I'm Not Shouldering This Blame

Chapter 16

    It was a great opportunity to drive a wedge between two S-cla.s.s ability holders.
    Should he provoke them or should he say the truth?

    Zhang YaoJin hesitated for a second: "We are looking for a person named Jian Hua. The only clue that we have is that he may be related to Li Fei. "
    It was a bit of a detour but Jian Hua understood immediately. He wondered in his mind: Neither the surveillance records nor Li Fei exposed him, since when was his name on the black list of the National Secret Service?

    Even if there was no Pearl Hotel incident, will he still get implicated with his a.s.sociation with Li Fei?
    His face went black for one second before returning, Jian Hua suddenly speechless.

    Major Zhang can actually avoid answering and let Jian Hua misunderstand Li Fei. He can also fan the flames and distort the facts.

    The investigations show that Jian Hua is just a stuntman that signed up with the actor Li Fei the day before yesterday. There was no connection but there are many things in the world that do not look the same on the surface. In front of an someone"s acquaintance, discrediting his relationship with the other person is not a wise choice——how can he be sure that they really are unfamiliar with each other?

    Zhang YaoJin decided not to provoke Jian Hua.
    Actually, Major Zhang is not allowed to make mistakes during the conversation.

    Zhang YaoJin took out two card-sized white papers and pushed it in front of Jian Hua.
    One of them is full of words with Li Fei"s age and birthplace、the awards that he won、the products he represented, blood type, zodiac sign, hobbies and so on. The data is backed up by the fans" official support groups.
    The other one is empty. Except for the name "Jian Hua", there are two lines of words with question marks: Maybe met Li Fei? Lives in Huai City?

    Jian Hua scanned the card and calmly asked: "What is this? "
    "The two people who will affect China in the future. "

    "……" Jian Hua was surprised by this shocking start and suspected the other party"s ident.i.ty.
    Zhang YaoJin has lean and soldierly qualities. Even with his tired face, he still has his back straight when sitting and his eyes are full of deterrence. He has the habit of giving orders and it"s like there"s a stamp on his face showing he"s an elite.

    If he was acting, someone who can act so well can be counted with two hands in the entertainment industry so there"s no reason for him to lie.
    Jian Hua can only frown: "Major Zhang, are you kidding? "

    "I don"t want to believe it either. " Zhang YaoJin took a deep breath. The contents of the chat group records are dubious but there are also doubts concerning the Pearl Hotel incident. When he brought people in to arrest Li Fei and asked him to  "to cooperate with the investigation", the fact that the miniature energy detector was destroyed by Li Fei hurt Major Zhang"s eyes.

    Misfortunes doesn"t come singly. Strange things happen in Huai City: suspects that are detained in the detention center caused rampant destruction on the rooms when they tried to escape——these events happened in that mysterious time——one of the police car was damaged and the suspect escaped with handcuffs. Fortunately, he was eventually arrested and did not cause more panic.

    Major Zhang hurried back to Huai City to clean up the mess.

    The case has been reported in secret but the reply has not come in yet. Major Zhang has the latest progress on the "Jian Hua" name in front of him and was caught in a dilemma.
    To rashly contact the person is to take a big risk.
    But not communicating…..who can guarantee that Jian Hua will embark on that dark road? It would be too late when that happens.

    "You"re an ability holder. The recent changes, you know better than me. " Zhang YaoJin tried his best not to be overbearing. He cannot adapt to this gentle way of talking.
    Pushing the two card-sized white papers on the coffee table, Jian Hua leaned on the couch and spread out his hands: "I don"t want to beat around the bush. You"re not sure that I"m that Jian Hua, are you? "

    There are countless people in China who are called this name.
    Inside the circle, they can be an a.s.sistant, a makeup artist, a stage lighting director and many others. Chances are you"ll find four or five Jian Hua. Even in Huai City, entering these two words into the household registration system would yield a few pages of search results.

    Searching in a country with billions of people and millions of permanent residents——it"s no joke.
    "Today around 13:00, Huai City"s Geological Bureau has monitored large-scale energy fluctuations in this area. " Major Zhang removed the third card from his pocket. The only words are the longitude and lat.i.tude values.

    Jian Hua was thoughtful.
    Zhang YaoJin gave the standard answer: "Your home. "

    "Of course, that"s only my inference. The satellite map shows that it was on the southeast corner of this district. As for the other evidence, I carefully examined your most recent travel and found you. "

    Zhang YaoJin did not forget that Jian Hua mentioned "surveillance record". But for security reasons, he didn’t want to force Jian Hua. He then changed the subject and put out a sincere and serious expression: "On behalf of "Red Dragon", I took over Huai City"s Pearl Hotel explosion case. Arresting the suspects is not my ultimate goal, it"s to safeguard the country"s peace and to maintain social order. You and Li Fei have no criminal record, and you are no different from than the thousands of people living in this city. I will offer my help as appropriate for any troubles you may encounter. "

    This is the first time that Jian Hua heard his name and Li Fei mentioned at the same time.
    He was stunned for two seconds and almost refuted Zhang YaoJin. The movie emperor is far from his life, where did the a.n.a.logy come from?

