
Chapter 28

"It"s surprising that you didn"t pa.s.s out, which means, your pain tolerance is better than average," Jingheng Lin said, "not bad."

As soon as he stopped speaking, a probe slowly came out of 001"s head and jabbed into his spinal cord. Jingheng Lin raised his hand, turning over a thin film over the gla.s.s plate above his head. The gla.s.s became a mirror, and the angle was turned so that 001 could see his own face.

A small beetle-sized surgical instrument climbed onto 001"s body. At first glance, it looked like a children"s toy. If people could ignore the fact that it was waving the scalpel, drill bit, and small chainsaw attached to its front claws, it could be said to be charmingly innocuous.

Our bystander, Monoeye Hawk, finally raised his eyes: "Hey, there aren"t many micro-surgery instruments now."

"I know," Jingheng Lin said: "This is not for people, it"s my private collection."

The "small beetle" climbed onto the face of 001, first fixing his eyelids without hurting the eyeball, making him unable to blink. Its front claws did the suture, while the hind claws stopped the bleeding. It was quite agile. Then, it continued climbing up a bit, generating a "squeaky" sound like a chainsaw. Blood spread over 001"s forehead but quickly solidified by haemostatic gel. After that, some finely broken bone powder spurted out like dandruff. The "small beetle" sawed open his skull.

This scene was too upsetting that 001 rolled his eyes and was about to faint on the spot. However, the two probes which was inserted into his central nervous system blocked the response of the autonomic nervous system in time. In a minute, he started losing control of his whole body muscles. Even the screams could only be sent out as faint grunting. The whole torturing process strictly followed the aesthetic standard of Commodore Lin - efficient and quiet - until the "small beetle" magically opened the skull, revealing the fresh brain inside.

"The interstellar pirates used this method to torture their captives," said Monoeye Hawk with surprise. "Invented by Prince Cayley as I heard. It was prevailing for a period of time and became one of the cla.s.sic piratical methods of torture. It got a name..."

Jingheng Lin: "Eat the raw monkey brain."

"So perverted," Monoeye Hawk shook his head. "How could BOC have such a talented person like you."

The so-called "die from pain, from shock, or from torture", were usually caused by excessive stimulation, which lead to neurological shock. Then the person was going to die from low blood pressure and myocardial ischemia. This degree of pain that was able to cause shock, was generally the limit that one could endure.

Using technical methods to block this process meant that the person was going to suffer from a strong stimulus that was far beyond his threshold.

Unable to control the muscles and with the eyelids fixed, one could never escape from this state of detachment but helplessly looking on, bearing it.

After that, his brain would be connected to a special sensor. The interrogator would ask for information he wanted over and over again. When the interrogated person collapses, the reactions of relevant brain sections would be read through the sensor. Until the answer demanded was obtained, or the interrogators were tired of it, the person would be given death with mercy.

This method was not b.l.o.o.d.y. Despite that the bare brain was a bit unsightly, the entire scene could still be very decent.

As an interstellar pirate, 001 clearly understood this kind of things and realized what was going to happen. His eyes forced to open were filled with an inexpressible horror.

Jingheng Lin smiled and said: "It seems that you know it well."

He stood up. But maybe it"s the ache from the back wound, or it"s the sequelae of excessive blood loss, he didn"t stand firm but stumbled. His fingers accidently swiped the transparent screen which was popped up from his personal terminal. G.o.d knows what program he activated, one probe on 001"s body loosened a little bit - 001 quickly felt the fading of numbness of his body, and even his screams got louder.

001 has no time minding anything else, roaring with a twist in his tongue: "I"ll so ... so ... say, everything ... ugh ... say, you ... you ..."

Jingheng Lin turned a deaf ear and acted like he was going to re-insert the probe back.

001 went crazy, screaming incoherently. Saliva and tears flowed down at the same time while he inarticulately begged the other party to give him a chance to confess.

Monoeye Hawk intervened at the right moment: "A men should have the right to speak when he"s about to die, and listening to a few sentences won"t cost you anything. Let me ask."

Jingheng Lin looked down condescendingly at 001, giving him a creepy smile, then reached out to Monoeye Hawk: "Go ahead, Mr. Lu."

Monoeye Hawk stepped forward and squatted down holding knees: "What is your real name?"

"Na ... no real name," 001 gradually got back control of his tongue, glancing towards the mirror repeatedly. He wanted to take a look but dared not look too carefully. He breathed rapidly, as if exhaling. He stuttered: "We don"t have names. We are called by numbers since a young age."

"Oh, you"re from the outer territories." Monoeye Hawk nodded. "There are several forces among the interstellar pirates. Which one do you belong to? Not the guard of Prince Cayley, are you?"

"No, no," 001 denied quickly, "I"m part of "the Freedom Legion.""

Monoeye Hawk glanced at Jingheng Lin.

Jingheng Lin: "Don"t look at me. I do occasionally deal with interstellar pirates, that doesn"t mean I know every single measly soul."

