Inma no Hado

Chapter 8

“… It was Dr. Watson and Dr. Crick to have proposed that this DNA became the double-helix structure and was announced in 1953. It’s said that the author’s order of the thesis has been decided by coins at this time …“


During the cla.s.s of the afternoon, a middle-aged man in a suit talks in a subdued voice in the cla.s.sroom. That man who used black edge with thick lens is standing before the teaching table, while expanding the textbook and is doing the lecture of biology for the schoolgirls who are sitting down in a row vis-a-vis in the cla.s.sroom.


However, both the drive and the cheerfulness were quiet like a sober without enthusiasm, and the voice was monotonous.


His face is thin and white and he seems to be really nervous and unhealthy. His eyes in the interior of the move restlessly since a little while ago while staring at the textbook in the way that it is uneasy and quite timid to calm down and grasps the thing that’s clearly visible. His hair is unkempt and unclean and it is certain that he receives hate and contemptuous eyes from many women.


Although it was while the science teacher was lecturing, it was really loud in the cla.s.sroom and the noise was just like at lunch time. Many schoolgirls are discussing endlessly between their friends and are sometimes laughing with a loud voice.


There were also some quiet students, but some took a nap, others ignored the lectures of the teacher and there were also students who studied by themselves.


Anyway, it is common only that n.o.body of the schoolgirls who is in the cla.s.sroom of this Cla.s.s 4 of the second grade pays attention to the science teacher´s teaching because his look seems to be gloomy.


„It was that well …and I met someone the other day …“


„You meet someone? … Is it by any chance that guy? “


“That’s right. …Koji…, still likes the one now. ”


„ Because Natsuki said he broke up the other day! “


„ Well … is it so…. I don’t even remember…“


On the window side at the back of the cla.s.sroom, there is a group of 3 girls who are talking in an especially loud voice. The chairs were moved and formed a ring by three people like speaking in a coffee shop and they chatted happily while disregarding the science teacher since the beginning of this cla.s.s.


All three girls where 17 years old and really pretty, but the schoolgirl who sat down on the center of the group had the appearance that stands out by far among them.


That girl was called Natsuki from her friend before and she has glossy hair which was lightly curled to her shoulders, but it matches her small oval face very well. She has bright black eyes and her fringed long eyelashes were also very adorable. Her lips that continues from a high shapely nose is red and small, but when she laughs, the eight-fold tooth which is visible from her lovely lips becomes the accent of exquisiteness and at the same time it became her important charm point.








He glances at the lovely Natsuki who cackles at the center of her group and then return his glance to the textbook again. His mind says that he shall do something about the noisy cla.s.sroom, but there is no way of dealing with it because he is just a coward. At that time when he was appointed he tried to get attention several times, but even then, he bathed in the line of sight, ridicule and despise from the school girls each time. Now in this way, while teaching, he only prays to the fact that time quickly.


That time, something was heard and the door in the cla.s.sroom is opened.


„Hey, why is it so loud? It is cla.s.s now! So you all be quiet now! “


The cla.s.sroom becomes a scene because of the dignified voice by an instant, and the students who moved their chairs without permission come back to the obediently original position. Everyone among the schoolgirls was overwhelmed by the force of that man who is standing at the entrance of the cla.s.sroom and they didn’t even complain to follow his instructions.


The schoolgirls watched at the dandy looking middle-aged man who appeared with an enchanted expression on their face. Even Natsuki who was talking loudly until a while ago was one of them.


“Midou-sensei, what do you do ….You should do your job properly. “


The man is changing his angry brunt towards the science teacher and is making a complaint about his leaders.h.i.+p this time.


„ I have come because of the complaints from other cla.s.srooms that it is too loud here. You are also a teacher, despite you are a temporary employees. Properly you are in trouble if you don´t can guide your students…”


“… Yes …”


It is just an argument that the man says. Mr. Midou looks down in front of the platform in silence without anything being able to argue.


