I Will Quit the Entourage of the Villainess

Chapter 8

While discussing with Sisie about the slippers, konkon, there was a knock.

“Yes, I am here.”

Sisie announces her arrival.

“Sisie, I wonder has Cosette woken up?”

“Oku-sama! Sorry, Cosette-sama is awake. Please come in.”(TLN: Oku-sama seems to mean madam/Married lady/wife. On a side note I can’t remember if I translated that as Oku-sama or madam in the previous chapter.)

It seems Okaa-sama has finished sending off the guests.

I quickly smoothed the wrinkles of my dress and ran over to Okaa-sama.

“Okaa-sama! I apologize for causing you worries. I am fine now. Because the garden was warm, good heavens, I lost consciousness.”

As not to worry Okaa-sama, I jumped a few times in place to prove my good health.

Dosun! Dosun! (TLN: heavy hopping noises)

Surpa.s.sing the cushioning property, a sound that should have been impossible considering how fluffy the carpet laid out was.

However, Okaa-sama did not mind and simply hugged me tightly.

“Aah! Cosette! I am glad that you are fine! I was so worried when i heard you had collapsed! It felt like Okaa-sama was about to collapse too”

Okaa-sama, was delighted with tears in her deep sapphire blue eyes similar to a lake.

It seems she was truly worried.

A graceful white arm hugs me tightly. Only the same colour of chestnut hair as me and the sweet scent like a flower, I absorbedly buried my face into Okaa-sama’s well rounded chest.

ruly, only the colour is similar……

Truthfully, Okaa-sama and I look alike. Rich chestnut coloured hair and sapphire blue eyes are……

Width is somewhat…… No, considerably…… simply different.

However, at present, the eyes are buried in the flesh. Should the meat come off the eyes should be just as eye-catching as Okaa-sama. Lovely face that can be comparable, after all having the same features, it should be expected to be the same face!


When I was younger, I was praised by everyone around that i was just like Okaa-sama, my daughter loving Otou-sama still says that I am Okaa-sama’s spitting image even now.

As long as I lose weight, I am confident that my beauty is as good as promised!

Absolutely! …… Well, Probably……

As I was blankly engrossed in thought again, Okaa-sama gently spoke while peering into my face.

“Cosette, if you are fine, would you like to have dinner? So Cosette can get well, lets make lots of cosette’s favourites today!”

With Okaa-sama’s happy proposal, to me who had decided to diet, it was a bit hard to get the same joy from it as in the past.

“Okaa-sama…… Actually, I think I will got on a diet, so for dinner I would like to have lots of vegetables.”

The foundation of diet is vegetables.

Vegetables! Root crops! Heated veggies!

To the strong determination that dwelled in my eyes, as though she felt the seriousness, Okaa-sama gave a quiet nod.

“I understand, Cosette. Okaa-sama will cooperate. Cosette is adorable as is, but recently just a little bit plump.”

“Thats right! Therefore diet!”

Although I do not think it is just a little bit, that should be Okaa-sama’s affection.

“But Cosette. In an effort to make nourishment for Cosette, the head chef in high spirits made an extra-large cake. Also Otou-sama was hooked and in high spirits hunted a pheasant and a young rabbit. Both greasy and exceedingly delicious.”

To Okaa-sama’s words, I felt uneasy.

Pheasant meat, young rabbit…… Both are my favourite foods. When made into fresh steak, the tenderness and greasiness…… Gokuri. (TLN: gokuri, I a.s.sume is a swallowing sound.)

Moreover, the head chef put his utmost effort into the cake. Although not to boast, our house’s head chef has been said to possess the most ability and the number one chef in this country. It is a mystery person who refuses the king’s invitation and works for our house…… isn’t he an amazing person.

However, fundamentally he makes whatever I want to make, cakes in particular if it isn’t a tea party he will not make much.

That is why i was looking forward to the tea party today.

I could not eat it …… Uu.

“It was very delicious huh, the cake”

Okaa-sama’s seductive voice sunk in the final blow.



Okaa-sama and Sisie together tilted their heads to the side in puzzlement.

“Diet, will begin from tomorrowーーー! ! !”

Shouting the line that I had heard somewhere, I renewed my decision to diet starting from tomorrow.