I Shall Steal The Heavens

Chapter 223

What? Did you think I was going to rip off Spirit Realm and t.i.tle the chapter with something as lame as "Wailing and Despair Abound"? Come on, man. Why the h.e.l.l would I make Nine-Tailed Fox Sect sound so pathetic and whiny?

Like the stalwart man and women of the valiant 597th Valhallan Ice Warriors, I was proud to say that we all met our inevitable death like heroes, a wall of blades lowered to pierce the overwhelming hordes of enemies and take as many of them down with us before we gave our lives in the service of the Emperor.

We collided with their charge, bayonet to blade, hacking, slashing and cutting with all the skill of martial artists honed by years of combat. The invaders were also veterans of many life-and-death battles, and thus they gave it as good as they got. Fortunately, the martial artists of the Blood Blades were mostly unrivaled, and I was gratified to say that we achieved an impressively high kill-to-death ratio, where we killed ten enemies for every single one of us fallen.

However, Zi Shou De had given the order to retreat, and the survivors were pulling back, channeling the invaders into killing zones. The battle puppets annihilated scores of infantry, their murderous Mauler bolt cannons spitting death and superheated plasma from their Darkfire cannons incinerating entire squads. Lightning sprayed from the guns of the Thallax battle puppets, frying and searing through screaming lunatic hordes of cultists…I mean martial artists and toppling them over in spasms.

As we pulled back, we left a trail of death and destruction. It was heart-wrenching to see the broken remnants of Tushan City. Once, Tushan City was a flourishing metropolis, equal to Singapore, or Beijing or Shanghai or Tokyo. Many recreation facilities, fairly luxurious yet affordable residential blocks, business districts stretched around the foot of Flame Volcano, and it was a prosperous, bustling city that expanded because of its status as a commercial center. Not only was it the home of Nine-Tailed Fox Sect, many martial artists often swung by here to order custom-made Spirit Weapons, Spirit Armament and Spirit Engraved Gear.

Martial artists and members of the various subordinate sects serving under the Martial Arts Alliance often patronized here. Before the invasion, Tushan City was the place to be for martial artists seeking high-quality Spirit Weapons and equipment. Sort of like how you would go to Akihabara in Tokyo to buy anime, manga and games.

So it would be far from exaggerating to say that Tushan City was formerly one of the most prosperous cities in the area.

Now, Tushan City was a mere shadow of its former self.

During the siege, its bustling and busy streets were deserted and emptied out. The buildings had been abandoned, damaged under the onslaught of the advancing invaders as they tossed elemental techniques here and there. Admittedly, a lot of it was collateral damage caused by the retreating lines of battle-automata, sh.e.l.ls, plasma and arcs of qi gouging chunks of concrete from the city blocks and carving craters in the road.

Now, the streets of Tushan City had returned to life once again. Or to be more exact, they were once more filled with death and destruction.

The formerly deserted and abandoned streets and districts were occupied by marching lines of martial artists, stomping forward as they slaughtered and annihilated any outer sect disciple, outer sect elder or Blood Blades martial artist who stood in their path. To their credit, the defenders fought back even more ferociously, leaving scores of the enemies charred, incinerated or in pieces, dearly selling their llves out to wreak as much casualties on the invaders as possible.

The roads literally flowed with rivers of blood, and mountains of corpses grew where appropriate. If there were people to ****, the offenders indulged in their l.u.s.t. Where there were treasure or goods to steal, the robbers plundered, stole and looted. Where there were buildings to destroy, the enemy demolished them carelessly and indifferently. Where there were people still standing and fighting back, the murderers slaughtered them mercilessly and cruelly.

The ten sects who had originally served as the vanguard had barged into the city and broke it open, all so they could commence their genocidal purge of Nine-Tailed Fox Sect. They wanted to annihilate Nine-Tailed Fox Sect completely, leaving not even a single person alive. Fortunately, the other three sects who had served as reinforcements kept a cool head and didn"t just wantonly ma.s.sacre whoever they came across.

That wasn"t to say they didn"t kill, of course. In this life-and-death battle, it was difficult to hold back. Kill or be killed. If they could spare the outer sect members and injured Blood Blades, they did. They even left the damaged battle-automata and battle puppets intact, to repair them later. To Green Dragon Sect, Heavenly Way Sect and Kunlun Sect, they did not agree with this atrocity and thought the slaughter a complete waste of life.

