I'm Not Shouldering This Blame

Chapter 20

     "You"re crazy!" The broker refused,hanging up and slamming down the phone。
     Li Fei was on the couch on the first floor of the villa. a.s.sistant Lin advised him to go back to rest, but Li Fei ignored him and instead thought about what happened when Geng Tian disappeared. But the only clues he has is the out of condition Bentley car,and the dense fog that"s creeping out the window。

     "Who called? Did you find the one who did it?" a.s.sistant Lin anxiously asked。
     The Security of the Villa nearly turned over the area before finally suggested calling the police. But the two men have just been released by the Secret Services,if they come again, they will only see one of them. The broker still insisted on finding the person. An adult must be missing for at least 24 hours before they can even file a report。

       "Who knows,he’s a madman. I don"t know how Geng Tian disappeared,but that person said that he"s in Huai City。" The broker is angry. In addition to the fact that he can"t scold the CEO,he also wants to pull Li Fei"s collar,"Where did you get in trouble?Geng Tian was kidnapped,so just say what you know ah!"

     Li Fei opened his eyes with a headache:"This trouble is not my fault."
     Of course, the broker wouldn"t believe it. He wanted to continue talking,but his phone ringed again。
     Irritably picking it up,his eyes swept through the string of numbers. It was from Huai City. If it’s that person again,the broker is going to freak out. Li Fei took a step and got the phone first。

     "Geng Tian has been missing for three hours. He"s just a bodyguard,who"s going to cheat you with a fake?"
     Li Fei noting his broker"s restlessness,thought of precisely the same thing. But when he saw the number,Li Fei immediately knew who the owner of the caller ID. Without accusing the broker, he said a sentence:"Don"t miss a clue."

     The broker is so angry, but Li Fei has answered the phone:
"h.e.l.lo,I just heard……Geng Tian is in Huai City?"
      The kindly informing but scolded Jian Hua,sneered while dialing for the second time. Geng Tian is in a dangerous condition. Even in a small clinic, you still have to pay. Jian Hua just wants to save lives but do not want to be taken advantage of. But hearing the sound that came out of the phone——made Jian Hua not have any defense at all!

     "h.e.l.lo?" Li Fei moved the phone away,seeing if the signal bar is full。
     "It"s you。" It was distinctly different from the chilling tone of General Wu,making Jian Hua recover。
     It"s different from a face-to-face conversation. The similarity in sound almost let Jian Hua have a freefall. He made an effort,omitting the trouble caused by the Red Dragon, and Zhang YaoJin,to repeat things again concisely。

     "He"s unconscious near your house?" Li Fei deeply frowned。
     Sure enough, he fell into the Abandoned World. The time spent in the real world isn’t equivalent to the time that Geng Tian spent over there。
     "Thirst,hunger,stress,and some trauma。" Jian Hua supplemented。

     "If the situation is critical,take him to the hospital. Someone"s going to take over from my side soon。" Li Fei promises with his tone gentle. The drowsiness and irritability from before is missing,making a.s.sistant Lin stare as he listened。
     Take over?Who"s going to Huai City to take over?
     Geng Tian was someone Star Entertainment hired to become Li Fei"s bodyguard. Now that he"s missing,shouldn’t the bodyguard company handle it?

     Seeing Li Fei hang up the phone,a.s.sistant Lin is preparing to make a loud protest. However, it turns out that Li Fei picked up his coat and prepared to go out。
     "Wait a minute,where are you going?" The broker is surprised。
     "Huai City."

     "Not good,take him to the hospital!The wound is infected!"
     When the nurse cleaned Geng Tian"s wound,she found mud on the bleeding cuts. There are also apparent dark purple bruises。
      Ordinary people who suffer from fever,not to mention trauma to such a degree, wouldn’t usually be given saline and glucose but needs antibiotics. For it to be so serious,a small clinic like theirs can not just prescribe medication。

     "You know right?" Old Cheng dialed the 120 emergency number,came back and asked Jian Hua。
     Jian Hua sighed,taking all the change in his pocket:"The rest that I owe,I"ll give you next time."

     "Just a few dozen dollars,no rush。" Old Cheng is concerned about the stagnant world,"It happened yesterday. I"m a little old. Good thing I have something to eat in my pockets."
     "Prepare a few more……" Jian Hua glanced at the medical equipment in the clinic,before shutting his mouth。

     Old Cheng"s sharp mind thought of Geng Tian"s wounds:"What"s wrong?"
      "There will be monsters in that world. I"ve never seen it,but my sources should be reliable。" Jian Hua roughly explained to Old Cheng the situation of the Abandoned World. At the same time, he was aware of a problem. Access to the Abandoned World is only to those with potential. Old Cheng is so old,but it turns out he"s also one with potential?

     The day the Pearl Hotel exploded,the cabinet that automatically jammed on the window was not moved by his ability, it was Old Cheng’s。Jian Hua looked around,kept his voice low and asked Old Cheng if there are no other strange things that happened。

     "Why not?" Old Cheng was upset as he tilted his head," I can hear the blood flow in your veins. Old Zhang next door has hypertension arteriosclerosis. I told him to go to the hospital,it saves me from hearing it."

