I Want To Enjoy A Country Life!

Chapter 9

09. Foolishness is an Illness.*


The King personally watched the military training today, and yet where the h.e.l.l is Yuan?
He did not partic.i.p.ate in either the morning breakfast or the ma.s.s and even now, an hour before the military drills commence, he was nowhere to be seen.

Not coming home after going somewhere in the middle of the night, how deplorable for a member of the royal family!

I somehow could not calm down and paced the long hallway facing the entry hall. At that moment, I heard the sounds of footsteps in the hallway and when I raised my head, Yuan was there. In addition to that, his facial skin had a very glossy quality.

“Yuan, it looks like you’ve enjoyed a lot last night.
“Brother, good morning.”
“I was surprised you stayed out all night and came home in the morning.”
“This is the first time I have had such a refres.h.i.+ng morning. Well then, please excuse me.”

Yuan left at a rash pace after bowing to me. A refres.h.i.+ng morning, he said? The same serious Yuan who had been so straight-laced until now?

I was worried about Yuan since he showed no signs of having a woman. Although he had been with some women, he only thinks of sating his desires so it ends before midnight comes. Did they do it until morning?

I instinctively became troubled then and there. What in the world happened during his disappearance…?


I let the water from the shower flow between my thighs and though I tried to suppress it, I was unable to settle the heat at all.

On the contrary, the appearance of Aine-niisama is seared into my mind and won’t go away. Aine-nissama is just so adorable! The moment he rode me was too much! It’s tough how the raw sensation and scene won’t leave my mind.

『Yuan….you idiot…..』

Slurred words, steaming cheeks, moist eyes.

When I woke up, seeing Aine-niisama’s state made me gulp naturally. I even thought it was a dream. It happened when I was half-asleep but I’d like to praise the half-asleep me. Aine-niisama’s voice was sweet, urging me to make him cry out even more.


I stroke myself while recalling how Aine-niisama’s c.o.c.k rubbed against mine this morning. Aine-niisama’s c.o.c.k seemed not often used compared to mine, but it was a lovely thing with a pretty pink color. Having it rub against my own dark red c.o.c.k was so filthy it made me c.u.m. The movement of my hand turned faster and I shot out c.u.m.

It’s feels empty doing it alone after all… Aine-niisama…

“I seem like a boy who just learned of first love…”

As expected, I want to be beside Aine-niisama. If possible, I also want to pursue agriculture and live together. I’ll eat the meal Aine-niisama made and sleep at night in the same bed.

I thought about withdrawing as a successor candidate, but remembering Aine-niisama’s sad expression made me reject the idea.


I’m greally glad it’s sunny today!

I exhaled loudly while drying the sheets I washed. That b.a.s.t.a.r.d Yuan, he mistook me for a woman. That mistake happened because we slept in the same bed. When Yuan was recovering in my house, he slept on the bed while I used the hammock. The next time Yuan comes, I’m sleeping in the hammock so even if I woke him up by mistake, there will be no problem. I patted Daigorou who nestles close to my feet as I resolved myself.

“Yo, Aine.”
“You’re drying the sheets, did you wet the bed?”
“You’re wrong! This is because Yuan—–”
“The General?”
“I-it’s nothing!”

As if I can say I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed after getting pushed down because I got mistaken as a woman!

I turned my back on Crash-san and entered the house while squeezing my cheeks dyed in embra.s.sment.

“To think the General will come back this early. You’re really loved, huh?”
“He hated me in the past so I’m a little confused…”

Although he called me “b.a.s.t.a.r.d” before, he’s suddenly calling me Aine-niisama now.

“Didn’t he just feel your brotherly love when you saved him?”
“Is that so?”
“You still have a debt remaining from the hand that saved you, right? You really don’t have to bear it.”

Crash-san said that while laughing and hugged me with a bandaged hand. Hey, don’t squeeze so much…good joob not getting embraced to death, self.

“I don’t know what brotherly love is, Daigorou!”

Arf! Daigorou barked in surprised when I clung to him.


The military drill ended without flaws.

“Remain zealous,” Father blessed them with those words. Neither good nor bad. You might say the training is a success.

We left the balcony and headed to the dining hall afterwards to have a meal. Yuan and I also just watched today’s training from the balcony. I was surprised to witness the soldiers give Yuan overwhelming approval. The moment Yuan appeared from the balcony, the soldiers yelled and some even burst into tears in deep emotions.

They were amazed at Yuan’s achievements during the war with Roland Kingdom. It was apparent he will become a General who would go down in history within the Kingdom.

“Yuan, I am expecting from you.”

Therefore, I want him support me as my right-hand man. However, seeing Yuan’s state when he returned makes my uneasiness grow stronger.
I have no need for a fool——–.
Just when I thought of that, I remembered the fool who disappeared several years ago. The second prince who can only run his mouth and has no ability at all.

“Hey, Carl.”
“Yes, Leichel-sama.”

I spoke to Carl who was waiting behind the King.

“Where is that fool right now? Two years pa.s.sed since then but he has not come back until this day. Is he dead?”

“Are you referring to Aine-sama? There is no news of him so I am not aware but the possibility is——”


I heard the sound of the wall getting hit and when I turned around, I caught Yuan’s eyes looking at me.

“What’s wrong, Yuan? Did remembering that fool made you feel unpleasant?”
“No, that is not the case. It’s because you are insulting Aine-niisama.”
“You are concerned about him? What could have happened—”
“The person who found me in forest and nursed me until I was able to stand up was Aine-niisama. He is a kind person.”

Yuan’s expression slackened as he talked with something like an absentminded expression. I see, he spent the time he disappeared with that fool.

“Yes, sir!”

I called out to Marius, the Captain of the Royal Guards. Marius approached me quickly and kneeled down, waiting for my orders.

“Seize Aine Lucruberg for lese majeste. Finalize the arrangements.”
“Brother Leichel! What are you—!?”
“You also approved before, did you not? That is the royal family’s horse. Stealing that and taking it out of the palace is no doubt lese majesty.”
“That is the royal family’s horse but at the same time, it is also Aine-niisama’s! What absurdity! I cannot overlook this even if you are my older brother.”

Yuan said so and with his face dyed in anger, he reached out to the sword hanging on his waist.

“Marius, guide Yuan to the dungeons.”
“Right now, you are in confusion. Cool your head down for a night. In the meantime, I will make the man who turned you into that state pay. Marius, I’m counting on you.”
“Brother, please stop! Brother!”

He was still in recovery so although he was the military general, Yuan was unable to escape from Marius. After sending a fleeting glance at my little brother, I ran after Father who already left ahead.

Foolishness is an illness. Never in my wildest dreams did I thought Yuan would be infected. I will capture the fool who made you that unbecoming and make him disappear from this world. It will be very regrettable if the skillful Yuan breaks. I must dispose of the virus.

“Father, do you have a moment?”

I thought Father would stop and look at me, but he kept on walking without saying anything. Therefore, this is as good as tacit consent———-.

“As the next King, I, Leichel Lucruberg, will deal with the disgrace of our relative. I will not let that fool live.”