Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 505 A Prison Break

Chapter 505 A Prison Break

The area around the cathedral styled building turned even more vibrant and busy after this news spread out, the crowning of four new Commanders that would each lead their own legions spreading out across the Golden Bastion.

One was Commander Crixus, the Destroyer!

Another was the War Princess, Commander Athena!

You then had the terrifying Commander Three-Eyed, and the vivacious Commander Light!

Four new commanders, two holding t.i.tles of n.o.ble Fates, the other two being Special Existences. With such new additions to the fighting force of Celestials, many stopped the inner worries when they recalled of the battle power of the briefly appearing 9th Infernal Lord that had defeated an entire Celestial Legion, their preparation continuing as the entirety of the explored regions of the Celestial Real became increasingly busy.

In the Golden Bastion, Noah was flipping the Commander"s Golden Medallion as he recalled the words of the Grandmaster.

He would lead a Celestial Legion in the coming weeks towards the Dark Expanse as he gained experience and ama.s.sed more Fate Lines from defeating Infernal and those residing in the Dark Expanse, and depending on his performance and leaders.h.i.+p, there were many opportunities to advance in the future!

If his genius was as exemplary as many believed, then he would not just stop at leading a single Celestial Legion, but would instead be a Commander that led many into the battlefield, ama.s.sing even more power as time pa.s.sed.

It was a powerful rank that very few Celestials could achieve, and Noah had arrived here!

"You weren"t in the lead for too long, Junior Brother."

A bright voice rang out behind Noah as he turned to see Athena, his lips curling in a smile as he tried to take her in his arms, the War Princess dodging him with a smile as she continued

"There will be a time for celebration later. Why don"t we go spar now that we are in the same realm again? I am itching for a good match before we get a.s.signed a legion."

"As you wish, my dear Senior Sister."

The War Princess was looking for another spar as Noah agreed while keeping his hidden smile with him, knowing his plans with the War Princess were still heading in the proper direction!

This being that was now a Commander of a Celestial Legion was already slightly under his influence, and he would increase this influence rapidly in the coming weeks before he used this piece whenever an opportunity for it arose in the future.

For now, he continued moving in the Celestial Realm, gaining the t.i.tle of a Commander while awaiting his own Celestial Legion!

Far away across the starry expanse of s.p.a.ce, his first clone that had been forming connections with planets and had been able to add many to his collection, giving this task a rest for now as tens of Prime World were added without any issues.

News of the disappearing Prime Worlds had already began to make waves among the power of the Light Expanse, putting many beings on edge as the Celestials were also notified of this. But in this tense period right before the full explosion of war, there were too many things to handle as this issue of disappearing worlds was just one among the many!

The abundance of all of these newly added Worlds only propagated the status and rate of advancements of Noah"s homeworld and any other worlds that weren"t at the stage of a Prime World, their path towards such a level becoming smoother and smoother as the Worlds only acclimated to the ever so increasing essence and broke through to higher stages.

This task of World connections was given a rest as Noah followed the third thing aside from upgrading the Blood Lord skill tree and upgrading the Spiritual World- it was finally the task of freeing the being dwelling in the 7th Celestial Star!

This Celestial Star was among the many that were currently filled with activity, Prime Wars.h.i.+ps rapidly moving in and out as preparations were underway.

The mountain that was under the control of Grandmaster Vredral was fairly empty, leaving a few disciples to take care of the wondrous medicinal gardens and other tasks since the departure of the Grandmaster. The brilliance and beauty of the area he was in did not even register in Noah"s mind as he carefully moved.

He crouched down among the thickets of trees of this mountain as he took out the vial containing a starry dark mixture, it being something that was handed down from the forces of Vampyres, but it"s true source was actually from the 2nd Infernal Lord that was working closely with the Grand Mage Edrusim!

When Noah first got it, he could not discern its ident.i.ty, but it was clear as day to him now as he glanced at its description.

[Pestiferous Chaos] :: A unique chaos essence that originates from the source of a powerful Infernal Lord at the Nebula Stage, and is capable of interfering with chains of Fate. This particular essence has a designated target on the 7th Celestial Star.

A vial containing a liquid deeply entrenched in Chaos Essence, something that was actually specifically manufactured under the wishes of the Grand Mage Edrusim from the 2nd Infernal Lord that stood at the peak of the levels reached in the Novus Galaxy!

This vial was then pa.s.sed to the Vampyres until it reached Noah"s hands, where he now took it out and actually popped the stopper.


Weak waves fluctuated as Noah quickly reigned them in, the liquid from the vial flying out as if possessed and beginning to drill down towards the earth below his feet. His figure miniaturized to follow the rapidly moving chaos essence as it went deeper and deeper underground, his body following along as a few minutes pa.s.sed before they broke through numerous layers and reached a wide cave filled with vibrant crystals.

The most eye catching thing in this cage was also the location where the chaos essence was shooting towards, the singular place that held an enormous golden cage, this cage having protruding spears that pierced into the body of a single being!


The chaos essence latched on to the cage filled with glistening spears as it began its job of quickly eating away at them, the unique energy of a stage Noah had yet to reach leaking out as the creation of an Item made by a Nebula cla.s.s expert proceeded to do its job of freeing a certain being.

Noah"s figure broke through the clearing as he came to float in the air, his eyes looking into the rapidly dissolving spears of the cage as they connected with the prisoner contained within.

A wide but tired smile was on the prisoner"s face as he glanced at Noah, speaking out in a clear voice that Noah was familiar with!

"It"s been a while, Noah Osmont."
