Indulgent Husband And Sweet Wife

Chapter 39

Translator: Huang Jianxi
Proofread by He Li

The man wore a black casual jacket. It made him look more powerful. Even if he wore casually, he still looked like an elite.

He didn"t even raise his eyebrows even though he was circled by people. He walked toward the hospital. A Cold breeze seemed to flow while he was walking.

Although Lu had already been out of danger temporarily, he was still in slumber. Ai accompanied him and took care of everything.

The door of the ward was opened. There was a strange man standing outside.

Ai raised her head to see who he was. The man had an angular face and neat slick-backed hair. His thick eyebrows were as sharp as two knives thrust into his temples. His nose was high and straight. But Ai couldn"t help shivering because she saw his eyes. They were cold and dead like an abandoned well. There was no emotion or warmth.

What was strange was that she felt the man seemed to be familiar to her. She seemed to have seen him before but she couldn"t remember.

She put the towel into the basin and walked to him. She stopped when she got a step away from him and lowered her voice, "Who are you looking for?"

There was no expression on his face. Maybe he was born like this or he had a problem. He didn"t answer Ai and even didn"t give her a glance. He was totally arrogant.

Ai was upset. As a girl growing up in a quadrangle, she had seen numerous arrogant people. But this was her first time to see such a man who despised the whole world and thought he was wasting time looking at anyone.

The driver walked to Ai. He bent down a little bit, with an almost invisible curve. He answered, "We came here for Lu Zhanke. Is this her ward?"

Ai looked at him, "Yea. But who are you? I thought I had never seen you before..."

The man b.u.mped against Ai with his shoulder and rushed into the ward before Ai finished her words.

Yes. It was true. He "b.u.mped" against Ai. Ai lost her balance and was b.u.mped to the other side. She would definitely tumble but for her strong leg strength.

Ai was speechless. “Who is he? Why is he so arrogant?”

“Who the h.e.l.l are you? This is private ward. You can"t break in without permission!” Maybe it was because the man"s cold expression made him look like a bad person, Ai rushed towards them for the sake of protecting Lu.

The man kept his indifference. He didn"t say any word but narrowed his eyes, looking at Ai as if he were an emperor.

Ai sneered. “What"s wrong with him?”

The driver was his spokesman, “We came her to collect the debt. Mr. Lu borrowed money from us. It was due was last week and he hasn"t pay it yet. So we had to come here in person.”

Ai looked at him suspiciously, “Who are you?”

“I am the driver, secretary and a.s.sistant. ” The driver was like an unmoving sculpture as if he ate too much ice. Nothing on his face could move except his mouth and eyeb.a.l.l.s.

“You are usurers!” Ai finally knew their ident.i.ty but then grew more suspicious. “An employee has to do work that should be given to three people. The boss asked for debt in person. And they even didn"t have any bodyguards. His company must be poorly small. But how could such a small company have adequate money to lend. Not to mention that Lu has integrity. He will never borrow money from a usurer.

So Ai guessed that there must be something hidden behind. She walked up alarmed and stood in the front of the bed, “How can you prove it? Don"t think you can make up a story while he is unconscious.”

The man finally moved his eyes, glancing at Ai. But his eyes are full of cynicism.

Ai couldn"t help rolling her eyes. “Why did he look at me in that way? Is there anything I did wrong?”

The driver took out a piece of paper from his briefcase, “This is the receipt. It is obviously clear. And his signature and fingerprint are also on it.”

Ai took the receipt. It said Lu owed this guy 10,000,000 RMB at an interest rate of 10%. It was way more than the bank interest rate. The interest could reach tens of thousands of RMB. She couldn"t help swallowing.

“That"s a large amount of money. Why did he borrow so much money?”

Although Ai was perturbed, she didn"t show it. She took the receipt, folded it and handed it over, "There are signature and fingerprint on it. But I don"t know if they are Lu"s. What about wait for him to wake up and then talk about it?"

The man slightly raised his eyebrows. It was a mysterious move. The driver put the receipt away, and asked, "Who are you?"

"I...I am Lu"s wife..." Ai was slightly blushed. She didn"t get used to calling herself as his wife in front of strangers.

The driver looked her up and down. She wore a long cotton light blue dress. Because she sat on the chair for a long time, the dress was wrinkling and sloppy. But what was important was that she didn"t have some time to freshen herself up. Her hair was dishevelled over her shoulders. And there were several strands standing on end. It made her look anything but elegant.

Lu was at least a heroic man and also the commander of the Independent Regiment. His wife shouldn"t be like this because Ai looked like a village girl.

The driver"s eyes gave away what he was thinking about. He stopped for a second and said slowly, "I thought you were a nursing a.s.sistant in the hospital."

“...”Nursing a.s.sistant? Is he blind?"

Ai was displeased because of his words. She tried her best to resist her impulse to bite him and brushed out her hair to press those upright strands. Then she gnashed her teeth, saying, "Humph. You are really bad at judging people."

The driver looked at her in surprise, "I didn"t expect that you would admit. I thought you would deny it."

"Deny what?"

"Deny you are his wife."

Ai asked him back, "Why should I deny it?"

"You..."The driver stumbled. He slapped on his briefcase, saying, "You just saw it. Lu owed us 10,000,000 RMB, plus interest. Do you really think he can pay it? You should pretend not to know him now!"

"..." Ai blinked. "How rare. You should say a lot of words in one breath. But it is strange that why did you try to persuade me to leave Lu? I don"t know you. So you have no reason to think for me. And generally you should have compelled me to pay you. Why did you say those strange words?"

"..." The driver was in silence.

The man was still wearing a poker face.

Ai looked at them, growing more suspicious of their ident.i.ties and motive. "Who are you? For what? Say it. Or I will call the security."

"Humph..." The man finally spoke. His sneer made Ai shivering. Ai stared at him alarmed, waiting for his next sentence.

But he kept his expression, without any word.

So he sneered just to prove that he is not a mute?

"..." Ai was speechless. Where are these two guys from?

Anyway. Ai took out her phone and was going to call the police.

She stepped back, ready to go somewhere they couldn"t see.

But, before she went far away, she saw the man nodding at the driver.

She suddenly got goose-flesh. "What does it mean? Is he giving a hint to his driver to take action? What are they going to do? Are they going to kill Lu when he is unconscious?"

No. No. No. No. Ai drew back and blocked in the front of Lu. She would never let them hurt Lu!

She lifted her chest, "Don"t...don"t be reckless...I can give you the money."s just 10,000,000. I can pay!"

Actually she couldn"t. Although her grandfather gave her a lot of pocket money, she was used to being extravagant. She never looked at the price tag. She always bought whatever she wanted. And she had no job as she just graduated, so she had no income. There was only around 100,000 RMB in her account.

If it was 10,000,000, she had to turn to her family...

Hearing her words, the driver and the man were totally surprised.

The man who was in silence for all the time narrowed his eyes slightly and then looked at Ai in a serious and complicated way. His lips moved gently. His voice was ice-cold. "You should know it. It is 10,000,000 RMB."

It is not 100,000, or 1,000,000 but 10,000,000. It was not a small amount of money. Even if she could afford it, why did she sacrifice for a man whom she had no feeling with?

The man raised his head, looking at Ai closely for the first time. “Can this pet.i.te woman undertake the pressure? Or is it just lip service. She is going to run away as soon as we leave?”