“Well … good. Come to my place afterwards okay… also you guys, be quiet! Okay!”


He said so and the dandy looking middle-aged man left the cla.s.sroom of Cla.s.s 4 of the second grade with the same abruptness like he entered. The schoolgirls were just quiet for a while, but begin chattering again after checking with their eyes with each other before long and then whisper in a low voice together.


“Oh s.h.i.+t …. Usami-sensei is so cool…“


“Really, I can´t believe he is the same age as your father…“


„ Such a good-looking Oji-san, I wonder if he has a girlfriend…”


Natsuki and the others of the three-person group are laughing and giggling again and resume their talk. As expected, it isn´t a loud voice like a while ago, but there isn´t a change and they are still arrogant by ignoring the advice of the teacher.


The situation is that Mr. Midou realized that the girls despise him.


However, he lifts his thick black-edged with a stake by his hand and vomits a small sigh and prayed to Buddha again and then restart the cla.s.s. As if it is totally an important mission in his life.








“Phew ~“


Finally freed from the long torture he sits down on his chair and takes a breath. Mr. Midou is in his personal room which is like a sanctuary for him where no one bothers him.


The room which is facing north has a window but it is really dark in the room because light doesn´t s.h.i.+ne in much, because the thick curtain was changed and has high light blocking effect, so that the room becomes pitch-dark at midday, when it is closed.


However, Midou Kenichi who is a temporary teacher at this prestigious girl’s high school which is called Ellis all girls high school liked this gloomy room. Even he doesn’t understand it well, but his mind feels rested when he is in this room and even his worries can be forgotten.


Ellis all girls high school is a traditional all girls’ school which continues their tradition since the Meiji era that most of the girls who graduate from this school are from prestigious families or daughters from politicians. Therefore there is a pipe with many private universities, because it has a lot of frames of the system of admitting students into colleges upon the recommendations of high school presidents, that’s why the popularity is very high by examiners and their parents and the entrance examination becomes the narrow gate to enter this high school.


However, science cla.s.s is decreased significantly because the school laid emphasis on the examination for university recently. Therefore the science laboratory which is next to this room is used for cla.s.s only about a few times in a year.


Therefore anyone can spend a peaceful time for a while if he can escape into this room without being disturbed. If, there is no practice cla.s.s of chemistry because there are times when almost no one comes, or biology cla.s.s in this science preparation room which is in the inner part of the 5th floor of the school building Kenichi can kick up his heels and feel relaxed.


Kenichi isn’t a very sociable person, it isn´t bothersome at all for him to shut himself up here all day long. But it is necessary for him to come to the tennis court after school, because there is the exercise of the tennis club and he is the vice-adviser of this club.


Even so Kenichi thinks about the sermon of Usami, who follows a little while ago, he was damp, shady and was especially persistent. Usami was the who was popular among the students and he look like a refres.h.i.+ng athlete, but Kenichi knows that he is a sly s.a.d.i.s.t and is really hateful against men.


In the staff room where other teachers were purposely today, Kenichi was obstinately abused for one hour or more. Of course Kenichi was aware of his lack of leaders.h.i.+p as a teacher, but it was able to be said that he was eccentric even if he watched it from Usami objectively.


After Kenichi`s cla.s.s att.i.tude and leaders.h.i.+p were carefully taken apart, even his clothes and hairstyle were shredded into fine, very detailed by Usami-san.  The teachers around him had heard the discussion and made expressions that they felt tired about this.


Of course even Kenichi was mortified.


However, for the who is a young elite lined with brilliant results and confidence as a teacher, there isn’t any support where someone can argue against him.


32-year-old Kenichi became a temporary science teacher at this school this spring, he worked as a lecturer and tutor at a small private supplementary school and exceeded his one’s livelihood in a part-time job without getting a regular job. Then, he borrowed the power of his uncle who is one of the directors here at Ellis high school and managed to get his current employment as temporary science teacher.


