I Shall Rule The Heavens

Chapter 19

"Anyone who wants to volunteer?"

"HA! In your dreams! We"d rather die together than leave the others behind!"

"You sure, haha?"

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Xiong She turned his head around and saw all of his team members nodding silently. He never would"ve thought that all of them would give up so soon. He didn"t know what to say. Their actions made him completely speechless.

"Looks like there"re some volunteers, haha. Hm… Poisonous Crystal Phoenix?! That"s number seven on the list, right?! It"s better than most of my spirit essences and I already have quite a lot of them, haha."

The girl with the Poisonous Crystal Phoenix as her spirit essence looked extremely frightened. She knew that Xiao Huoyan would take her spirit essence first.

"I"ll give you something in return for your spirit essence and your memories, okay?"

The girl knew that she"d die anyways, so she just nodded obediently.

"Good girl! Do you want to tell me your real name pretty sister?"


"Interesting… They don"t know your real name either, right?"

"What is he talking about?!"

Xiong She was confused yet also angry.


The girl stayed silent.

"Haha, now this is really interesting. When did you plan on telling them about your true ident.i.ty as the--"

"--Shut it!"

"Oh my, how fierce, haha! Why can"t I tell them? They"re all going to die soon anyways."

"You said that one would get out of here alive. If my clan knows that I"m dead, then…"

"I did say that one would get out alive, but I also said that I would erase that person"s memories."

"If you dare reveal my ident.i.ty, then I"ll reveal yours too!"

"They already know who I am, haha. I"m the son of Jin Long, Jin Xin."

"I didn"t mean that ident.i.ty Xi-"

"--You! You better shut your trap if you don"t want me to kill you first!"

"So even you have a weak spot, huh?"

"I"m only human you know. Of course I"d have a weak spot. What do you want from me?"

"My freedom."

"Give me one reason to not just kill you on spot."

"I"m useful."

"Not good enough."

"I"m powerful."

"Not more powerful than me."

"My backround! My clan can help you greatly!"

She started to panic.

"I"m pretty sure that my biological father would be more powerful than your entire clan."

"Who"s your father?"

"Hahaha! First I thought that you could read my memories, but I guess I was wrong!"

"I should be able to!"

"But you"re not, haha!"

"Is it your father who blocked off all access to your head?"

"Yeah, I think so! You aren"t as powerful as I thought, haha. If you could read my memories, then you"d actually be of great help, but since you"re not, goodbye!"


Xiao Huoyan started to absorb her spirit essence. Then he started to absorb her lifeforce to painfully kill her.

"You actually dared to threaten me! You sure have guts, Fenghuang Zi!"

Fenghuang Zi could do nothing but scream out in pain as her lifeforce was getting absorbed by Xiao Huoyan.


Everyone else in the room was shocked beyond belief. The girl who had been with them for all this time, was actually the young miss of the Fenghuang Clan!

"She"s dead now, so get over it already!"


"Anyone who wants to go next?"

"How could she know your real name if she couldn"t actually read your name?"

Xiong She was the only one brave enough to ask questions in this situation.

"Jin Long imprinted my real name inside of my mind so that when I lost my memory temporary I could at least remember my real name. He imprinted my real name outside of the so-called "barrier", so that it"d disappear quickly.

A few days have already pa.s.sed, so the imprint he left should be almost gone."

"Why are you telling us so much?"

"Because you"ll all die soon, so why not have a nice little chat?"

"Not everyone."

"The chosen one will get his memory wiped out. He won"t remember who he is, only that he has a mission that he must carry out, no matter what happens. As soon as the memory"s delivered, his internal organs will turn to ashes and h.e.l.l instantly die on spot, haha."

"You"re sick!"

"I can"t get sick."

"That"s not what I meant!"

"I know. I"m just teasing you! It"s so amusing to see how angry you get!"


"Every time someone gets angry he or she always says "You!". It"s so boring! Come up with something new!"

"And what if I don"t?"

"Then die, haha."

Xiao Huoyan killed Xiong She without even blinking. He absorbed his lifeforce and then he turned to Xiong Hu.

"Since you"re the youngest lord of the Xiong Clan, I"ll let you deliver my message. I can imagine the rage your parents will feel when you deliver my message and the just drop dead right in front of them, haha!"

"You"re wicked! Crazy b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

"Hahaha, I guess I am."

As soon as Xiao Huoyan finished his sentence, he absorbed the lifeforce of everyone else in the room, except for Xiong Hu. Then he wiped out all of Xiong Hu"s memories. The only thing that Xiong Hu could remember now, was that he had to find his parents and tell him Xiao Huoyan"s message.