Interstellar Marriage Guide

Chapter 36.1 - Cambula desert

Chapter 36.1 - Cambula desert

Mo Han played nightmare mode mainly to test whether there are bugs in the game, so he chose a desert secret realm they had not cleared yet.

The environment in the desert is much brighter than that of the doomsday city. Players enter a world of endless sand with a round sun hanging in the sky. Golden sunlight shines on the entire desert, making the sand in the desert seem like golden gravel, and players can even feel the softness of the sand under their feet.

In the middle of the desert are remnants of ancient human settlements. The walls made of mud are dilapidated after years of wear. A gust of wind blew past, raising yellow sand all over the ground, and the human ruins in the distance were immediately submerged by the yellow sand, disappearing from view until the winds stopped.

Iman looked at the endless desert, jumped to Mo Han’s side excitedly: “This looks so real! I have never seen such a magnificent desert!”

Mo Han smiled slightly, and said: “This game uses real-time capture technology. The production team went to the desert to capture the scene, so it looks very real.”

Iman sighed, then turned back and said: “By the way, Mo Han, I read the game strategy before. The forums said that each dungeon has different creatures, such as zombies in a doomsday dungeon, and jungle creatures in jungle worlds. What will they be like in the desert?”

Unlike Ludwig who asked ‘do I know you?’ the moment they met, Mo Han was quite patient with Iman as he explained: “There are reptiles such as rattlesnakes and lizards in the desert, and also flying creatures like falcons that attack the player from the skies. It’s not as simple as a doomsday map, and players need to pay attention to their feet and the skies.

Iman rubbed his hands excitedly: “It’s my first time playing this kind of holographic adventure game, what can I do for everyone?”

Luo Fei thought to himself, keeping your mouth shut would be the best help.

But Mo Han thoughtfully arranged a task for him: “Follow me closely. Let’s go to the ruins to find weapons first.”

Seeing Mo Han standing very close to Iman, Luo Fei walked over immediately, silently pushing Iman further back.

Iman glanced back at him and asked curiously, “Your face is the system default, right? I saw this face when I created my character. The voice is also the default system voice.”

Luo Fei said indifferently: “That’s right.”

Iman smiled and said, “To be honest, when I first saw you, I thought you were an NPC.”

Luo Fei: “…”

You are an NPC! My real face is handsome, okay?

Luo Fei didn’t pay more attention to him after creating some distance between him and Mo Han. He walked forward side by side with Mo Han, and suggested while walking: “The ruins ahead are not big, we have to move faster. If the five of us move together, finding enough equipment for everyone may not be easy. Why don’t we split up like last time to find more equipment in a shorter time?”

Mo Han looked back at him: “How do you want to team up?”

Luo Fei smiled and said, “I’m in a team with the captain, and the other three are in a team.”

After a whole day of training, he just wants to be alone with Mo Han tonight.

Mo Han thought about it carefully for a moment, and felt this suggestion was very reasonable, so he nodded. “Okay, let’s split up and meet up as soon as we find weapons.”

Although Iman really wanted to team with Mo Han, as a rookie who had just joined the team, he could only obey the captain’s orders.

“Hunter” Ludwig looked cold, and when he heard this, he said, “Follow me.”

He obviously listened to Mo Han’s group arrangement and asked Frank and Iman to act with him.

Frank had seen his sniping level and admired him very much, so naturally he followed without saying a word. On the contrary, Iman felt a little upset and stood still.

Iman has hara.s.sed so many alphas since he was a child. Some thin-skinned ones would blush and run away after a few words, while thick-skinned ones would joke and chat with him as a good buddy. But this guy named “Hunter” actually looked at him coldly, and said, “Do I know you?”

No one had ever dared to block him like this.

Feeling unhappy, Iman stared at the back of the other party with wide eyes.

As a result, the other party ignored him completely, and walked more than ten meters, completely treating him as if he didn’t exist. Iman jumped angrily: “That, Hunter, you didn’t wait for me!”

A gust of wind happened to blow up ahead, and the man’s indifferent voice came out amidst the gust: “I already told you to follow me. Don’t you have feet to follow me yourself?”

Iman: “…”

Seeing that Iman was about to explode on the spot, Luo Fei couldn’t bear the internal injury from laughing.

Usually, it’s Iman who bullies the alphas. An alpha like Ludwig who can suffocate Iman like this is something he’s never seen before.

His roommate should be given a thumbs up.

Gloating, Luo Fei walked over and patted Iman on the shoulder. “Not following yet? If you get lost, no one will carry a rookie.”

Iman gave him a hard look. Although he was depressed, he followed quickly with his short legs.

