Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 608 - Why stop at one?!

Chapter 608 - Why stop at one?!

In the Novus Galaxy, Noah was floating in the skies of the Central Realm as his body took in the feeling of strength and power that his newly granted Trait gave him.

The Trait of Infinite Mana didn"t reinforce his body or grant him strength in any visible way, but it gave him the feeling of power that made him think he could do anything he wanted!

This was a unique feeling the very few beings could come across, and Noah was feeling it because of the fact that from now on until whatever stage he reached in his journey, he would always have Infinite Mana!

[With the success of granting this Trait, you have fully taken the mantle of the Champion off this galaxy.]


The voice of the ent.i.ty that controlled the Novus Galaxy rang out in his mind as Noah sensed the connection that was now added to his Infinite Realm.

He shared a connection with the Infinite Realm, and now the Infinite Realm shared a connection with the Novus Galaxy itself!

He could continuously observe new changes continue to occur as every second pa.s.sed in the Infinite Realm, and all of these changes could be attributed to the singular black line that represented the connection that this realm now shared.

[The lives of the trillions in this galaxy. Those you know, and those that you do not know. They are now all intertwined with your future actions and mine.]

[Whether we succeed or undergo another cycle of destruction and rebirth will depend on our actions from here on.

As Noah heard these heavy words, he shook his head as he completely wiped away any feelings of weakness or uncertainty from his mind. His thoughts became calm and he affirmed to himself that he would succeed!

He glanced at the blinking Stat Panel in front of his eyes as new changes displayed themselves, but he focused on a single row that displayed new information.

He saw that a new section had appeared which displayed his Trait of Infinite Mana!

[Noah Osmont][t.i.tle(s): Infernal Lord(Variant), Grand Controller(Fate)]

[Trait(s) : Infinite Mana]

[Bloodline(s): Vampyre Progenitor]


He simply stared at the top of the stat panel as he focused on the newly appearing section with s.h.i.+ning eyes. If one was perceptive enough, they would be able to notice the way that the stat panel was structured held its own meaning.

When one looked at the section that displayed the t.i.tles, it showed [t.i.tle(s)] that put an "S" in the parentheses which indicated that one could start with one t.i.tle and gain many, thus having the singular and plural form of the word displayed on the Stat Panel!

The same applied to the section listing [Bloodline(s)] as at this moment, in the section that displayed Noah"s Infinite Mana Trait, one could also see the singular word Trait with the parentheses of "s" attached to them!

This shocking hidden clue actually showed that in the future there was a possibility not just for one Trait, but multiple!


Noah"s eyes became even firmer as he stared at the word of Traits on the stat panel and thought about the words of the Novus Galaxy days ago when he confronted it and asked for the reason why she let Aldrich release a signal that would effectively endanger all of them. This memory was very vivid in his mind!

At that time, the words of the Novus Galaxy had shocked him!

[I have undergone multiple cycles of destruction and rebirth. I am tired of it, and I never want to experience that again. Thus when the change happened, I vowed to make a Champion that wouldn"t just stand above other beings, but a champion that would completely and unilaterally be able to smash all of them into nothingness.]

While talking through the 1st Infernal Lord, a cruel and wicked enchanting smile had appeared on what would be a normally blank face, the Novus Galaxy feeling very strongly about this issue!

[Infinite Mana as a Trait was only the first stage of this. It was a trait that granted the Champion all the mana for them to do whatever they wanted, and it was such a shocking trait that it could raise one to be a future powerful ent.i.ty in this unexplored Universe.]

At that time when Noah heard these words, his heart was shaken as he realized that the plans of the Novus galaxy did not just finish at one trait!

[Since one trait can give you such a power, why not another? Why not a third? Why not a fourth? What if...what if we continue along this path as we create something that will be able to trample on any being that ever thought about standing in our way. Why stop here?]


The words of the Novus Galaxy were extremely cold and dominating when she talked about this, as Noah sensed a variety of emotions in them that were surging with confidence and arrogance!

But the more he heard them, the more that his heart beat even faster as those same thoughts began to occupy his mind.

If a single trait that required so many conditions just to be bought to fruition would be able to create a future ent.i.ty that would be powerful enough to stand among the ranks of the unknown ent.i.ties of the unexplored universe, what if you simply had another trait just as powerful as it?

What if he had three or four?! This shocking thought occupied his mind as it seemed to be the only thing he could see, but of course, there were rules that restricted such things to be brought to fruition! As the universal laws would have it...a being could only have a single trait!

That is why only Galaxies could grant Traits to their inhabitants, and the Traits were branded into their very origin and soul. It was because of this problem, because of this universal restriction, that the Novus Galaxy let a signal be released into the outside universe.

The Novus Galaxy had actually invited unknown forces that would hopefully be from another galaxy in order to just bypa.s.s just this single restriction!

She had a grand plan that involved bypa.s.sing the restriction of the galaxy only being able to grant a single trait to a being residing within! She had thrown out the bait of the signal to whatever galaxy caught it as she planned to do something terrifying to whatever force they sent in order to achieve her goals.

[If I cannot grant you another Trait because of such stupid restrictions, then I will simply have another Galaxy do it for you…]

[For the goal of creating an unbeatable Champion...for the sake of gaining strength to withstand all the terrifying unknowns waiting for us...this will succeed!]


A terrifying plan! A scheming Novus Galaxy! Just what exactly would come out of all this?!