Inch of Radiance

Chapter 7.2 – Underground World

Book 2 Chapter 7.2 – Underground World

An office within a Wall Street building.

Bao Bo was currently enjoying the service being provided by his beautiful and s.e.xy secretary. As he looked at the blood red wine within his cup, as well as feeling the warmth from his lower body, not only did he feel rather satisfied with current life, the smile on his face also became even more splendid.

Bao Bo was a bandit within the financial world. Although he did not actually rob anyone, but because he had bankrupted quite a few companies, he had quite a few enemies, and his name was even on the organization’s list of names. In addition, it wasn’t just a single mission!

One B rank mission, and two C rank mission, separated into three missions with different issuers. The missions all asked for the of Bao Bo, however, Bao Bo still lived his life comfortably because of his bodyguards. He had bodyguards from the number one bodyguard company — Black Devil Bodyguard Company. B rank and C rank were still incapable of breaking through the Black Devil bodyguards’ protection.

“Ah!” Bao Bo’s body suddenly throbbed, immediately squirting everything into the s.e.xy female secretary’s mouth as he made a bright moan.


A flash of radiance pa.s.sed by. “Ah!” The moaning Bao Bo suddenly opened his eyes wide, and there was a deep fear within its eyes. It was a fear of death, and upon his forehead was a bullet hole; a bullet hole that completely penetrated through his skull.

Li Yang who was in the corner of the office suddenly smiled, and the Xiantian qi within his body began to circulate. He made some hand seals, and immediately activated the Escape Technique, easily leaving.

That s.e.xy female secretary was still showing off her moves, however, she found to her surprise that her boss did not show any reaction. Could it be that her movements weren’t as good as before? The s.e.xy secretary who was kneeling between Bao Bo’s legs could not help but lift up her head to look towards her boss.

“Ah!” A shrill shriek suddenly resonated within the entire office building, and at the same time, the Black Devil bodyguards who were standing outside ran in.

“It’s a steel marble, and this steel marble actually completely penetrated through the skull. Its penetrating force is astonishing, and it should be a steel marble shot from a modified gun. In addition, this modified gun’s firepower is extremely terrifying.” A white male from the Black Devil Bodyguard Company muttered as he looked at the steel marble in his hand.

“How could it be? This office only has a single window, if it was shot from a gun, it had to be shot from the outside. However, this office is on the 59th floor, and there is basically no area that can shoot into this area. In addition, Mister Bao Bo’s back was facing the window, so even if he did get shot, it would pierce through from the back. How could it have entered through the forehead?” said a black man from the Black Devil Bodyguard Company.

These two were high level bodyguards within the Black Devil Bodyguard Company, and they were experts who obtained the realm of fourth rank. They were invited by the cowardly Bao Bo after spending a large amount of money.

“Since the bullet entered from the forehead, that must have been within the room. However, we were outside of the office the entire time. Could it be that he went into the office without us noticing, and then easily escaped after?” The white bodyguard clearly did not believe the a.s.sumption he just made.

“This situation seems to be rather difficult, let’s report this to the upper authorities!” The black bodyguard spoke after thinking for a long time, and he released a discouraged sigh.

A client of the Black Devil Bodyguard Company actually got while under the protection of two bodyguards, and they weren’t even alerted in the slightest while the was carried out. This was definitely a humiliation, and it was a stain on the Black Devil Bodyguard’s reputation. If the two bodyguards died, then it was fine since the enemy was too powerful. However, the two bodyguards were perfectly fine, and did not even see the’s shadow. The only explanation for this was that the Black Devil Bodyguard Company’s protection was not satisfactory.

Li Yang activated the Escape Technique, and unhurriedly entered and left. Regardless of how great your protection was, Li Yang could still easily enter and his target before using the escape technique to calmly and unhurriedly leave. This Escape Technique was indeed an’s most useful tool.

A room within Li Yang’s villa.

Oh, didn’t I just complete a C rank mission?” Li Yang looked at the 3.6 million dollars on his card, and he was a bit confused. He only accepted a single C rank mission, and killing Bao Bo could earn him fifty thousand dollars with the intermediary taking ten percent. He should have only received forty five thousand dollars.