Of course, they weren"t generous or good enough to do it – evidently they planned on recruiting these skilled Blood Blades and outer sect members into their sect in future. Manpower was still manpower, and strong martial artists were always valued, particularly in martial arts sects.
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Unfortunately, their sentiment was not shared by the ten sects ahead of them.

"Every Nine-Tailed Fox Sect martial artist that you see, whether they are elders, disciples, whether they are inner sect or outer sect, kill every last one of them!" Yin Xue Sheng"s normally charimastic voice was filled to the brim with bloodl.u.s.t. His words rang through the air murderously, sending chills down the spines of those who heard him.

"Annihilate Nine-Tailed Fox Sect! Kill every man alive!" Cloud Sky Mountain Sect Leader Jiang Yuan also ordered.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Avenge Boss Shi!"

"Take revenge for Big Boss Wu!"

"Exterminate Nine-Tailed Fox Sect for Second Sect Lady!"

Countless, murderous figures began to sweep across the city, slaughtering every living Nine-Tailed Fox Sect member alive.

With the southern gate breached, the invading sects smashed their way in and flooded Tushan City like ravenous swarms of locusts, erasing whatever life that remained in the districts with violence and cruelty.

Fortunately, Zi Shou De had the foresight to order a retreat in advance. Even as the rearguard bore the full brunt of the enemies" rage, they were able to delay the tide of murder, stemming it temporarily for the majority of their comrades to retreat to the plaza. Astute tactics saw the blood-crazed enemies funneled into killing zones, where the overlapping fields of fire provided by battle puppets tore them apart.

Many of the martial artists were smart enough not to directly confront such overwhelming numbers head-on, and resorted to guerilla warfare, carrying out hit-and-run attacks, and then falling back and retreating when the enemies sent reinforcements. Already incensed by the hostages" loss, the opposing martial artists were not thinking clearly, just rushing in recklessly to mete out their wrath on the people they perceived to be hapless victims.

They were corrected of that erroneous viewpoint as the Blood Blades reaped a horrific tally on them, particularly with their battle puppets.

Tong Xue was launching one of those hit-and-run attacks, Fourth squad and all the reserves of Nine-Tailed Fox Sect having been dispatched to the frontlines to stem the tide and buy as much time as possible. He had heard over the vox that I was at the plaza, fighting Song Si Yuan and Xie Zhi Zhang there, so he didn"t have to wonder where I was.

"Still, you really have gotten the short end of the stick, huh?" he commented.

"Oi, vox discipline," I snapped as I ducked a punch from Wu Tuo, who was now free. The chubby martial artist was attacking with his remaining arm, and destroying the ground as he went into a berserk rage that completely erased my first impression of him. I had thought of him as a genial, gentle giant, but the guy in front of me right now was anything but.

He was a monster.

Thankfully, Lang Xie had arrived, and with the help of the other Blood Blades, he was engaging Xie Zhi Zhang in combat. Surprisingly, Song Si Yuan was actually fighting on par with Tian Yu Di, their clashes cracking the concrete in the plaza and causing the Spirit Engraved Pillars to resonate unhappily as their tremendous qi washed over them.


Tian Yu Di and Song Si Yuan broke apart after trading a couple of punches, their collision sending a sonic boom across the vicinity. I winced, rolled and ducked, stumbling as I was buffeted by the waves. Unlike me, Wu Tuo had maintained his steadiness and was able to exploit the opening, rearing up to deliver a killing blow.

I kicked off the ground and disappeared, using Tui.


Just as well. The s.p.a.ce where I was sprawled over was reduced to rubble. Fuming, Wu Tuo turned to face me, after I reappeared behind him.

"d.a.m.n," I muttered as I redicrected my Snow Aegis"s mobile turrets to fire a barrage of qi beams at him. "Even with one arm gone, he"s still quite the threat."

Above, Tian Yu Di and Song Si Yuan paused, having stopped their battle. It was as if they were sizing each other up, and were hesitant to attack again. Yet they didn"t interfere in our battles, because they knew the other would intervene.

Wu Tuo lumbered toward me with a murderous expression and I felt my spine turn to ice.

Tong Xue, admittedly, wasn"t having a better time. He had just launched an attack on one of the Snow Valley Sect"s encroaching forces, and wasn"t able to get away in time.


A young, beautiful girl our age, dressed in a rose-colored dress, was glaring at him. Tong Xue had just launched an attack to take out a big portion of Snow Valley Sect"s members, but he didn"t expect reinforcements from the Divine Shadow Sect to show up and surround him, cutting off his escape route.

