India's Struggle For Independence

Chapter 7.

5. Stephen Henningham, Peasant Movements in Colonial India: North Bihar 1917-42, Chapter 7.

6. K.K. Ghosh, The Indian National Army, Meerut, 1969.

7. Gail Omvedt, "The Satara Parallel Government, 1942-47," in D.N. Panigrahi, editor, Economy, Society and Politics in Modern India, New Delhi, 1985.

36. Post-War National Upsurge 1. Sumit Sarkar, "Popular Movements and National Leadership, 1945-47," in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.XVII, Nos. 14-16, April 1982.

2. Sucheta Mahajan, "British Policy, Nationalist Strategy and Popular National Upsurge, 1945-6, in A.K. Gupta, editor, Myth and Reality, Struggle for Freedom in India, 1945-47, New Delhi, 1987.

3. Subrata Banerjee, The R.I.N Strike, New Delhi, 1981.

4. K.K. Ghosh, The Indian National Army, Meerut, 1969.

37. Freedom and Part.i.tion 1. S. Gopal, Jawaharlal Nehru -A Biography, Vol.One, Chapters 19-22.

2. R.J. Moore, Escape from Empire, Oxford, 1983.

3. Partha Sarathi Gupta, "Imperial Strategy and Transfer of Power, 193951," in A.K. Gupta, editor, Myth and Reality, Struggle for Freedom in India, 1945-47.

4. Simon Epstein, "District Officers in Decline: The Erosion of British Authority in the Bombay Countryside, 1919-1947," in Modern Asian Studies, Vol.16, No.3, 1982.

38. The Long-term Strategy of the National Movement 1. Bipan Chandra, Indian National Movement: The Long-term Dynamics, New Delhi, 1988.

2. Bipan Chandra, "Elements of Continuity and Change in the Early Nationalist Activity" in his Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India.

3. Tendulkar, Mahatma, 8 Vols.

4. S. Gopal, Jawaharlal Nehru - A Biography, Vol.One.

5. Joan V. Bondurant, Conquest of Violence, Berkeley, 1971.

6. B.R. Nanda, Gandhi and His Critics, Delhi, 1985.

7. Bimal Prasad, Gandhi, Nehru and J.P, Delhi, 1985.

39. The Indian National Movement - The Ideological Dimension 1. Bipan Chandra, The Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism in India.

2. M.S. Buch, Rise and Growth of Indian Liberalism, Baroda, 1938.

3. G.P. Pradhan and A.K. Bhagat, Lokamanya Tilak.

4. B.R. Nanda, Mahatma Gandhi - A Biography.

5. S. Gopal, Jawaharlal Nehru - A Biography, Vol.One.

6. Indian National Congress Resolutions on Economic Policy, Programme and Allied Matters, New Delhi, 1969.

7. Gyorgy Kalmar, Gandhism, Budapest, 1977.

8. Francine R. Frankel, India"s Political Economy, 1947-1977: The Gradual Revolution, Delhi, 1978.

9. S.G. Sardesai in M.B. Rao, editor, The Mahatma, Marxist Evaluation, New Delhi, 1969.

10. Mohit Sen, The Indian Revolution, Review and Perspectives, New Delhi, 1970.


This work is partly the result of an ongoing research project on the history of the Indian national movement conducted under the direction of Bipan Chandra and financed by the Indian Council of Social Science Research. A special feature of the project is that apart from utilizing traditional sources such as archives, private papers, inst.i.tutional papers, and newspapers, it has attempted to use the experience and understanding of the gra.s.s-roots level partic.i.p.ants in the national movement. We are extremely thankful to more than 1500 freedom fighters who gave freely of their time and extended us generous hospitality when we interviewed them. Along with Bipan Chandra, three of the contributors to the volume - Mridula Mukherjee, Aditya Mukherjee, and Sucheta Mahajan - are members of this project. We are grateful to K.N. Panikkar for contributing two chapters to the book.

We have benefited immensely from our long-term interaction with S. Gopal and Romila Thapar. Many colleagues and students - V. Ramakrishna, D.N. Gupta, Prem Choudhry, Mohinder Singh, Sashi Joshi, Bhagwan Josh, Lajpat Jagga, A. Murali, K. Gopalan Kutty, C.S. Krishna, Gyan Kudaisya, Visalakshi Menon, A. Thomas, Vineeta Damodaran, Harjot Oberoi, Neerja Singh, C. Chandermohan - have enabled us to evolve our ideas and have also helped in several other ways.

Many friends - P.C. Joshi, B.D. Talib, Barun De, S. Bhattacharya, V.N. Datta, Ravinder k.u.mar, Hitesh Sanyal, Randhir Singh, Mohit Sen, Kewal Varma, Pramod k.u.mar - have deepened our knowledge of the subject through discussions and criticism.

We would like to thank the Directors and the staff of the National Archives and various state archives, the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, the Jawaharlal Nehru University Library and other libraries in Delhi and other parts of the country for allowing us to use their facilities. We are, in particular, thankful to B.R. Nanda, V.C. Joshi, D.N. Panigrahi and Harideo Sharma of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library for their a.s.sistance. As usual, Usha Chandra has contributed in multiple ways to the making of this volume.

We would also like to thank the publishers, and especially David Davidar and Sudha Sadhanand, for their interest and co-operation in seeing the book through its many stages. We also wish to thank J.S. Baweja who rendered invaluable a.s.sistance by cheerfully typing the ma.n.u.script under tremendous pressure.


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