I’ll Still Love You Even If You’re a Man

Chapter 11

Mai Ding was always a fast learner. When he was younger, he was usually under his mother’s supervision and learned many skills. These skills were often domestic in nature: washing the clothes, cooking a meal for the family, etc. What most people did not know was that Mai Ding’s mother had an ulterior motive. Knowing that her son did not come from a well-to-do family, and did not look exceptionally good-looking, having these skills, she thought, would be a bonus when finding a wife. What she did not know, however, was that her son was already living a life that was very different from what she had planned and hoped.

Currently, Mai Ding was mopping the floor. His parents, on the other hand, were munching on melon seeds. Seeing how relaxed they were, Mai Ding could take it no longer, “Is this really fair? Do you know how difficult it was for me to travel home? And now that I’m home, you guys are actually making me do these ch.o.r.es while the both of you are enjoying yourself?”

“What are you talking about? It is only dutiful and appropriate that as a son, you are serving and respecting your parents.” His mother replied.

Just at that moment, Mai Ding’s phone started ringing, and the number on the screen was one that he did not recognize. “h.e.l.lo? Who are you looking for?” Mai Ding asked as he answered the call.

“Who else can I be looking for if I called your number?” It was that familiar, yet icy tone of voice.

Sheepishly,  and somehow feeling a little guilty, Mai Ding replied softly, “You actually have my number?”

“That day, after we did "it", I saved your number when you were in the shower.”

Mai Ding blushed. “What do you mean by "did it"? Can you be a bit direct about it?”

“That day, after we had s.e.x”

“You are obviously doing this on purpose, aren’t you? You may dare to say it, but, trust me, I shudder hearing it. Besides ‘did’ and ‘have s.e.x’, can’t you use a better phrase?”

“That day, after I thrusted into you”

“I…I…” Mai Ding was furious beyond words. He didn’t know how to respond to such insolence.

Without letting Mai Ding respond, An Ziyan continued, “Are you free tomorrow?”

“What"s up?”

“Let’s go on a date.”

Even though he was asking Mai Ding out on a date, it sounded like a common request, as if telling Mai Ding, “Come. Let’s eat.”, however cliché and overbearing he might sound, his request made Mai Ding feel like he was the luckiest guy on Earth.

Afraid that An Ziyan would back out of the date, Mai Ding immediately replied, “Alright. I’ll set the alarm earlier tomorrow morning so that I can take the bus to your place. Please wait for me?” There were a couple of reasons why Mai Ding didn’t want An Ziyan to pick him up from his home. First, he was afraid his parents would find out about their relationship. Second, he didn’t want his boyfriend to feel tired even before the date. “And also…” Before Mai Ding could continue, An Ziyan had already hung up.

Seeing her son act so suspiciously, Mai Ding’s mother could tell that something was not right. She crept behind her son and took his phone. “Ding Ding, do you have a girlfriend?” she asked suddenly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Trying to retrieve his phone, he said, “What girlfriend are you talking about? I don’t have one!”

“You don’t have to lie to me. You are already old enough to have one. Your mom here won’t object to you having one. I am not some old-fashioned mother. Come, tell me.”

“There is nothing to say because I don’t have one.” Mai Ding protested.

Mai Ding’s mother glanced at the screen but saw only a string of numbers and no name was registered. She returned the phone to him, saying, “Ding Ding, if you have one, you must let me see her. I’m never wrong when it comes to people. I will be a good judge of that person’s character.”

“Okay.” he said as he quickly kept his phone and ran to his room. It was too risky to leave his phone around.

Once he was in his room, he quickly saved An Ziyan’s number and purposely registered him as “Cla.s.smate An” in his contacts. After that, he opened his closet, and tried to pick something out to wear for his date. After looking through all his clothes for nearly half a day, he managed to find something suitable. The next half of the day was spent in front of the mirror, trying on the clothes he had picked out. When everything was well prepared, he lied down on his bed, but couldn’t fall asleep. He tossed and turned as he lay there in nervous antic.i.p.ation of this date to come. “Alright!” he a.s.sured himself. “It will definitely be a date to remember!” And after tossing for nearly half the night, Mai Ding finally fell asleep.

The next morning, Mai Ding got up very early. He left a note for his parents telling them that he was going out, then he excitedly left the apartment.

When he finally reached An Ziyan’s house, he shouted, “An Ziyan!”

After a long while, An Ziyan finally opened the door. In his hands were his car keys. “Let’s go.” Not even a simple greeting was said. Mai Ding just obediently followed An Ziyan inside the car.

In the car, Mai Ding couldn’t help but ask, “So where are we going?”

“You’ll know when we get there.”

“Someone is being secretive, isn’t he? Why? Are you feeling a little shy?” Mai Ding tried to tease An Ziyan.

There was no reply.

