Indulgent Husband And Sweet Wife

Chapter 35

Translator: Huang Jianxi
Proofread by He Li

Lu left and Ai started to get busy. She became a regular visitor to Yang"s. She learned growing vegetables and cooking from Yang. Ai wasn"t the person who couldn"t tell the difference between salt and sugar any more. She could even cook one or two good dishes. Even Yang gave her a thumb-up.

Ai found that she did change a lot. At the beginning she would scream at those flying bugs in the vegetable plot. Now she could trample on them calmly. She couldn"t tell the difference between vegetable shoots and weeds at first so she pulled out the shoot and left the weeds in the soil. Now she could not only do it correctly but also tell whether the vegetables were growing in good state by their color.

If those were known by Ai"s grandfather, he would probably be shocked and cry profusely. His beloved granddaughter now was changing into a farming girl with a determined pace.

She worked as sun rose and rested as sun set down. Ai didn"t think about anything but focused on her small patch. Now she lived in peace that she didn"t often enjoy before.

But life as a hermit didn"t last for a whole month. There came a call for Ai unexpectedly.

But the thing that everyone was worrying about finally happened. The mission was leaked and the drug dealer escaped in advance as soon as they got the information. But he just happened to meet the men sent by Lu. They had a lethal fight. Lu got terribly injured in order to protect his ally. Now he had been sent to the military general hospital.

Ai was checking her vegetables and fruits in her garden when she heard the news. She chose a kind of peach called Wuyuexian, for it could be grown at this season and also it ripened fast, because it takes only forty or fifty days from blossoming to bearing fruits. And it would be the right time when Lu would be back.

But now Lu had trouble before he could eat them.

She dropped the flower sprinkler with a bang when Yang rushed to tell the message anxiously. The water flowed out and soaked her shoes. Coldness spread from toes to head.

Ai felt her head went totally blank. She stood there unmoved, with no expression. She moved her legs mechanically and felt nothing, even when Yang pulled her to leave.

Pei Mu came to pick them up. He always smiled but now his face was extremely gloomy. There was a black mark on his camouflage clothing. It should be blood.

When Ai saw it, she flinched. She didn"t believe it was Lu"s.

Pei Mu told them about Lu"s condition seriously. Lu got a shot right on his chest. Now they didn"t know whether he was in a good or bad state. The hospital was trying hard to save him.

Ai felt as if her heart started freezing. It was severe if one was shot in arm or leg. Needless to say, he was shot on the chest. Pei Mu tried to console her, though she knew Lu must be in trouble.

It took them longer to the hospital because it was not in the urban area. She had to spend 6 hours to go to the center and another 3 hours to get to the hospital.

Ai neither cried nor whined, but just staring outside the window. n.o.body knew what she was thinking about.

Actually Ai didn"t know what she was thinking about, either. Her mind was totally messy. It was not the first time to face such a desperate situation. But at that time, she was too young. She only remembered her grandfather told her that her parents were going to a place far away without crime, criminal or war. Everything was wonderful.

When she grew up and knew everything, the pain of losing parents lingered in her heart.

She didn"t believe Lu would leave her in a cruel way. He was invincible. He could lift her up with one hand. How could he get terribly injured?

She didn"t want to believe anything unless she saw it. Even it was Pei Mu who told him, she didn"t believe it.

It took about nine hours to get there even if Pei Mu drove as fast as he could. Pei Mu was quite exhausted. Ai, however, as if she couldn"t feel anything and didn"t say any word.

She only wanted to see Lu as a friend or as wife. She just wanted to know he was alright.

The surgery was ongoing when she arrived. Several militants stood outside in a line wearing camouflage clothing. Everyone was solemn waiting for the result.

All of them gave her a salute. Ai was about to cry seeing it.

Because she knew she was ashamed. She didn"t treat Lu nicely but on the contrary, she always wanted to do things against him. She wanted to escape from him.

The heavy news burdened her to such a degree that she felt out of breath.

