Incurable Pain

Chapter 2 - IP Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - IP Chapter 2

Incurable Pain | Chapter 2

Sheng Churan was a “popular kid*” in the second and third of their high school. She had a bright and beautiful appearance, and always liked to do things brazenly.

*T/N: Original translation was “红人” which literally meant “red man”. Figuratively, it means that that person was famous.

Almost every student in the cla.s.s knew two things about her. The first was that Sheng Churan hated Bai Xunyin, that little mute, feeling that she was a white lotus*. Combined with her strong popularity and generosity, she successfully led the cla.s.s to isolate Bai Xunyin.

*T/N: “白莲花” Pretends to be innocent

The reason why Bai Xunyin was locked in the cla.s.sroom after school from time to time was entirely due to Sheng Churan.

The three had a total of 50 students, and each group consisted of two or three people. Each group took about one or two turns cleaning after school each month.

The hygiene committee member deliberately put Bai Xunyin and Sheng Churan and one of Sheng Churan’s followers, Zhongqin, together. Whenever it was time for their group to clean up, Sheng Churan would take Zhong Qin with her to go first after her cla.s.smates left.

Not only did she leave first, she also took the key and locked Bai Xunyin in the cla.s.sroom.

The key must be brought by the students on duty the previous evening to unlock the door the following morning. So Sheng Churan thought that even if Bai Xunyin is locked up in the cla.s.sroom for one night, no one will know.

Sheng Churan didn’t even worry after Liu Chen* later informed Shen Langli about it. Her family was powerful and wealthy, and she was attractive and popular.

*T/N: The guard mentioned in Chapter 1

See, what became of the matter about her ‘accidentally’ locking students in the cla.s.sroom? Who was able to discipline her*?

*T/N: Sheng Churan

Because Bai Xunyin could not speak and only silently resisted, such ‘atrocities’ continued naturally.

The students in the third cla.s.s were either on the same side with Sheng Churan only cared about themselves.

But they all knew that Sheng Churan hated Bai Xunyin, this was undoubtedly the first thing.

The second fact was that Sheng Churan liked Yu Luoyin from the cla.s.s next door, and she wanted to chase him.

She was bold and enthusiastic, and all the ups and downs about her chasing him were known almost throughout the school.

Even the teacher was aware and specially talked about it to Sheng Churan. But there was no way anyone could stop Sheng Churan, she just wanted to chase Yu Luoyin.

Except for Bai Xunyin, who did not know anything outside their cla.s.s, almost all students in Third Middle School knew about Yu Luoyin.

The school’s gra.s.s, selected in their school forum, was always in their school’s top three every exam. Who wouldn’t be able to recognize him?

Sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls were in the most restless time of adolescence. Especially for Yu Luoyin, the “chosen one”*, how many of them have not had beautiful fantasies in their minds?

*T/N: “天之骄子” means son of the heavens. Figuratively means that someone is favored by the heavens

It’s just that few people dared to say it as boldly and enthusiastically as Sheng Churan, who went to find Yu Luoyin after cla.s.s, blocking their door almost every day waiting for him to finish school…

All of this was what Bai Xunyin had heard from the mouths of other cla.s.smates who were gossiping.

It’s strange..

She had automatically blocked everything about Sheng Churan before, but since she had seen Yu Luoyin after school that day, her ears would always be filled with his news.

It’s like something that’s always lingering around you. And when you don’t care about it, it just feels like a pa.s.sing thought.

But after paying a little attention, she unconsciously felt that he was everywhere.

Yu Luoyin.

It turns out that he and Sheng Churan were not boyfriend and girlfriend.

Rather Sheng Churan one-sidedly liked him.

“Hey, Bai Xunyin.”

Liu Yufu at the front table turned around and knocked on her desk, “Give me the math paper.”

Liu Yufu was a beautiful girl who wore She was their representative in math cla.s.s , responsible for collecting homework and sending it to the math teacher’s office after the second cla.s.s every day. But she always asks Bai Xunyin for math papers when the first cla.s.s ends.

Because Bai Xunyin was the first in mathematics in their cla.s.s, Liu Yufu had to check her homework by comparing it to hers.