"…Cang Li."

Cang Li glared at Tong Xue. "Why did you betray us? Aren"t you a part of the Smart Shadow Sect? Why are you fighting against us and defending Nine-Tailed Fox Sect?"

A brawny man with a thick beard grinned as he stepped up to her side, shaking his head.

"Are you really that clueless, Sister Cang Li? You know that Tong Xue joined Nine-Tailed Fox Sect for a woman." The muscular, bearded man chuckled. "He"s fighting for her sake. Isn"t it the ultimate honor of any man to fight and die for the woman he loves?" he nodded in approval. "I really admire you, Tong Xue."

"Shut up, Tie Xiong!" Cang Li snapped. "Don"t be ridiculous! That doesn"t excuse his betrayal! And that"s a stupid reason to turn your back on the sect!"

"Heh." Tie Xiong rested his greatsword on his shoulder and smirked. "You"re as coldhearted as always, Sister Cang Li. Of course that"s all the reason he needs. Someone like you will never understand love." he shook his head in mock pity. "No wonder you"re still single."

"…t…that has nothing to do with anything!" Cang Li"s voice was shrill, almost as if she was panicking. "It…it"s just that I haven"t met the right person yet!"

The Divine Shadow Sect members merely exchanged wry glances and snorted with laughter. Tong Xue watched them with an odd expression on his face.

"Do you really intend to kill us all?" he asked in an aloof manner.

"Of course. Nine-Tailed Fox Sect deserves what they are getting. They should just submit to us!" Tie Xiong laughed.

Tong Xue met his gaze evenly and sighed heavily.

"Tie Xiong, that Sky Flame Sword of yours was forged by Nine-Tailed Fox Sect." Tong Xue pointed at the big man"s greatsword, and continued calmly. "I still remember that Divine Shadow Sect commissioned Nine-Tailed Fox Sect for a batch of Spirit Weapons three years ago. Your Sky Flame Sword was one of them. If I"m not mistaken, it was forged by Tang Qi Hong herself. I still remember how happy you were when you received it. You were so excited that you even hugged the sword when you went to sleep."

"The Sky Flame Sword feels great in my hands! It"s as if it"s a part of me now!" Tie Xiong roared with laughter. "Nine-Tailed Fox Sect sucks in many things, but they are definitely the best when it comes to blacksmithing!"

Tong Xue ignored him and turned his gaze on the others present. "Huang Nan, your Crescent Blade was forged by my Lian Rou. Liu Tang, your Rainbow b.u.t.terfly was forged by the first inner sect disciple, Di Xuan…"

After going around and listing a whole bunch of Spirit Armaments and who they were forged by, Tong Xue finally stopped. He cast a glare at them.

"All of your Spirit Armaments were made by Nine-Tailed Fox Sect. And these are the people you are about to murder in cold blood." Tong Xue scowled, clenching his fists in fury. "Don"t you feel any guilt or shame? Have you ever thought who is going to repair or maintain your Spirit Armaments and Spirit Engraved Gear when they are broken? After you kill all of them? Or who will craft a new Spirit Engraved Gear or upgrade your existing ones when you become more powerful?"

When he finished, the group of Divine Shadow Sect members fell into silence.

However, Cang Li broke the silence after a few moments, her voice cold and uncaring. "Even if Nine-Tailed Fox Sect is destroyed, there will always be other blacksmiths and Spirit Engravers. There are also the Ancient Spirits Sect, the Dark Steel Sect, and other sects willing to step in and fill the vacuum that Nine-Tailed Fox Sect leaves behind. Nine-Tailed Fox Sect may be very well-known and renowned throughout the Great Zhou Empire, but they are far from the only blacksmithing sect. There are plenty of other blacksmiths and Spirit Engravers out there, and I"m sure many of them surpa.s.s the skills of Nine-Tailed Fox Sect."

"If that"s the case, then why attack Nine-Tailed Fox Sect at all?" Tong Xue countered. "Why not attack those so-called better blacksmiths and enslave them instead? Why not do your business with the Ancient Spirits Sect and Dark Steel Sect instead of trying to rob, destroy and plunder Nine-Tailed Fox Sect? Why do you covet our wealth?"

"…the strong eats the weak. It has always been this way."

Tong Xue snorted bitterly. "Well, I can tell you this. No blacksmith will willingly work for you f.u.c.ks in the future. It"s especially bad as we Nine-Tailed Fox Sect had no intention of expanding or attacking other sects for our benefits, and we never intended to start any wars. All we wanted to do was develop new Spirit Engraved Gear, and yet because we might become more powerful and richer than the other seven major sects, we"re going to get annihilated by the Martial Arts Alliance?"

