I Shall Steal The Heavens

Chapter 231

Ji Liu"s head flew from his neck and landed next to the horrified Cloud Sky Mountain martial artists, who couldn"t believe that the two Stones had been killed so easily and callously. In a matter of seconds, at that.

"Holy heavens…" Tong Xue murmured, his eyes bulging as sweat poured down his face. It wasn"t just him – all the members and subordinates of the Martial Arts Alliance were watching the murder unfold in speechless horror.


Zi Da Ji swallowed nervously as she studied me. She was most likely thinking to herself that she had never taught me such a horrifying martial arts.


The Cloud Sky Mountain martial artists flinched and jumped back when Ji Liu"s head bounced and rolled in front of them. A few dozen meters away, his headless body flopped around for a few moments, as if not realizing that it was missing its head, before falling like a puppet whose strings were suddenly cut.

"…Fei Wu…"

Lian Rou was crying again, now trying to treat Tang Qi Hong"s corpse, but unable to tear her eyes away from me.

"Why have you turned into a monster?"

"Has he lost his sanity?" Tong Xue whispered as he unconsciously took a step back.

"Tong Xue!" Lian Rou shouted as she attempted to patch the hole in Tang Qi Hong"s chest. "Calm Fei Wu down! Bring him back before it"s too late!"

Tong Xue shook his head as he watched me, stunned.

"You want me to calm him down?" he asked nervously. He could see the malicious, murderous aura shrouding around me.

Taking a deep breath, he nodded. Maybe he"ll listen to my voice, he thought. Since we"re friends and all.

Forcing himself not to shiver, he took a step forward, trying to sound relaxed.

"Fei Wu! Snap out of it! At this rate, you"ll end up hurting both allies and enemies! Cool off and make sure you differentiate between who to attack and who not to attack!"

He didn"t get to continue. Suddenly, a sharp blade-like qi lanced toward him, forcing him to dodge to the side.


Doing a cartwheel, he flipped himself over and landed a few meters away, heaving. Lowering his stinging arm, he glared at me.

"Fei Wu, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" he yelled. "What the h.e.l.l do you think you are doing…?"

He then trailed off when he caught sight of my bloodshot, demonic eyes. I was glaring at him intensely, warning him not to come near me.
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Tong Xue flinched and gritted his teeth, cold sweat pouring down his face.

"What the h.e.l.l…this guy…?"

He relaxed a little when I turned away from him, wiping the perspiration from his forehead with his trembling arm.

"I don"t think anything is going to get through to him."

"Good! Very good!"

This time, it was Jiu Liu Yu who was laughing hysterically. She had snapped out of her stupor and had withdrawn her useless banners. Overcoming the overwhelming fear that had gripped her earlier, she conjured the last vestiges of her qi to attack me.

"Nine Yin Demonic Claws!" she screeched and lunged at me. "I don"t care if you"ve transformed into a monster! I"ll still kill you!"

I stepped to the side, allowing her right arm to thrust past me. Grabbing it, I then smashed a fist into her elbow. Her bone snapped with a thunderous cruch.


Jiu Liu Yu screeched in pain, but I ignored her flailing around. Instead, I tightened my grip and ripped her arm out of her socket. A geyser of blood splashed onto me and Jiu Liu Yu howled as she crashed onto the ground.

"You…you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" she shrieked. Bending her knees, she propelled herself at me and lashed out with her remaining arm. Her Nine Yin Demonic Claws glowed ominously as they stabbed toward my chest, but I spun away while deflecting her arm to the side.

Then I punched her in the shoulder with so much force that bone and flesh exploded into shards. Jiu Liu Yu"s remaining arm literally disintegrated and she stumbled back with an agonized scream, bereft of both her hands.

Yet it wasn"t enough. It was far from enough. After all the crimes, atrocities and murders she had committed, losing just her arms wasn"t enough to make her pay for everything she had done to my sect. To Tang Qi Hong.