"Yes, yes, because we always stay in the outer territory, and we are very cautious. We have never set foot on the territory of the IU these years. People who like doing things for nothing and looking for trouble are Prince Cayley and his followers. Prince Cayley always sees the Eighth Galaxy as his private a.s.sets, and it was the Eighth Galaxy which betrayed him back then. He"s a nutcase whose brain is full of revenge for the society, a psychopath!" 001 feared that he could not finish justifying himself in the prescribed time, the speed of speaking was almost fast enough to take off. It sounded a bit vague.

Monoeye Hawk continued asking: "Then tell me, how many forces of the invading interstellar pirates are there?"

"Probably, probably three," said 001, "The group which directly attacked the Silver Fortress could have been be "The Honour Legion". Most of the small groups that fled outside the territory couldn"t survive at first. They later joined in this organization. They have been recruiting soldiers, conspiring against the IU, and establishing some... something called the Honour Empire. In addition to the Honour Legion, there is also a large group of people who are very powerful, and very dangerous. As far as I know, they call themselves "the Anti-Utopia Group"."

Jingheng Lin"s eye twitched: "The AUG? Is the AUG still out there?"

This organization, called "Anti-Utopia group", originated in the end of the Earth Era. At the beginning, it was similar to the non-governmental organizations such as "protecting animals" and "protecting water sources", it was fashionable among the artsy youth. Its major purpose was to reflect on the cost of technology, calling it the Sword of Damocles. It called on people to return to nature properly, and not to be kidnapped by technology which was getting growing significance already. As we all know, the artsy youth were a bunch safe and pollution-free creatures, civilized and law-abiding. Even when they were angry, they only shouted abuse in the street. None of them would murder or set fire easily. They even left tons of valuable literary and artistic works. In the past, most people in the cultural and entertainment industry had had somewhat tendency of being "anti-utopian". However, as human beings flew into s.p.a.ce and entered the Sidereal Era, things started to be different. This salon of artsy people had gradually changed and occupied by anti-tech extremists.

Bad money drives out good, the voice of a madman seemed more easy to be heard.

In OSC 192, the Anti-Utopia Group was officially identified as a "cult organization". Soon, it had degenerated and finally became a cancer of the society. From the OSC to the NSC, the AUG left a b.l.o.o.d.y silhouette in history. It was not until the IU unified the eight galaxies that they thoroughly wiped out the AUG.

A centipede might die but would not topple over. Unexpectedly, this terrible ghost had been hiding outside of the territory, waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.

"Yes! It"s them, against artificial intelligence, against Eden, against all modern technology. They also believe that s.p.a.ce roaming and s.p.a.ce exploration should be banned under non-essential situations. People should live on the ground like monkeys. Aren"t they just crazy? After Prince Cayley fled from the Eighth Galaxy, he joined this group!" 001 said with a flattering smile. "The remaining ones are us. We... the Freedom Legion is much more peaceful for sure. Until now our main force is still outside the territory, not involved at all. Physical conflicts will cause bloodshed, won"t it? No matter who has any political opinions, people are always innocent. At that time, I was ordered to invite you guys with the sincerity of cooperation. Everyone is dreaming about living a good life ..."

Jingheng Lin was playing with his personal terminal: "Sorry, in the end, you didn"t let go of your own people. Both your enemy and friends, even the entire s.p.a.ce station was exploded. It doesn"t seem like a person who is "dreaming about living a good life"."

Monoeye Hawk"s face sank, kicking 001"s leg: "You think we are fools?"

"No, no, no, I don"t," said 001, "It"s a misunderstanding! We had confidential agreement, so all of the ongoing experiments, and information about the "Opium" project can"t be leaked for the time being, otherwise the organization won"t spare me... But coincidentally, B4, you are so powerful that you just seized a piece of our opium, it concerned us. We thought ... We thought you came with evil intent, like you already knew something. It was a chaos, and you guys just drove a mech directly into our confidential lab. I was scared ..."

Monoeye Hawk interrupted him: "What is the Opium project?"

001 hesitated unusually.

Monoeye Hawk said without any expression: "It seems that he doesn"t want to say. The mouth is still not as reliable as brain. I guess ..."

001 used to be a tough guy, but the process of "eating the raw monkey brain" was too brutal. Witnessing that Jingheng Lin was going to re-plug the probe into him, 001 was scared to cry on the spot, calling all the names of the male elders that he knew. He burst into tears and said: "I"ll talk, I"ll talk, I"ll talk - the Opium project... B4, you must have figured out that the chip you got from the spider is the "opium". After implantation, it can strengthen the human body to the greatest extent, and make users feel powerful. The chip can also partly simulate the function of Eden, for camouflage, or shield ... of course, the chip itself is a bit addictive, and has a slight withdrawal after being taken out."

Monoeye Hawk suddenly tightened his fist.