He burst out laughing.

"Also, you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds confuse me. First you want to divide us and our resources up among yourselves, but because your subordinates had 3 people lose their arms, you lose your minds and seek to ma.s.sacre us all. So what are you intending to get out of all of this? After sacrificing so many lives, shedding so much blood, you"re just going to give up on your original goal for petty revenge? What will you gain after wiping us out?"

"Oh, shut up! I"m sick and tired of your ranting!" Tie Xiong stepped forward, swinging his greatsword forward. "Just die like the traitor you are!"

"No, wait." Cang Li raised a hand. "Don"t kill him. I want him alive." A sinister smile spread across her pretty face. "I will find that woman you love, and I will kill her. I will kill her right before your very eyes. I want you to live in regret, and understand the price for betrayal."

"If you dare touch her, I will definitely kill you!" Tong Xue vowed, his eyes gleaming ferociously and stabbing into the b.i.t.c.h like blades.

"Do you have the ability to?" Cang Li snorted and giggled coldly. "I would like to see you try. Capture him!"

"Unfortunately, you allowed me to buy too much time." Tong Xue grinned suddenly. "Did you think I was going off and making a speech for nothing?"


A series of explosions rocked across the area, bathing the stunned Divine Shadow Sect members in flames. As they coughed and choked, lightning arced into them, electrocuting a couple of them and causing them to fall onto the ground in spasms. Tong Xue was disappointed to see that the electric rays had failed to hit Cang Li, but he would take what he could get.

"You guys are slow!" he complained as his Thallax battle puppets landed behind him, raising their lightning guns to spray more lethal energies into the thrashing horde of Divine Shadow Sect disciples.

"Good job, Tong Xue." Jing Wei"s voice crackled in his comn bead. Above, from carefully taken positions atop the buildings, Castellax battle-automata fired a barrage of explosive sh.e.l.ls and plasma into the struggling Divine Shadow Sect. "But their reinforcements are coming. We won"t be able to fight all of them. Pull back for now."

"Roger that." Tong Xue sighed. As he and his Thallax battle puppets withdrew, he glanced at the thick smokescreen that separated him from his former colleagues. "Are we withdrawing to the plaza now?"

"There"s nowhere else to retreat to," Jing Wei confirmed grimly.


On another district, the Seven Valley Sects were sweeping through them without much effort. Well, only because the martial artists of the outer sects had evacuated long ago, so there weren"t many left to resist them.

One unfortunate fella was caught, however, and horrifically tortured to death.


Jiu Liu Yu watched as the poor outer sect disciple drew his final breath before finally expiring. She scowled as she a.s.sessed what she had just heard.

"So this fella named Fei Wu found my two disciples while burning their bodies, and decided to spare them? Just like that?"

She snorted coldly, her expression darkening.

"I don"t believe he is that kind. He must have some ulterior motive." She clenched her fists so tightly that her fingernails drew blood from her palms. "I know! He definitely is desiring after their bodies, and is trying to satisfy his l.u.s.t them. He wants to have his way with my disciples. Like all men…how despicable!"

Her scowl deepened.

"Not only did he kill Lu Li, now he takes my remaining two disciples prisoners to satisfy his s.e.xal desires? Unforgivable! Utterly unforgivable!"

Jing Liu Yu had extracted the information she needed from the poor victim through torturing him to death. Concerned for her precious disciples, she had no qualms resorting to any or all sorts of methods to obtain any news from her. it wasn"t as if I had bragged about it or announced to everyone, but rumors tended to spread, and the news of two survivors from the first wave being located during the burning had gotten around to even the outer sect pretty quickly.

After confirming the wellbeing of her disciples, Jiu Liu Yu then turned to her subordinates.

"Cut this man"s part off," she ordered in disgust.

"…eh?" a lady from the Dark Fiend Valley Sect stammered in shock. "But…Sect Leader…he is already dead."

"Do I look like I don"t know he"s dead?" Jiu Liu Yu asked coldly. "Or do you have a problem understanding my instructions?"

The lady trembled fearfully, unable to reply. She hurriedly lifted a short sword and tried her best not to look as she hacked away at the poor guy"s crotch.

"Crush it!" Jiu Liu Yu ordered again. b.i.t.c.h, why don"t you do it yourself? Don"t want to get your own hands dirty, eh? So you"re forcing your subordinates to do the dirty work in your place? I really hope she dies.