I kicked her in her stomach, my single strike shattering her dantian or qi center. Jiu Liu Yu was sent hurtling several dozen meters away, cartwheeling head over heels before slamming into the ground and carving a crater into the concrete. She coughed and foamed, her eyes rolling in their sockets, and lay sprawled.

Without both her arms, she wasn"t able to pull herself back to her feet.

"You think you are allowed to pa.s.s out?"

My foot connected with her skull, causing her to jerk awake. She let out another horrendous screech, her mind snapping back into consciousness. Not only was she feeling the agonizing loss of both of her arms, she could feel the excruciating pain that spread through her abdomen. Unable to circulate her qi or control the flow of her qi, Jiu Liu Yu was driven to despair when she realized that I had just crippled her martial arts.

"No…" she wept. "You can"t do this to me, you monster! You can"t…!"

"I haven"t even started," I replied and stabbed her in the head with my Azure Lotus Sword.

Everyone thought I had killed her, but they realized how wrong they were when, after I yanked my sword from Jiu Liu Yu"s head, she began wailing and screaming. Flailing about helplessly on the ground, her body slowly turned into ice.

She continued to writhe and scream in agony as frosty qi invaded her body, turning her insides into ice. Frozen fragments ruptured her body from the inside out, her blood freezing and piercing through her blood vessels and soft tissue, her internal organs ripped apart slowly by the gradually freezing ice lined within her cells.

Within minutes, her entire body was trans.m.u.ted into ice, Jiu Liu Yu turning into nothing more than an armless ice statue. Staring at her in disgust, I then stomped on her body, shattering her into countless fragments.

Then I turned around to stare at the flinching Cloud Sky Mountain Sect members, who just happened to be the nearest enemies. They immediately withdrew, trying to drag the near catatonic Jiang Yuan away.

Their efforts were futile. I leaped over them, crushing about ten of them with a single Seismic Step, while continuing my inexorable advance toward the twitching Jiang Yuan and his dwindling number of subordinates.

"Good kills! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Above, Tian Yu Di applauded me. His excited cackles echoed throughout every martial artist present.

"As expected of Sect Leader! You have truly restored the reputation of our Heaven and Earth Sect! More! Kill more of the f.u.c.king Martial Arts Alliance!"

"Good Heavens…"

"That kid is a monster…"

"Who the h.e.l.l is he?! Why haven"t I heard of him before?"

"He"s the same guy who invented those Spirit Bombs from earlier, isn"t he?!"

"Was Nine-Tailed Fox Sect always hiding such a monster?!"

"We"ve made a mistake! This is our mistake!"


The thirteen sects were panicking and floundering, trying to escape my notice, having seen how I had painfully killed Jiu Liu Yu and decimated the remnants of Cloud Sky Mountain by myself. While they were doing so, Nine-Tailed Fox Sect watched solemnly.

"We have forced everything onto Fei Wu…" Zi Shou De sighed. "We"ve placed too much of a burden on that child"s shoulders."

"Fei Wu! Stop it!" Tong Xue was pleading, to no avail.

"W…what have we done?" Lian Rou whispered.

However, not all Nine-Tailed Fox Sect members were horrified.

"The heavens have finally delivered justice on our behalf!" Hai Rong shouted in delight, despite the blood trickling from her mouth. "Punish those invaders!"

"…our sect may yet survive." Lang Xie nodded in icy approval.


Halfway up the Flame Volcano and peering from the windows of the shelter, Ling Yu Xuan was gaping as she watched the dreadful sight and ma.s.sare developing across the plaza. She had especially witnessed the brutal murder of Jiu Liu Yu, and her agonizing demise at my hands.

"M…Maser has died…" Ling Yu Xuan sobbed.

There was no trace of Jiu Liu Yu left. She had been completely frozen and then shattered into countless icy fragments that melted into water atop the plaza. There wasn"t even a single drop of blood left.

Ling Yu Mei leaned against the window, staring blankly at the carnage. She realized just how helpless she was to stop all of this, to prevent the death of her master.

