I'll Die If I Fall In Love, It's Too Hard!

Chapter 6

Just like how the game goes, right now it was in the middle of a funeral.

“I never thought that another new character will come out there...”

“Y, yeah...”

The gloomy Hina, and perplexed Schulz cat. The place where their translucent self were in right now, was in quite chaos.

Hina’s father (Inside the game) were grabbing Ryou collar in fury. What a chaos.

“You! You killed my daughter, you...!” Hina’s father said in rage. On the other side, Ryou shouted “I didn’t do it! I didn’t do anything!”

Her mother were crying loudly. Yuuji and Hina’s brother were trying to stop her father on going rampage. Even when the tatami were soaked with spilled water, n.o.body in the room tried to clean that. More than that, it’s got dirtied even more by the blood of the men.

It’s a great disaster.

For Schulz that was raised in a quiet peaceful life, this kind of carnage was something that he had never seen before. Everytime someone made a loud voice, Schulz (A cat doll) jolted in surprise.

Even though he didn’t want to see how the things unfold, his eyes couldn"t be helped to get sucked into the situation. The realism of the drama that happened in front of his eyes.

And finally, Ryou snapped.

He laughed hysterically while his disheveled hair swayed. His smile looked like a crazy person would have.

“Hahaha! What a foolish people you guys are! I the one who killed her, you say?! What bulls.h.i.t you guys spouting!? Where’s the proof for that! Fuhahahahaha!”

Ryou laughed like some evil character with foam came out from the tip of his mouth. Wearing his broken eyegla.s.ses, Ryou straighten his cuff as he said haughtily.

“You poor people! I know, you guys were after my family’s money! Alright, I’ll give it,  I’ll give it to you after I succed my company! Let’s settle this without taking this to the court! How about that!?”

Aah, Schulz covered his face with his paw.

To think that that Ryou-san would said something like that... Probably his heart already broken, as he got cornered more and more.

The one who write the story for this game, was Schulz co-worker. She had said how she love Ryou’s character and happily told Schulz about his character setting.

“You know, Ryou-san have really weak mentality, and easily get lonely. That’s why, when people drive him into corner, he have tendency to protect his heart by saying some mean things... But, actually he is really good boy. I think, he will be popular among everyone. I got a little confidence in this. Ehehe”

Since Schulz didn’t really involved in the creation of the game, he just answered curtly with “oh, is that so”

But, look what had happened. Now Ryou-san’s heart already broken.

“You guys will satisfied if I give you 21,600,000 Yen、right!? If that’s not enough, I’ll increase it! 1 billion? You want 1 Billion, huh!?”

Ryou now shouting some word that Schulz would never let his co-worker heard this… Even Schulz himself felt his chest pain hearing those word...

Even so, even with all of this...

“In other word, I’ll stopped if I run, eh”

HIna was laying down, opening her note, and creating a plan like the thing that happened here wasn"t her problem at all.

Even if there were sake bootle flying and people jeers at each other above her, it’s as if she didn’t even notice them at all.

What"s with this kid... unbelievable.

Well, indeed, all of this were just game in the end. But, the thing that happened in front of them seems like reality itself.

Perhaps it was because her life experience. She probably already getting used to this kind of carnage. The fact that she already saw this kind of h.e.l.l before, wasn’t just for show.

Schulz bowed his head down toward Hina, like he’s paying respect to her.

“Hinsan, you are very amazing”

“Eh, why are you suddenly using formal speech?”

“It’s nothing of your concern”

With a face of a buddha, Schulz shakes his head.

Now, let’s turn back the time, let’s woke up Ryou-san from this frightening nightmare...


In front of school gate.

“I can’t seems to enter the school ground, eh...”

This would be the fourth time Hina challenge this game.  In term of Shoujo game she shouldn’t even pa.s.sed a 20 click mark.

Also, this time, Ryou wouldn’t be a problem. He still didn’t know Hina’s face. So as long as she didn’t do something auspicious, he wouldn’t call her.

In the end the one she had to be cautious to was, Mishima Yuuji. That pet type childhood friend already know how she looks. As soon as she enter his field of vision, then he would follow her no matter where she goes, and finally stopped her breath.

He was just like a aiming bullet.

Alright, Hina pump herself up.

