In a Different World with a Smartphone

Chapter 331: Beach, and the Two Visitors.

In a Different World with a Smartphone Chapter 331: Beach, and the Two Visitors.

(Note: author note upfront. It says “a bit long”. I can’t judge whether this chapter is actually longer than normal with my eyes, but I’ll leave this warning here anyway.)

For the meeting of the World Alliance this time, other than the existing members, six new members, Egret, Eashen, Elfrau, Ryle, Hanock and Palerius, would be joining for the first time.

Well, I say meeting but as usual, it’s still gonna be something like a home party with everyone being focused more on having a good time.

Ah, right right, Palerius Island has now become Palerius Kingdom after being officially recognized as a country by the others. Mentor Central too became Queen Palerius on that occasion.

With this, with the exception of Nokia Kingdom and Horn Kingdom, every country on the Surface World had become a member of the World Alliance, numbering 18 in total.

To be honest, Xenoas and Ferzen have probed the two countries I mentioned for their intentions regarding the World Alliance, but apparently they did not receive good results.

I’m not too sure myself, but apparently there’s some internal discord within both countries, and they havn’t been able to focus on outside matters, or something like that.

It’s not something we can b.u.t.t into, so for now I intend to silently watch their situations.

For the moment, I invited the new members to the conference room, aka the game room, within Brunhild as usual.

First, I handed them ma.s.s-production model smartphones and taught them how to use theirs. Everyone else were the same as every other time, some drinking tea, some playing games and some having talks with each other.

s.h.i.+rahime-san, the Mikado of Eashen, had already been taught the way to use the smartphone before, so she’s helping to teach it this time round.

“I see, this is indeed quite convenient.”

The king of Hanock Kingdom, Carlo Oru Hanock, said that while attempting to make a call to the person in front of him.

(Note: oh no. Oh sh*t. Since this is an alliance meeting with all the new members, there’s gonna be all sorts of new names… *blood drips from corner of mouth*)

I’ve met the Hanock king once before, during the Yulong conflict, with the introductions of His Majesty the Emperor of Regulus. A uncle in his forties with no special physical traits.

He’d pa.s.s off perfectly as a middle-management staff from some random company somewhere. However, even though he looks plain, he’s actually quite the ruler from what I’ve heard. Well, if he has no real abilities, it would be impossible to protect his small country from Yulong’s political pressure in the past. A textbook example of “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, I’d say.

“It’s great that it can do many things, not just communication. Such as this recording function; I’d really like to record a few operas with this.”

The king of Ryle Kingdom, Barstra Durga Ryle the Fourth, laughed while receiving the call of the Hanock king.

He’s an old man with a low height and some fat to his belly. Despite having dwarf blood in him, he’s a rather peaceful person. Since a large number of dwarfs live in Ryle Kingdom, he also acts as a representative for the dwarven population. Even though the person himself has a personality that dislikes violence and also doesn’t drink alcohol, the exact opposite of dwarfs in general, somehow he’s doing well at managing them.

“Oh, I see! This way you can take pictures of yourself too, is it?”

“What could this part here be, s.h.i.+rahime-sama?”

“Oh, light is shot out from there when you try to take a picture in a dark place. You can change the setting yourself, but leaving it on [auto] is the most convenient since it would then decide when to use the function by itself.”

Mentor Central, who is now the queen of Palerius Kingdom, is being taught the camera function by s.h.i.+rahime-san together with her fellow queen from Elfrau Kingdom.

Before long, the three of them started taking commemorative photos together. They’re like a bunch of high school girls. Two of them are over 1000 years old though…

“Since our country is far from others, this is a thankful gift.”

The king of Egret Kingdom slides his fingers along the surface of the smartphone while the same gold-colored feather decoration is shaking on top of his head with each movement. I’m currently teaching him how to send a mail. I had completely thought this person to be one of those muscle-brained warrior types, but it turned out he’s quick on his head and has rather dextrous fingers, too.

A while after that, since he can already send and receive as well as reply to mails, I decided to stop the lecture for the moment.

For the meantime, all the leaders here are free to relax in the room, so they went around exchanging mail addresses and phone numbers with fellow rulers while talking about various topics.

After this, in the afternoon, I’ll transfer all of us to the private beach of the Egret King, and we’ll enjoy the sea together there.

As expected of a king’s private beach, the soft sand as well as the clear waters are top-quality sights that I’ve not seen anywhere else, and a splendid villa was also built on top of a cliff overlooking the beach, offering breathtaking view.

I’ve taken the time yesterday to finish up the safety measures here, including using [Prison] to keep out any dangerous marine creatures from the vicinity of the beach. If anyone were to accidentally find themselves drowning, Sango and Kokuyou would immediately recover them.

