
Chapter 18


Trying to keep his cool, Jingheng pulled his mask up. It wasn"t easy, as not everyone could stay calm watching "themselves" call someone else "father"while kneeling. Plus, kneeling on one"s knees was something that should be for proposals, and proposals only.

Jingheng was definitely a great man on the aspect of controlling one"s temper. He was even calm enough to be able to deduct what had happened, even though the only information he had was what he had seen.

Zhanlu spoke, "Sir, my a.n.a.lysis shows that …"

"Stop a.n.a.lyzing," Jingheng interrupted him, "I can evaluate the situation myself."

"Oh." Zhanlu obediently stopped a.n.a.lyzing.

But then he added something right after, "I"ve read an essay before that talked about how one"s life has unlimited possibilities. I am glad to see you in such a livelier appearance, sir."

Mr. Much Livelier Lin "accidentally" crushed a test tube on the table in his fist.

Bixing then finally remembered that the chip in his body still had the disguise function turned on, and then turned it off immediately. He changed into another person right in front of Monoeye Hawk and said, "I forgot to remove the disguise. Why are you here, Dad?"

"And how the h.e.l.l are you here?" Monoeye Hawkwas still shock, "And you … what the f.u.c.k did you turn yourself into?"

"Pffft," Bixing Lu stood up and flicked imaginary dust off his pants. "What did you just say? Wasn"t that handsome?"

"Handsome my a.s.s … do you even know who he is?" Monoeye Hawk screeched, almost spitting out his incisors.

"Um, yeah. I"ll introduce him to you someday." Bixing Lu replied. "He"s my sponsor."

Hearing this, Monoeye Hawk"s face turned into a brilliant emerald-ish shade of green, which contrasted with his fake golden eyeball, and made his face look like an elaborate piece of jade-embedded gold.

Bixing Lu felt that something was wrong with his father"s expression: as if Monoeye Hawk was going to unsheathe his claws and scratch him the next second. But worried about his students, he one-sidedly stopped the staring battle between him and Monoeye Hawk.

"I still have a few tasks to finish. I"ll talk with you once I"m done."

"Get your f.u.c.king a.s.s back here!" Monoeye Hawk yelled.

At the same moment, 001 dashed out of nowhere. He took in the unwelcomed guests and the completely smashed lab. Furious, he screeched, "Mince "em and feed them to the dogs!"

Bixing Lu snickered, and vaulted over a mech. "Feed us to the dogs? You can try."

"Headmaster!" The tears that were dangling in White"s eyes dropped immediately.

Bixing glanced at him, checking if the wild kids were okay or not. a.s.sured, he kept on rattling off perfectly logical statements to support his fabulous statement, "You guys don"t even have a dog here."

Not knowing where these weird people came from, 001"s face turned red with rage. "Why the h.e.l.l are you still standing there?"

Thousands of laser guns on the lab"s ceiling pointed their nozzles towards them simultaneously. Scopes in every direction marked Bixing and the four students.

"Don"t you dare!" Monoeye Hawk yelled.

Monoeye Hawk"s tricks never come alone. He pulled out an electromagnetic interfering bomb and threw it into the middle of the room. The laser guns that had just been pointing at the students immediately attacked the tiny ball, turning on it instead. The scientists standing behind 001 were wounded by the shots. An unlucky b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s body collapsed on the floor where the bomb was, shielding it.

The next moment, the powerful electromagnetic interference swept over everything. The laser guns on the rooftop drooped like wilted flowers, and the security robots scurried everywhere hysterically, knocking each other down on the way.

At the same time, the lab"s power supply system received a destructive blow. The originally lighted incubators turned off their lights one by one. The children floating inside the incubators like specimen woke up from their comas, as they had lost their air supply. They started flailing their arms and legs because they could hardly breathe. Their tiny arms punched on the thick gla.s.s, eyes bulging.

Mint instinctively wanted to help them. "Hey, wait a minute —"

Bixing lifted his arm to stop her.

"Step back." His expression darkened. "All of you are receiving a demerit when we get back to the school. And reading chicken soup and self-reflections at the radio station every morning. For a month."

The hired thugs and bodyguards Monoeye Hawk brought rushed into the ruined lab. All the "household names" except for Jingheng had brought men with them, as they valued their lives quite a bit.

As the s.p.a.ce station had just gone through two electromagnetic interference attacks, it attracted attention. The guests, both the fooled and forced ones, were all gathered around them.

"Do you actually trust these rascals?" MonoeyeHawk glanced at all the people around them, yelling out loudly. "If they were really sincere about allying with us, would they have forced us here using such dirty ways? If you don"t know what interstellar pirates are, go ask your daddy! You"re treated as a guest now only because you"re still useful to them, but what if they gain control of the Eighth Galaxy tomorrow? You"re rats in an incubator, pigs in acolosseum, useless to them! Believe it or not! Today I"m gonna kill that nonsense speaking little son of a b.i.t.c.h, anyone has an objection?"

Compared to these weird-a.s.s extraterrestrial people, Monoeye Hawk was the actual boss around here. Most people here had traded with Monoeye Hawk before. Used to peaceful days, they were already full of suspicion early on, seeing the pirates" greedy and barbaric actions. They still refused to make a move only because of caution. With Monoeye Hawk being the first to stand out and expressing hostility publicly, the, thrilled about the outcome, stood withMonoeye Hawk together. Before the lab"s power supply restoring, they opened fire on the pirates.

