Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 276 - A Skill Tree of Ultimate Proportions

Chapter 276 - A Skill Tree of Ultimate Proportions

The choice to make between [Void Walker] and [Lesser Cthulhu] was actually simple. From looking at the fact that [Lesser Cthulhu] provided more abilities, as well as the description of the abilities coming from a "profoundly rare creature" across the universe, Noah chose this skill tree right away.

After using two of the few remaining SAINT+ skills he had worked hard to raise and combine in his last session in the Time s.p.a.ce, he felt the resonance of essence rumble within him once again as he synthesized yet another Void Rank Skill. He felt the explosion of something unknown inside of his origin as this upgrade brought about an even more profound sensation than when he advanced the skill tree of the Lich Emperor. Dwelling in the sensation for a bit, he opened the Skill Tree of the [Lesser Cthulhu] and observed the new additions.

VOID [Amorphous s.p.a.ce Beast] (0/15) :: Abilities- Spatial Cage(0/5), Destabilize(0/5), Shattered Star(0/5), and Miniature s.p.a.ce(0/5). >> [Lesser Cthulhu] Additional Abilities- Morph(0/5), Child of s.p.a.ce(0/5), Portals of Terror(0/5), and Sever(0/5).

Morph(Active) (0/5) :: As a beast of mystical origins, you can briefly call upon your bloodline as you take the form of a terrible ent.i.ty. While this form is active, +5% Complete Damage Absorption, +50% Physical Damage, +50% Elemental Damage, +50% Elemental Resistance, +50% Attack, Casting, and Movement Speed

Child of s.p.a.ce(Pa.s.sive) (0/5) :: You feel the love from the s.p.a.ce surrounding you. No energy is required to withstand the void of s.p.a.ce. All s.p.a.ce-related abilities are boosted by 50%.

Portals of Terror(Active)(0/5):: Portals leading to the most destabilized and destructive regions of the universe are summoned as they release their catastrophic energies at their summoned location. Maximum number of portals: 3

Sever(Active)(0/5) :: An ability geared towards an element that very few beings are able to tap into. Allows the user to access the elusive Aether Element as a ray of Aether that severs all it comes into contact with, even s.p.a.ce itself, is cast. Can only be active for 1 second.

A spectacular set of skills that almost brought him to a complete halt appeared before his eyes.

The skills were crazy powerful, to say the least, with the thing drawing most of his attention being the [Sever] ability that introduced a new element he hadn"t heard of all that much, Aether!

An element that was extremely hard to find being used even by the most powerful beings, being one of the sources of power that very few could tap into. Yet this advancement to [Lesser Cthulhu]...actually gave him a gift as stupendous as that.

The [Sever] skill drew his eyes in because of the new element, but the other abilities were just as crazy, with the [Portals of Terror] being something unique that he had never even thought about, and was itching to see just what apocalyptic power would be released from portals that connected to uninhabitable destabilized regions of the Universe.

Just those two would have been enough to make one extremely powerful at the Void Rank, but the other two abilities were on the same stage, if not even higher!

[Child of s.p.a.ce] directly boosted all s.p.a.ce-related abilities, and the even more important thing about it was the statement under the skill description that said that no energy would be required to withstand the void of s.p.a.ce.

This was something so profound that Noah felt he was running out of words to portray this type of power. Take the example of the Void Realm cultivators who could steer the Interstellar Warsh.i.p.s and traverse the void of s.p.a.ce with their own bodies. Whether it was using the sh.i.p.s or just traversing the void themselves, they had to continuously be using their Void Realm essence to survive the void of s.p.a.ce.

Those that were more powerful in the Void Rank could travel across stars with no issues, while the newly advanced Void Rank beings could only be able to spend a few hours at most before their essence ran out and they found themselves suffocating in s.p.a.ce.

Yet this single ability from this skill tree advancement would allow Noah to withstand the void of s.p.a.ce with no energy. This was how crazy [Child of s.p.a.ce] actually was!

His mind continued to become shocked as he thought more and more deeply about this, asking himself just exactly what he had stumbled upon. The advancement of [Lesser Cthulhu] seemed to not just be a skill in name, and he wondered just what mysteries stood behind the ent.i.ty that this skill included in its name. He even wondered about the future advancement after this- would he be able to find one that wiped away the term "Lesser", or something even crazier?

