Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 604 - The Requirements are Met!

Chapter 604 - The Requirements are Met!

As his main body ascended to new heights of power and ridiculous new possibilities he did not even fully know about yet, one of his clones was currently exploring the Letalis Expanse.

This was the same Letalis Expanse that was mysterious to him before as he moved while observing the positions of the Ancient Terror and the Terror of the Void that had gone back to their posts as commanded the day that Aldrich was defeated.

He could also sense the wild power of the Terror of Aether that had sulkingly returned back to its post after whatever the Novus Galaxy told it, but Noah could still feel boundless anger from the heart of the Cthulhu as it still was not convinced of why they invited doom over to themselves!

Even now as Noah thought about what the Novus Galaxy had told him, he had slight apprehension as it involved the lives of simply too many, but his apprehension was overshadowed by the possibilities that the Novus Galaxy spoke about as he resolved himself and continued forward.

He had been going around the Letalis Expanse the past few days as he connected more and more worlds from this Expanse while exploring the race of Ancients that he did not get the chance to interact with before.

Many of these Ancients actually stemmed from the Ancient Terror that stood at the level of a Controller, one of the three Terrors currently residing and watching the boundaries of the Novus Galaxy that were thinnest in this Expanse.

When one looked at a Galaxy, they could not just look at it as a circle with many things contained inside of it, but something that existed within its own s.p.a.ce as it only had one side that could be seen as a door.

Using this a.n.a.logy, the entirety of the Letalis Expanse could be considered as a door, the area that if one wanted to enter the Galaxy, it would have to be through here!

This was why the Three Terrors at the level of Controllers were stationed to monitor the boundary around the Letalis Expanse for the past thousands of years, and still the reason why they were there until now.

The rest of the Letalis Expanse had vibrant Prime Worlds that held the unique race of Ancients, with Noah coming across beings nearly the same as the ones he came across before when he used [Summon the Ancients] from the Blood Lord skill tree!

The Ancients living in the Letalis Expanse were very closely tied with the Terrors, their race being similar to the Infernals that had recently returned into the Central Realm as they also had the task to act as protectors.

The Vampyre Progenitor had originated from them, and this was why Noah believed that the [Blood Lord] skill tree that came with the bloodline of the Vampyre Progenitor would lead to the abilities of the Ancient Terror when he made it into the Nebula Rank, very similar to how [Amorphous s.p.a.ce Beast] led to the abilities of the Terror of Aether!

Thus, he continued traversing the Letalis Expanse as he connected more of its worlds, the pa.s.sing days allowing for the count of the Worlds integrating into the Infinite Realm to increase more and more rapidly.


At this moment, he had just finished the integration of another world when he felt a rumbling within his own Origin, his connection to the Infinite Realm communicating something to him as he stopped to pay attention.

[The time is nearing.]


His main body in the Central Realm heard the voice of the Novus Galaxy as he was still studying his newly built Nebula, the last World Integrated into the Infinite Realm causing some type of reaction as Noah could sense the entire Realm was overflowing with essence.

With the addition of this world, the goal of completing the Trait of Infinite Mana was actually nearing!

"You mentioned that you would know when the conditions are met?"

[Yes, the base requirement was for your Origin and Soul to be strong enough to withstand the last step, as well as your Realm being expanded into at least a Large Realm.]

The conditions were for him to achieve the Nebula Rank, which granted him a ridiculously strong Origin that was even more stupendous than even the Novus Galaxy expected with the unique formation where the essence of Universal Laws was now flowing within it, as well as his Realm being expanded multiple times as hundreds of Worlds were now integrated with it!

[All the hard parts are finished, and your Origin should be strong enough at this point to withstand the last step- which is establis.h.i.+ng a connection...with the Novus Galaxy itself.]


To bring to fruition the Trait of Infinite Mana, he didn"t need to spend months and years connecting and integrating every single World in the Novus Galaxy into his Realm, all he had to do was grow strong enough where he could withstand a connection with an ent.i.ty at a much higher stage than him, and he would effectively share a connection with everything it was connected to!

[This will only be possible using your Infinite Realm as the intermediary for the connection, with it really being a three-way connection where I shall be connected to your Realm, and you are connected to it.]

Yes! Even though Noah had stepped into the Nebula Realm, the task of successfully forming a connection with an entire Galaxy was much too grand to even be thought about! But they could use other means to force a connection, and therein lay the use of the Infinite Realm!

"Good. Let us get started."

Noah"s eyes shone with l.u.s.ter as he floated to the skies and went even deeper into the depths of the central realm. His face was calm as his heart beat soundly, not an ounce of nervousness appearing on his expression as he exuded strength and confidence.

This was the same being that was only a Rank F hunter a few months ago!

This was the same man that had been fighting with goblins in [Goblin King"s Abode], the same man that was tussling with lowly Demon Lords in the Frozen Lands of the Beast World!

Yet now, he stood at the precipice of something grand as he set out to do something that others could not even imagine!