In Another Life

Chapter 10

Proofread by Yin Jing

Heaven looks at the guards in puzzlement, nodding with confusion, “Yeah, Heaven Li from Pingdu.”

Immediately the guards smile flatteringly, “Sir, why didn’t you say that earlier? How dare we accept great scholar Li’s money?” Then they quickly hand the newly-obtained silver back to Heaven.

Heaven takes the silver from them confusedly--- he really can’t understand these fools’ intention!

“Great scholar, there is something you don’t know! The Cabinet Grand Scholar Liu Dong has specially sent his servants to city gates to pick you up! It never occurs to us that you will enter the city through this gate! It is our great honor! Please come on in.” With that, they lead Heaven towards the city gate.

Heaven doesn’t return to his carriage. He follows the guards doubtfully. The carter follows them, leading the horse and the carriage.

Once they enter the city, a banner comes into their sight. There are a few characters on it, which reads, “Reception for Heaven Li from Pingdu --- Liu’s Clan.” Next to the banner is a fancy carriage.

 “Sir, please wait a moment.”

The guards walk up and say something. A few moments later, two servants run through a side door. They give a fist salute to Heaven, and say, “Sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. We come here to greet you at our master’s command. Please get in the carriage.” Saying this, they run over to lift the fancy carriage’s curtain. This apparently means to invite Heaven to get in this carriage.

“Pardon? What’s up? I have had my own carriage!”

“Sir, you can rest a.s.sured! We will settle the luggage for you, so you don’t need to worry about it!”

Whatever! Anyway I have no acquaintances in the capital, so don’t blame me if you pick the wrong person up! Well, Heaven doesn’t know that “Liu” is the fainted examiner, and it’s for Liu’s sake that he was bludgeoned with plank!

Compared with other mansions in the capital, Grand Scholar Liu’s is dignified rather than huge. Following the servants, Heaven walks around the mansion, whose style is quite similar to that of Suzhou Gardens.

The servants halt when they come to a pavilion. “Sir, please stay and let me inform my master.”

Who exactly wants to see me? Does he or she mistake me for someone else? I know none of those big names.

A loud gust of laughter comes. “Heaven Li, you’re here at last! I miss you so much!”

My G.o.d, isn’t it he that examiner? What’s wrong with him? Miss me so much or want me dead?

Anyway, it’s necessary to be formal before a big name! “I’m Heaven Li. Your Honor, nice to meet you.”

“Hha, don’t mention it! Come on, the journey must be tiring, come in and enjoy the tea!” says Liu. He enters the living room, taking Heaven by the hand affectionately, which makes Heaven get goose b.u.mps all over.

After entering the room, the Grand Scholar sits on a palace chair. He says nothing but keeps smiling at Heaven, as if he were a miser seeing a gold ingot, and the more he looks at it, the more he likes it! Under his gaze Heaven sweats: Is he familiar with me? Or the geezer has some special interest?

“Eh-hem!” coughs Heaven twice, “Your Honor, why do you fetch me up? Do you want anything? Your specific instruction will be appreciated!” He can’t stand it anymore--- he will certainly throw up if being stared at by this geezer longer!

“Ah, here is the thing.” Grand Scholar Liu recovers from his dreams. “I truly appreciate you. Your literary talent is so great that I have specially reported your paper to Your Majesty, who is very happy with it. With Your Majesty’s special permission, you are excused from the final exam, hha! Congratulations! Now there is no outsider, no one else knows it except the ‘Messenger’ and me!”

Gosh, I’m excused from the final exam? How brazen the geezer is! Certainly he wants me to appreciate his help, but I just have 100 or so taels of silver left! What if I give my money to him?

Heaven pretends that he is too excited to cry. “Your Honor, I have no way to repay your great kindness! The only thing I regret is that I hurried on with my journey so that I bring no speciality in my hometown to you. Alas, a pity! What a pity!”

Hearing his words, the Grand Scholar says angrily, “My good sir, what are you saying! I think highly of you, only because under no circ.u.mstances can we stifle talents, whose talent should be used to the full. Later the ‘Messenger’ will arrive at my mansion. He also thinks highly of you.” Well, within a moment, Heaven has become his “good sir”!