"Troubled times are coming; everyone has to seek self-protection. However, it"s too hard for ordinary people to survive. Most people"s physical strength can"t even get themselves out of the atmosphere." 001 had been taking pyramid selling as business for too long that he already forgot his captive ident.i.ty. His saliva splashed as speaking: "We just want to take this opportunity to put a batch of mature chips on the market, so that more people can take control of their fate by strengthening themselves ..."

Monoeye Hawk interrupted him coldly: "So that more people became addicted to your chips. As toxication accelerates, they"d finally become the monster in the laboratory platform, aren"t they? Very good. I guess the anti-government organisations and cults are not as shrewd as you drug dealers. They work and fight hard, but as soon as they slip up, you can break them down and get control of their effective fighting force."

Jingheng Lin asked: "Where are the Honour Legion and the AUG now?"

"I heard that the Honour Legion had occupied Wotto and intended to announce the interim government. They are going to wage war against the IU for the next few years." 001 said, "The AUG should only want to fish in troubled waters. After losing the Silver Fortress, the Capital planet is busy enough with its own affairs. It doesn"t have time to mind the trifles in other galaxies. For sure, those people from IU want to revenge. Now the galaxies becomes a mess, instead, the outer territory turned peaceful and quiet. I can lead you two to the headquarters of the Freedom Legion. We are most welcome ..."

Before 001 finished talking, Jingheng Lin stood up and walked through the disinfection spray wall of the gla.s.s door. He left, recovering the nerve probe and the "small beetle" for craniotomy.

001 relaxed. He didn"t know why but at least he felt relieved from suffering. He smiled at Monoeye Hawk with embarra.s.sment: "Mr. Lu, right? Can you ... can you find something to put my sk..."

Monoeye Hawk: "Put your skull back?"

001 looked at him with hope.

"Why bother?" Monoeye Hawk laughed; a row of fangs emerged under his aquiline nose. He pointed at his heterochromatic eyes. "You see this eye? In 136, it became blind when I followed Commodore Xin Lu to clean up the Eighth Galaxy. It was that moment when I swore to myself - all the interstellar pirates who would fall into my hands have to die without a whole body."

Ten minutes later, nothing from 001 was left, even not his hair. The fragmented limbs were wrapped in the excrement disposal bag of the mech, drifting out to the universe.

Monoeye Hawk disinfected the whole medical room, washed his hands, and stepped out without hesitation. Jingheng Lin was at the door of the training room on the second floor, leaning against the handrails to see the students do weightlessness training with screaming and shouting. Hearing the footsteps of Monoeye Hawk going upstairs, he turned his head: "How do you know that I didn"t have a brain sensor and I was just bluffing him?"

Monoeye Hawk stopped, stepping on two levels of the stairs. He was staring at Jingheng Lin. For a moment, the expression in his eye turned very complicated and almost deep.

However, it was only deep for one second, and the old cunning Persian Cat sneered: "Ha! Your little trick could never fool me."

As soon as he said it, a new round of war started between the two, who had just showed a great teamwork throughout that ferocious interrogation.

Jingheng Lin nodded, saying "modestly": "Sure, things like holding a gun into the nightclub, stripping other"s pants, they are too inhumane, too rude to be mentioned. Mr. Lu, excuse my poor words."

Monoeye Hawk soon got angry: "b.a.s.t.a.r.d Lin, f.u.c.k your ..."

The half-opened door of the training room was opened from inner side, Bixing Lu knocked on the door frame: "This mech is a big place, do you have to argue here? There are minors in the room, old man, can"t you open your mouth without foul language? Behave yourself!"

Then he turned to Jingheng Lin, his voice fell by an octave immediately. He almost sighing suavely: "Well, this is him. He"s already two hundred years old, and it seems hard to change. Forgive him."

Monoeye Hawk: "..."

Who"s two hundred years old? Who the h.e.l.l allowed you to round up!

"That is fine." Jingheng Lin said reasonably, "Twenty minutes later, we are going to make a jump to go outside the territory. I suggest that you take a break right now. Since this is not an emergency transfer, the mech will not be filled with protective gas. You"d better not take medicine, in case of substance abuse. There is oral glucose gel in the storage, go get some supplements if you have poor physical fitness."

After a pause, he added for the students: "Don"t be afraid, you will get used to it later."

Monoeye Hawk had prepared to explode. But before he got time to scold, he heard this verbose exhortation from Jingheng Lin. He forgot his words right away, open-mouthed, rooting to the ground.

With a mechanical voice of countdown, the mech disappeared. It flew away from the war-ridden Eight Galaxy towards the underground transfer point - which was not shown on the map - then sneaked into the darkness and headed for an unknown route.

The IU had been established for more than two centuries. Since then, gap between rich and poor kept widening. The hypocritical politicians with feigned civility tried to deceive each other. And Eden was just like a big lie, blinding the docile It had already rotten to the roots.

However, a fake peace was still peace. At least most people could make a living, even if they were living foolishly.

Until missiles from the interstellar pirates shattered the quiet night sky, hanging everyone"s fate on a single hair -