The lady grew increasingly terrified, but she complied when she realized the consequences of disobeying her orders. With a single stomp, she squashed the b.l.o.o.d.y part underneath her shoe.

"A f.u.c.king virgin brat thinks he can lay his filthy hands on my precious disciples?" Jiu Liu Yu laughed madly. How the f.u.c.k did she know I"m a virgin?! "Utterly deluded. He must be really desperate to resort to raping the women from other sects!"

"Sect Leader, Yu Mei and Yu Xuan are still in his hands," someone reminded her softly.

Jiu Liu Yu turned her icy gaze on her shivering subordinates as she let out another terrifying chuckle. "I see. You"re right. I will have Yu Mei cut off his pathetic d.i.c.k with her own hands. I"ll allow her to take revenge by castrating that f.u.c.king brat and then have her stomp on his d.i.c.k right in front of his eyes as he weeps and begs for mercy. Then I"ll have her end his life! Such is the fate of those who dares to touch my darling disciples with their filthy, l.u.s.ty hands!"

All the Seven Valley Sects martial artists present shuddered from tremendous fear when they heard her insane words. The b.l.o.o.d.y b.i.t.c.h was definitely off her rocker. That was for sure.

"A…ah choo!"

While dodging Wu Tuo"s attacks, I sneezed so loudly that I accidentally sprayed the Cloud Sky Mountain martial artist"s face with snot.


With his remaining hand, Wu Tuo scampered away.

"Blame Jiu Liu Yu for talking behind my back." I sniffled a little and shook my head. That b.i.t.c.h was insane. She didn"t even bother to find out the truth, and just jumped to conclusions, a.s.suming my guilt and accusing me of a crime I didn"t commit. Moreover, she had already decided my punishment and would carry it out whether she was right or not.

To be fair, though, I did kill Lu Li in quite the coldblooded manner. So maybe she had a good reason to think I would be just as cruel toward her other two disciples, even if it was untrue.

Essentially, I was being punished for doing a good deed. I did my best to help keep the Ling Sisters alive, and I was being slandered and targeted for the most horrendous death imaginable in return for that kindness.

It was enough to make my blood boil. I doubted that Wu Tuo, having lost an arm, would be sympathetic with my situation, though.

Not that it mattered. My attention was drawn to the stalemate between Ancestral Master and Song Si Yuan. The two high-level experts were having a standoff, merely facing each other now instead of trading blows like before.

Apparently they had come to an unspoken agreement to have a ceasefire, for they felt that it was a waste of qi.

That stalemate was broken when a newcomer landed from the sky. Long Shen landed from the heavens, jumping down from his qi-created dragon and smashing onto the ground, leaving a crater from the impact.

He stood up, glancing at Song Si Yuan and Xie Zhi Zhang on either side of him, and then noticed the waiting Tian Yu Di in front of him. Having gotten the gist over sporadic conversations over the vox, he narrowed his eyes and hazarded a guess.

"Are you that old demon? The master of Xue Jian?"

Tian Yu Di snorted. "No, I am not. Don"t even lump me together with that trash."

"…then who are you?" Long Shen looked puzzled. "You are not from Nine-Tailed Fox Sect, are you? Why are you fighting for them?"

"Because my sect leader asked me to," Tian Yu Di replied simply.

While the two masters were conversing, the surrounding Blood Blades stared at the newcomer in shock. More of them had arrived, withdrawing from the city districts and arriving in the plaza in force, taking up more s.p.a.ce.

At that moment, Zi Shou De, Zi Da Ji, the Great Elders and the inner sect elders had all arrived, along with many outer sect elders. Elder Zhao also popped up to back me up.

"I"ll take care of Wu Tuo," he told me. "You should fall back for now."

I nodded, knowing how outmatched I was against the veteran martial artist, despite him missing an arm. Recalling Snow Aegis and sheathing my Azure Lotus Sword, I obeyed.

As I did so, I ran into Tong Xue and Jing Wei, who were staring at Long Shen in awe.

"Isn"t that the Green Dragon Sect"s Venerable Dragon G.o.d, Long Shen? The champion of Green Dragon Sect? What is he doing here?" Tong Xue"s jaw had dropped.

"The Green Dragon Sect is also here in force, huh?" Jing Wei shook his head bitterly. "This is going to be a terrible fight."