Yang helped her sit down on the bench nearby. A man in camouflage clothes walked from the end of the line. He painted his face with green oil paint.

He walked to Ai and looked at her, saying in low voice, "Changhuan..."

Ai raised her head. She stared blankly and then recognized those stunning eyes on the oily face. It was Qin Zhan.

No. She probably should call him Du Yucheng.

Ai"s lips moved but she found she couldn"t say any word, but only staring at him.

Du Yucheng moved his eyebrows slightly. There was complex emotion in his eyes. When he looked at Ai again, he was guilty, "Zhan got shot because of me. Sorry."

"..." Ai didn"t know what to say. She obviously didn"t expect that.

"If I hadn"t been so impulsive, I would have not been cornered and Lu would have not risked his life to save me. So, I was all my fault." His tone sounded painful and guilty.

"You don"t have to. He won"t blame it on you." This was all Ai could say. Lu was that kind of man who played it cool but was warmhearted indeed. He liked to embarra.s.s Ai using his sarcasm. But when she was in trouble, he was far more worried than anyone else. He was not a person who bore grudges all the time. Otherwise, he definitely would lose his temper.

“Actually he didn"t need to come himself. But he did come. You know why?” Du said.

Ai looked at him. It suddenly came to her blank mind that Ji told her before that Lu and Du were not in a simple relationship. It seemed to be...that kind of relationship. And Ji even said she wanted to help Ai check it. But, eventually, she didn"t say anything about whether Lu was a gay.

The atmosphere started to be weird now because of Du"s words. “Is he going to make it known?”

Ai was in a mess, answering. “Oh...Because of what?”

“Because of you.”


“He knew it would be dangerous. So he said to me. "Live a good life." He told me to treat you nicely. And you don"t have to be sad.” Du narrowed his eyes. He sighed and said, “he really loves you. He even arranged all the things well for you.”

Ai only felt she couldn"t sit calmly now after she heard it. Lu had already said it straightforwardly. But she knew it clearly that she didn"t love Lu as much as he did to her.

His love was too heavy for her to accept. She was afraid that if she couldn"t love Lu for the whole lifetime, he would be the one who never got response.

“If it is how the future looks like, it will be better for them to stop here.”

She started to fl.u.s.ter. "How could we stop even if we haven"t started yet?"

Du glanced at the door of the operating room, “I gave him my promise. I will take care of you.”

This sentence made Ai"s brain p.r.i.c.kling. What did he mean? She asked him about their relationship and confessed herself to him. He was careless. But now he should promise Lu to take care of me?"

What did he regard her as? Was she a burden? Was she the third wheel?

Why did he say this ironically as if he were unwilling?”

Ai looked up. There was a flame of fury in her eyes, “He will be alright. So I don"t need your care.”

Du didn"t know what to say at the moment. He just felt pain as if his heart were torn apart. He pressed his lips. He didn"t know what to say even if there were tons of words in his heart. In the end he only said, “Yeah. He will be alright.”

“If he knew it, you started to accept him. He is sure not to leave.”

It took an entire day to do the operation. Everyone"s heart was hanging in the air. When the door opened and the doctor went out, everyone rushed to him immediately and circled him, asking about Lu anxiously.

The doctor let everyone calm down, “It was a lethal injure. The bullet missed his heart just several millimeters. He was lucky and also sent here in time. His body was strong enough. Now he was out of danger and would be transferred to ICU. If he could survive tonight, he would be alright.”

Everybody was relieved when hearing what the doctor said. And then Lu was pushed out from the room.

n.o.body rushed to him but left the nearest s.p.a.ce to Ai.

Ai followed the medical workers and the bed Lu was lying on. She finally saw him. He looked pale but was in a good state.

Now she was in relief. She kept saying, “Lu Zhanke. I am Changhuan. Ai Changhuan. Wake up. I am here... Lu Zhanke...”

Lu was pushed into the ICU before she got a reply. She was shut outside the room and she only peeped through narrow cracks of window-shades.

"Lu Zhanke. Promise me. You will be OK. I will wait for you."