Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 198 - A True Apocalypse! II

Chapter 198 - A True Apocalypse! II



The earth and the seas were trembling as an entire world was placed under lockdown while destructive rays of light thundered down. The inhabitants of the world did not know what was happening, all they felt was a fearful feeling none of them could fully describe.

The invading Cultivators and remaining Rulers of the Demon World were in the same situation as they looked around in a panic, realizing they could not form any transfer channels back to their world and could not use any spatial based skills.

The Demons were in an even more disastrous situation as three of their Rulers had faced True Death. Worst of all, one of them was the most powerful Ruler of the Demon World.

The figure of oppression and strength they looked up to had fallen!

Those in the Lost World that had despairingly watched it happen with their own eyes still could not believe it, not to mention the Rulers on missions elsewhere as they tried to form a communication channel with the Rulers in the Lost World unsuccessfully.

It was just confusion and chaos all around as no information was coming in or out.

Among the only people not panicking were the Sect Master and Disciples of the Karmic Sect as they stood calmly in the tumultuous dark waters. They were the only ones not looking around in panic as mayhem descended down.

The disciples had s.h.i.+ning white lights covering their eyes as Sect Master Inuit stood in front of them and nodded, the destruction around them seemingly not bothering him one bit. He waited a couple more seconds before he acted again, sending out a message to the person he came to this Lost World for.

"It is time. You have saved all that you could for now, any longer delay and we will all perish."


Noah heard these despairing words in his ear as he was moving speedily across Atlantis and transferring any Atlanteans and Merfolk he came across. But the City of Atlantis was too large and the beings were too numerous!

He had barely transferred a few tens of thousands of beings aside from the Ocean Master before the same words from the Sect Master of the Karmic Sect came down. He looked across the many more inhabitants of Atlantis that were looking around in fear and panic as the waters around them trembled, their eyes already meeting the wide destructive rays of red light that were splitting apart the waters of the sea far in the distance.

Noah shook his head in frustration as his figure moved away towards the location of Sect Master Inuit at a high speed. He had his own apprehensions as he found he couldn"t teleport, but it looked like the person that had come to warn him would have a way out of this.

He didn"t like to put his life in other"s hands, but the moment he felt the restrictive force and the words of the mysterious Sect Master Inuit, he knew he might have to rely on someone else today. He sent a message to the shock filled Kraken who floated with the other 5 calamities as a distraught sight could be seen.

The powerful PHANTASMAL ranked Calamities were screaming out in anger and frustration. There was even more despair as they looked at the descending red beams of light from the distinct s.h.i.+p much higher above them.

"Why?! WHY?!"

The Eel Kaiju screamed out in anger as it felt the pain of the world it was so familiar with. It couldn"t understand why their world was targeted like this!

"We have lived in peace and kept to ourselves, why must we be bullied like this? Why is the universe so unfair?!"

The Eel Kaiju voiced out the frustrations and despair that all the other Calamities were feeling as they looked powerlessly towards the destructive beam of light none of them could withstand.

"No, no, NO!"


The Eel Kaiju did not stand still as its body flashed, rus.h.i.+ng towards the red beams of light and floating upwards to their source.


In distraught, the other Calamities noticed a second later as they rushed up behind their friend.

The Kraken was looking forward with blank eyes as it received messages from the world it could not protect. He felt broken as he thought about his home that he was still too weak to protect.

"It is ok my child. Some things are written and cannot be changed."

Messages of comfort were coming out from the ent.i.ty that was getting its origins destroyed every second that pa.s.sed towards the beings it had watched grow up. Death and destruction were coming to it, and yet in its last moments, it was comforting its inhabitants as certain death came for all of them!

"The new friend you made might have a possibility to save you and your siblings, go with him."

Sadness and unwillingness were in the voice as the words broke the Kraken out of his stupor, noticing the Other Calamities that were swimming up towards the source of the destructive red rays of light.

"You fools!"

He called out in fear and anger as he watched the body of the Eel Kaiju near the red ray of light, its body s.h.i.+ning a green and blue hue as it let out attacks towards it.


The attacks landed on the destructive red rays as nothing changed, but in the next instant, a singular red ray deviated and flew towards the body of the Eel Kaiju.




It pa.s.sed by in less than a second as the Eel Kaiju realized its eyes were getting further apart from each other, and then watched what looked to be half of its body drift away, before darkness overcame its consciousness.



The distraught Calamities stopped themselves as they pulled back from the destructive rays of light, the pain and fear in their hearts only increasing.

"Come with me, and hurry!"

The Kraken voiced out towards its remaining siblings unwillingly as it watched one them get sliced in two pieces in an instant. Its beady eyes looked up far in the distance where a distinct interstellar wars.h.i.+p floated in s.p.a.ce as it burned the sight into its memories, and then began rus.h.i.+ng towards Noah"s position.


Tremendous heat and lava had begun bursting from the deepest layers of the sea as the destructive rays had begun attacking the Planetary Core of the Lost World.


The earth and seas trembled and cowered in the face of this destruction as Noah came face to face with Sect Master Inuit who was looking at him calmly, with a slight excitement in his eyes.

"There will be time for explanations and revenge later. For now, we have to run."

Noah looked at this Sect Master as he was trying his own skills to see if anything could work, but nothing came to mind. In this horrendous situation, he had to trust the new figure to come out of this apocalyptic situation alive.

"What do you need?"

"I will create a small opportunity, just a few seconds that will allow you to teleport us out of here. If that window is missed, we are all doomed."

The Sect Master calmly replied as he looked towards Noah and the newly arriving figures of Calamities that were looking at them with blazing eyes of anger, their ident.i.ty still being that of invaders in their eyes.

Noah nodded as he watched the white light already apparent on the bodies of the Sect Master and the Disciples of the Karmic Sect s.h.i.+ne even brighter, the voice of the Sect Master ringing out once again.

"A few seconds to decide our fates, and the fates of many more worlds in this universe."

The white light surrounding the Sect Master increased rapidly as Noah observed the level of power break past what he knew of the PHANTASMAL rank and go above it. The process of aging rapidly increased as the power bubbled even higher, giving Noah a glimpse of the aura of the next stage as he observed the resplendent power of the TRANSCENDENT rank.


A level of power that Noah had not come across before, but he was getting a glimpse of it as he watched streaks of white light shoot out from the many disciples of the Karmic Sect and be absorbed by the glowing Sect Master Inuit. He was shocked at the sight but continued to be ready to act as soon as the signal was given.

The stage was already set, with events unfolding rapidly in unknown directions. Amongst all these various events, a small group of beings huddled together as a white light expanded in a world experiencing a true apocalypse.