IET: Intermediaries can only take ten million dollars, and if the mission surpa.s.sed a hundred million dollars, then the intermediary would only take ten million

Li Yang immediately opened up his computer and pulled up the organization’s webpage to ask the customer service about this matter.

“Mister Bullet, the 3.6 million dollars you received belongs to you. This is due to the fact that there were a total of three missions that had Bao Bo as the target. Maybe Mister Bullet only saw one of the missions and did not see the other missions. Of the three missions, one was B rank, and two were C rank. The total sum for the missions was 4 million dollars, and after taking in the intermediary fees, Mister Bullet should have obtained 3.6 million dollars.” The customer service representative gave Li Yang his answer.

“Then since I completed a B rank mission, is my grade now B rank?” Li Yang asked unexpectedly.

“I must apologize, Mister Bullet! You accepted a C rank mission, and although you completed two other missions at the same time, we can only record down that you finished one C rank mission!”

Li Yang couldn’t help but stare for a bit, and soon after helplessly closed the customer service window. He opened up the ‘billion dollar’ mission’s web page.

These past few days, there would be one thing that Li Yang would do each night, and that was opening the ‘billion dollar’ mission’s web page. He would look to see who accepted this ‘billion dollar’ mission, as well as those’ results.

“Oh, another S rank died. Ai, doesn’t this fellow understand that this mission is incredibly dangerous? To still accept it, who can he blame but himself?” Li Yang looked at the mission status and couldn’t help but sigh. However, Li Yang still felt a bit of happiness inside, after all, he would have a chance at the mission if no one could complete it.

The days pa.s.sed one after another, and after Li Yang used the Escape Technique to easily his targets, the name ‘Bullet’ gradually became to circulate within the world. Ten C rank missions were quickly completed, and Li Yang also began to climb the B rank ranks.

As before, Li Yang continued to use the Escape Technique to carry out the missions, and all of his missions were conducted smoothly. No matter who it was, they were unable to resist his attacks, and the targets on the organization’s list became increasingly terrified. However, what greeted them was only a single steel marble, and no matter who the bodyguards were, they were unable to notice this mysterious ‘Bullet’’s figure.

Early in the evening when the lanterns were first lit, the eight in the evening Manhattan glowed with brilliant multicolored lights.

Taibai Restaurant’s business was quite excellent, and there were quite a few customers who came to enjoy their Chinese cuisine. As usual, Li Yang arrived at the second floor’s private room, and the restaurant boss Ge Pu also happily ate and drank with him.

“Brother Ge, why are you in a suit today?” Li Yang seemed rather surprised. Through their interactions thus far, Li Yang learned that Ge Pu was an individual who was extremely fond of Chinese culture. Ge Pu typically always wore traditional Chinese robes, tang suits, and other Chinese clothes, moreover, by wearing these ancient Chinese clothes, the customers did not feel that it was strange at all. Moreover, they were rather fond of this boss who appreciated Chinese antiquities.

Ge Pu laughed while saying, “My daughter purchased this especially for me. How is it? Isn’t it quite excellent?”

When Li Yang heard this, he immediately recalled that this Ge Pu doted on his daughter quite a bit, and when he was together with Li Yang, he would spend most of his time talking about his daughter. To cast aside his traditional Chinese clothes and wear a suit because of his daughter was not strange at all.

“Brother Ge really has a filial daughter!” Li Yang laughed as he praised, and he knew that in front of Ge Pu’s face, he could only praise his daughter. Otherwise, even the good-natured Ge Pu would get angry.

Ge Pu was obviously proud. “Of course, how can my daughter be ordinary? Heng heng.”

The private room had a window, and Li Yang was facing the window. Suddenly, from the edge of his vision, Li Yang noticed a figure flashing past. Li Yang’s expression could not help but change, and he immediately apologized to Ge Pu. “Brother Ge, I, Mu Yi have something to take care off. Today, I will have to leave first!”

Ge Pu also knew that Li Yang was not an ordinary person, and Li Yang was also not the type of person who liked doing things to save face. With a flash of his figure, he left through the window, soon after disappearing into the boundless night.