     Old Cheng patted Jian Hua with a relieved face:"Young man,you are in good health. The heart rate"s normal,and blood flow is unimpeded. There"s nothing wrong with you."
     Jian Hua’s expression became complex。

     "Speaking of strange things,this morning I heard an ambulance in the vicinity。" Old Cheng pondered,this is not the season of chronic disease。
      Jian Hua originally thought it was Zhang YaoJin. But on second thought,the two people fainted at his doorstep. There"s only one floor upstairs. It"s a coincidence that today"s a weekend,so the neighbor and the three people upstairs didn"t go out,and did not find out this two injured people。What if they fainted in the neighborhood,despite the fog,they might be found out by the morning ladies who went out in the morning to buy food……
     He hoped that they"re lucky,and manage to survive。

     After that conversation,the ambulance arrived. Old Cheng said the symptoms,and the paramedics’ words confirmed what Jian Hua just thought。
     "How is it this again!"
     "Did you use any antibiotics?"

     The crowd was busy getting Geng Tian into a stretcher,someone habitually glanced around the circle:"Is there a patient"s family?"
     By Jian Hua"s habit,it"s enough to see the ambulance take the man away. But thinking of his phone call with Li Fei,he didn"t know how his brain worked,but he said:" I"m his colleague."

     Someone needs to pay for first aid treatment,the cost of the car for calling 120,and in case the situation is not optimistic, the family will need to sign a notice. The medic didn"t say anything,and brought Jian Hua. The ambulance roared to the nearest hospital。
     Jian Hua took his card to the hospital window to pay. When he came back, Jian Hua learned that Geng Tian was sent to the ICU for further observation。

     "The wound infection is not a trivial matter,expecially the scratches from wildlife. Also, the patient is weak。" The head nurse said with a straight face. She glanced at Jian Hua,and handed over some bills。
     "Anxious that I won’t pay?I called his family."
    Having had enough for today,Jian Hua dismissed the bills. The result was meeting the Red Dragon members that monitored him in the elevator。

     The battle-scarred Secret Service agents were embarra.s.sed. The hospital elevators were crowded,so it"s inconvenient to talk. They hardly got out of the elevator when they choked out a "thank you"。
     If Jian Hua disregarded the people lying in his front door,acting as if he didn"t see it,Zhang YaoJin"s life would be over。

     "There"s a couple of them in the hospital?" Jian Hua casually asked。
     Knowing that the doctors and nurses would have leaked it,the Red Dragon members did not hide it:" They all followed the Major to Haicheng。" They don"t know why they suddenly appeared at Jian Hua"s house。

     "When we asked them when they woke up,they said it was a monster。"
     "Uh?" This remark was really rude。
     Jian Hua frankly said:"Maybe I"ll meet you too,who else want to make my life difficult?"
     The Red Dragon members had complex expressions and said that as soon as the Major woke up, he will be quickly be transfered to the Military District hospital since they can’t stay here for long。

     Then a strange number called Jian Hua"s phone,the Red Dragon members stretched their heads:it was Li Fei"s number。
     But Jian Hua didn"t know that. He hesitated for a few seconds,but walked a few steps to create distance and answered。

     "I"m almost at Huai City,which hospital?How much did you pay for it,I"ll have a.s.sistant Lin give you the money。" Li Fei"s skills of finding Jian Hua is clever。
     "Huai City’s Second People"s Hospital。" Jian Hua reported the hospital floor, then decided to go back and wait for the money。
     Li Fei"s ability is very powerful,but it"s also very dangerous——it"s a hunch that tells Jian Hua. But in the face of the threat of the monsters in the Abandoned World,this danger seem insignificant。
     Compared to almost starving to death,and when out of the Abandoned World, they have to fight with five needle shots of rabies vaccine,it looks like a crime。

     Two hours later,Jian Hua saw a.s.sistant Lin come with a bitter face,and with the actor wearing a hat and a mask。
     Jian Hua pushes the bills to a.s.sistant Lin who was running the errands. Li Fei took a look at the ward. Geng Tian still did not wake up. It"s not like it’s a taboo or anything,but he sat on the bench。

     The corridor also had a bed for in-patients,so the bench is very narrow. The distance between the two is too close,making Jian Hua stiffens as a conditional reflex. He wants to relax,but the sense of oppression that Li Fei brings,is stronger than the last time。
     The feeling is mutual。
     Li Fei had to press down his discomfort,making his expression appear as normal,so the one who seems uncomfortable is only Jian Hua.

     "I troubled you,and thank you for saving Geng Tian。" The sound of his voice is soft and neat. Li Fei always had a good reputation in the entertainment circle. Most people who deal with him are delighted. Even if he"s talking to others, it"s a joy to listen。
     Compared to his voice,Jian Hua is more concerned about Li Fei"s eyes。

     This is a problem that began with a crush with General Wu. It"s not obvious when they"ve been drinking coffee with a table between them before. But now that the distance is closer, the side of his head can hear the sound and feel his breathing. Jian Hua suddenly found out that Li Fei"s eyes are really different from others. There is a strange feeling to it that makes people feel scared。

     There is a big gap between Li Fei and General Wu. From personality to daily behavior, they"re two completely different people。
     But these eyes confuse Jian Hua,is this the ‘like a spring breeze, full of charm’ movie actor Li Fei?

     The dimension between the screen and reality is somewhat worn. It resulted in the confusion in his cognition ability,making Jian Hua look straight at Li Fei in a daze。
     The slightly unhappy,but cannot show a tinge of that emotion Li Fei:……

     "Let"s talk in another place。" Li Fei suggested breaking the deadlock。
     "Ok。" Jian Hua agreed to wake up. He can only hide his own gaffe,"I heard you got invited to tea by the National Secret Services Red Dragon?"

     "Heard?What did the person say?" Li Fei immediately reacted,thinking that the other side has also been eyed by Major Zhang。
     Jian Hua has no comment on that。

     "I didn"t mention you." Li Fei said those words。
     Jian Hua turned his head to the side. Seeing the other"s severe and solemn demeanor,the guard around his heart actually softened。