He graduated from a third-rate private university as if it was also unavoidable.


His character isn´t so and his appearance in short it is also gloomy and introversive. Of course he wasn´t popular with women since being born.


With such a character, he doesn´t have confidence toward himself. In contrast to Usami who was bright cheerful, energetic, handsome and also looked stylish. Kenichi was just hanging his head without the possibility to counterattack with such an opponent while standing up in front of Usami for 1 hour.


Kenichi remembered the thing which was in his pocket incidentally and tried to take it out then. It was a handkerchief with waste flower patterns. The handkerchief was applied with a peculiar smell of a women and he breathe in that sweet smell to fill his chest.


“Yos.h.i.+kawa-sensei… ”


He remembers the face of the owner of that handkerchief and laughs thinly.


This morning at the morning a.s.sembly, a female teacher with a really pretty face who sat opposite of Kenichi and laughed with a pretty smile and lent her handkerchief to Kenichi who has spilled water which was in a gla.s.s in the staff room. He recalls the gentle smile, and his heart is throbbing wild.


It was admiration from Kenichi from the time when he started with his new post this spring and the female teacher who should have been called the Madonna of this school, was the person who he valued in his heart all the time.


He too has no sense of reality at all, even to say of love. She’s unreachable for him who isn´t clear and has no choice but to see her beauty and cleanness. Even the imagination including a beautiful woman like her going out with him isn´t possible and seeing from the distance, he wors.h.i.+ps her like a G.o.ddess and that is all which he could do.


But Kenichi was still happy.


One day she would marry someone else. It can be a Scion of a large company, or even a elite salary-man. In any case a young and handsome millionaire is suitable to marry a beautiful woman like her. He never matches himself with her.


Kenichi is aware, that he has such a natural negative thinking.


He can´t say that his face is good-looking as for a compliment even his behavior isn´t good either. At the third- rate university where he studied, only his results for the science grades were good as for the others lessons he needed to learn as hard as possible and somehow he managed to pa.s.s.


At his current age Kenichi didn´t had any girlfriend and he only had no courage to speak about the experience he had with women and that’s why he is the representative of the typical man who isn’t popular.


“Aa … Yos.h.i.+kawa teacher …”


When the handkerchief which has the fragrant smell is put against his nose and the beauty and the outstanding body of Junko Yos.h.i.+kawa is remembered, dark blood gathered in Kenichi’s p.e.n.i.s. When Kenichi takes down the zipper of his pants with his right hand slowly, he took his erected p.e.n.i.s out easily in the middle of school.


He has a superb p.e.n.i.s surprisingly strong and vigorous.


His whole thing was towering, its length and thickness were like the arm of a child, and it even was erected to the tip. It wiggled like an earthworm and on the surface were thick blood vessels. His erected p.e.n.i.s is overhanging more shameful.


Kenichi who isn´t clear entirely, doesn´t realize that his thing was something unusual. However he had no s.e.xual experience, so it is a waste of his treasure.


He begins to stroke his huge p.e.n.i.s with one hand and in the other hand he held the handkerchief to his nose.


„ … Aaa … Junko …“


In the delusion he called Ms. Yos.h.i.+kawa by first name. The figure of Ms. Yos.h.i.+kawa that he usually was seeing many times and was engraved in his memory, was made bare-naked in his mind. It is an act that he repeated till now innumerably, and it is the masturbation that Kenichi always performs.


Ms. Yos.h.i.+kawa has a tremendous body; he realized that even when she wears tidy clothes on top of her body.


Beyond her lucid face she wear metal-framed, her chest was huge that lifted even the blouse and suit she was wearing, that even the glances from men are glued towards her chest. When it is summer and she wears light clothes, her white blouse is transparent and her pink and blue bra is completely exposed to views and men are troubled in where to look at.