Bai Xunyin knew all of this, but she didn’t say anything. She just silently took out her papers and handed them to Liu Yufu.

Liu Yufu is an indifferent but not ill-intentioned girl. She doesn’t mind giving her her papers to check, even if Liu Yufu has never said a single word of ‘thank you’.

While the cla.s.s were boisterously talking, the cla.s.s bell rang. Their chemistry teacher walked in with a bunch of lesson plans in his hand, stood on the podium for a second, then bursts into a fury-

“What’s going on in your cla.s.s? Who’s in charge of cleaning today?!”

The chemistry teacher took the blackboard and knocked heavily on the blackboard, “No one wiped the blackboard? Who’s in charge?! ”

The cla.s.sroom which was originally still filled with ‘buzzing’ talking sounds quieted down in the face of the teacher’s anger, as if you’ll be able to hear the sound of a pin drop.

Bai Xunyin bit her lip, and her small hand unconsciously grabbed the lining of her school uniform’s pants.

“Who? Why doesn’t anyone say anything?!”

Seeing that no one answered, the chemistry teacher became even more angry, “You’re all dumb, aren’t you? I’m asking, who’s on duty today?!”


A female cla.s.smate in the front row couldn’t help but laugh out loud at her words. Her thin eyebrows raised maliciously, “There’s only one true mute in our cla.s.s. If no one says anything, then it’s her.”

After she finished speaking, a burst of laughter filled the cla.s.s, as if they were previously holding it back.

The chemistry teacher was stunned. His eyes subconsciously looked at Bai Xunyin, and a pair of thick black eyebrows furrowed——

“Bai Xunyin, are you on duty today?”


Bai Xunyin’s straight back stiffened for a moment, then she slowly stood up.

Amidst the silent eyes of those who were obviously waiting to watch a good show, she opened her mouth unable to say a word.

But her act of standing up without shaking her head seemed to be equivalent to acquiescence in the eyes of the teacher.

He frowned, stared at Bai Xunyin with some helplessness, and asked, “Why don’t you wipe the blackboard? Is it possible that this teacher has to do it himself*? ”

*T/N: The teacher’s speaking in 3rd person’s POV.


Liu Yufu, who sat in the front row, suddenly spoke. Her voice was calm and fast, “Three students were on duty, not only Bai Xunyin.”

Bai Xunyin was stunned. She looked down a little unexpectedly, staring at the back of Liu Yufu’s ponytailed head.

“Three? Who are the other two?”

The teacher swept around and said in a deep voice, “All of you*, stand up.”

*T/N: Every persons in charge

The cla.s.s became quiet for a few seconds before Sheng Churan and another female cla.s.smate reluctantly stood up.

“What’s wrong with the three of you?”

Seeing the three girls, the chemistry teacher suddenly felt unable to scold them, and was a little helpless, “Are all the little girls so playful now?”


Sheng Churan was the first to speak. Her face looked extremely innocent as her big eyes blinked, “Zhong Qin and I had some stomach ache after cla.s.s, so we went to the restroom. I didn’t know that no one wiped the blackboard. I am really sorry.”

This looked like an apology. But in reality, they were just dumping the pot* at Bai Xunyin.

*T/N: Pushing the blame

Sure enough, the chemistry teacher looked at Bai Xunyin with some reproach – clearly thinking that she wasn’t a team player.

To be honest, many teachers have heard about this dumb student in the third cla.s.s. Bai Xunyin studied well and looked beautiful. Logically speaking, she should be the ‘darling’ of many teachers, but she didn’t get along with the whole cla.s.s.

Humans were like this. They always feel that if one or two people hate you, it may be their fault. But if the whole cla.s.s was mean to you, that meant that you have a problem.

They don’t even consider the fact that it’s because that person is so good that they will make others jealous, making him or her isolated.

Bai Xunyin’s pearly white teeth bit her lip. After a long while, she walked straight to the podium.

Amidst a group of astonished eyes, Bai Xunyin’s slender fingers held a piece of chalk, and a set beautiful and sharp words were presented in front of the cla.s.s——

[Teacher, the three of us have a division of labor. Sheng Churan wipes the blackboard, Zhong Qin arranges the tables, and I fetch water.]

