In a Different World with a Smartphone

Chapter 449 G.o.d’s Ring, and the Bouquet Throw.

Chapter 449 G.o.d’s Ring, and the Bouquet Throw.


"Are the spirits really appearing …!"

Seeing the six Great Spirits floating in the air, all the invited guests were really noisy.

In this world, people have more faith in the spirits than G.o.ds, because they appear more often. The people of the Great Sea of Trees wors.h.i.+p the Spirit of Earth.

There was even a theory that the spirits were commanded by the G.o.ds to create the world. Well, that"s actually correct, because the World G.o.d confirmed the statement.

"In the name of us Great Spirits, we will bless the King of Brunhild and his companions, and congratulate the marriage of nine women here.”

The Great Spirit of Light says so in a gentle voice. The voice of her calmed down the venue, which had been noisy earlier.

No wonder. Usually, spirits rarely appear. There are only a handful of people who have heard or seen spirits. I think most people are surprised and can"t even speak, seeing the beings who they wors.h.i.+p. Well, there is something superior to those spirits among the invited guests.

If you look closely, it seems that the Great Spirits are also nervous. That"s right. The World G.o.d is right here, far above me, the Spirit Sing … I have a little sympathy.

But please do something about the nervousness.

"This me shall hope that you will share joy and sadness and support each other with love that will never change.”

A slightly tense voice echoes from the Great Spirit of Fire. Do your best.

"We give you a gift of marriage from us."

After the Great Spirit of the Earth finished saying that, nine rings appeared in front of me with a flash of light accompanying them. The rings give off a divine light because they seem to be made out of platinum gold.

Unsurprisingly, these rings are actually "Sacred Treasures". They are also handmade by the World G.o.d. So, in technicality, the gifts from the Great Spirits are actually gifts to us by the World G.o.d.

The rings are like receivers, making it easier to accept my [G.o.d"s Love] and raising the rank of my dependents. To put it bluntly, it"s a magic item that allows one to become the lowest level of the G.o.ds, at the Subordinate G.o.d level. It"s a ridiculously strong gift, but obviously, equipping it with someone who doesn’t have my [G.o.d’s Love] has no effect.

When I picked up the rings and put them on the ring fingers of each brides’ left hand, light shone from the nine rings, and it floated into the air and gathered on my left ring finger.

When the light subsided, a ring similar to everyone else’s appeared on my left ring finger. You can tell just by looking at it that this is a unique ring with various blessings of G.o.ds, spirits, and more people/G.o.ds.

As I was fascinated by the ring, the youngest-looking spirit, the Dark Spirit, opened her mouth.

"We have seen that the marriage has been done. I bless this marriage in the name of our Spirit King. "

Spirit King is me, so it kind of feels strange to be blessed by myself…

The small spirits that appeared from nowhere happily dance in the sky and catch the eyes of the invited guests. The colorful lights of red, blue, green, brown, yellow, and purple drew a beautiful trajectory in the sky.

The great spirits become their elements again, and ascend into the sky while drawing a spiral that swirls with their figures. Like fireworks rising high in the sky, the particles of light spread brilliantly, creating a big rainbow in the sky.

The invitees give a big cheer and applause to the wonderful sight. They did it flashy. I"ll thank them later.

Anyways, the Great Spirits became our marriage officiants, and our marriage was officially established.

I will now live with them as a life-long companion.

We became married couples on that great day.

A bell rang from the direction of the clock tower in town. It"s not telling the time, rather, it’s the sound of a bell that congratulates us. The sound of the bell is said to dispel evil beings and keep away misery.

Petals fell over our heads in response to the sound of the bells. Is this done by Karen-nee?

I gently raise Elze"s wedding veil as the petals dance in the wind.

"Thank you for your continued support, Elze."

"Leave it to me… I"ll hit you if you forget about that."

That"s scary… We laugh and kiss to conclude our vows. It"s embarra.s.sing to do a long kiss in public, so we did a light one to each other.

Elze is always at the forefront. This will be the beginning of our life together. Of course, I"ll be next to her.

I"m not afraid of any difficulties with her by my side. Elze gives me courage.

Next, I stand in front of Linze and quietly raise her wedding veil.

"Thank you Linze for everything up until now."

"Nn, yes… with all my strength, I will support Touya-san."

Linze smiles with tears of happiness coming out of her eyes. I kissed her as I wiped away the tears. She kissed me back in the same way.

Linze who supports me with all she has while in the shadow of Elze. I want to be a husband who can respond to that unwavering feeling. She is kind-hearted and willing to work hard for others, and I think she can be a good mom. …… Wait, what did I just think?

