Isekai Futanari Monster Girls

Chapter 42

"........…what?" you were very, very confused.

"Take out your weapon and face us like a man!! Or you really are a faker!!" (Margret) she happily smiles while pointing her Rapier at you.

"Can"t we just talk about this." You raise both of your hand to show a sign of surrender.

"Hahahahaha! No more talking! Prepare yourself!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! (Margret) She charges you with a sword. But suddenly. Trip* "Kayaaaaa!" (Margret) she tripped on something and fell with her face against the ground.

"Ohhhh! my sincere apologies, Margret-sama, it seems I overextended my feet." (Linda)

"Linddono, why are you here!?" (Margret) she quickly got back up.

"Oh, I sense there trouble, so I came here to investigate." (Linda)

"HA! Look no further! Linddono! I shall deal with that faker! The one who will destroy our kingdom by getting close to the royal family! " (Margret) she pickup her rapier.

"With Avsama." (Linda) she steps to the right showing Ava who was right behind her

Margret froze when saw Ava. Then her whole body turns bright red. "A AA AAAAVSAMAAAAAA!!" (Margret) she looks very surprise and screaming high pitch voice.

"h.e.l.lo there, Margret-san." (Ava) she smiles at Margret.

"wawwawawawawaw awawaawawwwaw wwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!" (Margret) now she speaking gibberish and then she busted in tears and ran. "JUST YOU WAIT, TONY STANK! I"LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!!" (Margret) she turned a point at you and ran away crying like a 5-year-old.

"I"m so sorry for all of this. Margret is not a bad person if you get to know her." (Ca.s.sandra) she bowed to you and ran after Margret.

There was nothing but silence around you for a few minutes.

"......well….Interesting?" you had no idea what just happen. "Avchan, do you know these people?" you turn and ask Ava.

"Margret-san is the son of north city n.o.ble, and Ca.s.sandrsan is the son of n.o.ble from the Raven smith city which next to the north city. They both also a very close childhood friend." (Ava)

"Do you know them when you were little?"

"Mm." she nods. "They are two years older than me, and I would like to befriend them, but every time I greet them, Margret-san always runs away from me. I wonder why?" (Ava) she had confused look on her face.

"...…..Yea, I wonder why...….. They did say that they were your first fiancé. What that all about?"

"Well, that happened last year. In about three years, I will reach adulthood. As royalty, I must choose my partner. So the n.o.bles set up a Tournament to decide the ranking of the one who will face my dad and ask for my hand in marriage. And it happens that Magret-san got the first place and Ca.s.sandrsan got second place. So in the 2 two years from now, they will have to face my dad, well not anymore since you now the new champion. So I guess you might have to fight them in the next two years." (Ava)

"Hehe, I won"t let them have you." you pull her closer to you.

"Mm, I know. my darling." (Ava) she presses her head against your chest.

"Now then don"t we have a little date?" you bow and extend your hand toward her.

"That sounds wonderful." (Ava) she smiles at you and takes your hand.

"Lindsan, do you mind if I...…..she gone? I"ll take that as a yes then?"

"Lindsan told me beforehand, not over midnight." (Ava)

"I see…..then shall we?" you look at Ava who resting her head on your shoulder.

"Mm." (Ava) She nods. Then you Ava disappear through the portal.


Day 8

8: 46 AM

One of many cities of the Eilven Kingdom.

The city"s square was quite busy than usual. Many elves had gathered at the square for the major announcement. All there eyes were locked on to the enormous holo screen hovering in the air.

"What going on here why are there so many people here in the city square?" Excuse me?!" (Merchant) She greets the guard that pa.s.s by.

"Something wrong, citizens?" (Guard) she turns toward the merchant who called her.

"Why are there so many people gathered here?" (Merchant)

"Ahh, I"m guessing that you just arrive here then?" (Guard).

"Yes, my caravan came from the capital, and we just arrived here this morning." (Merchant)

"That would be three weeks ago after you left the capital. (Guard)

"Yes, that right." (Merchant)

"Then you miss one h.e.l.l of stories!" (Guard) She smiles brightly at the confuse merchant. Then the guard began to tell the story about that started a week ago.

"hehehe, how is it? the great tale of Tony-sama!" (Guard)

"Mmm, it hard to believe this kind of thing would happen a week ago. But are you sure this not just some made-up story by someone?" (Merchant)

"hahaha! Yes, I thought that as well, but, I was there when those things attack the Mining city. And I saw how easy, Tony-sama"s armour destroy the Shadow sp.a.w.ns army!