Still, when the representatives of the various countries, their families plus their guards all came to the beach, it turned from a private beach to a public one in an instant. The number of people is a bit too high…

“The royalty percentage here has turned into something outrageous-degozaru na…”

“If something suddenly happened here, it’ll turn into a crisis for the entire world, eh…”

Yae and Elze who had already changed into swimsuits said something like that casually. Don’t say dangerous things like that…

Most of the group had changed into swimsuits and were enjoying the beach. Other ones who are bad with the sea, or ones who find the southern sun too strong for them are relaxing in the villa of the king of Egret.

I’m wearing a pair of trunks underneath and a loose parka on top too, for that matter. All the swimsuits here are luxurious articles made using first-cla.s.s materials, provided by Zanack-san’s clothing shop.

Holding things I’ve lent out such as float rings, beach b.a.l.l.s and rubber boats, the children rushed out to sea to play.

Let’s see, that’s Mismede’s Prince Remza (10) and Prince Alba (7), and Hanock’s Princess Lilac (10) and Princess Milnea (8).

Paluf Kingdom’s boy king (10) and his fiancée Rachel (10) are there too, playing together in the shallows. Children sure get along fast, eh.

Oh, that’s Refreese’s Prince Ridis (12) and Mismede’s Princess Tia (11) over there laughing together in the shades of some trees. Oya oya, I sense some nice atmosphere there…

“Ah, a dazzling first love-nano yo.”

“And there you are…”

Before I noticed, Karen nee-san was already besides me and looking in the same direction while grinning. That pink bikini and pareo set, she’s already in full-on vacation mode, isn’t she.

“… Just saying, but don’t do anything extra, ok?”

“I won’t-no yo. Something like both sides having their first love, it’s way too interesting a situation for me to meddle in, you know? That’s just crude-no yo”

Your remark is already plenty crude enough. Well whatever, if she says she’s not gonna do anything then I guess I can ignore this side for now.

Karen nee-san then headed off towards Yumina and Suu’s place. I was going to go sit down on the beach chairs set up on one side, but when I was about to do so, I caught the sight of a man lying down on the beach some distance away as if he’s been dead for centuries.

“… Why is the Demon King of Xenoas down for the count over there?”

A heat stroke? Was what I thought, but it seems to be wrong. The dark elf, Spica-san, who served as Sakura’s guard, came to me and offered the explanation.

“Um, His Majesty the Demon King was taking nonstop photos of Sakura-sama’s swimsuit figure with the smartphone, and when Sakura-sama noticed she looked at him with scornful eyes and said ‘Disgusting’ to him straight…” (Note: I just thought about it. Is Sakura actually a S? Hmmmm……)

And so he fell down like a corpse due to that shock, huh. This father-daughter pair is the same as usual…

Well, I think there’s a problem for a man to take a mountain of photos of a girl in swimsuits, even if that man is her own dad…

“It’ll be bad if he gets heat stroke, so carry him to a shade somewhere please.”


I don’t think the Demon King can be done in by something like a heat stroke, but well, just in case. Spica-san, together with Sirius-san who is her father as well as the guard for His Majesty the Demon King, took the nonresponsive corpse away.


“Mm? Ah, Linze… And Princess Reliel…”

“Long time no see.”

When I saw the figure of Refreese’s crown princess besides Linze who had called out to me, I reflexively took a stance.

The author of those dangerous romance novels… She’s an enemy to me, in a certain way.

“You two knew each other?”

“We’ve talked several times through Yumina, you see. She’s a faithful reader of mine, so…”

Princess Reliel lowered her voice so as not to be heard by others around us. She’s hiding her activities as an author from her father, the Refreese emperor, after all.

If it’s only that much, there probably isn’t a need for her to be so secretive, but given the nature of her works…

“Touya-san, actually, I was hoping if you could give Riru-sensei… Ah, Princess Reliel a smartphone too.”

“Eh? Why?”

“For my writing activities, obviously. The things I’m writing are a bit too risky to use paper for, you see. There’s always the danger of a cleaning maid or someone else finding a discarded piece and reporting it to father. With the smartphone, however, I can carry it anywhere, which means I can write anywhere I want, and it also has added secrecy. It’s the perfect magic tool!”

I almost fell off the beach chair trying to back off from the princess who was getting closer while excitedly talking about the pros. O-oh, I see, so that’s the reasoning.

I understand, but is it really fine to give it to her… I feel like I should refuse here, for the sake of myself and all the other men that have become models for her novels in the past.

And as I was hesitating, Linze shot in some supporting fire.

“Touya-san, Riru-sensei actually writes scripts for theatrical plays as well, and she is currently in the middle of drafting her next piece. Would you please help her out?”

Plays? Oh, right, there was that time I watched one with Yumina back at the Belfast capital. “The Adventure of the Hero Toya who saved Princess Yuina from the Black Dragon”, was it.

