Isekai For My Ex

Chapter 101

After I cast "Hailstone" a layered spell I can create by tracing the movements of the clouds and shooting three magic bullets, Water, Freezing and Air.

I grew them into a full hailstone. The air bullet I cast made up an updraught air temperature which is -25 degrees Celsius. 

Then collided them with water droplets with the water magic circle, and then super-cooled them with the freezing magic circle, causing them to freeze on impact. 

Once the hailstones have collided with enough of these droplets, building up in size, they become heavy enough for gravity to take over, and fell.

I looked down below and saw the devastation that I caused. Seeing these dead gray-colored dark elf bodies have been a norm to me, and I have gotten used to it. 

There"s no shock or bad feeling.

Before, I would have been a nervous wreck before the start of the battle. I would intentionally have to get my adrenaline to kick off, but now even without these factors things have become very easy for me.

Today I had the trainees undergo a trial by fire, by casting away their traditional ways that had them defeated they were able to win this time.

With this trial they were able to become a proper and strong force to be reckoned with, this time they know a way of battle that to them seems to be dirty but gives them victory.

Those new camouflage uniforms, those new formations and team compositions.

If they only thought of it well, a.n.a.lyzed their enemy, they wouldn"t have been defeated by these abominations of an elf with simple measures.

But they chose to put their pride and traditions first, and for all these years they remained to be the one to be hunted.

If it didn"t happen, the dark-elves wouldn"t have been able to reach us… and that war on the land of us humans wouldn"t have happened, and Claire right now would be…

As I thought of it I didn"t notice that I was already lost in thought, a thing that would be very dangerous while I"m hovering at enemy territory.

From above I can see the trainees capture the escaping dark-elves, and with my instruction they cut their limbs off and covered their mouth with what seems to be a cloth so that they couldn"t kill themselves by biting their tongues. 

"Eagle, were going back to my quarters, however a little lower to the trainees so I can pa.s.s the orders to them"

Eagle responded by screeching as he made a slight ascend and immediately made a downward motion carrying him with me.

As I swooped down towards the trainees being carried by Eagle, I saw their faces.

Faces filled with hope and what seems like quenched with its thirst for revenge.

They look more like the hunters now, and not just some random boy scouts.

They looked at the dark-elves as they were being carried by the support squads.

The captive dark-elves tried to resist however, with no limbs, all they could do was wiggle their body and heads squealing as their mouths are covered.

"Bring them to my quarters swiftly, no one kills the captives. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!"

By the time I was done giving my orders, I was already meters ahead of them.

From my distance I could hear them cheer for their victory, some of them even had tears in their eyes. 

Especially Lyra and Valeri, who walked together with the freed slaves as they wrapped them with cloth to cover their bodies. 

That"s right… this is how you should fight, not for useless things like pride and honor.

But for the thing that"s important to you.

After guiding the freed female slaves to Lady Allannia, I told her about how we were able to defeat a half-battalion of dark-elves, with our meager numbers.

Hearing this, she was so astounded in disbelief to hear about it and tried to verify it, but as soon as she saw the smiles of the other fighters, she could finally believe it.

The freed slaves were well received and were taken under the care of Lady Allannia directly. 

They reluctantly wanted to leave mine and Valeri"s side, but as they saw Lady Allannia"s smile as she reached her hand to them, tears flowed from their eyes with just two words Lady Allannia told them.

"Welcome home."

The scene was mesmerizing; I felt touched, as Lady Allannia, with no reserve, hugged the girls who underwent such suffering, even how dirty and uncleaned their bodies were, she wasn"t bothered by the dirt nor the smell coming from them.

The onlookers had teary eyes seeing the scene.

The nightmare they were experiencing was now over, and now they are back to the people who would accept them, treat them as equals and would love them as the same race. 

After watching for a while, I left the touching scene.

Deep inside I am half relieved and at the same time half frustrated.

Relieved that the girls were finally able to express their emotions hidden deep within them, but at the same time frustrated about how my words weren"t able to move them.

I guess that"s why she is the leader; she has the power to move hearts by just words.

She was able to do the same to me when I was the one who was traumatized.

I wonder how can one have such charisma.

Admiring Lady Allannia as a woman, unknowingly I started to want to become like her, while also wanting to have the same strength as Slaine.

Noticing me, Valeri suddenly tapped me from behind.

"What"s with the long face Lyra?" 

She smiled at me as she held my hand and walked beside me.

"No… just lost in thought, maybe the events that have happened are just getting to me this time."

"Really? Well, taking on that number of forces was really scary and crazy, but with Slaine with us it worked and went easily as expected, but I think that"s not the case with you right now."

"You really are sharp, Veleri."

I smiled bitterly.

"How long do you think I have known you? C"mon tell your sister everything"

She hugged me from the side as she rubbed her cheeks towards mine.

"Ahaha, Valeri that tickles… "

"As usual your cheeks are so puffy, so what"s the problem my sister?"

As we walked together, we didn"t notice that we were already almost at the edge of the cliff where we can see the horizon, as the setting sun painted the skies and the sea hues of orange, as it"s showed that it was about to be in its slumber.

We sat at the gra.s.s as we saw the scenery.

"Well… I wonder how some people can be special while we are not, when we are all trying our best every day."

"Hmmm…. Are you worried about lady Allannia taking away Slaine from you?"

"Whwhat are you talking about Valeri!"

Really… this girl"s head is sometimes in the flowers. 

"Just kidding, I just wanted to liven up the mood."

"Really? But you ruined the sentimental mood."

"About that… this is just how I see things, but I don"t think anyone"s really that special Lyra"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"It"s just that everyone is unique to each other, and sometimes we try to admire those people that seemed leagues away from us, we try to seek what they have, those pleasant qualities. And we forget about what"s good about us in the first place.

And sometimes it can be frustrating how that person can do it easily or how it means nothing to that person.

I guess, this is just how the world works."

"I don"t even know what"s good about me, even my words… couldn"t reach the slaves we wanted to free."

"But it was your power that enabled us to free them without problem, right?"

"Well… yeah, but-"

I wasn"t able to continue as Valeri stood up and patted my head, still looking at the horizon before us.

"Anyway, don"t think too deeply about it, Lyra… you have your own good qualities, it may not be the power that Slaine has, or the aura that lady Allannia has, but I"m sure it"s there if you just look more into yourself.

Something that makes you special."


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Reincarnated To Another World with My Ex ( I"m looking for an editor and a proofreader for this novel, as I"m not an English native speaker and I want to polish this work as I go on, but it"s hard to edit while writing. Please reach out to me on discord firiewww#4548