I Shall Steal The Heavens

Chapter of the Spirit Realm dongman.

Da Ge parked the car at the foot of the mountain, as promised, and we began the long journey up the steep slope.

"Hey, where"s your weapon?"

Zhao Shi noticed something amiss when I followed the trio behind without anything. She had a hand on the sword sheathed at her hip at all time, while Da Ge was carrying a large broadsword on his back. Even Zi Xiao Ji had a short sword buckled to the belt of her cute dress. I was the only one who didn"t seem to have a weapon.

"All the water in the atmosphere is my weapon," I replied as I raised a hand and froze an ice sword into existence. Zhao Shi sighed and shook her head, annoyed at my response.

"That"s not going to be enough." Reaching into a bag, she produced a single sword and threw it at me. "This is a spare sword. Keep it on you at all times."

"…thank you."

Glancing at the sword, I was impressed with the intricate Spirit Engraving inscribed into its blade. As expected of the Blood Blades. As the combat division and military arm of the Nine-Tailed Fox Sect, they were provided the best and highest quality Spirit Engraved armaments and equipment. This sword surely cost about 100 gold.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Sect clearly didn"t spare any expense in arming their most powerful martial artists with the best weapons they had to offer. If this was a spare sword, I couldn"t imagine what sword Zhao Shi was wielding. And even from the distance, I could feel the potent qi being emanated by Da Ge"s clothed broadsword.

"Okay, let"s go."

When everyone was armed, Zhao Shi immediately formed the vanguard and went ahead to scout. Zi Xiao Ji followed in the middle, followed by Da Ge, who took rearguard duty. The trio obviously had a wealth of experience working together.

Feeling a little left out I lingered at the back, unsure of what I should do. Keeping a distance from the trio, I kept an eye out for magical beasts. My gla.s.ses went on overdrive, a small section displaying infrared vision to keep track of any sign of life, while a minute radar-c.u.m-motion detector constantly scanned the area for any movement.

Where are all the magical beasts?

Certainly, the Arctic Mountain was cold as h.e.l.l, and I couldn"t see the ground because it was covered by meters of snow. Worse, there was a blizzard impairing our vision considerably, and if it weren"t for my hi-tech gla.s.ses, I wouldn"t be able to see more than a meter away from my face. As it was, the others probably had to rely on their qi senses. I had the benefit of both my gla.s.ses and my qi sense, so I wasn"t as bogged down in the snow as the others.

Will they be all right, though?

I glanced at them, concerned. Unlike the students of Wu Ling Academy, the trio didn"t receive any artificial qi. Only the students of Wu Ling Academy received artificial qi, but I honestly had no idea how it worked. The whole stages and level things confused me further, because it didn"t seem like they were completely reliant on the amount of qi you possessed. In other words, just because you were rocking three s.e.xagenaries of qi didn"t mean you were of the Pure Spirit Stage or something. As I said, I had no idea how they cla.s.sified stages and levels.

Maybe it had something to do with understanding and mastery of skills far more than qi. Or something like that. Who knows?

Still, it is strange how there"s no sign of any life or magical beasts on the mountain. I"m pretty sure they would have adapted to the environment.

Yet my gla.s.ses or qi sense wasn"t picking up anything. With a frown, I continued to keep an eye on the surroundings while doing my best not to lose track of my temporary teammates. In fact, Zi Xiao Ji noticed that I was falling behind and she stopped.

"Come on, Fei Wu!" she called out to me, waving. "Hurry up! We should stick together!"

"Be careful, Miss!" Da Ge warned her, looking around in panic. "Keep your voice down! Shouting here might cause an avalanche!"

"That"s just a myth," I corrected him as I caught up and shook my head. "If you want to cause an avalanche, an explosion is a far more likely and much more efficient method. Sound is too weak to trigger an avalanche."


"They did a study a few years ago, and ruled out sonic booms and sound as triggers for avalanches. The most common cause of avalanches are winds…meaning we should watch out for the weather and hunker down whenever there"s a powerful gust of wind."

Da Ge and Zi Xiao Ji stared at me, impressed.