    Guessing his thoughts, Major Zhang"s next words are——
    "Li Fei encountered a lot of trouble. The amount of energy from his body is too scary, alarms will be triggered when he pa.s.sed through security gates. "

    As a car owner, Jian Hua fortunately did not take the subway these days. But thinking again, he cannot pa.s.s through security checks. That means he can"t travel by plane or train, so how will he travel to the North for filming?
    "You arrested Li Fei? "

    "He"s cooperating with the investigation. " Major Zhang corrected.
    "Meaning. " Jian Hua doesn"t want to discuss these text pitfalls and directly asked, "You do not intend to release him? "

    "We will not detain him for more than 24 hours. " Zhang YaoJin glanced at his watch and nodding in answer, "A few hours later, he can leave. "

    Jian Hua"s eyes make Zhang YaoJin feel strange: Is he looking forward to Li Fei being detained?
    "How do you intend to solve the security problem? " Jian Hua asked faintly.

    ——Normally if Li Fei has to work somewhere, he must follow.
    "You may need our "Red Dragon""s a.s.sistance and take a special channel. " Zhang YaoJin circled back to the topic, feeling strange. The thing that could move Jian Hua is not coming personally to show his sincerity, nor is it taking the initiative to tell the secret. It"s because Jian Hua still wants to live in this country and that he is poor enough to have no savings, making him continue to work in accordance with the contract.

    Thinking of it, Zhang YaoJin decided to swallow that fact and not speak for the time being.
    Jian Hua"s ability is very different from Li Fei"s. When Major Zhang was standing in front of Li Fei, the sense of crisis is sharper than a blade. But here on Jian Hua"s side, except for the pair of vigilant eyes that made Zhang YaoJin feel suffocated, nothing is unusual.

    This did not make Major Zhang feel relaxed, on the contrary, his spirit stretched tighter.
    He was once drugged in the jungles of the South when he was young. He strayed into a snake cave and eventually came out unscathed——the python later attacked the villagers and was killed. According to the guess of an experienced hunter, the python has just finished eating at that time. Letting Zhang YaoJin escape for a while——from that dark, damp and stuffy cave, something vaguely pressed on your uneasy nerves but you can"t find anything.

    The miniature energy detector on Zhang YaoJin"s pocket is quiet, there were no vibrations.
    Zhang YaoJin is worried. He understood that the "true leader" of the Black Abyss, from the beginning of the story to the end, has hidden for 10 years.

    If it wasn"t for the Pearl Hotel bombing incident, it wouldn"t attract the attention of the local government and cla.s.sified the reports as terrorist attacks. Then the "Red Dragon" stationed at Haicheng was ordered to come and investigate——these ability holders that awakened silently also know how to destroy surveillance records, it"s strange not to be found!
    When Jian Hua realized what his abilities were and fully control it, he would be like a drop of water that sunk into the river, with no way to find him.

    "You just mentioned, I will affect the country……what"s going on?" Jian Hua thought that Zhang YaoJin also hid a lot of secrets.
    "I want you to join Red Dragon"s newly established ability holder team. You can live your life, you have that right. No one will force you to cooperate with the national research, I promise! "

    Jian Hua"s eyes flashed, his expression cannot help but become ironic: "You represent them with your personal a.s.surance? "
    Zhang YaoJin solemnly nodded: "Although it is my personal a.s.surance, I believe that this guarantee will be effectively implemented! Because soon, something big is going to happen world-wide! "

    Jian Hua is silent again because he felt that his brain cells are a little short. He felt Major Zhang implying, that Li Fei and himself will become secret weapons, more powerful than the Nation"s weapons. Is that possible?

    A thought came to him, Jian Hua blurted out: "You are saying——"
    "Abandoned World, there would be a big crisis on the world where time is stagnant! " Zhang YaoJin"s face is expressionless. That"s the main reason why he"s in a rush today.

    The Chat Group Records are ridiculous. The only thing that can be validated is Li Fei"s condition. It was a mystery that many surveillance cameras can"t explain but this impending disaster, even if they were to believe them, it isn"t credible.
    In the Abandoned World, a group bombed Pearl Hotel and when they returned to reality, all traces of destruction would remain.

    Imagine, people living on high-rise places will suddenly fall down and die. The man who was driving on the freeway will find himself in a deep pit without a car, or while eating a meal, you would suddenly get caught in flames……what kind of trouble is this?
    n.o.body wants to blink, and see the city in ruins by the next time they opened their eyes.

    This is a crisis that has taken place beyond the scope of National Weapons!
    It has been found that in the Abandoned World, only the ability holders can enter. To control the crisis, only the S-cla.s.s ability holders like Li Fei and Jian Hua can handle it.

    "I hate to say it but the truth is clear. If you want to live until tomorrow safe and sound, we have to face them." Zhang YaoJin has a calm face and persuaded, "The presence of the ability holders is world-wide. Before the war broke out in various nations, the Abandoned World will have their first monsters, countless monsters. "