Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 591 - A Signal!

Chapter 591 - A Signal!

Memories are a curious thing.

One can look fondly when going through memories of the past, or one can even try to forget them depending on what they contain. But when it came to stealing the memories of someone else, when it came to absorbing the memories of a being who had lived for close to two could not even begin to describe such an experience!

While being surrounded by three wrathful Terrors, Noah had crushed Aldrich within his palm as he began absorbing all of his memories, giving this task to his two clones as his attention focused on the powerful ent.i.ties that surrounded him while also trying to focus on memories pertaining to Aldrich"s goals and what exactly was the full meaning of his actions just now.

"Foolis.h.!.+ Foolis.h.!.+ Foolis.h.!.+"


The body of the Terror of Aether, Cthulhu, moved closer as its eyes focused on the octagonal broken area on the boundary of the Novus Galaxy. An oppressive force continued to leak outwards into an extremely black void that n.o.body but Grand Controllers could be able to survive in as the gaze of this Terror turned towards Noah"s three bodies.

"Based on your essence signature, you should have stopped something like this from ever happening! What made you so useless?!"

The voice was wrathful as the body of Cthulhu continued coming ever closer, Noah feeling the intent of this Terror to push him away from the area of the shattered boundary as he did not resist, his mind having already located the most important and most pertaining memories of the current situation from the dead Aldrich as he sifted through shocking information!

Cthulhu came towards the shattered area of the boundary as his tentacles landed on the areas around it, a unique energy beginning to leave his body as his voice of wrath continued to come out.

"Such a thing...such a thing should not have been possible…"

Mysterious words were uttered as the other two Terrors came close, glancing towards Noah closely as a unique energy also released from them to go towards the shattered s.p.a.ce, Noah observing that the miles-long shattered area was slowly beginning to reform at this moment!


Words of hesitation leaked out of the Terror of Aether as his body began to shake while affirming its thoughts and observing the state of the shattered area, his enormous red star-sized eyes trembling as the wrath within them only became more potent, the voice he released only becoming grander!

"You allowed for this!"


His voice rang out clearly as it had an accusatory tone, the other two Terrors opening their eyes as understanding registered into them as well, the gazes of all these three powerful Terrors at the level of Controllers turning towards the direction that Noah and Aldrich had come from- each of them were glancing towards the Central Realm while the Terror of Aether released accusatory words!

"It was you! You allowed for this to happen! You would have sensed the moment the thoughts of that creature were aiming to harm you like this, and you would have sent us to stop him long before! You allowed for the barrier to be breached!"


Shocking words were released from the booming mouth of the Terror of Aether as he actually looked towards the Central Realm while releasing words that seemed to be filled with pain and sorrow, and Noah would have not been able to understand their full meaning had he not just grasped the memories of Aldrich that pertained to this.

"That creature should not have even had the knowledge to do this unless you granted it to him! So why!"

Even more mysterious and shocking words left Cthulhu as the energy that he and the other two Terrors released went to reform the shattered portion of the barrier even faster.

Noah"s own thoughts had turned chaotic as he actually grasped the full picture, being able to understand exactly what Aldrich had done and the significance such a thing had!

When Aldrich saw that he could not win the battle against him, his unwillingness and unfairness he felt for not being able to get his hands on the only thing he wanted drove his maddened mind towards one thing, and it was the thing he was screaming about- mutual destruction!

If he could not have what he believed to be the biggest treasures in the Novus Galaxy and he was about to fall under the hands of a being that had not even appeared before just a few months ago, he might as well perish along with the enemy that prevented him from achieving anything.

With this thought, Aldrich actually chose to go towards the bounds of the Novus Galaxy where a barrier that only Grand Controllers could affect existed, a barrier where one could pa.s.s through as they left behind their Galaxy to explore the wide Universe!

But his goal was not to simply pa.s.s through this barrier, but to shatter a portion of it as he did something no inhabitant of a Galaxy would ever do, but it was the only way he saw of causing the destruction of his enemy- the Novus Galaxy itself. Aldrich chose to shatter the barrier because it was the only way to invite beings stronger than him into this galaxy, it was the only way to release a signal to powerful ent.i.ties in the outside Universe that a Galaxy still in its beginning stages existed in this area of s.p.a.ce!

Aldrich"s action of shattering the small portion of the barrier of the Novus Galaxy was simply that- a way to send out a signal to the outside Universe.

A way to invite unknown dangers towards the Novus Galaxy that had always been unknown and undiscovered this entire time!

This was why he had been screaming that the bell had been rung. That they were coming.

A native had actually sent a signal that invited the destruction of his own Galaxy!