I'm Not Shouldering This Blame

Chapter 13

  Knowing that the girl he likes has a Major as an older brother and that she"s the CEO"s daughter, a.s.sistant Lin"s jaw dropped.

  Li Fei"s eyes slowly moved to Zhang YaoJin"s face.
  Because of being under the wind and sun all year round, Zhang YaoJin has a darker complexion and has lean and soldierly qualities. But if you look carefully——the outline of that face, if a few percent softer will almost be the same as Secretary Zhang XiaoJie"s face.
  The CEO has a pair of unrelated step children at home. This thing is not news to the company"s executives. They just did not see Liang Jun bring them out before. Li Fei is also not interested in this gossip, but who would have thought——

  Li Fei suppressed the surge of the restless power.
  To go against the Nation"s weapons, the difficulty would be too high and the price too great. Rational people will not rashly resist. Even if Li Fei had a power that he could not understand, he didn"t have the confidence to control the beast.

  If used, except for Geng Tian in this room, he is afraid that the others will die.
  Liang Jun is not a demanding businessman. Star Entertainment also has the best reputation among the other companies in the circle. Li Fei is the only movie actor in China who didn"t open his own studio. He was taken care of by the company and Liang Jun for many years, not leaving even when the contract expired, of course he wouldn"t spite them.

  Zhang YaoJin felt the dangerous atmosphere subside and his tight nerves finally relaxed.
  He stared at Li Fei in a complicated way and sternly said: "If you cooperate with the investigation, I promise that if you are innocent, the outside world does not need to know what happened today. "
  Finished speaking, he waved: "Take him away!"

  What makes Li Fei surprised is, while surrounded by the soldiers who took him away, although the guards" eyes are wary, their actions are very polite. It"s not at all coa.r.s.e and rude. No one took out handcuffs and detained his freedom of movement.

  "And him." Zhang YaoJin next pointed at the crowd towards Geng Tian.
  Geng Tian suddenly changed his expression. He looked at the serious looking Liang Jun and also looked at the actions of Li Fei. So he did not say anything, just hung his head and was escorted away.

  The elevator went directly to the underground garage where a couple of Jeeps with police licence plates quickly drove off.
  Liang Jun who was standing in front of the window recovered. With a straight face, he ordered: "All the things that happened today, no one is allowed to say it outside!"
  Everyone looked at each other, feeling anxious while thinking of what Li Fei did. How did it become such a big issue?Does is mean that the Pearl Hotel"s explosion is really related to Li Fei?

  What is he planning ah!
  To be labeled as a terrorrist, is there a future for the movie actor?

  The Jeeps went all the way to Haicheng"s military district, pa.s.sing through several checkpoints and finally stopping in front of an old office building.
  The walls inside the building were painted in green. The lights on the corridor are dim but the guards are very strict. Every once in a while, there would be an armed soldier.

  Li Fei was taken to a room at the end of the corridor. The furnishings inside is like that of a guest house a few decades ago.
  The paint on the tables and chairs are pleasant to the eyes. The cup served has a very simple pattern. The pictorials attached to the wall are printed propaganda slogans such as the Patriotic Love Party.
  But for the special circ.u.mstances, Li Fei is suspicious at what kind of stage the crew set up.

  Zhang YaoJin did not play the drama of keeping people here for hours. He came in from the front, looking back to lock the door and with several fully-armed guards arranged at every corner of the room, he coldly said: "Sit. "
  There is only one chair in the room, Li Fei did not talk much.

  Always standing behind Zhang YaoJin is JunZhuang XiaoGe. He removed a photo from a folder and pushed it in front of Li Fei"s eyes.
  There is a time in the upper right of the photo. It was a picture taken from a surveillance camera. Impressively, the people inside it is Geng Tian. He was guarding a man out of the staircase who had a jacket over his head.

  "It"s me. " Li Fei looked down at the photo and very readily admitted.
  "You lived on the 48th floor. Ten minutes after the incident you are on the third floor……your reaction speed is not slow. "
  Li Fei looked calm. He had calculated the time. It was nothing unreasonable but it"s probably not what Zhang YaoJin wanted to show him——there are no surveillance cameras in the hotel stairwell, so it should be from one of the rooms in the hallway.

  Sure enough, a few photos spread on the table.
  "Things happened and during the time when the hotel issued emergency procedures, we have been looking at the monitoring at the 48th floor frame by frame. You were in your room but there is no record of you leaving it. "

  The group that blew up the hotel probably thought that when time stagnated in that world, the camera wouldn"t work. The leader is probably lazy and did not destroy the Pearl Hotel"s surveillance. Li Fei is silent.

  "Do you have anything to explain?" Zhang YaoJin is good at discovering the mood changes of suspects but he found nothing today. Li Fei is either too calm, or the movie actor"s acting skills is high enough that he could play the unsuspecting innocent.

  A photo proved nothing. If you rely on this to catch people, arrest warrants would be too easy to issue.
  Li Fei, from the rank seen on Zhang YaoJin, realized that the country paid attention to this Pearl Hotel case more than he imagined.