Then I raised the Yae wedding veil. She smiles and opens her mouth.

"Let me keep being by your side until the end of our lives, husband!"

"Let us, Yae."

That probably won’t need to happen though.

Yae and the rest of the girls are on par with Subordinate G.o.ds due to the effects of the ring gifted by the World G.o.d and my [G.o.d’s Love], so I think we will live for as long as time and long as none of us prematurely dies.

Her words are a little exaggerated, but they may be an expression of Yae"s feelings. I feel the same way. I’ve decided to live my life with them since a long time ago.

Yae and I kiss each other and I move in front of Su, who’s next in line.

"Touya is always near danger. I’m going to be with you forever!"

"Hahaha. That’s reliable to hear."

Because of the height difference, I bend down a little and kiss Su"s lips. She grabbed my neck and drew me to her. She’s a bit forceful, just like usual. I accidentally let out a laugh.

Su"s innocent personality suits her a lot. With it, she can make others see hope in any pessimistic situation. Not only does Leen have the characteristic of being curious, but also Su;

I then raise Yumina"s wedding veil. Surprisingly, tears were floating in Yumina"s eyes. As I look into them, she smiles at me.

"I"m happy … to be the bride of the person I love, now … I"m really fortunate!"

"Yeah. I feel the same."

She may have been the one who had the most hopes for marriage. Depending on the position of their own country, there was a possibility of undesired marriage or son-in-law as a royal family member. I don"t think that King Belfast would allow such a marriage, but such a thought must have been raised by the aristocrats.

But she paved the way for herself. I respect that strength of hers.

I kiss Yumina, and this time appears in front of Leen.

"I cannot believe that this thing is actually happening in my life. That’s what longevity can do, huh?"

"There is still a long way to go. The life of us as husband and wife."

I smile and kiss Leen on her lips. For a long time, she had no companion nor any family. Perhaps the reason why Paula was created was that she wanted someone who would stay with her for a long time.

We are here for her now. I won"t make her feel lonely.

Then, I moved to the front of Lu, raised her wedding veil, and kissed her lips just like I did with everyone else. She kisses me back as well.

"From now on, please trust me with your daily meals, okay?"

"I hope I don’t get fat …"

Lu shyly smiles at me. The food she prepares is really tasty, but I"m worried about eating too much and getting fat. Isn"t there a deity for body fat? But I don"t think there’s a Fat G.o.d.

It"s said to be happy and fat, but you shouldn"t be fat just because you"re happy. As a result, I overeat because Clarie-san’s food is delicious. Let"s exercise properly after eating …

I stand in front of Sakura with such a determination in my heart.

"King-sama, I"m hungry."

"… Please be patient for a little bit more time."

Even in this situation, Sakura is still going at her own pace. That"s what she likes to do. Sakura isn"t very talkative, but for some reason she makes everyone around her feel calm when she does talk. Like how she sings, her own pace at conversing with others gives me a peace of mind.

I raised her veil and we kissed each other"s lips. Even though she didn"t express much emotion, Sakura showed a little shyness at that time.

I came before the last bride, Hilda. She always has a dignified atmosphere, but today her cuteness stands out more.

"Touya-san, please take care of me forever."


The words are a little stiff, but that"s what conveys their sincere feelings. Let"s not disappoint her.

When I raised the veil and kissed her, Hilda put her lips to my lips in the same way, though she was a little nervous.

The bell rings again.

I used [Speaker] and thanked the invited guests in front of me.

"Thank you for joining us today even though you may have been busy. Although I am still a young person, I would like to work together to build a prosperous country and a happy family. Though we may continue to inconvenience you, we ask for your continued guidance and encouragement.”

A thunderous applause falls on us with the petals. We all bow deeply and thank all the invited guests.

Perhaps because of the order of Kougyoku, white doves fluttered into the sky all at once. As the bells kept ringing, the doves kept flying.

"Well, there is a custom called the “Bouquet Toss” in Touya-kun’s and our hometown. The bride throws their bouquet and it is said that if you catch it and give it to the person you are interested in, love will come to fruition and you will be happy. However, the partic.i.p.ants are only single men. If you have someone you think of dearly and want to get married, join us now! Capture happiness!”

I hear the voice of Karen-nee through [Speaker].


Deep-pitched voices echoed, and men flocked in front of the altar.

Wait a second…… It"s quite different from the Bouquet Toss I know.

Everyone on the altar seems to be a little confused. When I tried to return to the altar, Moroha-nee grabbed my shoulder and stopped me.

"If it was a Bouquet Toss from your world, it’d be hard for women to take part in it, wouldn’t it?”