The surviving martial artists of Cloud Sky Mountain took up the feeble Jiang Yuan by each of his arm and tried to flee. If I was still sane, I would have been amused by the fact that they were running out of Nine-Tailed Fox Sect"s gate more quickly than when they first trespa.s.sed our area. That was what happened when you start running for your life, huh?

Jiang Yuan just allowed his subordinates to heft him away like baggage. He was so frightened that his legs had become like jelly and he could no longer run on his own. The coward…acting so high and mighty when he came stomping into our sect, but when the tables were turned, he started falling apart from fright.

Bullies. That was what they were. Thinking they could gang up and bully a sect less numoerus than them so that they could extort our wealth and resources, but when they realized they were completely outmatched, they didn"t even have the strength to run away with their tails between their legs. Utterly pathetic.

I was going to have that b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s head.

However, before I could close the distance with a foot technique, three people threw themselves at me, knocking me out of the way. Despite the overwhelming dread they felt – evident from their ghostly pallor and amount of cold sweat beading on their faces – the three men in suits and sungla.s.ses (I seriously have no idea why they were wearing sungla.s.ses at this time of the night) knocked me aside and then spread out to surround me.

They formed a triangle, each of them locking any path I had of moving past them to pursue Jiang Yuan.

"The three holy protectors from the Heavenly Way Sect…" one of the Cloud Sky Mountain subordinates who was holding up Jiang Yuan whispered reverently.

"They…blocked him?" another martial artist from the Dark Asura Sect gasped. "When even the Two Stones of Cloud Sky Mountain couldn"t?"

"Who are those guys?" another one asked.

"Those three are from the Five Holy Guardians of Heavenly Way Sect," Song Si Yuan said from above. "I didn"t expect them to show up here."

"The Five Holy Guardians…you mean, those martial protectors who prop up Heavenly Way Sect?" the Dark Asura Sect member glanced up at Song Si Yuan. "Does that mean Heavenly Way Sect has decided to commit?"

"We have indeed," Shen Tian Yi confirmed gravely.


Clenching my teeth, I exhaled a dark, chilly mist from my mouth as I turned my gaze on the biggest of the three Holy Guardians.

"…gulp." The poor man swallowed fearfully.


I closed my eyes for a second, then lunged forward with a yell.

"Here he comes!" one of the other three Guardians shouted a warning, sweat trickling down his temples.

The two of them suddenly surged forward and chased after me when I ignored them to go after the biggest guy directly in front of me.

Raising his hand, the mountain of a man glared down on me with steely resolution.

"He fell for it!" he thought to himself. Above, a Spirit Diagram glowed, invisible to everyone except the trio. "He"s inside the Spirit Stratagem Formation called the Three-Barrier Heavenly Trap Formation! We can capture him if this works!"

However, right before I crashed into the big guy, I skidded to a stop, my legs blurring underneath me.


The big guy faltered for a moment, his jaw dropping.

"Huh? A change in his footwork?"

Then it hit him, and he screamed to his two comrades.

"Watch out! He"s using Tui to retreat!"

It was too late. I had already jumped very far back, right between the two smaller Holy Guardians, who were closing in on me.



The both of them halted abruptly and desperately spun around on reflex, almost getting hit by my left fist and Azure Lotus Sword.


Both of them dropped to the ground, and in pefect synchronization, brought their legs up for a combined kick to my face. An explosion of qi rocked the air as their feet collided against me with tremendous impact.

However, as the dust cleared, they realized to their horror that I had dropped my Azure Lotus Sword in order to grab both of their feet. I would have cut off their legs if I could, but with the excessive weight of my Spirit Sword, there was no way I could have brought my right arm up in time to catch the other guy"s foot, never mind cut off his leg.

So I had no choice but to drop my sword.

