Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 59 - Inundation II

Chapter 59 - Inundation II

I looked to the newly appeared human and the winged creature it was commanding. These natives actually had someone of this level of strength, surprising me even more.

The human that had dirtied my scales was about to die, only for this one to swoop in and save him in the last minute. The issue was that this new one actually posed a threat to me. Well, his beast did anyways

I had brought myself to the point of empathizing with the creatures of this world because of the similarity of events they were going through, but that was the wrong choice.

If I wanted to be successful in my goal in this small world, I had to be ruthless. I have my own people to worry about. With that being said, I would take care of this threat in front of me first

My injury should not flare up as long as I do not completely go all out, so I started by casting my ability, Draconic Summoning.

The usual ferocious winged half dragons filled the air, their numbers growing to 100 in a blink. These would be used to keep the vile summoned creature at bay while I take down its master. That was the fastest solution after all

I commanded the half dragons to attack, and the winged creature went towards them at high speed. It was powerful enough that a single strike from it melted through the body of my summons, and it released a poisonous gas that spread out and melted more than 20 of the half dragons in a blink

I became even more serious seeing this, and I realized I only had a few seconds to make my move against the human. If he dies, the creature dies with him.

My wings vibrated as I converged the wind elements around me and my body disappeared from my location, shooting towards the human in the distance

I pa.s.sed the position in the sky where the poisonous creature was fighting against my summons, and knew victory was in sight as the creature would never catch up to me before I can take down its master

It was truly vile, as it had nearly taken down almost all the half dragons, but the few seconds it bought me was enough. My chest rumbled as I let out another one of my fiery breaths towards the figure of the human


I felt an impact and left no room for mistake as I formed multiple pillars of purple lightning that also crashed wide at the location of the figure

When the explosion cleared, a surprising sight presented itself.


The green creature was the one that could be seen at the point of impact. I was nearing its position so that I could finish off its master, but I met it instead. I tried pulling back as its poison was very powerful, but didn"t succeed in time as the creature exploded


Ugh. Green smoke covered my body as I was pushed back. The creature had self destructed and left me some breathing room, but it didn"t last for long as another one exactly like it appeared in the air once more

F.u.c.k.i.n.g come on!

I was becoming furious at the large pool of mana the human seemed to have as my senses tracked him to a position far behind me. He must have escaped my breath and summoned the creature where he was so he could have it self destruct and wound me.

If I didn"t watch myself in this fight, I might actually come out on the losing end. I wasn"t too worried though as my strong life essence had already pushed out the poison that was attached to my body.

Also, with the reckless way this human was using his energy to summon and unsummon his creature, he would run out soon enough and become my prey.

To handle the newly appeared creature that was coming towards me, I reinforced my body with multiple mana barriers. This was a dragon"s strength that many beings dreaded

Dragons had nearly boundless mana pools and an expert use of the mana around them, making it nearly impossible for someone of the same level to take them on. It would be the same against this human

Do you really think your mana reserves would match mine?

The barriers stacked all over my body as my claws felt the impact against the winged abomination. Every one of its strikes destroyed some of the barriers protecting me, but I supplied the mana and restored them right after

The creature could actually match my speed as its strikes became more ferocious in the sky. Every few seconds, it would release a noxious blast of gas that almost teared apart all the barriers I had

The human watched the battle with rapt attention in the sky, meaning the summoning of this beast should be his most powerful skill. But how many more times can you summon it after I destroy this one?

My body increased its size as my strengthened tail whipped out and smashed into the poisonous creature. The sharp spikes pierced through its hard muscles, and the creature clutched onto me as it exploded


Significant damage was taken from this blast, but I would heal from it in a few minutes. I looked up to the human to see if he had the reserves to summon another one of those creatures, but he stood still with a calm expression and rose his right hand towards me

Brilliant light covered my body as I healed the injuries and pushed out the poison at a fast pace as I prepared for the human"s last ditch attack. No matter how calm he looked, I knew he was only putting up a brave front

Come on. Bring your last attack. Let me withstand it and show you the terror of a genuine Black Dragon right after

Rumbling ensued in our surroundings as I felt a surge of energy from all corners around me. Energy that was in no way lower to my conflagrant breath condensed above and below me, and to my left and right

Transparent outlines of s.h.i.+fting mountains appeared as they rumbled and the heat increased to an alarming degree with me at the center

"Okay what-"


Suffocation. That was all I felt as I continued to cast multiple energy barriers that continued to be shredded the moment they were created. Thick magma was a.s.saulting me from both sides, the high temperatures searing my scales the moment I didn"t replace the barriers fast enough

I felt extreme pain as the injury in my chest flared up and made the situation even worse.

Huff. Huff. Huff.

I released bated breaths as the decimation around me cleared. Half of my body was charred as I looked to the human above me in fear. I could help but let out a scream

"What the h.e.l.l are you?!"

This thing, this being, he definitely wasn"t human!

"Now that, is just insulting"

His same nonchalant reply came out, making the gears in my mind spin faster as I thought of options out of this

"Don"t start thinking too much, here"s some more"

He disregarded me as his arm stayed in the air, multiple rumblings resounding as transparent volcanoes formed around me once more and a green circle that brought to light the poisonous beast s.h.i.+ned out

I looked at the sight in front of me in trepidation as I wondered, just what the h.e.l.l had I gotten myself into?!