Her waist which continues from there is narrow and tight so that you can hug her by both hands. Her hips are plump while extending a tight skirt by force and create a curve like models have and the ridge line continues to the curve of her elegant legs so that a sigh is given. They are thin and seem to guarantee a good structure so as to worry whether her ankle isn´t broken.


„ Aaa…“


The imagination of the beloved teacher with the perfect shape of the estimated G-Cup b.r.e.a.s.t.s stimulated Kenichi´s d.i.c.k further. It leaks at all from the tip, that liquid is going too far ahead to loose and bursts and has spilled.


He will wipe the sweat. Junko’s body odor is a residual and is felt from the handkerchief when put against his nose now and an elegant perfume and the female pheromone will be the smell which mix enchantingly. The illusion he made, let him bury his face in her tremendous b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Huge white b.r.e.a.s.t.s.


This sweet b.r.e.a.s.t.s that even a vein is transparent so that the color that falls out is white.




He will save it and he reaches the climax in no time and wraps his p.e.n.i.s in the handkerchief which he held in his hand in a hurry and into it.


A large quant.i.ty of s.e.m.e.n was released on the handkerchief so that even Kenichi is disgusted and intoxicated with pleasure.




He was in that way for a while and it became the same time. „My Goodness!” Even if he thinks, it’s already so late.


(Oh well…. It has been done…..)


When Kenichi saw the lace handkerchief which was fully sucked in s.e.m.e.n, soaked wet and became muddy. He polluted the handkerchief which he borrowed. With much effort he tried to find something else at such an emergency but he didn´t find anything and a sense of guilt and regret grazed in his head.


(You don’t say so! What has been done cannot be helped anymore. )


It may be stained, but first of all he decided to wash it with water as much as possible. He will wash it once again carefully after going home and will return it to Junko tomorrow. Possibly then, he may be able to exchange 2 or 3 words with her.


Kenichi wipes off the remaining s.e.m.e.n which still oozes out from the tip over and over again, when he takes off the handkerchief from his p.e.n.i.s carefully not to shed something outside. In that way he has dropped the handkerchief which was fully soaked up with s.e.m.e.n on the floor and with his other hand he put his p.e.n.i.s which became soft, away into his pants.




Kenichi heard a “slurp” sound and guessed it came from the handkerchief which fell onto the floor and clicked with his tongue. The reason is because he thinks that he must clean the floor. He looks at the wet handkerchief which fell on the floor while straighten my pants and standing up from the chair.


However, curiously Kenichi noticed then.


From the handkerchief which just fell between a tile and another tile, anything moves like a creature towards the thin gap of the black tile when I looked at it. Only several millimeters away that thing which flowed through the black gap s.h.i.+ned for a while, but disappeared so that the thing is just breathed in there.




Kenichi didn´t know what it was immediately while it was so dusky.


(Oh, well??)


It was when the handkerchief was taken up, that he noticed that the one which was going off in a black gap of the tile is his s.e.m.e.n. The handkerchief which he took up and took in his hand is light and is dried as there was nothing at all, and even the fishy liquid and also moisture which rioted and vomited and the peculiar odor are missing.


There is nothing at all even when he opened it.


(What?  What?  How so?  ・・・ How so?.  ・・・・)


The s.e.m.e.n completely disappeared from the handkerchief as if being breathed in from the floor.


Kenichi doesn’t know its meaning and is struck dumb at the dark science preparation room. Anyway it was a muddy state with the viscous liquid which he spitted out in large quant.i.ties so as to be disgusted even if he do say so himself surely until a while ago.


He feels some kind of strange existence to be nearby immediately and a s.h.i.+ver chilled down his spine. Goose b.u.mps existed on the whole body all too soon, and the corner of his head makes a dizzyingly sound and he has a bad feeling.


Misha! Kenichi hears a sound right behind him and he startles and stands up from the chair.


Sweat broke out in his whole body closely gradually like it is summer in the dark science preparation room though it was over long ago.