Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 421 - Cultivating

Chapter 421 - Cultivating

Noah glanced at the results of the Division feature of the Spiritual World as a fantastical sight of four huge land that could be considered Continents separated from the central landma.s.s that held the Time s.p.a.ce and the Blacksmith"s Forge.

The continents were mostly filled with a similar type of essence and environment, the only thing different being the one in the North that was slowly turning fully into a fiery continent that was filled with the Law of Fire.

Many possibilities lied in front of him as he sent a message to the Spiritual World System.

"You can handle the farming of the new plants and designing architecture and layouts of these continents?"

[Yes. Just let me know which style of architecture you wish for, as well as any ideas you have for Recipe Design and the building of new Law s.p.a.ces. Anything you need, I can handle.]

An extremely competent reply came from the System as Noah nodded, seeing that he had placed a significant amount of time in this particular task that an entire day had pa.s.sed.

He currently looked at the pa.s.sing of days as extremely crucial, as his mind had calculations of what he could possibly achieve in a single day in terms of Fate Lines and Chaos Particles. If he was doing anything else and a day pa.s.sed, it felt he missed out big in advancing his power forward!

The upgrade of the Spiritual World was more than worth it, as he left things in the hands of the Spiritual World System and glanced towards the few beings he had in the Spiritual World.

There were a large majority of Spiritual Beasts populating the central landma.s.s, with other cl.u.s.ters in the risen continents aside from the fiery ones the current beasts were still major of the Ice Element.

When he came to this thought process, he couldn"t help but ask something that was on his mind.

"The beasts that were born in this Spiritual Land were always of the Ice Type Element. If the convergence of essence in the continent that is covered by the Law of Fire births new Spiritual Beasts, will they be of the Fire Element?"

Noah"s mind was already thinking in this manner, simply wanting a confirmation at this wondrous possibility.

[Yes. When the Earth Law s.p.a.ce or Fate Law s.p.a.ce or Chaos Law s.p.a.ce are established in the future, beasts of those respective elements will also have probabilities of being born.]

A spectacular affirmation came as Noah shook his head at the wonders of the Spiritual World, looking towards the Harbingers and other beings that were looking at him with reverence and a tinge of fear.

Some understood his power and knew him for a long time, others only heard stories as they now came face to face with him and looked at him in an entirely different manner.

The beasts of the Spiritual World like Emperor Penguin simply looked at his figure with s.h.i.+ning eyes filled with strength and trust, making his heart settle with ease as the more he rose in power, the more alone he felt.

Even with the company of women like Adelaide and Barbatos, he only had a chance to be around them briefly as he was constantly moving, his heart settling down when he was around them and had a chance to relax, but most of his time was divided into adventuring into new lands or facing powerful enemies, with him doing almost everything alone.

It was a unique feeling that those on the path of power would occasionally find themselves in. A position where they seemed to be forging ahead while others were just trying to keep up!

It was the solitude one felt when they were in a position that others could not come close to! Even someone like Prince Ca.s.sius who Noah could talk freely with in the past, he could not do so anymore. The moment the prince moved together with her aunt and saw the actual picture of Noah"s true strength, a change occurred as he knew they weren"t even remotely close to the same positions, not looking at Noah the way he used to before.

Noah sighed as he sent telepathic commands to the Emperor Penguin and Elena, as well as the other major figures that over the worlds he was connected to as he cast one more skill before he disappeared from the skies of the Spiritual World.

He cast [World Veil] that now applied to this unique treasure of his, letting it stay in this expanse of s.p.a.ce for now as he prepared to come in contact with powerful laws.

He would set no time for celebration or anything like that for this amazing upgrade that had turned the Spiritual Land into a Spiritual World, teleporting away from it as he appeared tens of thousands of miles away from the junction of the Light Expanse and the Dark Expanse where he would leave the Spiritual World briefly, letting those within cultivate as others could use the portals in the Central land ma.s.s to head back to their respective worlds whenever they wished.

His clone appeared far away in the void of vast s.p.a.ce, feeling his eyes close as he enjoyed the weightlessness and power because of the [Child of s.p.a.ce] ability from the Lesser Cthulhu Skill Tree.

He felt extremely safe and content when he floated in this dark expanse of s.p.a.ce, his heart already looking forward to when he would soon upgrade the skill tree of the Lesser Cthulhu along with Fate"s Guardian.

If one could place the things he had to do on a plate in the form of food, they would overflow as there were truly too many of them.

Skill trees, Laws, Celestials, Infernals, Ancients, the Spiritual World...there were so many things that he wished his Blood Lord ability could grant him another clone for him to do all of them!

His main body had been spending the last day with Athena as they continued their cultivation session that pushed Noah"s Fate Lines from 26,000 over 27,000 in the span of a day, this being an amazing number in the eyes of the Celestials.

But...he planned to start a cultivation session now where he would condense double the amount of fate lines that he and Athena condensed in a just the span of an hour!

He looked forward to seeing the future results of obtaining close to 50,000 Fate Lines in the span of a day as he comfortably got in a seated position in the void of s.p.a.ce he was in, clearing his mind as he initiated {Fate"s Disciple} first this time around, watching as a golden line of fate began falling down. His body pulsed as he shone gold and brought to surface the hidden Fate Lines already in his body, covering his surroundings with the aura of fate as he then slowly began also activating {Disciple of Chaos}, commanding just a few Chaos Particles to come to light as the golden aura of fate felt like it had found its biggest enemy, going forward and overpowered the few Chaos Particles as they were quickly wiped away and purified into nothingness.

This reaction of purifying pure chaos elements was rewarded with multiple Fate Lines that then went on to descend and attach to his body, this session being one where he increased the number of Fate Lines while Chaos Particles stalled, his heart at peace as he repeated the process and began wildly burning his mana as it poured endlessly into two techniques which cultivated two Supreme Laws!