  What kind of task force can use the military interrogation room?
  Who can arrest a public figure without a search warrant and with a gun.
  Li Fei closed his eyes. When he opened it again, it was clear and bright: "Even if I wanted to say the truth, I"m afraid no one would believe it. "

  Zhang YaoJin frowned deeply, while JunZhuang XiaoGe behind him isn"t so calm. Although he"s still serious, he cannot help but look strangely at Li Fei.
  At first, Li Fei thought it was the normal reaction at seeing a movie actor.
  But he"s not a giant panda, looking for a few times is enough, this relentless look——even though Li Fei"s fans are numerous, he does not think he can match the national treasure. This is the problem that he"s worrying about.

  "I don"t know what"s in the surveillance cameras, but I heard a conversation in the stairwell."
  Li Fei repeated the conversation.
  A suspected gang searched the hotel after committing the crime and also talked about this "large-scale awakening day".

  JunZhuang XiaoGe"s eyes are shining: Just like that ridiculous group chat!
  He could not help but look back at Zhang YaoJin. The latter is still expressionless, he can"t see what he"s thinking at all.

  "I"ll trouble you to continue to stay here for a while. We still have to ask your bodyguard. If there"s anything you can think of, feel free to inform us. " Zhang YaoJin left the room after he finished speaking.
  The door was not locked but the inside and outside has a tight guard, there"s no difference with a lock.
  The difference is probably——if Li Fei looked for a lawyer, one, he is not "imprisoned", two, he did not wear handcuffs, third is that he"s not interrogated, just "cooperated with the investigation".

  "Major, the maximum output surpa.s.sed the limit of the miniature energy detector. "
  He was the person responsible for "guarding" the soldiers around Li Fei and with an agitated hand, he handed over the report.
  Looking at the curve data on the white paper, Zhang YaoJin"s face is darker than the bottom of the pot.
  He felt like someone came over to say that an anti-armor bazooka is ready to fire and if it was in a good mood, it will blow you like a cannon fodder.

  "About his situation, he can"t go through the security on airports. "
  The spilled energy fluctuates too much, to a shocking extent.

  "And his bodyguard——"
  Zhang YaoJin has more than one report on his hands. This time, the data is small. The lines are also relatively flat but still much above normal.
  "Well done. " Zhang YaoJin squeezed out these words from his teeth.
  Today they brought two people. If they went to the airport or take the subway, walking through the security check would be very fun !First they have to evacuate these people and get them to thoroughly understand the situation. The affected flight/traffic would be small compared to if it was mistaken to a terrorist attack which will bring chaos.

  "Major, are we going to check out Li Fei"s side to see if there"s anyone who"s called these names?"
  The one responsible for the group chats is JunZhuang XiaoGe and while looking strangely: "Especially that Jian Hua. "

  "Finish things up and just report it. " Zhang YaoJin tossed the report into his hands and strode out of the way.
  When his people saw you, he sees you, his face became bitter.
  This world is a book?Are you kidding!If he reported it to the Chief, will they really believe him?

  Of course Zhang YaoJin"s troubles did not end. After two days of investigation, new clues has been reported one after the other.
  "Major, there"s nothing new on the Pearl Hotel"s surveillance. "
  "Through a carpet search, in Huai City"s Development Zone beside the Pearl Hotel, there is a missing restaurant waiter called Guan Cheng. "

  Zhang YaoJin finally heard some good news and despite his drowsy mind, he immediately ordered to find the missing person. He had a premonition that the waiter knew more inside information.
  Because this person is "missing", he did not find his existence in the survellaince cameras, as if he suddenly disappeared.

  Zhang YaoJin"s headache is about another case regarding the death of a couple that he wanted to trace. He didn"t know who destroyed the surveillance records of Universal Studios" parking lot. The supermarkets and other floors" shops are still under surveillance but he did not get anything of value.
  The Studios" staff member remembered that the couple went there to watch a movie. As to when they left and with whom they took the elevator, there really is no impression.

  Zhang YaoJin now has a sheet of paper of whom the tickets of that movie are sold to.
  A total of more than 30 tickets in which half of them are bought through group deals which have been cleared through their bank account online transactions. The other half is from the Studio"s membership card purchases showing discount tickets in the evening. There is a system of reporting lost membership card, so real names are used.
  The trouble is the three tickets purchased at full price. There is no set viewing program and people can appear randomly. Without the surveillance records, they"re extremely difficult to find.

  "First, check those people that you can find and see if there"s someone acting strange. For example, if they"ve been to a hospital, or if……"
  Zhang YaoJin"s words have not finished yet when a subordinate ran in while holding a mobile phone: "Huai City University reported that two girls went missing for more than 72 hours. "

  "What are the names?"
  "It"s on the list, online tickets……a bank account named Lu Yuan. They said she went to the movies with her roommate and never returned to school. "

  JunZhuang XiaoGe quietly read and looked at Zhang YaoJin, he cautioned: "Major, in fact there is another thing. It may have nothing to do with the case but it can also be related. "

  "The movie they watched before the accident, it"s played by Li Fei. "

  He really is everywhere.

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