She had to move as fast as possible, without creating to much ruckus. Hina moved both of her legs and walk like a swan. Though, right now she didn"t look like she had a weak const.i.tution no matter how you see it, it can’t be helped. If she kept following how the setting goes, she would never reached the locker no matter how many time she tried.

She couldn’t saw the presence of the death G.o.d(read: Yuuto) from behind. She could succeed if this goes on.

“Alright, just a little bit more...”

‘Just a little bit more.

A little bit more, I’ll reached the locker...!’

“Oi, you, over there!”

“Aaa, why...”

She was stopped, of course by none other than Ryou. For an instant, she thought to just run away from this place.

But, he surely would chase after her no matter where she goes and finally got her killed. Ryou didn’t look like someone who let anyone run away from him easily just like that. Also, even if Hina tried to shake him off, Hina’s not really good at running.


So she gave up, and turned back.


Ryou walked in steady step toward her.  What would she do if he grabbed her against her collar again like before?

But then, he looked down at Hina with his cool gaze.

“... That’s some unfamiliar face”

He spoke like he know the face of the every student body in this school. No, probably he actually did remembered all of them.

Hina just nodded a little.


She judge that it’s better to not spoke too much.  She learnt this in her battle against Mishima Yuuji.

Hina was a girl that grow up by learning from experience after all.

“Hmm... So that"s it. So, what cla.s.s are you?”


She got startled a bit. Now that he asked her, she didn’t know what cla.s.s she was in.

When she looked at Schulz, he also shakes his head.

“If this is about the system probably I could help, but I almost clueless if it’s something concerning the content of the game...”

“Eh, is that so?”

“What are you doing muttering like that?”

Ryou squint his eyes.

It seems that he didn’t able to heard what Schulz just said. A template development.


As she troubled on how she should answer him, he arrived.

“Oi oi, Ryou-chan, don’t tell me you’re bullying girl, again?”

It’s the red haired devil. He smiled sweetly toward them.

“... Yuuji, huh. It’s not like I bully her, I just trying to carry out my duty as the member of public morals committee”

“Good grief, Ryou-chan, you’re too stiff, you know. Also, that girl is my childhood friend, right, Hina?

‘Aah, so that how things goes’ Hina thought.

These two were in good term with each other, so it"s just a matter whether she met with Yuuji first, or she met with Ryou first.

There’s no choice for her to not saw their conversation like this, as the introduction of the characters.

“Seriously, it’s because you walk off by yourself that you met with this heartless person”

“Don’t just spread bad rumors about people like that, Yuuji”


Yuuji laughed, he laughed brightfully.

Even Ryou, who showing some disappointed expression, looked way more relaxed than a moment ago.

Probably they were best friend with each other. Also, it’s possible that  the developer showing this knowing how the fans would create a couple out of them. She was sure that there were demand for this.

Thought, Hina wasn’t included in the person who demand this.

Though it was kinda surprising, but Hina didn’t really fond with BL. But, she didn’t hate it either. The problem was the thing before that.

Hina couldn’t perceive the love between men as something special. That’s why, she didn’t really felt some pa.s.sionate feeling when she saw those two like that.

She did thought, “Aah, how nice”

But, that was just she would said due to the jealousy of looking at some couple flirting with each other.

They should just dating if they really love each other, even if they wanted to do something perverted, just do it.

That’s why, Hina never discriminate whether it was incest, pedo, BL or even Yuri. Though, since the rule said that you mustn"t do it, she wanted to follow those rules as far as possible.

But in the end, not even discriminating them, Hina herself didn"t really know how to point their differences.

She thought, what was good and what was bad, wasn’t something for her to decide.

As expected of the personification of the 530,000 love power.

Well, let’s leave that aside for now.

Yuuji smiled at Ryou while he looking at Hina. His white teeth looked really bright in her eyes.

Hina thought, ‘Aah’, as she stood in between the two of them.

That gentle mile, she could really felt how much he cared about her from them.

‘I can’t hold it on anymore. Yuuji-kun is just too cool. Let’s arrive to the finish line”

Hina collapsed at that place with a dull sound.

The two boy who jest with each other just a moment ago, frooze.



The tragedy in front of the school gate never stop.

It felt like this school was cursed by something...


Fourth death.

Cause of death: Double hunk. Recital of charm.

One word from Schulz: Ah, bitter.