Thinking that he was truly embarra.s.sed, Mai Ding continued, “You don’t have to make it too spectacular. As long as there’s a romantic start and a romantic end to this date, I’ll be satisfied.”

There was still no reply. Mai Ding scowled and decided to look at the scenery outside instead. Everything outside looked unfamiliar. He hadn’t been to this part of the country, but indeed it was beautiful.

After twenty minutes of driving, they finally arrived at a huge metal gate. An Ziyan stopped just outside the gate where many cars were parked. Mai Ding left the car together with An Ziyan. “Where are we going?”

“Once we"re there, you’ll know.”

When Mai Ding looked ahead, he could see a forest before him. It was a misty morning, and when he listened carefully, he could even hear birds singing in the trees. Looking around, he could also see some people walking up a mountain path. “Not bad” He said to himself. “This An Ziyan actually brought me to a place that is actually awe-inspiring and poetic.”

After walking for some time, Mai Ding was getting a little tired. Suddenly, he saw a sign by the road side: Bungee Jumping ahead.

Mai Ding’s heart rate started to rise. He suddenly had a bad feeling about this date. At that instant, he also saw a metal platform hanging from the edge of a cliff, and there were tourists gathering around that area, some cheering people on, and some just plain screaming. The sight sent a chill down his back. He tried calming himself down by telling himself that An Ziyan was only taking him here to do some sightseeing, and not do that.

“Two tickets.” he heard An Ziyan say.

“Sure. Please wait for a moment, could you go to that corner to take a physical examination?” was the reply from the person at the counter.

The person doing the physical examination was a lady, and she went on to check their blood pressure and weight. Mai Ding could tell that the lady was eyeing his boyfriend. She spent a longer time taking his pressure and weight whereas for Mai Ding, it was over in a jiffy. But this was no time to be jealous. He glared at An Ziyan and said, “What do you want to do with me?”

An Ziyan completely ignored him and gave him a look that kind of said, “If you dare run away, I will make you jump off this cliff without a bungee cord.”

Just then, one of the people working there came to them to get them to sign a declaration of indemnity. “Am I really going to die?” Mai Ding only saw bungee jumping on TV and even when watching it on TV, it was already frightening. What more now? It was only after putting on the safety harness and suit when Mai Ding suddenly lost it and started yelling. “I wanted a romantic date, dammit! And you actually brought me here to die? I will not jump! If anyone dares to push me, I swear I will kill him! Stay away from me!”

In some ways, that actually worked. Staff members of the bungee company stayed away from Mai Ding, hoping that he would calm down.

“Stop being so noisy.” An Ziyan said, hugging Mai Ding and jumping off with him.

The whole valley was filled with Mai Ding’s scream for help. And after a while, you could hear Mai Ding continuing, “You mad man! You crazy f.u.c.ker! I wanted romantic! Let go of me now! I beg you, ok? We could die!”

“AAAHHHHHHHHH……” That falling feeling made Mai Ding feel as if his heart was about to pop out of his mouth. Blood was rushing to his head and it was making him breathless. All he could do was hug An Ziyan even tighter. “I’m gonna hate you for life!” he swore.

Mai Ding’s throat was going to burst from all the shouting and screaming. And when he was finally back on solid ground, his face was still white from the terror and shock. His hands were still holding on to An Ziyan, refusing to let go. He was feeling faint but he will never forget this feeling ever again. He glared at An Ziyan who looked as if nothing had happened and wondered, “Does this person even love me?”

When they were finally down from the mountain, Mai Ding still felt sick. Even though he was still feeling dizzy, he could still scold An Ziyan. “You tricked me into doing this by telling me that this was a date!”

An Ziyan shrugged. “If I didn’t say it was a date, you wouldn’t have come.” he said very matter-of-factly.

It was all a lie from the start. Mai Ding was stunned by the revelation. An Ziyan just wanted to have some fun after all! This despicable moron! Idiot! Low-life! There were so many words that Mai Ding wanted to hurl at him but he no longer had the energy to do so. His arms and legs were all wobbly and in his heart, he had lost all hope.

Mai Ding sighed loudly.

While sitting in An Ziyan’s car, Mai Ding continued sighing like a grumpy old lady, and while he was wading in his own drama-queen moment, An Ziyan had already arrived at the next destination. He had stopped at a restaurant. He turned to Mai Ding and said, “And now… our date begins.”

Mai Ding got down from the car, folding his arms. “It’s too late.” He growled. “I will have to reconsider this relationship.” But An Ziyan was already walking into the restaurant, not paying attention to a word he was saying. Mai Ding could only hurriedly follow him.

So, is there any point in demanding a romantic time with someone? When you are with An Ziyan, hoping for romance is almost futile, but life is not all about romance, isn’t it? A blessed relationship has its own qualities. These two guys will know it all too well.


To be continued....