Luo Fei heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Mo Han with a smile and said, “Let’s go too.”


The ruins in the desert were dilapidated and desolate under the cover of wind and sand.

There are many ruins and broken structures here that can be used as cover during a gunfight. There are no high-rise buildings or complex buildings in the desert, only some simple houses made of broken soil, which is convenient for players to quickly enter and collect equipment.

Luo Fei and Mo Han found a submachine gun, two pistols, and some bullets from several dilapidated houses.

As soon as they had weapons in hand, the event triggered.

A sharp cry sounded suddenly above the head, and dozens of vultures flew over from the sky, swooping down towards the two of them!

The wings of the leading vulture were almost five meters long. Its golden eyes stared at the two of them closely, treating them like prey. And its claws definitely pierce a person’s head in an instant!

Luo Fei said: “Go into the house, I will protect you!”

Mo Han didn’t hesitate, turned around and ran into the house where they found the weapons without hesitation.

After finding the weapons, they emerged directly into the vultures’ line of sight. Only fools would try to outrun those deadly birds of prey. They had to find some buildings to cover their bodies and block the aerial attacks, and slowly solve the mob.

Nearby houses are naturally the best choice.

Seeing Mo Han turn around and run into the house, Luo Fei decisively raised his submachine gun to cover Mo Han’s retreat.

Bang bang bang bang!

A series of shots rang out, and the flock of vultures was instantly hit. Those that were hit in the head screamed and fell to the ground. But there were too many of them. Even with a submachine gun, Luo Fei couldn’t kill all of them.

Fortunately, these short few seconds gave them a chance to escape.

Luo Fei quickly retreated into the room, kicked the door shut, and locked the door from the inside with a wooden bolt.

The house is temporarily safe, but staying here is not a long-term solution.

Luo Fei took a deep breath, looked at Mo Han, and said in a low voice: “There are more than 30 vultures left. They will definitely fly in through the window to attack.”

This dilapidated mud house has two large windows. Thes windows are not covered by anything, allowing wind and sand to blow through, and will soon be found by the vultures outside.

Luo Fei observed the surroundings carefully, and calmly said: “We need to move together, each of us covers one window. You go on the left side, I’m on the right.”

Mo Han nodded immediately: “Okay.”

Then, he took the initiative to raise two pistols and stood behind Luo Fei, with their backs leaning against each other, eyes fixed on the window on the left.

Noticing the soft and warm body behind him, Luo Fei only felt his mind shake – Mo Han was leaning against his back, leaning tightly.

Hand your back to the other party and deal with the crisis together – This feeling of trusting each other to survive is amazing. This was both Luo Fei and Mo Han’s first time experiencing this.

Heart beating like a drum, Luo Fei wished he could turn around and hug the other person forcefully.

Mo Han also felt a strange feeling in his heart.

He has experienced too much since he was a child making him extra cautious and sensitive. He does not expose his back easily, yet now he’s relying on a netizen Mr. F, who he hasn’t known for long, with his back.

Although it’s just a game, before the previous map, Mo Han would definitely not have agreed to the other party’s proposal.

At this moment, two smaller vultures flew in one after the other from the empty window that happened to be facing Mo Han. Immediately calming down, Mo Han raised his pistols and his left and right hands shot right after another – bang bang! The bullets shot through the heads of the two vultures in an instant!

A large number of vultures flew through Luo Fei’s window, and Luo Fei shot them all with a submachine gun.

Deafening gunshots rang out continuously in the house, and a large number of b.l.o.o.d.y of vultures quickly filled the narrow s.p.a.ce under their feet.

After about three minutes, the vultures suddenly stopped attacking.

Yellow sand raged outside, blown by the wind, but the inside was deadly quiet like a cemetery, and they could almost hear each other’s heartbeat and breathing.

After a long time, Mo Han glanced at the pile of vulture at his feet, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, “Is it over?”

Luo Fei looked around vigilantly, and said in a low voice: “Let’s wait to go out. The leader of the vultures has not been resolved yet.”

He clearly remembered that the vulture leading the team was huge in size, with wings about five meters wide. It couldn’t fly into the window, so it must still be waiting for the two of them outside.

Mo Han also remembered this, and frowned slightly. “That vulture is huge and flies too fast, I can’t guarantee I can shoot it.”

Luo Fei whispered, “Leave it to me.”

Mobile shooting is also a skill that a soldier must master. Luo Fei learned this skill when he was a child. Shooting moving targets is hard enough, and the person holding the gun needs to have extremely fast reaction speed to seize the right moment and kill with one blow.

Lol, Luo Fei breaking up Iman and Mo Han when there’s nothing there.

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