In the chaos, Monoeye Hawk gave Bixing a dark look. From his expression, Lu could understand that this was not just a normal clash between gangs about territory. As a "peaceful" intellect, he just wanted to stay away from things like this as far away as possible, so he pushed his students back, yelling, "Run!"

Mint was still staring at the incubators. "Pres Lu!"

The child in the incubator pounded the gla.s.s walls violently as his expression distorted into a sinister adult"s. With his ma.s.sive and exposed brain, he pummeled the thick gla.s.s ferociously. It started to crack. By then, his hands were already cut into b.l.o.o.d.y messes. The blood spilling out of them dyed the already-muddy nutrition fluid scarlet. But the child acted like he hadn"t felt the pain at all. His hands kept on beating the gla.s.s, while his lips gurgled. 

Terrified, Mint whispered, "What is he trying to say?"

"Kill--Kill you all." Bixing scanned the complex experiment records beside the incubator. "This is not some extraordinary technology. Basically just the same process as the "mermaids": they"re just cultivating killing monsters instead, designed specifically for war. Their bodies can connect to weapons like mechs. They"re also able to reach their full potential in battles, as they cannot comprehend fear and pain.

"What? Are they f.u.c.king insane? Aren"t there mechs? Aren"t there security robots? Aren"t there also AI soldiers?" White asked shockingly.

"Those cost a lot, Mr. White." Bixing said in a low voice.

Security robots cannot directly connect to mechs. AI soldiers, on the other hand, literally burnt up money from the beginning to the end. Every update -- both software and hardware -- needed large amounts of cash.

Can you find anything cheaper than human being? Especially the ones in the Eighth Galaxy. As many as you wanted -- unlimited -- and you could never run out of them. Why not make good use of the rubbish? They were taking up s.p.a.ce anyway.

Bixing led his students out of the bombed back door. Being the last one to leave, he glanced back one last time and furrowed his brows.

At first glance, the pirates seemed like they were having an experiment that could revolutionize science. If you got closer, you could see that they were simply a group of lunatics huddled together.

But looking at the crude mech platform, r.e.t.a.r.ded security system and a power source as fragile as paper … And the events going on in the lab. Thesavage truth was revealed: these guys did not have any "new" technology at all. If spoken in an ancient way, they would be skilled swindlers selling energy pellets.

They were just cruel enough in a way that they thought was creative.

The mysterious chip close to EDEN was definitely not made by them. So who was behind all of these? What did they want?

Then a trapdoor on the second floor opened. Countless experimental subjects with tags on them poured out, every one of them was similar to the two wrestling men in the "colosseum". Like a group of topless giants, their eyes were bulging red, minds completely deranged. They were all hungry for blood, and all indestructible.

Monoeye Hawk had just said that nowadays, battles didn"t require humans to punch each other and scratch up each other"s faces. He was proved wrong the next second.

The whole s.p.a.ce station went into paralysis, making all the mechanical products shut down. Both sides decided to open fire in the dark. And when the human-like monsters arrived, they immediately took vantage. The Eighth Galaxy thugs, who had just witnessed how the two subjects acted this morning, peed their pants before the fight had even started.

Monoeye Hawk, who had just expressed hostility publicly just now, was faster than anyone at fleeing. The moment he felt like things had gone wrong, he dashed away, starting a ma.s.sive fleeing scene. He disappeared immediately and the thugs fled in all directions.

001"s expression was cold like an icy pool of water. He slipped away silently in the chaos, and Jingheng, who had kept a close watch on him, followed.

The entire mech platform had shut down due to the power failure. Bixing started the mech he hoaxed from Peggy ten meters away from it. "Get in now, but don"t touch anything." he urged.

"Holy c.r.a.p … Headmaster, President Lu, was that magic?" White exclaimed.

Remote control system in mechs did exist. But it was supposed to only exist in extremely high-end mechs that had their own AI cores -- like Zhanlu, who was one of the Ten Swords. It was definitely notsupposed to be in such a low-grade thing.

Bixing couldn"t afford to give young Mr. White a reply. Within three minutes, the control room let out a light beep. The floor began to tremble and the entire mech runaway lighted up like a Milky Way.The giant metal colossus"s power system began to heat up.

The students" heads poked out the cabin door. They cheered Lu on like cheerleaders, yelling, "Headmaster! Bada.s.s!"

The headmaster couldn"t hear them over the noise.

Suddenly, the cheerleaders" cheer changed. 

"Headmaster! Watch out!" The cheerleaders cried.

The headmaster was still deaf to their cries.

A mech behind the control room moved unnoticedand raised its mantis-like giant energy blade above the tiny human.

The intolerable heat came before the blade. The outermost jacket Lu had on let out the smell of burnt foot, and boiling hot air poured down on him. 

He"ll be burnt to a crisp before the blade even get within ten meters of him!

In that split second, he heard someone say softly, "Zhanlu."


Then a large rumble sounded, and the gigantic energy blade fell on a protection dome that appeared out of midair. A man suddenly appeared. He grabbed Bixing by his collar and then jumped out of the control room with him.

"My face"s useful for fraud, isn"t it?"