Isekai Futanari Monster Girls

Chapter 31

Day 5

6:16 AM

The Royal Mansion of the Mining City.

Guest room.

On the bed, you still lay on your bed, wide awake. You did not sleep at all last night because you been quite busy doing a lot of things like trying to find ways to counter the enemy portal skill and spying the west continent. There some cities you can"t see for some reason, Aisha said it seems to be some kind of barrier for Anti-spying and it happens that the people that attacking the elf are at the biggest city in the west continent with the most significant anti-spying barrier.

Ah well, you"ll come up with something later. You then check another town with no barrier on it, and it is just what you thought, they are human. The same goes for the east continent as well, they all human civilisation on this two continent. A lot of things doesn"t add up because Mila said that the world was newly created and most of the civilisation technology was in the early medieval era. But no matter how you look at it, these human civilisations were in the 15th century they more advance than all the races here on this continent. Unlike your world, these human has master science and magic as well and the most fearful things about them are their overwhelming number, they can overrun every race here on this continent, and since they attack your beloved elf race. Those humans on the west continent are now your enemy. Of course you can wipe them out of this world, but nahh you don"t want to be the same person back then.

Anyway, one thing for sure those guys you met yesterday were scouts; otherwise, why would everyone be so shocked that you are human. Right now, you were glad you build Alice; otherwise, you"re still sitting in the dark don"t know anything. You guess the only things you can do is prepare upcoming war.

And last night you draw a lot of blueprint on a different type of device and weapon, and that where you right now think what another idea can you come up with.

Beep beep*

"Master, The link is now complete and ready to use." (Aisha)

"What? Its morning already?" you went to the window and opened the curtain. You then saw the morning sun slowly rising. "Wow, I never notice that. Aisha how many blueprints did I make?"

"roughly around 367 blueprints." (Aisha)

"mm, right, we got a lot of work to after I set up a workshop. Oh, Aisha informs me if there any human enter this continent." You then open up the map and zoom at the Zylris royal castle where Ava is.

"As you wish, master." (Aisha)

You then select the location which is Ava"s room. You hold the portal ray and shoot. The beam that you shoot out creates a blue hole. You then put the portal ray away and walk through the blue tunnel, you then exit the blue hole you end up in Ava"s room.

"Looks like it works perfectly." You are happy with the portal ray results. Then you looked around Ava"s room and didn"t see her anywhere.

"Avchan? Where are you?" you began to call her out.

"Ehh!? Tony-san?" (Ava) her voice seems to come from the other room.

"Ah, yes, it"s me" you walk toward the door where Ava"s voice came from.

"Ahhh, just one sec I nearly finished changing." (Ava) she shouts back.

"Oh, Ok." you then wait for her to finish. A few minutes later.

"Sorry to keep you are waiting" (Ava) she opens the door and reveals herself to you. Then she ran and jumped toward you. You then caught her in your arms. You both happily embrace each other; you feel her soft cheek on your chest. Her body smells very lovely. Look like she just finishes having a bath. The whole sensation of her hugs feel so wonderful you wish this could go on forever. You then start lovingly her by pat her head.

"Tony-san hows Mother-sama and Mother Irin?"(Ava) she looks up at you with a worrying face.

"They are fine and doing well." You smile back at her.

"Really?" (Ava)

"I promise, didn"t I?" you rub her head.

"Mm, I love you, darling." (Ava) she nods and lovingly hugs you back.

"Avchan, how about we go see her right now?"

"Can we? Yes please!" (Ava) she came round a hug your arm.

"Yep, with this thing, we can go anywhere in this world." You show her the portal ray.

"Wow! Really? We can go anywhere?" (Ava) her eyes sparkle with interest.

"well, but only in this world." You shoot the air creating a blue hole.

"Mm, it still amazing." (Ava) You and walk toward the blue tunnel. And now you and Ava are at the mining city mansion.

"Wow, this is Mining city mansion, we did move to a different place. You really are the best darling!" (Ava) she hugs your arm tightly.

"now then why don"t we go and see your mothers." You and Ava heading toward the dining room. As you and Ava enter the dining room, you both saw Saria and Irin sitting at the dining table drinking tea, and for some reason, they look very refres.h.i.+ng.

"Oksama!" (Ava) She let go of your arm and run toward Saria. Saria quickly turns a saw Ava coming toward her.

"Ava!" (Saria) She quickly stood up and received Ava into her arm. She hugs her daughter with full of love.

"Oh, Oksama, I"m glad you"re ok." (Ava) she hugs her mother tightly.

"Foolish child, of course, I"m ok, after all, I"m your mother. (Saria) her finger taps on Ava"s nose. "Not only that." She then looks at you. " It also thanks to your Tony-san as well; without him, we would be in a serious crisis." (Saria)

"MM! my Darling is the best!" (Ava) she looks at Saria with a confident smile.

"Oh my sweet Ava, you are such a silly child." (Saria) She hugs her daughter again. After a few minutes, they both separate. "Come now, both of you take a set." (Saria) She sat back down, as well. You and Ava took a sit as well.

"Ah. Good morning Mother Irin-sama." (Ava) she slightly bows to Irin.

"Mm...morning....Ava...…..Pretty like...… always." (Irin)

"Oh, Thank you! Mother Irin-sama, you look quite a refres.h.i.+ng this morning." (Ava)

"Mm...….Helen...…punishment...…satisfy." (Irin) her check turn red a little.

"I see. Mm, where father?" (Ava) she is looking left and right.

"Oh, Helen is...…unavailable right now." (Saria) She smiled and sipped her tea. Then she finally realises something. "Ava! How did you get here so fast!" (Saria)

"Oh...….that right...….Ava...… Castle.....take...…one week...….here." (Irin)

"Heeheehee, it all thanks to Tony-san! he has made a magic item that allows him to travel anywhere!" (Ava) She made a proud pose. And then Irin and Saria looking at you. All you can do is smile back them.

"Tony-san did you made that item last night and can that device allow anyone to travel anywhere?" (Saria)

"Ah, yes I made last night, and yes, this item allows anyone to go anywhere in this world." You answer them. Saria and Irin look at each other and then look back at you.

"Tony-san do know what DemiG.o.d-tier magic is?" (Saria) she looks at you with a serious face.

"No, I don"t, and I would like to learn more about magic."

"I see. Tony-san, DemiG.o.d-tier magic is magic that is in the between of High-tier and G.o.d tier magic. A legend said that to obtain the DemiG.o.d magic, you must be chosen by G.o.d. It basically means DemiG.o.d magic is a half of G.o.d tier magic but can be used by mortal as well." (Saria) she looks at you straight in the eye. "If I remember correctly there DemiG.o.d magic known as Gate. Which is a magic that allows you to travels anywhere in the world is that correct?" (Saria) she turns to look at Irin.

"mm" (Irin) she nods. Saria turns back to look at you.

"And you told me that you just create Item that was equal to a Gate magic, a magic that can be used by a G.o.d so easily." (Saria) she locks her eyes with yours. "Tony-san, just who truly are you?".