Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 539 - Might as well make a Realm

Chapter 539 - Might as well make a Realm

Noah flew the still exploding strength of his body as he freely let the essence in his environment rush towards him, his eyes honing in on his Stat Panel that listed the newly gained Authority of a Supreme Law!

{{Fate Lord"s Authority}} :: A right given to a being that is embarking on the path of understanding Fate. This Authority has the effects of Radiant Knowledge, Cast Disruption, Mana Interference, Fate Manifestation, Atmospheric Regulation, as well as increasing the effectiveness of all Fate related abilities by 1000% and reducing their mana cost by 95%.

The simpler description of the Authority given after pa.s.sing the 50% mark in the Law of Fate was displayed on his eyes as he went over it. Nearly everything was the same as the Authorities of the Laws of Fire and Water, but the effectiveness of Fate Skills under this Authority were actually +1000% compared to the +500% of the previous two laws, with the mana cost being cut down by 95%!

The only thing else that was new was the addition of the ability called Radiant Knowledge. Noah"s eyes twinkled as he didn"t make himself wait before casting the Authority, his first clone that had the ident.i.ty of the Infernal Lord and was currently hidden in s.p.a.ce casting this Authority is a small range around him.


Golden fluctuations erupted outwards as Noah closed his eyes and compared the feeling of this Authority.

In the few meters surrounding him, it had turned into a s.p.a.ce tinged with a gold hue as abundant Fate Essence filled the surroundings, each of them dancing joyfully as they waited for Noah"s commands.

He felt the stupendous feeling of strength this Authority brought him as the effects of the abstruse skill called Radiant Knowledge smoothly came in, his thoughts moving subconsciously as an idea seemed to suddenly strike him, his hands waving forth as he also cast the ability that cultivated the law of chaos, [Disciple of Chaos]!


It felt like oil being added to fire as the intrusion of Chaos Particles into the radiant field of gold fate essence that were abundantly swimming in the laid out Authority exploded out, this action causing a chain reaction as even more Chaos Particles manifested to rush down. It was similar to when Noah performed Dual Cultivation, but the reaction was much more intense as he quickly made calculations as time pa.s.sed.

His eyes shook as he confirmed the effect was actually closer to being more than 5 times as effective as when he performed Dual Cultivation of the two Supreme Laws, this s.p.a.ce under {{Fate Lord"s Authority}} actually providing a way for him to increase his progress in the opposing Law of Chaos even faster!

His thoughts moved rapidly as he continued to test a few things, his Second Clone in the Time s.p.a.ce actually taking over the task as he released {Fate Lord"s Authority}} in the region where he was surrounded by four different Law s.p.a.ces, not wasting any time thereafter as he cast the authorities for the Law of Water and Fire as well.


The very s.p.a.ce around him shook at the immensity of the authorities as at this time, Noah also cast the skills that would allow him not to just perform dual cultivation, but quadruple cultivation as all the techniques of comprehending the laws of fate, chaos, water, and fire were cast!

His body was first covered in the respective law s.p.a.ces of these elements that gave him access to their abundant energies, and he then laid out the {Authority} for each of them but chaos, gaining access to their purest forms of essence as the effects of his progress were multiplied.

He was actually cultivating by using his Authorities- something that n.o.body could do in this Novus Galaxy! Who had the capability to master three laws more than halfway? Who had enough mana to keep such Authorities active at all times? It was only him!

It was ridiculous, crazy, and unsustainable for anyone else but him as he visibly saw the numbers of Fate Lines and Chaos Particles changing rapidly, the Fire and Water Origin Cores also spinning rapidly within his main body as they ate up as much energy as they could before they spit even more out to reinforce his body.

Long story short- through the use of the Authorities of the laws that he had comprehended more than 50% of, he had increased his speed in law comprehension multiple times!

The norm of a being taking longer to advance as he reached higher stages was once again broken as while Noah achieved grander achievements and realms, his speed continued to accelerate even faster! What slowing down? What pacing? Taking years to make advancements?

Noah gave a big middle finger to all of this as he barreled forward, achieving things that would take others hundreds of years in a matter of days! Yet somehow, this speed was still getting faster…

It was ridiculous, to say the least, but Noah only nodded contently as his second clone continued this new cultivation method, the unique ability termed Radiant Knowledge under {{Fate Lord"s Authority}} spinning again as all the ideas he had about the future and himself were laid out clearly in his mind, all these ideas coming together in a much cleaner manner as he was provided knowledge of how to use these ideas in a more optimum manner similar to how he stumbled to try his newest cultivation method.

His thoughts at this moment had revolved from the battles of the Last War, the mysteries he was still unfolding, and then they came to rest on a single topic amidst all of these- and that was his plan of forming a realm!

He had just broken into the Star Forging Realm and pa.s.sed the 50% mark on three Universal Laws, and at this time he rose as he stared at the starry expanse before him as he said to himself,

"I might as well make my realm."

A shocking and arrogant thought! Yet it seemed achievable to Noah as the Radiant Knowledge ability under the {{Fate Lord"s Authority}} acted like an upgraded version of Fate Discernment, this new ability not showing him any abstruse concepts or hidden meanings he had to figure out as his own thoughts and ideas were filled to the brim with new information as any gaps were filled, wondrous new possibilities that Noah had not considered opening themselves up in his eyes!