I Shall Rule The Heavens

Chapter 31

Publishedat 15th of September 2019 04:38:25 PMChapter 31

While Xiao Huoyan had engaged in a battle of words with Jin Niao, outside the mystical orb, Tian Mei and Tian Xin Were still inside .

"How could you let him go out there alone?! What if he-…"

"Did you really think that he"d let us go with him simply because we want to?"

"No, but--"

"--We"ll wait for him--"

"-- For how long are we supposed to wait?! What if he dies out there?!"

"He won"t die! Don"t say such things!"

"W-we… We"ll wait for him for another ten minutes, then we"ll go out…"

"No! I can go, but you"ll stay here where it"s safe!"

"But mother!"

"Enough! It"s decided! You will stay here whether you want to or not!"

After Tian Mei said that, she threw away her daughter"s...o...b..into the forest . She knew that Tian Xin would be able to find it after some time, but by then, hopefully the fight with The Jin Clan would already be over .

Tian Mei just stood there silently . She didn"t go after it, nor complain to her mother about what she just had done . She just stood there .

"I"m sorry, sweetie…"

After Tian Mei said that, she crushed the orb she had gotten from Xiao Huoyan .

Tian Xin didn"t even look up . She knew that her mother had left .



Hearing that Xiao Huoyan was the reason his spirit essence"s instability, Jin Niao almost coughed up blood out of anger .

Suddenly, a bright white light began to shine . Tian Mei had arrived . She suddenly walked out of her house and began to look for Xiao Huoyan .

She couldn"t shout, since she didn"t want to expose her son"s real name .

After a while of thinking, she came up with an idea . She decided to shout another name . When Xiao Huoyan heard her, he"d know it was her . Then he"d come and fine her . She was almost certain that it would work, so she began to shout .


While she was shouting, Jin Niao had already told someone to go and investigate the strange light .

Xiao Huoyan already knew that Tian Mei had arrived back home . He also knew that Tian Xin wasn"t with her .

He had given Tian Mei the orb which would release the white light, while Tian Xin had received the orb which would release the golden light .

He swore in his heart that if anyone dared to lay a finger on his dear mother Mei, he"d make sure that everyone present would go down with her!

After a few minutes, the man whom Jin Niao had order to go and investigate the bright white light, came running back .

"Speak! Who released the white light?!"

Jin Niao was very eager to know who it was . He was afraid that his enemy had found an expert to help him .

"It"s a woman . She"s walking around the village while trying to find her son . "

"Did she tell you that?"

"N-no, but she told me her name was Tian Mei, and she was shouting the name "Tian Yan", so I just a.s.sumed it was her son . "

"You asked for her name?!"

"Yes-- I-I mean n-no sir!"

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Right after yelling, Jin Niao clenched his fist, and the man before him turned into a mist of crimson blood .

"So… I suppose she"s your friend?", said while smiling .

"I don"t know that woman!"

"Then who"s this so-called Tian Yan?"

"Tian Yan? Never heard of him!

"As if I"d believe you!"

Xiao Huoyan refused to admit it . He knew that if he did, his dear mother Mei would be in danger .

"Oh, then I a.s.sume it"s fine if I kill her?"

Right after he said that, he snapped his fingers, and someone went in the direction the white light, along with Tian Mei, had appeared from .

"if you dare to hurt her, I"ll make sure that none of you"ll be leave here . "

"Oh . So, she really is someone important to you, eh?"

"Since you already know it, I advise you to leave her be and fight me instead . "

"I don"t believe you"ll let us go even if we don"t touch . "

"It"s never to late for revenge . As long as I"m alive, I"ll get my chance again . Leave her be and I"ll let you leave today . "

"Hmph! Do you think I"m stupid?!"

"In fact, I do . "


"Are you going to leave her be, or do I have to bury all of you with her today?"

"H-how long do we have to decide?", an unknown person from Jin Niao"s army asked in fear .

"I"m feel generous today, so I won"t set a time limit . Instead, I"ll just kill you one by one until you decide . One person a minute, so you better decide fast, hehe . "

As soon as Xiao Huoyan had finished his sentence, the man whom had just spoke, exploded and turned into a mist of blood .

"You dare?!"

"Yeah, you bet I do . "

"I"ll kill you!"

Jin Niao was furious .

"Try . "

Once again, a body exploded . This time it was the person closest to Jin Niao .

"Stop it, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

"My name is Xiao Huoyan, not "you b.a.s.t.a.r.d" . "

And so, another body exploded… again .


A man came rushing towards Jin Niao . It was the same man that went after Tian Mei earlier .

The man held Tian Mei in his arms . She was unconscious .


Xiao Huoyan was on the verge of giving in . If he didn"t calm down, soon he"d go insane and kill everyone on site .


"No need to explain yourself to him . "

"Let her go NOW!"

"Hmph! As if!"

"You! What do you want?!"

"Your life in exchange for hers . A fair deal no isn"t it?"


Xiao Huoyan suddenly appeared before Jin Niao .

"H-how did you?!"

Jin Niao was dumbstruck . He had thought that Xiao Huoyan had been hiding all this time, but in fact he"d been right in front of him .