"Ancestral Master will take care of him," I declared confidently. There was no single martial artist who could stand before the might of Heaven and Earth Sect. Destroyed as our sect might be, the skills of someone of Ancestral Master"s level was formidable beyond measure. Which was why the Martial Arts Alliance spared no expense in trying to exterminate us.

And if I wasn"t mistaken, Tian Yu Di was even stronger than Master…

"Reinforcements have arrived, huh?" The Venerable Dragon G.o.d of the Green Dragon Sect turned to regard Zi Da Ji severely. "This will be a difficult battle." He glanced at Song Si Yuan and Xie Zhi Zhang. "Brother Song, if you weren"t able to defeat this old demon before I arrived, then it must mean he is truly formidable." He also glanced at Xie Zhi Zhang, who was having trouble dealing with the combined forces of Lang Xie and the twelve Blood Blades guards who had been posted to watch the plaza. "Either Lang Xie has gotten stronger in this short time or Brother Xie hasn"t fully recovered, or he would also have won already."

"Nine-Tailed Fox Sect is not to be underestimated," Song Si Yuan reminded him softly. He rubbed his arm absently, revealing several cuts and bruises. "They have proven time and time again they are a tough nut to crack."

"He actually wounded you?!" Shen Long was shocked.

"We are not invincible." Song Si Yuan narrowed his eyes. "No matter how strong we become, there will always be people stronger than us. To become complacent because of the strength we obtained is to make a fatal mistake."

"…I see. I will be careful then." Shen Long turned to study Tian Yu Di. "How confident are you of defeating that old demon?"

"Honestly? I think there is a much higher chance of me being defeated." Song Si Yuan smiled bitterly as he admitted. "The only reason why that esteemed senior has not gone all out and defeated me yet is because he is conserving his strength. He is aware of you and Elder Shen. If he expends too much qi to deal with me, then he"ll find it difficult to fight both you and Elder Shen at the same time."

"Unfortunately, he won"t have to fight both of us at the same time." Shen Long glanced at Zi Da Ji, who was glaring at them. "The Nine-Tailed G.o.ddess of War has arrived too. She is also quite a handful to deal with."

"Her reputation is well-deserved," Song Si Yuan agreed.

"Are you done talking?" Zi Da Ji asked, stepping forward and drawing her sword.

Long Shen nodded, though his next words were directed more at Song Si Yuan than the Sect Lady of Nine-Tailed Fox Sect.

"Brother Song, I will handle that old demon. You should be able to fight more evenly with Zi Da Ji."

"I don"t have much confidence, but I will do my best."


At that moment, Zi Xiao Ji and her two bodyguards arrived. Da Ge and Zhao Shi looked a bit bloodied, but otherwise unhurt. Having heard the gist of what was going on, she glared at the experts from the Martial Arts Alliance fiercely.

"Allow us to help you!"

"As long as you don"t get in the way." Zi Da Ji swung her sword once, unleashing a ma.s.sive ripple of qi that literally knocked down the enemy martial artists who were trickling in, just by buffeting them. The retreating Blood Blades martial artists immediately seized the chance to pounce on the fallen and take them out before they could recover.

"I don"t know who you are or which sect you"re from, but if you stand in our way, we will kill you." Long Shen drew his Divine Dragon Cloud Sword and faced Tian Yu Di sternly. Green flames ran along its exquisitely crafted blade. "Old demon, I will kill you now."

"Try it if you think you can!" Ancestral Master sneered.

"Do you need a Spirit Weapon, Ancestral Master?" I called out to him worriedly, but he threw out a hand and shook his head.

"Against a punk like this?" he snorted and cracked his knuckles audibly. "My bare hands will be more than enough."

Shen Long"s eyes narrowed. "Your arrogance will be your undoing."

The next moment, green qi burst forth from his body in a blinding display, shimmering and solidifying over his body in an almost intangible protective armor. Everyone present took a step back subconsciously, even the stalwart and defiant Zi Da Ji. Only Tian Yu Di remained unaffected, but he was the only one. Everyone else was staggering as they were buffeted by the sudden drastic increase of qi density. It was almost as if they were witnessing the descent of a G.o.d.

The majestic qi that shrouded him was so potent that the atmosphere and s.p.a.ce distorted around him.

"Holy Heavens…" Tong Xue murmured, shielding his eyes as he gawked at the divine presence that had erupted around the ferociously shimmering Long Shen. The guy was exuding such a powerful aura that it almost drove all of us down to our knees.

Truly deserving of the t.i.tle Venerable Dragon G.o.d, indeed…