In the Great An, the Sun G.o.d is supreme. As a result, there are many shrines. Despite the very poor ones, all the others are managed by the G.o.d’s Servants, beneath whom are the G.o.d’s Slaves. The G.o.d’s Messengers in white robe are men of the highest position in the Great An, who have no rank but enjoy the supreme status. To speak bluntly, they are trickers specializing in doing a snow job; and he, Heaven Li, who was born in a temple and knocked a hole in the temple’s roof , will be the best person for this job!

Speak of the devil! Soon after they start talking, a servant comes to report that the Messanger has already arrived.

“My good sir, come with me to greet the Messenger! He comes here just to see you.” Says Grand Scholar Liu and leads Heaven out of the room.

How weird it is! It’s understandable for Grand Scholar Liu to co-opt me, but why does he, a G.o.d’s Messenger want to see me?

As the representative and the loyal servant of the Sun G.o.d, though not in the bureaucrat system, the Messengers are highly respected in the Great An. Even the emperor will think highly of them, so Liu himself is supposed to come out and give a warm reception.

Heaven is a bit surprised at the Messenger’s appearance. He used to think that at least the Messenger would look like the legendary pope; that he would be an old man wearing a white robe and a holy crown, with a fake merciful look. However, the one before him is a young man who seems not much elder than Heaven. Well, his appearance is so-so, but why does he shave his head? Is Messengers in this society the same as monks in my prelife? Alright, it seems that"s how it goes.

The Grand Scholar leads the Messenger and Heaven back to the living room. “May the Sun G.o.d be always with you, my Honor.” Staring at Heaven seriously, the Messenger asks Liu, “Is he the scholar you have recommended?”

“Yes. He is Heaven Li.” Nods the Grand Scholar slightly. Then he turns to Heaven, “Heaven, come over to salute the Messenger!”

d.a.m.n, it’s annoying to salute a tricker! It’s the first time Heaven sees a clergyman --- he can’t even find a Servant in that shabby temple in his hometown! Not knowing what kind of salute should be given, Heaven finally decides to bow. Three bows are given --- don"t blame me for using a mourning gesture in my prelife! While bowing, he also starts to say, “Your Honor, your light shines upon the earth, enables me to have light in the darkness.” Well, with such a shiny bald head, it’s unnecessary to light lamp if he goes to the bathroom at night!

Nodding with satisfaction, the Messenger says to Liu, “Fine. Heaven Li is not bad. I shall give him the G.o.d’s blessing. Mr. Liu, I’d like to talk to Li alone, can I?”

“Well, please. I shall go to the antechamber to order dishes. Your Honor, please stay for a simple meal here.”

“You’re welcome. May G.o.d be always with you.” Well, a tricker is a tricker, mentioning “G.o.d” all day long!

The Grand Scholar goes out. The door is closed by servants. Now there are only Heaven and the Messenger left in the living room. Alas, if it’s in my prelife, a swindler and a tricker will be colleagues! Although we use different methods, our purposes are the same! A feeling of closeness wells up in Heaven’s heart, because finally he finds his own team!

“O Child of the G.o.d, you shall accept the G.o.d’s blessing. Alasika.” A typical trickers’ opening line! But what is the meaning of ‘Alasika’? It seems to be some word like ‘Amen’ and ‘My Merciful Buddha’!

‘G.o.d’s Child’? If I were a child of the G.o.d, then the G.o.d should step in to stop Ox-Head and Horse-Face from beating me! d.a.m.n, Heaven feels annoyed every time he recalls the scene.

“Hey, thank you! What’s the matter with you, your Honor?” He won’t respect his colleague as much as the others do. For one thing, colleagues are opponents. For another, the Messenger can do nothing to him. Without an official position, the most severe punishment he can give is to condemn Heaven for profanity.

“Li, I have seen your paper and heard of your benevolence. You have done a really good job. Therefore I want to pet.i.tion Your Majesty --- with your talent and morality, you well suit the position as G.o.d’s Servant. What do you think, child of the G.o.d? Are you too happy? Afterwards you can compose anthems for the G.o.d specially! O the Great Sun G.o.d, behold! Under your light, how happy the child is! I praise you, Alasika!” says the Messenger excitedly.

What? Let me be the G.o.d’s servant?