"How do you know that?" Zi Xiao Ji asked.

"I read a lot."

"So what? That"s all just useless trivia." Zhao Shi had just returned from scouting and she snorted derisively. "The main reason why you don"t want to yell here is because sound carries…which will attract predators. Like an Arctic Wolf, or Blizzard Bear. Frost Wyverns are known to fly around here too, as well as Ice Dragons."

"Ugh…" Zi Xiao Ji shuddered at that, but Da Ge merely smiled.

"Don"t worry, Miss Zi. No matter what kind of monsters show up, we"ll protect you from them." he jabbed a thumb toward his broadsword. "I"ll cut them down with my Giant Slayer!"

"Honestly, it"ll best if we avoid attracting their attention altogether," Zhao Shi muttered. "We"re only here for the Ice Soul Python, so let"s not waste energy and time fighting other magical beasts and monsters."

That was certainly a wise decision, and I had no objection to that. Neither Da Ge nor Zi Xiao Ji protested either, so Zhao Shi continued to lead the way.

"Where are the magical beasts?"

It seemed that I wasn"t the only person bothered by the complete absence of living things. There was no sign of any creatures, to the point where even Zi Xiao Ji was crept out. Da Ge pursed his lips as he glanced around, while the only sign of Zhao Shi was her distant back, which was barely visible in all this snow.

"Maybe they"re hibernating," I suggested. Da Ge frowned.

"But it"s not winter yet."

"It is winter all year around in the Arctic Mountain," I pointed out. Da Ge laughed at that.

"That"s true."

"Even so, there should still be at least a pack of Arctic Wolves or a Blizzard Bear wandering around," Zi Xiao Ji pointed out before shuddering. Whether it was from fear or the cold, I couldn"t tell. "I don"t like this at all."

"The Ice Soul Python"s lair should be up ahead," Zhao Shi called out to us from in front. "There"s nothing between us and the Ice Soul Python"s lair."

We had finally reached something that resembled a plateau built within the steep slope of the mountain. It wasn"t exactly the peak of the Arctic Mountain, but it mercifully leveled off into a relatively flat ground.


That made it a lot easier for us to traverse. And about time, too. The cold was biting right to the bone, sapping our energy and making it harder for us to move. If I hadn"t practiced frost martial arts, I probably would have frozen to death by now. At the very least, I would have suffered from frostbite or something.

"The lair should be that cave over here."

Zhao Shi seemed completely unaffected by the cold and exertion, and was standing right outside a cave. She coolly gestured for us to approach. Da Ge cautiously escorted Zi Xiao Ji as she hurried over, ensuring that we weren"t walking straight into an ambush.

"Where"s the Ice Soul Python?"

"Inside, obviously."

Zhao Shi sighed and rolled her eyes at Da Ge"s question. He grimaced, and grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry, that"s not what I meant. I guess I should phrase my question further. Is it active, or asleep? Dormant in hibernation, or wide awake?"

"Ah. Well, it"s not moving right now, at the very least." Zhao Shi frowned as she stood at the entrance of the cave, closing her eyes and focusing on listening. Or so it appeared, but she was actually extending her qi sense to pick up any movement from the Ice Soul Python. As for me, my gla.s.ses picked up something ma.s.sive inside the cave.

Oh boy…that"s really huge!

Gulping, I made my way to join the rest of them while glancing around for more threats.

"It"ll be disadvantageous for us to fight it inside the cave," Zhao Shi said calmly. She had continued to face the interior of the cave with her eyes closed and her hand pressed against the icy rock wall. "We should lure it outside."

"How do we do that?" Zi Xiao Ji asked nervously.

And why is it disadvantageous for us to fight the Ice Soul Python inside the cave? I wondered. Then again, Zhao Shi had a point. This was the ice Python"s lair. Obviously it had home ground advantage and was more familiar with the terrain than we were. Moreover, there wouldn"t be much room for us to move around inside such an enclosed s.p.a.ce, which would nullify our one advantage over such an enormous opponent – our speed and mobility.

Instead, I decided to answer Zi Xiao Ji"s question.

