I Will Quit the Entourage of the Villainess

Chapter 19


His highness the crown prince’s expression who had just been laughing, very quickly stiffened.


“Nonetheless, I was aware…… I was aware of it and said nothing. For your concern, I thank you.”


His highness pursed his lips and gazed at me while lightly nodding.


“Your highness……”


It was just like, I from the beginning was looking forward to it, though naturally such a thing wasn’t so. It was completely overestimating.


His highness lightly waved his hand at the chamberlain who stayed near the door ordering people to clear out.

Thereupon the chamberlain withdrew as though they understood.


“Is this okay?”


Of course I have no reason or intention to harm his highness, but isn’t it too early to trust me.


“Ahh, it doesn’t matter. From here on it is not content that can be carelessly talked about.”


“As you’ve a.s.sessed, Angie-jou is his majesty the late king’s concubine, Consort Rose’s daughter…… In other words it’s highly probable a princess of the late king. Are you aware that the current majesty the king and his predecessor are not parent and child?” (TLN: Ughhh. Consort, princess, queen and empress seems to use the same character and I was having trouble choosing which to use.)


“Yes…… I do know. His majesty the late king died some time after he a.s.sumed the throne, because there was no successor, the present king Philip-sama who was a duke at the time was enthroned. However certainly, I remember Consort Rose also pa.s.sed away following his majesty Henry.”


Thus naturally, Consort Rose should never have had any children.

The reason why I could not immediately a.s.sociate Angie-jou’s pink hair with Consort Rose, in fact it was a large reason why.


“That’s right. As you’ve said, because his majesty Henry had no children, the crown to my father Philip of the royal family branch was enthroned…… It came to pa.s.s.”


“…… It came to pa.s.s?”


“Ahh. This is my guess however…… Perhaps, the cause of His majesty the late king’s cause of death………… Is poisoning.”


At the time, there was no legitimate child between his majesty the late king Henry and the queen. Also, his majesty Henry married Consort Rose as concubine together with his coronation. His affection for Consort Rose was deep, she as well also loved the king deeply. Consort Rose who was deeply saddened by the death of the king, lived the rest of her life in despair…… That is what I know of the story.


“Why, do you think it is poisoning? The evidence ……?”


Because in this world there is no legally ordered autopsy, it would not be possible to collect poison from corpses. But, this sort of serious matter, it would be unlikely to be said by one who would be his highness the crown prince without positive proof.


“Still, reliable evidence has yet to be obtained in this case. However at that time, after the death of the king the maid who carried out serving meals, shortly afterwards the maid resigned her duties and returned to her home town. For the purpose of marriage, was the rumor……”


“The whereabouts are not known, is the reason huh.”




It seems likely they were immediately erased. However, if it was poisoning, I wonder who is the culprit.

His majesty the late king pa.s.sed away, the person who benefits the most…… that is……


A strand of sweat ran down my back.

It can’t be……


“At least for this incident, my father his majesty Philip will be involved. Also another person, there is a figure who gained benefit from this.”


I gazed at his highness’ emerald green eyes, and nodded.


“Together with his majesty Philip’s enthronement rose to prime minister, Doranju(ドランジュ) Duke……”


Doranju Duke…… That duke household, despite being the Queen’s house of birth was not appointed to a responsible post by his majesty Henry, no political position was given.

And thus he is his majesty the present king Philip’s prime minister, holding enormous influence on national politics…… it is Remy-sama’s, father