The place where the third middle school fetched water was located outdoors, and you had to go down three floors to get there. It was even more difficult going back because you had to carry a heavy bucket upstairs.

So when a.s.signing tasks, the other two people did not hesitate to throw this matter to Bai Xunyin, and picked up the easy work for themselves.

Although she was a little tired from fetching water, someone had to always do it. Bai Xunyin did not care about being a.s.signed to do the harder work, but she did not want to be falsely accused.

Whoever was a.s.signed to do the work has to do it. Besides, Sheng Churan and Zhongqin did not even go to the bathroom at all.

Every word was written on the blackboard clearly. Sheng Churan and Zhongqin did not expect Bai Xunyin to dare to do this, and their faces turned from shades of red to white.

The chemistry teacher, who had seen a lot more intrigue among students, immediately knew what was going on.

He sighed silently and nodded to Bai Xunyin. His voice softened a lot, “Okay, I know. You go back and listen to cla.s.s.”

After speaking, he looked up at Sheng Churan again, “Come and wipe the blackboard.”

The red hue on Sheng Churan’s face spread to the roots of her ears. She reluctantly walked up to the podium to wipe the blackboard, and when she pa.s.sed by Bai Xunyin, who stepped down, she couldn’t help but glare at her fiercely.

Bai Xunyin sighed silently, not knowing if what she did was right.

It is true that she was breathing fine now, but Sheng Churan will definitely not give up. What should she do by then?

Sure enough, after cla.s.s, Sheng Churan came over to look for trouble.

Bai Xunyin carried a heavy bucket full of water through the playground and returned to the teachers’ building. The cyan blood vessels on her thin arms were faintly bulging, especially visible on her fair skin.

Generally, girls would find boys to help when it is their turn to fetch water. But, Bai Xunyin would rather go by herself than trouble others by writing to communicate with them.

Laboriously carrying the bucket to the third floor, she faced a roadblock at the entrance of the stairs.

Sheng Churan, along with Zhongqin, stood at the top of the stairs with a smile with the obvious intention of blocking her.

“Bai Xunyin, you’re quite capable*.”

*T/N: “你行啊” in this context meant that they didn’t expect Bai Xunyin to make some trouble.

Sheng Churan’s eyebrows domineeringly arched upwards. She shrugged her shoulders and looked at Bai Xunyin with a smile, “Even a little dumb like you have also learned to backstab others, ah?”

Bai Xunyin listened silently, her expression unchanged. It’s just there was a little emotional fluctuation in her heart.

No wonder Sheng Churan can’t study well – she can’t use adjectives correctly.

What backstabbing? It’s clear that she told the truth directly.

“Sister Ran, what’s your plan with this little dumb?”

Zhongqin smiled, her eyes full of disdain, ” I think we just have to give her a lesson to turn it over.”

She said as she pushed Bai Xunyin behind her. The girl’s thin shoulders. .h.i.t the wall behind her, which hurt very much.

Bai Xunyin felt that giving the two of them any reaction was a waste of time. Her brows frowned slightly, and there was no emotion in her black eyes.

However, all along, what Sheng Churan was most angry about was Bai Xunyin’s indifference- as if she didn’t give a d.a.m.n about them in her bones.

She was accustomed to being praised since she was a child, yet she lost to this mute once*, which made Sheng Churan always feel a strange shame.

*T/N: When they were voting for the school’s flower position, Bai Xunyin won.

“What’s the point of you pretending?!”

Sheng Churan couldn’t help but shout and sneered, “Don’t you love to fetch water? Then fetch it again!”

After she finished speaking, she kicked the bucket that Bai Xunyin placed on the steps down without hesitation.

With loud noise and splashes, the students who were just about to go up and down the stairs screamed and dodged. The scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

After a few loud creaks from the bucket, it rolled downstairs and stopped in front of a pair of white sneakers. The remaining water slightly splashed into a pair of blue school uniform pants, deepening its color.

In front of the staircase, Yu Luoyin and a few boys behind him stood, expressionless, looking at the three girls on the steps.