Indulgent Husband And Sweet Wife

Chapter 20

Proofread by He Li

The man outside kicked at the door and left.

But that man was careful, said in a low voice, "As long as you don"t scream, I can let you go."

She only wanted to leave this place quickly and get away from this man. So she nodded immediately when hearing his words. The man didn"t suspect, and let her hands go.

Ai seized the opportunity to hack towards his neck.

She tried to get him dizzy or she couldn"t get out.

But she underestimated the man. Her grandfather forced her to learn some self-defence skills. But in front of the man, these skills were just too weak.

Her hands were locked right after she reached out. And the man pulled her to the front at once.

The man narrowed his eyes, "You want to call for help?"

Ai glared at him, and thought, "The society is in a mess now. Such a good-looking man would do filthy things. What a waste."

The man didn"t know that she thought so much for a second and said in low voice, "I am not a bad person and I won"t hurt you. But I can"t let those people find me. So...Don"t shout. OK?"

Ai stared at him, disbelief in her eyes.

The man frowned a little, seemingly painful. After a while, the man said, "If I intended to hurt you, you should be dead already."

Ai still glared at him. "Will a good guy obstruct a girl in the bathroom? Will he grab her arm and push her to the wall? Will he force her to moan in a shameful voice?"

The man seemed to have realized her anger, and there was a flash of apology in his eyes, "I am sorry. It was an emergency."

Ai moved her neck, hinting the man to let her go. He hesitated for a second and did it finally. Ai didn"t shout any more, but was still alarmed. She looked at the entrance, tentatively, "So...Can I go now?"

The man stepped back a little bit to create s.p.a.ce, and paused, "I suggest you don"t. Find your friends first. And go back home with them."

This guy reminded her deliberately so that it looked not so bad.

Ai didn"t recover from being drunk. She didn"t want to argue about it. She just opened the door immediately and ran away quickly.

The man looked at the direction she left, paused, and intended to leave soon.

But as he glanced the floor when turning around, he found there was something. He picked it up and it was a student ID, belonging to a girl named Ai Changhuan. 

The next meeting was after a week.

On that day, Ai came back from outside the school. She felt someone stalking her. It was too creepy, being followed at midnight.

She mustered up her courage to look back for a couple of times but only saw a flash of figure, so she grew even more scared.

She trotted forward then. Seeing dim street lamps in the distance, she had a relief. She paced up instinctively. But the one who was following behind also paced up. He walked in heavy steps. Ai heard his sound.

She was almost cowed into tears. She thought, why she was the unlucky person. She saw a freak in the restroom on her birthday and saw another even she came back late.

She was already under the street lamp and she turned back suddenly, yelling, "Dragon Strike!"

The man was shocked at her act and stopped for a second instead of unb.u.t.toning his wind coat.

d.a.m.n. He was an exhibitionist without wearing a pant. He just wore a sungla.s.s and a wind coat.

Even though she was not so afraid of him, Ai didn"t want to see that body part. She looked at the freak vigilantly, "I am warning you. Don"t unb.u.t.ton it. If you dare, I will..."  

The reason why exhibitionists like to chase people and show their body part is that they enjoy the sense of achievement when people get nervous and scared. So he smirkily looked at her being nervous and grabbed his wind coat and pulled. 

"Ahhhhh!!!" In an instant, Ai felt she was pulled by someone behind and turned around. Then there was a jacket thrown to her head and blocking her sight.

Before she could figure out, there were sounds of fighting and the painful groans of a man.

After Ai pulled down the jacket from her head in a muddle, she saw the man bound and thrown on the floor.

And it was the freak she met in the restroom who kicked the exhibitionist.

Ai was in shock.

That man, however, walked up to her and flicked her forehead, scolding with a frown, " Are you an idiot? Why don"t you run right away seeing a freak but stop to turn back?"

Ai groaned with pain. She rubbed her aching forehead, yelling, "Who are you? How dare you hit me?" That man s.n.a.t.c.hed the jacket and put it on casually, saying, "Everybody should know how to help an idiot when he meets freaks." 

"..." Ai cursed, "You are an idiot. Your whole family are idiots."

He raised his thin eyebrows, narrowed eyes and smirked, " Go. I will walk you home."

Ai stepped back, "Why should I believe you? You seem not to be a good guy."

He put his hands in the pockets and strode forward, while her information flowed out from his mouth, "Ai Changhuan. 18. A University. First year. Law major. Your student ID is 08032233. You live in..." 

"Wait, how do you…know so well?" Ai caught him up in a hurry.

The man turned his head, glancing her faintly. Then he said mysteriously, "The reason why I can get this is that I am not a common person."

"No. You are not a normal person."

"..." He stood in amazement. He seemed to be speechless for her words.

"Hey. What are you doing here? Why did you follow me?" Ai asked.

"I am not following you." He didn"t lie. He just pa.s.sed by for the last two times and happened to meet her.

"So what"s your job?" Ai asked continually.

"You asking in such a detailed way? Can I say you have a crush on me?" The man narrowed his sparkling eyes, smirking charmingly.

"Bah! Who will have a crush on you, a freak!" Ai denied immediately but she grew to be curious, "Are you an agent? Or a spy? Or a member of secret organization?"

If not, how could he know her information so well when they met for the first time?

He knew, certainly, why she would ask. He was even amused when she looked foolish but curious. But he didn"t act on the surface, and even frightened her, "I am just a hooligan. Aren"t you scared?"

"Humph," Ai was more suspicious when he said like this, "Will a bad guy confess he is a bad guy?"

The man neither admitted nor denied it. He just stared at Ai with a smile.

Ai was blushed and mumbled, "And also, will a bad guy be so good-looking?"

The man raised his head, staring at the sky. It was unknown if he really heard what she said.

When they were talking, they arrived the gate of A University. Because it was already 12 p.m., the gate was closed.

Ai was ready to climb the iron gate and jump in. However, unfortunately, she wore a skirt today. What"s worse, there was a man beside her. So she was a little bit shy.

The man suggested, "You can climb it by standing on my shoulders?"

"That seems not good..." When she raised her leg and reached out, what she wore under the skirt would be exposed. She would rather let him go first and climb it by herself without caring about her image.

The man shrugged with a helpless look, "So there is no way I can do."


Before Ai figured out what was going on, the man took out a thing like a card and walked toward the door in the locked side.

"Is he going to pry the electronic lock?"

Ai was flurried. She stopped the man at once, whispering, "Are you crazy? This is an electronic lock with sense system. You may trigger the alarm and then we are both done!"