Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 483 Imposing!

Chapter 483 Imposing!

The words of the gigantic figure of the Infernal Lord caused shock and movements to spread throughout the battle field from their extreme arrogance, but they caused reverberations even further as many forces were ultimately watching to see the results of this first conflict!

The Grand Mage Edrusim was surrounded by numerous powerful Mages and the faction of Wizards that made up the Alliance as their eyes watched with unblinking eyes, they having already done their part of distributing their forces and now were simply waiting to see what the results of the battle would be.

In another location in the Dark Expanse, the Vampyre Ruler Vladivostok was watching the b.l.o.o.d.y moon appearing in the void of s.p.a.ce above the army of Infernals as the sear he was on fell to the side, him being one of the more shocked beings as he recalled this skill from a long-forgotten past!

It came deep within the Letalis Expanse, with its source being from the revered Progenitor itself as it was an ability that had only shown itself in the War of the Righteous!

It had long since been lost in the dredges of time, along with the powerful beings that could use this skill.

Yet now, it was appearing once more, and in the hands of an Infernal Lord.

What exactly was happening?!

The gaze of Vladivostok shook as he recalled the only location that might have answered, waving his hands in front of him as he created a runic magic that was the prerequisite of a portal forming.

This was similar magic that the Vampyre King of the Underworld had used months ago to send a special someone into an Ancient Blood World, and Vladivostok was trying to do the same now as his thoughts led him to quickly check this Ancestral Ground that was all the Vampyres had left at this moment for answers.

Hid essence moved as he watched the runic circle complete with antic.i.p.ation, but was shocked thereafter as when the red portal began to form while seeking a connection to the targeted ancestral world, it trembled and fizzled halfway through...not being able to form a connection!


Vladivostok looked towards the failed connection of the Ancient Blood World he knew so clearly as his gaze turned ashen.

He tried again and again, but the magic that allowed him to form the portal with the Vampyres" own Ancestral World was actually not working anymore! This led Vladivostok to believe that something had happened with the Ancient Blood World, and this Infernal Lord being shown in front of his eyes should have some connections to it!

What exactly had happened? Why was he able to use the skills of their Ancestors? Vladivostok would get to the bottom of this, even if he had to offend the dignity of an Infernal Lord!

The scene moves from the questioning Vampyre Ruler and goes into the wondrous Celestial Realm where yet another figure was watching the arrogant words of the Infernal Lord, a pristine wine gla.s.s in his hands as his wild countenance had changed. The Founder was not in the wildness of the Celestial Realm as he sat in a paradisiacal expansive hall that was filled with the colors of gold everywhere one"s eyes wandered to.

He sat in a pristine golden throne as he enjoyed food that very few could ever taste in their lives, the feed of the Verittas Fortress being displayed clearly from the Prime Wars.h.i.+ps of the Celestials in front of him.

This being was living the dream of all the big bosses- simply sending out his people to work hard and his behalf as he reaped most of the rewards. It was a truly rare position that very few could have the chance to enjoy.

There was an unnatural smile on his apathetic face as he heard the words of the Infernal Lord, curious words leaking out from his mouth.

"The 9th and weakest Infernal Lord actually entered the Celestial Realm and saved those little rats earlier? Now that"s just not fair, don"t you think?"

He was alone in the expansive golden hall, but seemed to be questioning something or someone as he continued!

He recalled the same red moon that had appeared when his palm was descending down towards the rats that had entered his cage, now confirming the ident.i.ty of the being that saved them to be this Infernal Lord.

This was one of the more shocking thoughts that were spreading through the minds of many of the knowledge beings that could connect the dots- they found the ident.i.ty of the being that actually stood against the Celestial Founder to save others not too long ago, and it was actually an Infernal Lord!

The question in many beings eyes was how this happened and why! How was he able to so quickly react, and why did he dave those particular beings? What history and connection were they missing?

Questions upon questions entered the minds of many as they watched the initial scene of the first battle of the Last War, the Founder himself continuing his monologue in the golden hall.

"A creature of chaos created to oppose me, you shouldn"t have any driving emotions but destruction...hah, what exactly are you trying to do?"

His voice was as if it was directly questioning something, but he continued to be alone!

"You block me at every turn and stop my advancements for your own entertainment, but do you really think creating an anomaly of an Infernal Lord will help all that much? I"m very close you know. I can…"

The gaze of Founder was bright as he reached his hands out as if grasping something only he could see in front of his eyes.

"I can...almost touch that point now. I"m almost there. When I reach that point...I"ll be breaking out of your influence fully!"


His strong voice reverberated out as only he knew the target of these words, his apathetic eyes turning to the feed of the Verittas Fortress as a smile curled on his lips.

"I"m watching, little Infernal Lord. Give me a show."