"Well, if we copy a certain dongman adaptation of a certain web novel, even though those events never happened in the web novel and were dongman original, we would need to capture an Arctic Wolf pup and use the poor thing as bait to lure the Ice Python out of its cave. But obviously I am against this idea."

"Why?" Zhao Shi asked, her eyes narrowing. "Don"t tell me you feel sorry for the Arctic Wolf pup, you hypocrite?"

"Uh…" I couldn"t deny that. Why did the Arctic Wolf pup had more of a right to live than the Ice Soul Python we were hunting? And why wasn"t I campaigning against the hunting of Arctic Wolf packs just so we could get their pelts, claws, teeth and monster cores?

"But it"s too cruel…"

"We"ll think of an alternative, then, Miss Zi."

When Zi Xiao Ji protested, Zhao Shi instantly obliged, lowering her head and promising to find another way. Hey, wasn"t her att.i.tude toward Zi Xiao Ji completely different from her att.i.tude toward me? Who was the hypocrite?

This is clearly an example of someone who has double standards…

However, I saw no benefit to arguing with a b.i.t.c.h when we still had a battle to attend to later, and just knit my fingers behind my head.

"I"ll be the bait then."

"Eh? Isn"t that dangerous?" Zi Xiao Ji asked, surprised. Da Ge also shook his head.

"Don"t be reckless, Fei Wu."

"We"ll think of something safer." Even Zhao Shi was against the idea, which surprised me. I guess she didn"t necessarily hate me or wanted me dead.

However, I stood my ground.

"Wouldn"t it be the same either way? All I need to do is lure it to the open. I"ll still end up fighting the monster sooner or later."


I waved at them and stepped into the cave before they could protest. My gla.s.ses seemed to light up as they went into night vision mode.


It was too late. I was literally hurtling into the lair using my footwork techniques. This was a great chance to be practicing them once again. I had been getting rusty after two years of no use, and even though I had just recently a.s.similated my qi and was able to use them again, executing them in an actual mission and practicing them in a safe zone were two completely different things.

Where are you?

Truthfully, I was silent and stealthy, making no noise as I practically glided across the interior of the cave. Glancing around, I relied on my qi sense to track the beast when I realized how unreliable sight was, even with night vision activated on my gla.s.ses. There were far too many shadows, and a lot of the giant rocks suspiciously resembled a monster.

I was jumping at everything, almost mistaking a ma.s.sive column of rock to be my quarry. Soon enough, I just gave up and switched off night vision, depending on my qi sense to sound out my prey instead.

"There you are."

With my eyes closed, I was able to detect the Ice Soul Python the same way Zhao Shi did. Moving swiftly toward the high-ranking magical beast, I stopped a few meters away from what seemed to be its head.

Right, they have no eyelids.

At least pythons and snakes didn"t have eyelids, anyway. So I could easily identify the two glowing orbs as the Ice Soul Python"s eyes. The pupils had contracted, and a thin membrane had glossed over the eyes to protect them from the atmosphere, but otherwise it looked as if the Ice Soul Python was wide awake.

Now, how do I lure it out of its lair?

Snakes weren"t deaf. They might not have ears, and might not hear sounds as we humans do, but they could still pick up vibrations very well and detect low frequencies. If that was the case, I could still wake it up, but I doubted yelling would be an effective method of doing so.

No, I needed something with more impact.

On the other hand, I had the greatest opportunity to kill the Ice Soul Python. Now that I thought about it, wouldn"t it be most effective to slay the Ice Soul Python while it was asleep, when its guard was down? All I needed to do was attack its weak point, the eyes, and I would be able to finish this job once and for all.

Drawing the sword that Zhao Shi had given me, I used Jin to dash toward the Ice Soul Python"s eye and stabbed down.


A frosty qi buffeted me, knocking me off my feet. I rolled as something ma.s.sive slammed down on where I fell on earlier, pulverizing the dirt. Jumping up, I evaded a forked tongue that almost stabbed through me.

The d.a.m.ned thing was awake all this time!?