While I was busily stopping their concereted attack, the biggest guy from before slammed into me with a full body charge, throwing me a few meters back and causing me to skid across the ground. Even as I stopped, I beckoned with my right hand, and Azure Lotus Sword flew back into my grip, as if I had never dropped it.

The three Holy Guardians watched me from a distance away, gathering their qi and preparing for yet another attack.

"What the heck…?" one of the retreating Cloud Sky Mountain sect members gasped. "Were the Guardians" attack completely ineffective?"

"Something flashed, and then he flew back." Another of them was shaking his head, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

"Just…what sort of battle is this?" Tong Xue gulped. "I"ve never seen movements like those before."

"Trying to attack Fei Wu while he was retreating?" Zi Da Ji"s brow furrowed. "That won"t be enough to stop him."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Tian Yu Di was guffawing. "You"re only adding fuel to the fire! Heavenly Way Sect, was it? More like Deathly Way Sect!"

"Huh…this won"t do." The biggest guy was huffing and puffing as he watched me, more beads of perspiration forming on his brow. "You guys, hurry up and take your sect leader away. We"ll try to buy as much time as we can."

"But…" one of the Cloud Sky Mountain subordinates protested.

"Hurry!" the biggest guy snapped. "Given that kid"s power, I"m not sure how much longer we"ll be able to stall him for!"

Not a lot, I can tell you that.

Drawing a deep breath, I charged at them using Jin. I didn"t care if they were the Holy Guardians or l.u.s.ty Pimps. No one was going to get in my way.

Anyone who stood in my way was going to die. I was going to kill all of them. I was going to kill every single one of them.

Who was I supposed to protect? I couldn"t remember. I didn"t care. All I wanted to do was kill and kill and kill and kill until there was nothing left.

"You idiot!" Tong Xue expostulated when he saw my reckless charge.

"He"s just throwing himself into a trap?" Lian Rou whispered helplessly.

"No." Tong Xue shook his head in resignation. "The one who is being pushed back isn"t Fei Wu."


The biggest guy was knocked several meters back despite crossing both his arms to endure my kick. So great was the momentum that he was actually flung off his feet and sent hurtling back. But both his comrades were already diving in to stop me.

I swung Azure Lotus Sword and the other Guardian parried it with a sword he drew. However, a qi explosion ensued and he was knocked off his feet. As he rolled on the ground, he began using his qi to break the ice that was rapidly freezing over his arms and sword.

The third and last guy tried to stab me in the back, but that always never ended well for backstabbers. Spinning around and dodging his strike, I then kicked him in the gut – or tried to, but he managed to parry it with his sword. Even so, he was also thrown backward a fair bit.

"I have never seen anything like this before."

Shen Tian Yi was frowning, his hands inside his pockets.

"Even though two of the Holy Guardians are absent, I have never heard of anyone breaking a Heavenly Trap Formation from the inside. Much less a kid…plus, his attacks are indiscriminate and without any proper forms or methods."

While all this was going on, inside I was burning hot. I could feel the blazing black qi seeping through my vessels, flowing across my entire body like molten lava. It felt as if I was going to combust and burn into flames anytime.

At first, I thought the heat was caused by pure, unadulterated rage, but then I understood that the rage and thirst for vengeance was merely something that gave this heat form.

"Do you understand what is happening now?" Tian Yu Di asked, amused. "I didn"t think your master would teach this to you, not when you haven"t fully mastered Heaven and Earth Formula. But to think you would be able to attain the purest form of Heaven and Earth Formula…the technique called the Divine Origin Spirit."

"What is that?" Zi Da Ji turned to look at Ancestral Master sharply. He merely laughed and held up both hands.

"Don"t look at me like that. I"m not the one who taught it to him. It was his master."

She watched him for a moment, but the sharpness in her gaze didn"t falter at all. Not bothered, Tian Yu Di continued indifferently.

"Divine Origin Spirit is the state of being achieved when the pract.i.tioner surpa.s.ses the limits of the conscious and subconscious, blurs the distinction between the enemy and the self, and becomes the purest essence of the martial way."