His question would go unanswered as he observed the other skill that made his heart s.h.i.+ver. The boosts in elemental and physical damages, resistances, and speeds of his movements and skills he was used to. But it was the new boost that tugged at his heartstrings the most. This wasn"t even the terrific picture of the form he would be able to take upon activating [Morph] and taking the form of this [Lesser Cthulhu], a form of a terrible beast that was rarely seen across the universe. No, this was because of one of the features that was described once he took the form of this [Lesser Cthulhu].

Complete Damage Absorption.

It felt like his mind was exploding as he read these words, gradually becoming calmer as he saw the percentage of 5% next to it. But this 5% was before he added skill points to this ability. As for Skill Points...he now had an abundant amount of them!

This ability was simply one that would absorb the percentage of the damage shown, no matter who it was from, and it would completely absorb 5% of it. How high would this percentage be raised once he maxed this ability with the skill points?

He once more thanked the spectacular feature of being able to simply move his Skill Points around as he wished, as the skill points from the [Abhorred Lich Emperor] skill tree were now all free points he could use on the [Lesser Cthulhu] skill tree abilities.

This meant...that he could add points until he maxed all of the skills without a second of waiting! It wasn"t something that he thought he would be able to do before, and he had already made plans to return to the First h.e.l.l whenever this Infernal Hunt ended to farm day and night for more skill points. Currently though, this feature came in as the best possible save.

It was a truly exhilarating feeling as he watched the numbers for the four abilities go from 0/5 to 5/5 in the blink of an eye. He felt even power bubbling in his body as one of the skills was Pa.s.sive, where it would always provide the boosts that it showed. Just from the pa.s.sive boosts of [Child of s.p.a.ce] alone, he felt as if he could tear through the s.p.a.ce around him with ease as his body felt weightless.

Unknowingly, his body began to smoothly advance faster and faster, the Vampyre Prince that was easily keeping up with Noah"s still Saint Rank attributes glancing towards his disappearing figure in shock as it suddenly left behind a sonic boom and began disappearing from his sight. The genuine Void Rank Vampyre Prince looked at this sight with his sharpened jaws falling down as this was speed that was even faster than his!

Noah came to his senses a second later as his body came to a halt, and he waited a few seconds before Prince Ca.s.sius caught up and looked him up and down like a freak. Noah couldn"t help but let a burst of joyful laughter out as they resumed their path towards the battle taking place far ahead, the clashes of power which they could already feel from this wide distance.

He looked at the newly updated and fully maxed abilities of the [Lesser Cthulhu] skill tree as he enjoyed the feeling of being as light as a feather as he streaked across the blazing skies of the First Realm of h.e.l.l.

Morph(Active) (5/5) :: As a beast of mystical origins, you can briefly call upon your bloodline as you take the form of a terrible ent.i.ty. While this form is active, +30% Complete Damage Absorption, +300% Physical Damage, +300% Elemental Damage, +300% Elemental Resistance, +300% Attack, Casting, and Movement Speed

Child of s.p.a.ce(Pa.s.sive) (5/5) :: You feel the love from the s.p.a.ce surrounding you. No energy is required to withstand the void of s.p.a.ce. All s.p.a.ce-related abilities are boosted by 300%.

Portals of Terror(Active)(5/5):: Portals leading to the most destabilized and destructive regions of the universe are summoned as they release their catastrophic energies at their summoned location. Maximum number of portals: 8

Sever(Active)(5/5) :: An ability geared towards an element that very few beings are able to tap into. Allows the user to access the elusive Aether Element as a ray of Aether that severs all it comes into contact with, even s.p.a.ce itself, is cast. Can only be active for 6 seconds.

Descriptions that made his heart feel crazy levels of power appeared before his eyes, the thing taking the most attention being the 30% Complete Damage absorption that he would have whenever he took the form of the [Lesser Cthulhu]. This wasn"t a normal modifier, and it actually meant that he would only ever take 70% damage from whatever was attacking him for as long as he kept that one ability active.

It was a truly eye-opening ability that he wanted to observe the effects of as soon as he could, but his attention was pulled away as he sensed the powers of multiple figures converging at the same location they were going to.

[Child of s.p.a.ce] had expanded his senses to wild degrees, as it felt like he had eyes that could hone into every nook and cranny of s.p.a.ce for tens of miles around him. His senses brought into focus the gloriously s.h.i.+ning form of Athena facing off against a terrible Aberration with abhorring levels of strength.

Coming into this scene at the same time as them were multiple Elders and Sect Masters from neighboring powers that were now drenched in the golden light of Celestials.

The Incarnations that the Celestial Grandmaster had sent forth had arrived to lend their aid to the prized Celestial Disciple.