Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 3269  He Has Come! I

Chapter 3269  He Has Come! I

Within the s.p.a.ce that pulsed like an organ where Ozymandias and Little Aspasia had remained connected for some time.

Their connection had not been broken as Noah was in a meditative seated position, the weavings of his existence hazy as they seemed to meld in and out of his surroundings.

Whatever reaction he was causing allowed for the concentration of the Megalos Beyond itself to be richer, and the drops of rain forming from his actions only increased in quant.i.ty!

Aspasia looked at this scene with sharp eyes as she came to a firm decision.

Following the Will of the Great Mother, she moved!

They were just now arriving at the Megalos Pantheon of Umbra, an extensive domain stretching out for countless light years as even the omniverses of the Megalos Ynnere could not compare.

Inside of this Grave of the Great Beyonder, they were akin to being in a vessel arriving at this place.

And since this vessel held the ent.i.ty exhibiting all these Signs- and the one that the Great Mother had definitively come to the conclusion that he was the Instrument too…he had to state his welcome.

And so, Aspasia moved to make this welcome.

Her obsidian visage pulsed, her hand coming to smash into her chest as behind her- a secondary visage that looked just like her flashed before it disappeared.

Outside of the Grave of the Great Beyonder floating into the Megalos Pantheon of Umbra.


Outerversal Authority gathered brilliantly to form the visage of a stellar illusory Aspasia.

It was ma.s.sive in size, coming out to be even slightly larger than the Grave of the Great Beyonder itself as this figure of Aspasia raised her hands up while the obsidian drops of rain pa.s.sed through her!

|The Sign that the Great Beyonder had promised! The Instrument that shall offer salvation to the Megalos Beyond…has arrived!|


Her voice boomed out as far as it could reach.

It was showmans.h.i.+p.

She wanted to be seen.

She wanted to be heard.

But truly, how could she not be heard when she quite literally came with Rain?

Something that never, ever appeared in the Megalos Beyond as there were no worlds or conditions to make such a thing possible here.

There were only an unknown number of Megalos Pantheons where many powerful Outerversal Morphons converged, and smaller domains floating in the endless stretches of the Megalos Beyond like the Graves of the Great Beyonder.

The moment Aspasia uttered her words, the wills that had begun to gaze at the shocking phenomenon above a small part of the Megalos Pantheon of Umbra shook.

The Sign? The Instrument?

Many had to dig up from their memories and records as soon, everything clicked.

The words of the Great Beyonder flashed and buzzed in their minds as they looked at the drops of rain falling from a distance.

|Rain shall cover the Megalos Beyond as it will cheer at the arrival of the instrument…|

|Rain shall cover the Megalos Beyond as it will weep at the arrival of the instrument…|

Depending on who the Outerverversal was, different words buzzed in their minds.

But in a united front, a single sentence of the many that the Great Beyonder had uttered flowed out thereafter.

|Great Ones will fall like the drops of rain…|



Some of these drops of rain began to land in insignificantly small portions of the vast Megalos Pantheon of Umbra, and when they hit the black earth of the endless rolling mountains…radiance flourished.

The concentration of Existence itself within the Megalos Beyond flourished!

From the Megalos Pantheon of Umbra, nearly a tenth of it was aroused by Aspasia"s words and news traversed quickly.

The Grave of the Great Beyonder they were on was infinitely small compared to the Pantheon, yes, but…how could they not attract attention with such a phenomenon?

Very soon, a few hundred Outerversal Morphons of great size and variation began to gather towards their location.

Since it was within the bounds of the Pantheon, no combat or killing was allowed as decreed by the Great Beyonder- so there was absolute safety in these havens that were Pantheons.

|Is it truly them? The instrument of salvation?|

An intent flowed out from one of the Outerversal Morphons to gather.

It was an ent.i.ty with the shape of a flower, with thousands of tendrils making its stem.

A terrific aura buzzed from it as hearing the words acted like a trigger for Aspasia- her ma.s.sive illusory figure waving her hands and causing a certain scene to appear.

It was the scene of Ozymandias within the Grave of the Great Beyonder, his figure brilliantly melding in and out of his surroundings!

|He was born moments ago, and the First Sign of countless connections formed in an instant was observed!|


|Now, he ushers rain for the first time in the Megalos Beyond as at the same time…|


They could see his figure melding in and out of existence.

They understood what this meant.

He was just born, and yet he was already…

|One With Megalos!|


One With Megalos.

For those in the Megalos Beyond, this was Existence.

At this moment, they saw that this newly born Morphon who brought the rain was somehow already becoming one with existence!

A State of Existence that Outerversal Morphons who had grown increasingly complex could attain over time.

This was undoubtedly the one that the Great Beyonder spoke of.

Seeing the shock and reverence before her, Little Aspasia nodded as she cemented everything.

|The Instrument has come…to call upon those who trust in the words of the Great Beyonder! The Instrument has come…for the Crucible of the Beyonder within this Pantheon!|


Her words were resonant.

The attention they caught was stupendous as in moments, thousands upon thousands of Outerversal Morphons began to surround the Grave of the Great Beyonder coming into the Pantheon protectively, their eyes and intents expressing fervor!

A distance away, there were thousands of Morphons who stayed back- their eyes showing a cold light.

They also believed in the words of the Great Beyonder.

And in them, he also stated that this Instrument could be the one to bring destruction!

Their Existence wholly denied this as they did not wish to see his coming, nor his success.

Gradually, two groups began to form as the Grave of the Great Beyonder descended onto the Megalos Pantheon of Umbra!