He sighed dramatically.

"Divine Origin Spirit is the essence of Heaven and Earth Formula, but at the same time it is also its greatest flaw. Those who have attained that state of being in the past were all swallowed up by b.e.s.t.i.a.l emotions and lost their sense of self. It"s the reason why Heaven and Earth Sect has been feared as a demonic sect throughout history."

Tian Yu Di folded his arms and chuckled.

"It seems that even after nine hundred years, no one has found a solution yet…and it remains the reason why Heaven and Earth Sect is still known as a notorious demonic sect. Alas…my grand disciple will continue to rampage until everything is destroyed."

Right now, the three Holy Guardians were clinging onto me, the biggest guy grabbing me from behind, while the two other guys were gripping my arms. I wasn"t able to cut them with my sword, but I could still wrench myself away.

Tucking my legs to my chest, I kicked the big guy behind me. Realizing the danger, he immediately let go to defend himself, but my kick still sent him cartwheeling behind. While the other two were still holding onto my arms, I flipped myself up to kick one of them, only for him to duck under my kick. However, the sonic boom generated from my kick actually knocked him flat onto the ground with a grunt.

Still spinning around, I made use of the third and last guy"s hold on my arm to whirl about and deliver yet another kick. Having seen his two comrades brought down, the third Guardian quickly relinquished his hold and backed away, only for me to switch my trajectory and slashed with my sword. He quickly drew his own weapon again, only to be blown away by the sheer amount of qi, and ended up partially entombed in ice again.

"Ugh…this guy…!"

"Can anyone stop him?!"

"Run! Get away!"

While everyone else was panicking, I continued to fight against the beleaguered three Holy Guardians, Long Shen frowned.

"I"m sorry, but this can"t continue. We can"t let that brat continue rampaging like this. At this rate, he"ll wipe everyone out."

He held his sword up before unleashing a gigantic Green Dragon Solar Flash in my direction.

"Are you treating me as if I don"t exist?"

Snarling, Tian Yu Di swooped down and smacked the gargantuan flash of flames aside, much to Long Shen"s astonishment.

"I"m sorry, but I won"t allow you to kill Sect Leader. The kid has potential. He will definitely lead our sect to glory. I can"t let you hurt him until then."

"You…!" Long Shen growled. "Get out of my way!"


To everyone"s surprise, it was Song Si Yuan who spoke up. He held up his hand to restrain Long Shen.

"Brother Long, I would like to appeal to you to let Fei Wu live." Song Si Yuan bowed. "He has too many secrets. For him, my Song family will be willing to give up Hai Mo."

"That"s right." Xie Zhi Zhang agreed as he lowered his head as well. "h.e.l.l, I say we stop this pointless war once and for all. We"ve lot too much, and too much blood has been spilled. I no longer think there"s any point in trying to exterminate Nine-Tailed Fox Sect."

"You…" Long Shen stared at the two of them in astonishment. "After they"ve killed so many of our peope, you"re just going to let them walk away like this?!"

"We"ve also killed so many of their people," Shen Tian Yi responded quietly. "We have no right to condemn them for fighting back. My Heavenly Way Sect would most likely do the same had we been the target." He turned to watch the three Holy Guardians from his sect continue to fight againt me. "Alas, we have severed all hope of reconciliation…we can only mitigate the damage."

Tian Yu Di snorted. "If you fools are thinking of making use of Sect Leader in future, you are dreaming! I will not allow the hypocritical Martial Arts Alliance to enslave my sect leader and use him for your own nefarious purposes!"

"I won"t allow you to take Fei Wu away either!" Zi Da Ji added fiercely. "You"ve already taken away my adopted daughter. I won"t let you rob us any further!"

Xie Zhi Zhang and Song Si Yuan exchanged weary glances. Then the latter sighed and shook his head.

"You probably wouldn"t believe us, not after all this, but…we no longer intend to attack your sect or s.n.a.t.c.h any of your members."