Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 618 - My Specialty is Actually Spamming

Chapter 618 - My Specialty is Actually Spamming

Shockingly, a Blessed had fallen in a matter of minutes since the battle began!

Only the a.s.similator observed this horrendous situation as his body began to burn with an extremely black color, the aura of chaos permeating through as powerful black chaos shadows began to rise around the a.s.similator.

These chaos shadows shone with a dark l.u.s.ter as each of them held the power of a Controller, the gaze of the a.s.similator cold as he went all out!

Meanwhile, in the area where Noah"s clone had trapped the Fire Law Master, the black circle that represented the ability of [Devouring] opened, the sight inside making the eyes of the a.s.similator even colder!

Inside the opening aura of Gluttony, the husk of a being could be seen as all essence and life force was drained out, the eyes of this Nebula Rank Fire Controller losing their light a second later as Noah had actually defeated this being with a single skill that just drained him out entirely.

A unique essence from the surrounding s.p.a.ce went on to wrap around the husk of a being as it folded in itself, forming a second black ma.s.s that represented the Origin of this being from another Galaxy!

Noah also watched his stat panel that showed the number of skill points rising rapidly, both of his clones having finished their opponents the moment they appeared as at this moment, his three bodies went towards surrounding the singular remaining enemy in the hidden Blood World.

The Grand Controller of Chaos was looking towards the spots where his companions had died, only an eerie black ma.s.s remaining in these positions as it created for a terrifying atmosphere!

He had thought they found a young galaxy with weak Protectors and chose to enter and take most of the riches for themselves, choosing to not even send word back to the Watchers a.s.signed to him for this mission. Now, an unexplainable enemy had appeared as he lost a Blessed and a Controller.

He breathed out as his body thrummed with power, reminding himself that he had already embarked on the path of strength after a Controller, and this being in front of him showed no indication of it. All he could see was that somehow, he was proficient in multiple laws, where he might even be a Controller in each of them as well!

"It was a mistake to enter and antagonize you like this. Do you think we can let bygones be bygones?"

More and more chaotic dark shadows that held the auras of Controllers appeared around the a.s.similator as he said these careful words, going for possible diplomacy before he went all out against this mysterious enemy.

Noah only smiled at these words as his three bodies surrounded all sides of the Outsider, replying thereafter with a calm tone.

"Outsider, similar to how you have the unique power of an a.s.similator or how your friends have their Traits, I have my own unique power you know."

His words seemed to be resonating with the surrounding s.p.a.ce as the a.s.similator continued to prepare, the numerous chaotic shadows floating protectively around him as an unbound aura of chaos threatened to spill out at any moment with the command of this a.s.similator!

|Protect|, |Defend|, |Strengthen|, |Fluid Teamwork|, |Enhanced Chaos|


Numerous |Intents| were used by the Outsider as the summoned chaotic shadows around him became more and more solid, the aura of Chaos palpable as these shadowy figures screeched towards Noah"s three bodies!

"My power lies in mana, where my specialty is actually just spamming."

Noah"s eyes honed in on the powerful chaotic figures that numbered over ten, each of them glowing with the aura of a Peak Controller as in the middle of them, an a.s.similator was tightly protected!

The Outsider was taking all precautions after seeing the deaths of his two companions, where he now used an ability that summoned more than 10 figures with the power of Controllers as he planned to carry out a long and prolonged battle with Noah.

...or so he expected.

But Noah planned to do something entirely different, where he wanted to fully use his Trait of Infinite Mana as it deserved to be used...with constant and repet.i.tive spamming of powerful skills that required enormous amounts of mana to be used!


The surrounding s.p.a.ce had begun to tremble as it felt a premonition of what was to come, the face of the a.s.similator turning colder as he bellowed out while commanding his summoned creatures to rush forward!

[Madness Hegemony].

Noah"s main body called forth a skill that changed the surrounding s.p.a.ce and caused it to be filled with numerous Portals of Terrors, streaks of Aether Rays appearing as they began to shoot towards the many chaotic figures and the a.s.similator.

[Holy Fire].


One of his clones called out as from the s.p.a.ce above, illuminant golden flames that burned the surrounding s.p.a.ce itself began to appear as they rained down with a merciful light that threatened to burn everything it touched!



His other clone called out the name of the Rank F+ skill as Noah condensed the b.a.l.l.s of star sized suns into just a few meters, increasing their explosive force as they thundered forth towards the protected a.s.similator like rapid bullets.


The rays of Aether, Portals of Terror, scorching golden flames, and terribly explosive fireb.a.l.l.s all smashed into the protected a.s.similator as the chaotic figures he summoned took the brunt of the damage, but he survived with no problems as he prepared to retaliate at this moment, expecting his opponent to have used up a lot of his energy as he used this gap to finally deal some damage! But as he prepared to move out, he heard the same words repeat again!

[Madness Hegemony]. [Holy Fire]. [Fireball]. [Madness Hegemony] [Holy Fire]. [Fireball]...

Reinforced by the powerful skill of [Incandescent Emperor] which granted +1000% to many things, but the two qualities of Attack Speed and Cast Speed that were also reinforced by 1000% made a terrifying scene where all of these cast skills were being cast and rus.h.i.+ng forth at a nightmarish speed that would cause one to tremble in fear.


s.p.a.ce itself shook from the ridiculous amount of mana being used as layers after layers of Portals of Terror, Aether Rays, golden flames, and destructive small suns all began to appear en around a singular a.s.similator!

[Madness Hegemony]. [Holy Fire]. [Fireball]. [Madness Hegemony] [Holy Fire]. [Fireball]...

This a.s.similator"s eyes opened wildly in shock as he couldn"t help but ask in his mind-

"How do you have the mana for all this?!"

But his question would never be answered as the barrage of colorful and destructive abilities rained down thunderously.

At this point, Noah was not even doing any work, but he was simply calling out skill names as he spammed over and over again!

It was against an enemy that had embarked on a path even higher than a Controller, but with barely a small rank above him, would that be enough to withstand against endless abilities swarming on all sides?

The answer was a dreadful no as a particular Outsider had already begun sweating as his summoned chaos soldiers began to be wiped away by the horrendous damage as all these endless attacks targeted him!


On this day, Noah learned the joys of repet.i.tively using powerful skills with no consequences as a true spammer was born!