Or perhaps the Ice Soul Python was sensitive enough to have woken up when it sensed my killing intent. Whatever the case, it was pointless thinking about it. I had to evade the monster before it caught me in those crushing coils of its.

Actually, the Ice Soul Python was more likely to swallow me whole, given how tiny I was compared to its whole body. Its head alone was several times larger than my whole body. Gulping, I jumped back and used Tui to retreat.


The Ice Soul Python hissed as it lashed out like a whip, its serpentine body darting toward me. With a curse, I used Tui again and widened the distance between us. The Ice Soul Python smashed into the side of the cave, bringing the rocks tumbling down, but its sheer size shrugged off the attacks and it continued to lunge after me.

"I am so out of here."

Muttering, I twisted around to avoid getting swallowed again, disappearing from in front of the Ice Soul Python and materializing elsewhere. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I immediately spun around and activated Jin to dash out of the cave.

"Incoming!" I hollered at the waiting Zhao Shi, Da Ge and Zi Xiao Ji. The trio had already spread out and waited in ambush positions, having expected me to successfully lure the Ice Soul Python. I didn"t tell them about my failed attempt to slay it while it was asleep.


The Ice Soul Python burst out of the cave. As it did so, Zhao Shi and Da Ge descended upon it. Zhao Shi slashed at its head, her blade narrowly missing the eyes and striking the armored scales that covered its neck. Behind, Da Ge attempted to cleave the Ice Soul Python in half with his Giant Slayer, but the Ice Soul Python"s armored scales proved impenetrable to his broadsword. Da Ge swore as the broad blade merely bounced off.

The Ice Soul Python writhed and lashed out, attempting to coil around the two, but both of them dove out of the way, narrowly escaping its serpentine body. Its tail whipped out to lash out at them, but they managed to dodge again.

"Just die already!"

Zhao Shi was shouting angrily as she slashed at the Ice Soul Python again, but her sword proved ineffective, unable to pierce through the armored scales. Da Ge ran behind and swung his broadsword down with all his might, but was similarly unsuccessful, the armored scales all but impervious to his attacks.

No wonder Tang Qi Hong wants the armored scales of the Ice Soul Python as spirit materials for her armor and equipment. They are really resilient!

Unfortunately, this was no time to be impressed by the Ice Soul Python"s st.u.r.diness. If we failed to slay it, we would get eaten, or at best we would be forced to escape with our tails between our legs.

After coming all the way up this mountain and braving the elements, I was pretty sure that failure would leave a bitter aftertaste. Not to mention, we wouldn"t be able to get the gold and corresponding rewards for this mission.

"The Ice Soul Python"s scales are too tough!" Zhao Shi warned. "We"ve to target its weak spot! The eyes!"

"Easier said than done!" Da Ge grunted as he dodged another deadly attack from the Ice Soul Serpent"s whip-like tail. "The d.a.m.ned thing is moving around too much!"

"Is…is there anything I can do?"

Even though Zi Xiao Ji had drawn her short sword, she remained at a safe distance, spectating for the most part. I noticed that her sword was black, almost like iron, but didn"t seem sharp at all. To be honest, it resembled a blunt iron club more than a sharp, bladed weapon. Yet there was something about the qi in the sword that bothered me.

Then I realized that the qi didn"t solely belong to the sword. It mostly came from the ominous qi that Zi Xiao Ji infused into her sword.

"Be careful, Miss!" Zhao Shi reminded her tensely. "We don"t want you in combat. Keep your power in control!"


"Don"t worry, Miss Zi. We can handle this!"

Da Ge a.s.sured her with a bright smile. Zi Xiao Ji didn"t look convinced, but she nodded. Taking a deep breath, she gazed upon the Ice Soul Python with golden eyes, something insidious flickering inside them.

As if there was another personality dwelling within the deep shadows of her soul…

Well, this wasn"t the time to get all philosophical and poetic. I had to help. Using Shadow Steps, I suddenly appeared in front of the Ice Soul Python"s face while it was distracted by Da Ge and Zhao Shi. Spinning around, I plunged the sword deep into its eye, causing it to wail horrifically and thrash about violently.


