Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 819 - A Full Frontal Attack!

Chapter 819 - A Full Frontal Attack!

In the Southern region of the Dark Universe, there existed an Ancient Power with deep roots and history, one that many beings feared and steered clear of.

This was the Ancient Power ruled by the Spirit Race, unique existences that were heavily in tune with nature, laws, and Daos!

These beings had many unique features as among them, they shared a strong link in their souls as they easily communicated with each other.

"Sister Gold, you should have made some advancements in your a.s.similation of the Daos of Alacrity, Vastness, Frost, and Destruction. Why don"t you set off for the outside Galaxies and observe if there truly is another Ruination Core in the hands of this little expansive cl.u.s.ter?"

A message traveled through the connected minds as one being heard it and nodded, the shocking reality of this Ent.i.ty from the Spirit Race studying 4 Daos being mentioned by them simply!

In the Northern region of the Dark Universe where the Arch Humans ruled, a lone Ent.i.ty was moving through this Ancient Power after traversing outside alone for so long.

You might recall this Ent.i.ty as the one that was able to see Noah briefly after he upgraded his Infinite Galaxy, the Ent.i.ty that has been searching for the being capable of utilizing the Ruination Cores for all these years!

He was grumbling at his bad luck as he enjoyed the companies of other Ent.i.ties in the Northern Region, friends that he had made over the land thousands of years.


News about the Expansive Dragon Cl.u.s.ter and the Primal Winged Expanse reached the talking Ent.i.ties as they discussed it without making any moves, but one of them had s.h.i.+ning eyes as he stood up swiftly!

"Traverser, don"t tell me you"re thinking of falling for such an obvious tactic?"

A curvaceous female Ent.i.ty drank the golden liquid from her cup as she asked curiously towards the dominating Ent.i.ty that had miniaturized himself from his large size.

"One can never advance in this Universe if we do not take risks! I thank you all for sharing this with me…"

The other Ent.i.ties shook their heads wryly as they watched one t.i.tled as Traverser flying out with a flash of light, yet another powerful Ent.i.ty joining the fray among the many heading towards the war between the two Ancient Powers in the West!


The distance between the two powers could not be considered too vast or too close, with Ent.i.ties being able to go from the Expansive Dragon Cl.u.s.ter and into the Primal Winged Expanse in as long as days or as short as just a few hours.

It all depended on the speed the Ent.i.ty was moving at!

Noah was moving at an absolute snail"s pace as he gave time for his subordinates to finish absorbing the Dao Crystals that would grant them full comprehension in the Lesser Dao of Withering, and he also gave time for the Primal Winged Expanse to prepare him a buffet of loot.

As he slowly moved atop the Colossal Helios Leviathan, many plans swirled in his mind as thought of using [Plot Armor] or [Deus Ex Machina] during the coming battle, and the choice of the two Ruination Core Affixes that would best match him against powerful Ent.i.ties!

He knew that many eyes were on him as he neared the coordinates of the Primal Winged Expanse he had gotten from the Holy Emperor.

Those from the Expansive Dragon Cl.u.s.ter he had told to stay away and not interfere were watching, while those from the Primal Winged Expanse were preparing for him!


The bellow of the Colossal Helios Leviathan could be heard as the outline of the nearest Galaxy that made up the cl.u.s.ter of Galaxies that were part of the Primal Winged Expanse appeared.

Noah"s eyes shone as he could already see numerous figures littering the area.

At the forefront, the grand image of a majestic Primal Emperor could be seen as he was flanked side by side with many domineering figures, each of them letting out the terrifying auras of Ent.i.ties as they looked towards Noah and his pets coldly!


Palpable waves of power could be felt spreading out at the mere presence of this many experts, Noah"s eyes s.h.i.+ning brightly as he looked behind the Ent.i.ties standing next to the Primal Emperor.

For this battle, the Aileron Race did not bring in millions of small dredges that would simply be killed, but only top tier experts as besides the Ent.i.ties, over 100 Peak Tier GALAXY experts were gathered! Such was the strength of an Ancient Power…

Noah could count around 15 Ent.i.ties coldly staring towards him, his eyes glancing around as he really expected the 25 that the Holy Emperor mentioned.

"I"m not sure whether to consider you really bold or just plain stupid."


The resonant voice of the Primal Emperor rang out as he waved his hand, spatial fluctuations erupting out behind the Colossal Helios Leviathan and to its left and right sides as at this moment, more Ent.i.ties appeared to flank Noah"s party right in the middle!

Behind him, 5 Ent.i.ties with world shaking auras appeared, 3 to his left and 3 more to his right as it made 26 total Ent.i.ties currently encircling him!

"But since you have come here...I might as well make this your grave!"


The voice of the Primal Emperor reverberated out as the 4 encircling groups of Ent.i.ties had one person in each group shatter a crystal, a brilliant light s.h.i.+ning out as a circular field of light exploded out to cover all the nearby surroundings- including Noah and his pets.

"I know you like creating Realms and holding your enemies hostage, so I wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine as you get locked in an Illusory Unbreakable Realm that will hold you in while showing all the cowards watching what I will do to unruly Ent.i.ties that threaten me!"


The wrathful voice of the Primal Emperor continued to resound out as Noah"s eyes shone brightly, never having expected his full frontal attack on the Primal Winged Expanse to go this well.

The reason for this was the Illusory Unbreakable Realm that the Primal Emperor had just talked about!

"Brother Primal, this Unbreakable Realm will be active for the next hour as n.o.body will be able to come in or out." The Ent.i.ty releasing unique spatial fluctuations voiced out as his arrogant eyes landed towards Noah"s small figure far in the distance.

Yes! Shockingly, the fearsome ability that used the essence of the surrounding Ent.i.ties was a powerful realm prison that enclosed and locked in all those in the affected s.p.a.ce for a whole hour!


Only the controller that initiated it, the being with unique spatial essence on his body, could choose to cut off his connection as he left alone while dealing heavy self-damage to himself if ever he wanted to get out before the hour ended.

It was a truly powerful ability that had very shocking limitations!


Noah couldn"t help but tremble at this scene, his eyes not being able to hide their happiness as the single greatest he was afraid of- which was the Ent.i.ties he wanted to fight running away from him, this problem was solved by his own enemies as they locked themselves with him in a timed prison.

How nice they were!

How magnanimous!

How magisterial!