close, he turned his face up and looked at me with eyes filled with shock. Seeing his sudden movements, I couldn"t help taking a step back instinctively. When he saw my movements, he hurriedly said:

"I have no malicious intents, so please do not fear me!"

Hearing how he suddenly spoke in such a panicked manner, I slowly began to walk up to him again as he tried to sit up. I could see how hard it was for him to try and sit up on his own and thus I disregarded my own safety and hurried up to him to help him up.

When he finally sat up, I also sat down beside him. He asked me where my parents were, and I told him what happened 2 years ago.

After that he continued to ask me questions, like how old I am and why I never left this place.

"Hey! Can I ask you some questions now?! You just showed up out of nowhere and I don"t even know why you"re here! All you have done since you woke up is asking me a bunch of questions, while I still don"t even know your name!"

Hearing the sudden change in my att.i.tude, he looked a little startled.

"Uh… oh, right! My name is Jin Long, and I came here by chance. I was chased into the forest by some bad people from my clan and got injured. I just happened to find your house by accident. I was going to ask for help but I collapsed at the door. Thankfully there were someone who lived here. Thank you for treating my injuries! I will definitely pay you back sometime!"

He said as he quickly and respectfully clasped his fists.

"I do not need for you to pay me back, but would you mind telling me why your own fellow clansmen were chasing after you while deliberately trying to take your life?"

"They are jealous of my strength. That"s why they want me dead."

"I"m sorry sir, but I still don"t understand. I can tell from a single glance that you have a powerful force inside of you. I can"t really tell what it is, but I know for sure that it is something extremely powerful. It"s like some mysterious kind of force, and I am pretty sure that you know how to use this mysterious force of yours. Am I right? So how come they could still manage to injure you this badly?"

As I finished saying what I wanted, the man besides me seemed to be a little bit startled. He looked at me with eyes filled with shock and a little glimpse of wonder and admiration. Shortly after, he began to regain his calm and indifferent appearance.

"They poisoned my drink while I was at a banquet. As soon as I realised it, I began to escape, but they had already planned this all out well in beforehand. They had placed people outside to keep watch and wait for me to try and escape. That"s how they managed to catch up to me so fast and even injure me."

"If that"s how it was then it"s much easier to understand it now."

"Uhm… may I ask you how you found out about this so-called "mysterious force" of mine?"

"Oh, since you only wanted to ask that, why did you make such a serious expression? The answer to that is simple. I simply saw it."

"You saw it?"

He asked in a quite confused matter.

"Correct, but I not only saw it. I felt it too."

"Wha… Could you possibly tell me what exactly you saw and felt?"

"Well of course! I felt that mysterious force swirling inside you like a wild wind. It felt extremely cold to the touch. And I could see something inside your body, that looked like some kind of bone chilling hurricane with countless snowflakes swirling inside of it."



"Haha, to think that I would stumble upon such a treasure! This is truly finding fortune within misfortune!"

"Did you go mad or something?"

I said in a slightly confused manner.

"You, my little friend, are an extremely rare genius!"