Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 641: 641

Chapter 641: 641


In the Devouring Realm, over tens of Blessed had given up or been killed from the terrifying power of the prisoners known as Fiends .

At this moment, Young Master Andrews was still fuming as he moved with two lackeys in the skies of the Devouring Realm, thinking of the forces he would put together to fully and without mistakes take care of a single trash Blessed .


Yet at the next moment, light flashed in front of the eyes of him and his lackeys as they were shocked to find the figure of the esteemed Imperial Princess appearing in front of them, the veil covering her as still as always as she pointed her fingers towards the two Nebula Rank Blessed beside Andrews .

One must know that this Imperial Princess had used insane speeds to traverse the large Devouring Realm over the past few minutes as she came across multiple Blessed and Prisoners, and she had managed to locate the face of Andrews as she located him in no time, her fingers pointing emotionlessly to the two lackeys by his side!


A horrid gravitational force seemed to wrap around these two beings, and only these two beings as even the nearby stupefied Andrews was not affected . This gravitational force that was called upon by the use of the EPSILON ranked [Vector Controller] seemed to ignore the ranks and power of these beings as it squeezed them from all sides, their bodies folding in on themselves as they became a ma.s.s of round flesh and bones in an instant before dropping down to the red earth!

" . . . "

Andrews had his mouth agape as his heart pounded in terror, being close to the person he so dearly wished to be near so many times but never had the courage to do so, and yet this same person was emitting great killing intent towards him at this moment! The shock of what just happened registered in his mind as he stammered back .



Before he could even utter another word, he felt his body being overtaken by a tremendous force as he was unwillingly pulled towards a certain direction, the figure of the Imperial Princess silently disappearing along with him!


Far off in another area of the Devouring Realm, Noah had just severed the origin of another Fiend through the use of [Sword of Judgment], this skill that dealt pure soul damage being extremely deadly to beings not even traversing laws as they opted for extreme physical strength and a high rank .

He was about to continue searching for more as he was actually very happy with his progress, having taken down over 12 Fiends so far as he always had a core in hand to continue building up his Nebula!

He had gained over 200 Stars at this point, surpa.s.sing his other body in the Novus Galaxy as the stars mystically rotating in his Nebula were numbering over 300 . Aside from this Blessed Imperial Selection granting him an ident.i.ty of an Imperial, he was also being taken to these amazing realms where he simply farmed cores while getting stronger .

He was about to continue this laid back adventure of taking down powerful Nebula Rank combatants while speedily advancing through the long and arduous Nebula Realm when suddenly, his defenses shot up instinctively as he felt a terrifying aura sweeping towards him at a ridiculous speed!


Two beings appeared in front of him before the sound could even register, his eyes observing s.p.a.ce creaking and folding from the path they just took as he watched with surprise eyes the appearance of a terrifying Imperial Princess as well as . . . the being he had already made numerous plans for- Andrews!

The young master had his eyes shaking as he looked around him, Noah being astounded by the sheer speed that was multiple times above his own as he remembered the horrendous Trait of this being .

"I heard this insignificant trash had actually called for your death and the death of multiple others . This violates the values of the powerful Households of the Imperial Citadel, so I will be using my authority as a Royal of the Dannicus Household to bring him and everyone involved to justice . "

A shockingly cold voice released from Anna Lexalius Dannicus as even Noah was surprised, his mind having already conjured up numerous ways to deal with the problem of this Young Master and the influence he could have continued to use as he tried to kill him in the near future .

He expected for this Young Master to continue sending Nebula Rank beings towards him in the future as he planned to use that as a method of farming until he neared the Rank of Black Hole, where he would then look for the methods to break through as he gathered more information with his ident.i.ty as a High Imperial!

Yet now, this terrifying Imperial Princess had gone straight ahead with a brute method as she used her strength and authority to bring the culprit right in front of him, and before he could even say anything else, he felt her oppressive power being activated again as she pointed towards the young master . Noah"s eyes shone with a red l.u.s.ter as [Eyes of Truth] were kept active to understand everything occurring in front of him .


Rapid and terrifying vibrations began to emit from the body of the Nebula Rank being as before he could use his Trait nor any of his power, his whole body seemed to be trembling as Noah watched in slow motion as the skin of this young master began to expand and burst like a bubble, his muscles and bones following thereafter as he understood somewhat what this Princess carrying an EPSILON ranked Trait was doing!

[Vibration Emission] :: One of the methods of manipulating vectors that the holder of the [Vector Controller] Trait can utilize . The user can generate vibrations or cause particles to vibrate as they wish, bringing about many means of destruction when the methods are used against someone else . Through increasing the vibration rate of subatomic vectors, the user can induce many effects not limited to but including Internal Rupture, Disintegration, Burst, Sonic Boom Generation, Molecular Oscillation . . . To counterattack Vibration Emission, one must have the capabilities to heal at a faster rate than the damage caused, or have a powerful enough const.i.tution to withstand it . . .

Eyes of Truth told him that the spectacular Trait of Vector Controller was being used to produce vibration emissions within the body of Andrews as his very own subatomic vectors were induced to vibrate at greater and greater frequencies until . . . he burst!


A shower of gory blood erupted out as an invisible circle wrapped around it, Noah only watching in silence as this puddle of blood was then released from this circle as it fell towards the red earth .

The Nebula Rank defenses of this being could not stop the oppressive power of [Vector Controller], nor did his Trait that did not even need to be mentioned . He just simply died .

Just like this, the low tier villain young master that used underhanded means and murder with the justification of his infatuation with an Imperial Princess . . . was actually brutally killed by the very being herself as the veiled powerhouse continued to glance towards Noah, not even giving the blood falling to the red earth a look as her voice rang out again, this time none of the coldness apparent in it!

"Well with that over, I"m very curious how you managed to escape death twice, and even more interested to understand your demeanor towards me so far . "

" . . . "

The voice had changed to the sonorous tone of an interested young girl that had found a toy to play with as Noah felt cold sweat metaphorically dripping from his back, realizing he had to quickly ama.s.s new abilities and grow his power if he was so quickly coming face to face with terrifying creatures such as this . . .