Mu. Certainly, I read online that there are many opinions about how people don’t want to partic.i.p.ate in the Bouquet Toss recently. There seems to be various reasons such as how women think “I don’t want to appear desperate to get a partner in public” , or “I don’t want others to know that I’m single”.

Well, if it"s a man, he won’t be that embarra.s.sed … No, it was said that the male version of a Bouquet Toss is throwing broccoli instead of a bouquet. Since there are many bunches in the broccoli, the prosperity of descendants and happiness is said to be fulfilled.

Bouquets are more beautiful than broccoli, so I think it"s okay to throw them.

Single men are gathering in front of the altar. From young people to elderly people … Hey, even Doran-san will partic.i.p.ate!??

Mika-san"s father and owner of the inn Silver Moon in Reflet. It"s true that he is a widower and single, but …

Standing awkwardly next to him is Lantz-san, who is in love with Doran-san’s daughter Mika-san. Wait…? Are the Knights also partic.i.p.ating?

"There isn’t a shortage of guards, because Nyantarou is on the lookout."

Moroha-nee laughs and answers, but he’s a cat, isn’t he? Well, Nyantarou is not a normal cat …

If you look closely, there are many of my acquaintances amongst the partic.i.p.ants.

Will, an apprentice knight of the Belfast Knights, was one of the partic.i.p.ants. He was a boy who was with Rebecca and Logan while they were traversing the desert. I wonder if he’ll take the bouquet and give it to Wendy.

In addition, Garn-san, the captain of Mismede’s escort knights, an adventurer from Eashen, and Hasugetsu-san, a stickman. To the new adventurers Ropp and Klaus … Wow, the boy king of Palouf? There is also Prince Pumpkin Pants Robert. Wait, Ende, you too!??

In addition to that, knights from various other countries and single aristocrats make their way over to the altar. There are nine bouquets, so I think there are quite a few chances, but aren’t there too many!??

"I tell you in advance, this has nothing to do with your status. The winner is the one who gets it. Therefore, it is a foul to take away a bouquet from the opponent who once got it. Whoever robs others of happiness will be unhappy, right?”

Karen-nee stabs a nail in. The rules spread from the front of the altar, as if the men were trying to tell their surroundings. While paying attention to the men around him, every man’s eyes catch the brides on the altar. The other invitees were amused to see that. The bouquet toss that shares happiness has become a murderous thing in this world.

"Then, everyone in the back! At my signal, throw your bouquet as far as it can go."

Following the instructions of Hanakoi, all the brides turn to the back. The next moment, dora la la la la la la la! A loud noise rang. What is this drum roll? When I turned around, Sosuke-san was playing the drums with all his might. What are you doing, the music G.o.d.

"Well, let"s go! Throw it!”

Nine bouquets fly into the sky. Some bouquets flew high, some were low, and one flew in the wrong direction. That"s the one that Su threw.

"I caught it!"

Taking advantage of the beastman"s natural ability to jump, Garn-san jumps. He aims at the one bouquet which flew low, reaches out to that one and is just about to grab the falling bouquet in his hand ──── but then Ende, who jumped farther, came from the side and caught it. It was… just, wow.


Ende, who got the bouquet, lands lightly. He has feelings for Mel, so he’ll give it to her …


"Ku, let"s go!"


"Ah …"

While I was being amazed by Ende’s feat, I heard some voices of pain and sadness fly, but then was covered by a voice of happiness.

It seems that one of my acquaintances caught one. Ah, did you get one, boy king? I am just wondering how you got it while being at that height…

"He picked up one that fell from the hands of some men."

"Ah, I see."

Kohaku, who stands next to me, told me that using telepathy. Ah, Rachel-san is happy that he gave the bouquet to her.

Oh, did you get one, too, Lantz-san? …… He’s talking with Mika-san with his eyes. Both of them have red faces, and it seems that they don"t even notice that Doran-san in the back is glaring at them. Are they in their own world? By the way, Doran-san also got a bouquet.

And Will also caught a bouquet. Not surprisingly, Wendy has a happy expression among the guests behind Will. The Pumpkin Pants Prince didn’t get it?

…… Is there something special about the bouquets?

"Let’s just say that the person who catches it will not be in a relations.h.i.+p where there is a love affair."

"Nya, haha. Karen-neechan, you really did it. I think this bouquet toss will be popular.”

Karen-nee and Katrina-nee call out as if they read my mind. Eh? No way …

When I turned my gaze toward Karen-nee, she returned a light wink. I guess she did something after all. Did you use some power?

It isn’t really that big of a deal, so let’s not think about it … Yeah, that"s good.