That was quite obviously something modelled after us, but the contents were completely original. Hmm, that play was something wholesome and decently entertaining…

I looked at Linze once and sighed. Well, if Linze asked me like that, I couldn’t refuse now could I. She probably won’t misuse it anyway; she’s a good person. She’s a close friend of Yumina, after all. She does bring her fair share of problems though…

I took out a ma.s.s-production model smartphone from [Storage], and pa.s.sed it to Princess Reliel.

“Ask Linze to teach you how to use it… Please use it in a way that wouldn’t contravene public morality and order. Please, public morality and order.”

“Why’d you tell me that twice…? Well, whatever. Thank you. Oh, also, if it’s possible, do you have any magic tools useful for printing?”

Really, this girl… As for that magic tool, I’ve been planning to give it to the other countries later, but I guess she can’t just borrow it from her father, the Refreese emperor, eh.

I opened [Storage] again and took out a thin folded notebook-like device.

If you put a piece of paper between the two sides and put your smartphone on top of it before pressing the “print” b.u.t.ton, it will print the material you want onto the paper; a portable printer.

Since it’s something I tried making by myself rather than with the professor’s help, I can only get it to print one piece at a time right now.

“Although it’s a trial product, it’s usable. This should be enough for personal uses.”

“You saved me, thanks. I’ll return this debt with some new novels—”

“Please don’t mind it! Really don’t mind it!!”

I don’t want such a weird return gift, so allow me to decline.

Linze took Princess Reliel and went towards the villa. She’s probably going to teach the princess how to use the smartphone.

“Yaa. Are you having fun? Your Majesty the Sovereign King.”

“Yes. Oh? Those are…”

The king of Egret who sat down on the beach chair next to mine handed something over to me. The thing that I received looked like a dried-up stick, and was releasing a unique smell.

“Oh, the dried Tentakra?”

“Yeah, it’s finally finished. Try a bite.”

When I held the tip in my mouth, I first felt the hard texture before a rich umami spreads throughout my mouth. Pretty good. This is a success, isn’t it?

“Pretty delicious, isn’t it?”

“Umu. It goes very well with alcohol too. Hard to believe that this came from those disgusting- looking Tentakras…”

“Certainly. It’s even better if you put on some mayonnaise, you know.”

Not wasting any time, I took out some mayonnaise on a small dish from [Storage], and dipped the dried Tentakra stick in before taking a bite. Uo, amazing. Putting some spicy sauce would work too depending on the person’s tastes.

The Egret King too dipped another stick in the mayonnaise and put it into his mouth.

“This is… Very nice! Man, this taste just makes me want to drink even more now.”

I was asked if I want to join him for some drinks, but I refused saying that I’m a non-drinker. I’m a minor by j.a.panese standards, but over here people as young as 14 or 15 are already drinking, so.

In exchange, probably hearing about the alcohol talk from somewhere, the Mismede and Ferzen kings came along, and the three of them started a drinking party while snacking on the dried Tentakra the king of Egret brought with him.

I looked for a good timing and excused myself from that place.

I’d like to be excused from having to deal with drunkards, after all. And besides, the three of them are all similarly warrior types, so being with them has its share of troubles.

When I looked at the beach, Moroha nee-san was having a bout with King Reinhardt of Lestia using wooden swords. What are you guys doing, we’re at the beach you know…

Karina nee-san is catching fish left and right in the sea with a harpoon, and before I noticed Suika had somehow mixed into the drinking party from earlier. And the source of this Hawaiian-sounding music drifting into my ears… I don’t even have to guess.

Kousuke ojii was cutting up some watermelons and serving it to everyone. The watermelons from Brunhild are sweet and delicious. Which is a foregone conclusion, given that the one who worked these crops is none other than the Agriculture G.o.d over there.

Now that I think about it, I’m a bit hungry… Those dried Tentakra sticks earlier can’t be counted as food, obviously. Guess I’ll eat something.

I took out a barbeque set from [Storage], and covered half of the grill with a mesh and the other half with an iron plate. I borrowed some vegetables from Kousuke ojii nearby, and started grilling them together with some dragon meat.

Drawn in by the delicious smell, Suu and Yae, as well as Luu; three people who all have a particular fondness of food among my fiancées gathered here.

“Looks delicious-ja no.”

“Degozaru na…”

“They’ll be done soon so just wait a while longer. Luu, could you help me out a little?”

“Leave it to me!”

I asked Luu who’s good at cooking to make yakisoba besides me as I concentrated on the grill. I lightly brushed some soy sauce onto the finished grilled corn on a cob, and pa.s.sed them to the other two.

“Hafu-, hafu-, so hot!”

“It’s hot but also sweet, delicious-no!”