I was dislodged from the Ice Soul Python"s vicious death throes. Or at least I thought so, but I realized that its qi wasn"t fading away that much. If anything, it was growing stronger and more aggressive.

"d.a.m.n it!"

"Be careful!" Zhao Shi shouted at me from below before dodging the Ice Soul Python"s huge tail, which smashed into the ground once more.

"I"m trying!"

"Over here!"

Near the belly, Da Ge grunted as he parried a blow from the Ice Soul Python with his broadsword. The ground beneath his feet cracked, but as expected of the st.u.r.dy fellow, he endured the tremendous weight behind that strike.

I hit the ground near Da Ge before rolling to his feet. Despite his struggling, he grinned at me.

"Good job, Fei Wu!"

"It"s not over yet," I warned cautiously, especially when I saw the vengeful Ice Soul Python rearing back before dashing toward us.

"I know. But can you pull that trick off again? Make sure you sink your sword deeper this down, though."

"I"ll try." I suddenly realized Da Ge"s intentions, and nodded. Taking a deep breath, I readied myself just as the Ice Soul Python lunged at us, its jaws wide open.


With a determined bellow, Da Ge stomped forward and swung his broadsword. Realizing the danger, the Ice Soul Python clamped its jaws shut but continued its ferocious charge. A huge azure wave of qi rippled from Da Ge"s broadsword and sliced into the Ice Soul Python"s snout, but as before, its glacial armored scales absorbed the attack without any visible damage.

Even without its fangs, the Ice Soul Python was still a formidable monster. It crashed onto Da Ge"s position and he was forced to endure the full momentum behind its blow, parrying its closed jaws with his broadsword. Grunting, he sank his feet deep into the ground, but was unable to halt the Ice Soul Python"s charge. Skidding backward, he left deep furrows in the snow and ground, steam billowing upward from the intense friction.

Fortunately, he didn"t have to endure for long. Dashing from beside him, I activated Jin to dash in front of the Ice Soul Python"s remaining eye while it was still distracting. Infusing my sword with qi, I stabbed its other eye, completely blinding it.

Even as the Ice Soul Python shrieked in agony, I drove my sword deeper and unleashed a burst of pure but volatile qi into its eye, igniting it with the natural qi from the rich environment. The qi blast reached the brain of the Ice Soul Python and instantly reduced it into a b.l.o.o.d.y mess, imploding it against its thick skull and finally killing it.


Yanking my embedded sword out of the Ice Soul Python"s ruined socket, I dropped to the ground and struggled to catch my breath.


Freed from having to block the Ice Soul Python"s charge, Da Ge collapsed to sit on the snow, perspiration dripping down his face despite the low temperature. Exhausted, he grinned at me and flashed me a thumb"s up.

"Great work, Fei Wu!"

"Yeah, good job."

Even Zhao Shi was nodding, impressed by my handiwork. She showed a rare smile as she glanced at my sword, which was dripping with the Ice Python"s blood.

"I made the right choice to give that to you."

"Thanks," I murmured, winded.

"Yay!" Zi Xiao Ji cheered as she dropped down to rejoin us. "You did it, everyone! You completed the mission!"

Unfortunately, her celebration was premature. As soon as she dropped to the ground, there was a huge tremor that rocked the plateau upon which we were perched.

Zi Xiao Ji went still. "What was that?"

"No…it can"t be…"

Zhao Shi turned pale as she glanced back at the cave where the Ice Soul Python came from. Da Ge gulped.

"What is it?"

"At least it wouldn"t be the second head of the Ice Soul Python," I muttered, knowing for sure that this wasn"t a two-headed Ice Soul Python. I mean, for heaven"s sake, the d.a.m.ned thing had crawled out of there and even attacked us with its tail. And that would truly be ripping off the Memory Chapter of the Spirit Realm dongman.

"No," Zhao Shi replied as she trembled. "It"s worse."

I blinked at that, fear and disbelief filling my heart. "What could possibly be worse than a two-headed Ice Soul Python?"

I got my answer when something burst out of the cave, bellowing furiously as it crashed down on our position.