"Mmm, it Doesn"t explain why there so many people gather here? (Merchant)

"Well, that would be the upcoming Engagement ceremonies between Avsama and Tony-sama and the kingdoms major changes ." (Guard) she is pointing at the giant holo screen.

"Wait, the kingdom"s major change? It can"t be!?" (Merchant) She suddenly looks serious.

"yes, the kingdoms majors change hasn"t happened for 5000 years." (Guard)

Suddenly there a figure appears on the giant holo screen.

"Greeting to you all! I am Saria Alavara Lymseia Eilven, the fourth Generation of the Eilven kingdom royal family! Please do not be alarm and think that I"m trapped inside this rectangle. With the help of a unique item from Tony-san, I can project myself into this image you are watching right now. Now the reason for today event is one, my daughter engagement events and 2nd the grand meeting to Discuss the major change of our Kingdom. At this Grand meeting we will be discussed a lot of things, so please do not worry about major change, this change is actually benefits to our Kingdom. With all that clear, let the engagement begin!" (Saria)


9 AM


Palace grand hall

Many high-status elves are sitting on the benches wearing the best dress and armour they got and the other who standing behind the seats. And in the middle the hall there a huge red carpet lead to the Alter where Irin is standing. Then the music starts to play, and bells start to ring. The doors on both right and left side open. The two figures walk out from each side. Ava wearing a beautiful green dress came out of the right door and you in your armour suit, without the Helmet came out of the left door. The Elves on the benches turn around and look at you and Ava walking toward each other. You and Ava then reach each other, you both smile happily at each other.

"Shall we?" you slight bow and extend your hand to Ava.

"With pleasure." (Ava) She smiles and receives your hand. Then you and Ava turn toward Irin at the alter and make your way toward her. Everyone eyes were locked to you and Ava, Saria and Helen sat on the royal throne next to each other smiling at you both. And at the far corner of the spectators who were standing behind the seat is Margret who is biting her handkerchief In frustrations. At the outside, the castle and other cities in the kingdom were witnessing this on the holo-screen that you set up.

Finally, you both reach the alter where Irin is. The music stopped playing, and the whole room went quiet.

"Today, we gather here to witness an engagement ceremony between Ava Alavara Lymseia Eilven, the fifth generation and Tony Stank, a human from another world!" (Irin) she looks up and raises her both arm in the air.

("What the!? She can speak normal!?") your eyes were wide open.

And then Irin continues speaking for ten minutes about the elven"s religion and the royal family history. Then she turns around a pick up a gold Chalice from the alter and hand it to you. You receive and drink it and taste like wine, and then she gives you a gold ring. And she does the same to Ava.

"What you have now is an engagement ring. It will represent the proof of your engagement can only be removed at the day of your true marriage, remember it well, now you both may wear the ring" (Irin)

You and Ava turn to each other and lift each other hand and put on the ring on the ring finger.

"May the G.o.ddess be our witness to this holy ceremony! I gave you the crown Princess and her fiancé, Tony Stank!" (Irin) She looks up and raises her both arm in the air. And the music starts to play again.

You and Ava turn toward the crowd that was clapping congratulate at you both. Then Saria and Helen walk toward you and Ava.

"My girl grow so big.." (Saria) she brightly at her while put her hand on Ava"s cheek.

"Don"t worry mother. I"ll always be your little girl." (Ava) she hugs Saria.

"Oh, Ava!" (Saria) she hugs and rubs her head.

"Tony stank! I Expect you to treasure my daughter!" (Helen) her face was serious.

"Don"t worry your majesty, I will treasure her for the rest of my life!" you confidently look back at her.

"Good!" (Helen) Pat your shoulder. Then she closer to your ear. "don"t forget about me as well. Fooooooooooo*" (Helen) she blows your ear and wink at you. And it seems no one didn"t see that.

"Now then, for the final phase." (Saria) She looks at you and Ava, both you and Ava nod. You and Ava slowly walk forward to the balcony at the opposite side of the alter with Saria and Helen following behind you. As you exit the grand hall, you could hear loud cheering.

A ma.s.sive of the crowd cheering you and Ava below, they were shouting you and Ava"s name. There must be at least a million people down there.

"Tony-san just wave at them." (Ava) She starts to wave at the people. And you begin to wave as well. The people cheer louder than before. As you look around your surrounding, you started to think about what happens if you landed on the human continent or at the east of this continent and never meet Ava and everybody here. Thinking about it make you s.h.i.+ver in fear. You quickly forget that thought and turn toward your fiance, who is happily holding your hand and waving at the crowd.


"What is it? Darling." (Ava) she turns to look at you.

"I"m really glad that I met you."

"Me too." (Ava) Her face came closer and kissed you on your lips. Then crowd when wild.