The two stuffed their cheeks with the grilled corn with relish. Now then, time to add more dragon meat onto the grill. Also, some vegetables like onions, pumpkins and green peppers. One mustn’t forget to have a balanced meal.

“Oh, looks delicious.”

“Touya-dono, give some to us as well.”

“Coming up—”

I started grilling some corn on the cob for the Belfast king and the Refreese emperor. The appetizing smell of the meat and vegetables being grilled as well as the smell of the roasted soy sauce drew even more people here within a while.

“The yakisoba is done!”

“I’ll take some of what Lucia made as well. Looks delicious.”

“Then I shall do that too.”

The Regulus emperor took some of his daughter’s yakisoba, followed by her elder sister Princess Elysia.

I asked Kousuke ojii to take over cooking for me for a moment, and asked for some yakisoba from Luu as well.

The black pepper sprinkled on the noodles gives it an extra kick. Mm, delicious. The red ginger on the side also gives it a great accentuation. Luu’s cooking just gets better every time I eat it, eh?

Without stopping, Luu kept on making more things like foil-grilled fish with the fishes fished up by the Lihnea king, honey glazed spare ribs, grilled onigiri, grilled turban sh.e.l.l, shrimp grilled with salt, okonomiyaki, etc etc.

Each and every one of them are delicious. Kousuke ojii too made delicious dishes on the side like foil-grilled tomato with cheese and steamed onion. These are very nice, too. The taste of the ingredients is being brought out well.

After we’ve enjoyed the seaside barbeque, we played around until sundown.

After returning our guests with [Gate] back to their countries, we too bade farewell with the Egret king before returning to the dukedom.

“Uu, so tired…”

“Blame it on yourself for playing too hard.”

“Can’t argue back at that…”

While replying to Elze who retorted with an amazed voice, I laid down on the sofa. Since I had to pay attention to quite a few things back there too, I’m really tired, you know.

“That’s bad manners, you know, Touya-sama.”

“Sorry, but just a little…”

I got admonished by Hilda, but I’d like you to forgive me this once. I’m so tired I feel like just falling to sleep like this… Oh c.r.a.p, I’m actually feeling sleepy now…

“Sorry to intrude when you’re this tired.”

“Uoo!? You scared me!”

When I opened my eyes which were about to close any second, the face of Cesca who has gotten so close that I can feel her breath on my face is reflected. Close close, too close!

I dropped down from the sofa in shock.

“Oya, to have woken up right before the pa.s.sionate wake-up baiser, what a coward.” (Note: French for kiss, although I think some of you knew that already.)

“Shut it! What do you want!?”

This d.a.m.n ero-maid, she was aiming for it!?

“There’s a group of two people wis.h.i.+ng to meet with Master in front of the castle gates. As they said they’ve met with Master before, I thought to report it.”

“Two people…? Who are they?”

“As they were wearing a cloak with their hoods pulled down, I could not see anything too clear. However, both of them were female.”

Who could they be? I have absolutely no ideas. Maybe a female adventurer I met somewhere before?

“Could be something about asking for recognition… So where did you make them pregnant?”

“Who the h.e.l.l said anything about getting people pregnant!? Wait, it’s wrong ok!? That’s just some nonsense this stupid maid spouted just now, ok!?”

I hurriedly explained to everyone else who suddenly turned their eyes this way. No, I didn’t do anything in the first place so there’s no need to explain anything though!

“No, we believe in you-gozaru yo. Touya-dono doesn’t have enough courage to do… Ah, I mean… You’re rather innocent, yes.”

“It’s just… Touya-sama has the tendency to attract women to him, for better or for worse…”

“There’s the possibility that the other side could just be convinced by themselves, you know…”

Oi wait a minute, what do you mean “tendency to attract women”? Stop speaking as if I’m an anglerfish or something…

For now, I need to confirm who those two are. I used [Teleport] to move in front of the castle gates as if escaping.

In front of the gate, there indeed are two robed figures with hoods pulled down over their faces.

One of them, upon spotting me, walked forward a few steps before calling out.

“It’s been a while. Mochizuki Touya.”

“…? Who… Ah!”

Even in the dim brightness of dusk, my eyes could still clearly capture the face under the hood in front of me. I’ve only seen it once, but it’s not a face I would forget.

“Rize, is it?”

“Yes. I’m looking for Endymion’s location. If you know where he is, please tell me.”

Rize. One of few that stand atop the race of crystalline organisms, the Phrases. She’s a female ruler-type who moved together with Ende on his journey.

If I recall correctly, she was taking a separate course of action from Ende, and was supposed to be contacting her sister, a fellow ruler-type, Nei.

Which means, no way…

I turned towards the other hooded figure standing in the back. The face that I saw was the same face as the one who had attacked me before. Unconsciously, my body took a fighting stance.

Nei. The ruler-type currently commanding the Phrase’s invasion force was standing there.

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