Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 472 Advancing Legion

Chapter 472 Advancing Legion

On the 7th celestial star, Grandmaster Ramiel had just left a hidden underground prison where a certain individual lay with his body pierced with numerous golden spikes. He had gone down to this underground area to once again one sidedly monologue towards his teacher about the recent events, as well as the initiation of a war that he would be at the forefront of.

When he left the golden cage that continued to seep the strength of the powerful figure, Grandmaster Ramiel once more missed the hidden smile that had appeared on the bleeding and disfigured being"s face.

This had been the last time that this Grandmaster was going down to ramble to his teacher, the last time that he would converse with one of the founders of Celestials.

Unbeknownst to grandmaster Ramiel, this was also the last time that he would see his master, because in the journey that this Grandmaster was about to undertake, he would not get the chance to return to this Celestial Star!

But this knowledge was not one that was privy to him at this moment as he left the Celestial Star with a strong demeanor. He looked at the celestials around him as they all boarded numerous prime wars.h.i.+ps, the single 7th Celestial Star forming one of the small squadrons that were going to combine with the large Legion that someone from the celestial realm would be leading towards the Dark Expanse.


Grandmaster Ramiel gazed at the numerous prime wars.h.i.+ps that littered the void of s.p.a.ce, the procession of beings from the Celestial Realm pa.s.sing near the 7th Celestial Star as his job was to only combine in their ranks and follow along in this venture.

All the Celestials were under the lead of Grandmaster Onillus, a being in the World Realm and someone that had more than three million fate lines thrumming strongly in his body!

If Grandmaster Ramiel could be considered just at the entrance of the World Realm, then Grandmaster Onillus was nearing its peak as the time that he spent in the Celestial Realm granted him versatile skills and abilities, as well as improving his techniques in the law of fate.

This was why the Founder had chosen this Grandmaster to be the one that led the forces in the first battle of this war. It was because this being was looked at with extreme confidence as it was someone that partic.i.p.ated in the war more than a thousand years ago and knew the ins and outs of being a commander!

The many prime wors.h.i.+ps that would make any surrounding planets tremble continued on moving as Grand Master Ramiel entered the largest one at the forefront. This was the main vessel that contained many of the leading grandmasters. One could sense numerous powerhouses at the World Realm, with the majority being at the domain expansion realm and even more at this soul forging realm. But the largest percentages were of course those of the void rank.

A stark difference in the legion that was being led towards the Verittas Fortress in this war compared to the previous war was that the head count for the celestials was actually rather small when one compared to the numbers of individuals that came from numerous Prime Worlds that were also currently moving within the Celestial Legion!

The Celestial Legion had not yet reached the Verittas Fortress because they were pa.s.sing through Specific regions in the Light Expanse collecting more and more powerful figures from chosen Prime Worlds that were selected to provide soldiers for this first conflict.

As they moved across the Light Expanse, in just a few days the number of celestials actually became the minority in this advancing force as hundreds of thousands of powerhouses at the void realm from numerous prime worlds came under their banner.

Those capable steered their own vessels towards the dark expanse with even more being taken into the prime wars.h.i.+ps of the Celestials. The forces from the World of Cultivation were even more vibrant as they were actually given special treatment from the Celestials. The reason was because the World of Cultivation was the place where the being with n.o.ble Fate who would soon enter the ranks of experts, Crixus, came from!

Those especially proud were the cultivators from the Profound Astral Sect, especially the Elder that was Crixus"s father who enjoyed a position as the leading figure that was overseeing the forces of the World of Cultivation. The power of the Profound Astral Sect had gradually expanded in the cultivation world because of the s.h.i.+ning name of Crixus, and now they found themselves serving at the forefront as they actually saw this chance as an honor.

Their gazes were those of responsibility and slight fear, as all that they knew was that they were going to defend their home. They were going to defend their Light Expanse from the hands of the savages that had already made two prime worlds disappear. They had acted and somehow taken the lives and the entire world that was formerly known as the Magus world and even more recently they had entered the wondrous celestial realm and caused conflict while also erasing another powerful prime world that was known as the Underworld.

Many of the forces from the numerous prime worlds were acting under this a.s.sumption, as this was the only news and propaganda that the Celestials had spread, a propaganda that began the moment the Founder declared war after the Battle of Geniuses!

A majority of them knew that they were going in this war to defend their homes, but those even more knowledgeable and those that could see behind the scenes knew that they were only pieces being played on a chessboard. But could they refuse? Could they say no?

They had lesser power and they had no strength, so they could only go along as a grand procession pa.s.sed through the Light Expanse as it looked like a large blade that pointed itself towards the Dark Expanse!